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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. This is a really good question and it's one I've struggled with all weekend.  


    The first step? No more television cameras and magazine covers.  The gravy train stops immediately and stays that way for a loooong time.  Then, Josh and the victims need to start counseling from licensed professionals who specialize in this kind of treatment, who do not blame victims, and who have never been associated with Gothard.  Finally, the Duggars stop publicly characterizing homosexuals and transgenders as child predators and sexual deviants.  They are free to believe whatever they want in private, but I do not want to hear their hypocritical, bigoted bullshit in robocalls and social media postings.


    I don't have believe any of those will happen.

    How about Michelle and Jim Bob come in front of the public with some sort of 'mia culpa', specifically to lesbians and gays, for being guilty of judging homosexuals as child molesters and admit how wrong they were since they found out their own son was a child molester. The LGBT community deserves an apology from the Duggars for lobbying to have the rights granted to them through legislation be reversed.

    • Love 10
  2. Of course we have. We all have made mistake, dumb, stupid mistakes.... However, what Josh did was not a mistake!! 

    He committed a 4th degree felony! He's a child molester.. Not a teen who did a dumb thing... He committed a crime, multiple times!

    You're absolutely right. A sin is not always a crime, and a crime is not always a sin. But this was a sin that was also a crime. It's just inexcusable for Josh or his parents to treat this as a sin alone. Nobody will ever know to what extent his molestations went on. He was only discovered because Jim Bob caught him in the act. Now, he molested five different children. In our minds we think 'oh five times' but no. Five separate incidents over a long period of time and it could have been many multiples of times he molested each girl.


    Josh and Anna have taken down their website. I'm sure people are thankful for that. Nobody needs to see a smiling Josh Duggar who we know now was hiding some dark and vile secrets from the public. Michelle and Jim Bob knew when they signed contracts and cashed checks from TLC that they were not only setting themselves up for public scrutiny but every one of their children as well. There was some talk about a spinoff show for Jill and Derick and I would bet there would be a spinoff for Jessa and Ben as well. I hope that TLC decides to leave the Duggar controversy in the dust just as they had left the Honey Boo Boo controversy behind.

    • Love 3
  3. Here's another photo of them on the same day, different view. The second girl doesn't look like a Duggar. Maybe everyone in Arkansas wore red dresses that election day and the interloper slipped into the lineup without being noticed?  Meh, what's one more girl more or less anyway?



  4. shouldn't the kids be in front, so the parents can keep track of them?

    I think they had already figured out their system. Michelle gives birth and nurses the baby. Once the baby is weaned it gets 'assigned' to one of the older girls to fulfill all their needs. The girls were handed immense responsibilities at very young ages. But, that's what girls are for (according to the cult) aren't they?

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  5. Now that the dust is slowly beginning to settle on the Duggar revelations and assuming there will be no further disclosures made by the family, I can't help but think about the future of the Duggar children. Nearly all these children have been in the public eye since birth. They have become accustomed to the attention and curiosity of strangers. They have lived under spotlights, in front of cameras and under sound booms all their lives. I wish I could be around in 20 or 30 years to see how this has affected each of them. I wonder how many books, interviews or confession will come forward once they're adults and have been out of the spotlight for a comfortable amount of time. How many of them will appear in a one-to-one interview by a prominent journalist that will ask the honest questions.


    Those are some of the things that I wonder today. Basically, where is the future leading them and how many of them will break away from the religious cult. How many may even come out of the closet with their own sexuality and their own opinions that haven't been influenced or manipulated by their parents or church members. The fact is that out of 19 children there are inevitably going to be at least one of them that's lesbian or gay. Will they have the strength and courage to break away from the crowd of Duggars to be honest and free to live life as they choose, and not one that Jim Bob and Michelle dictate they should.

  6. who are the extra girls in the photo? there are 6 girls (plus michelle) that can be seen in that angle, and I've seen a different angle of the same pic and there are at least 2 extra girls.

    I count six girls also. At the time the photo was taken, 2002 the Duggar's had five girls. I don't know who the sixth girl could be.

  7. I have DirecTV and there are 3 episodes available on demand. 2 are the behind the scenes ones (the Erica Hill interview and the crew behind the scenes) and the last is Jill's delivery special. I'm ok with those since they don't focus on JB & M or Josh's family. The guide says they're available til 6/16.

    I watched the Erica Hill special with the Duggar family and it was nauseating. Erica Hill is nauseating all by herself but when she spoon-feeds every question to them which has been decided beforehand, it just makes me want to throw up my breakfast.

    • Love 2
  8. Does anyone know how the duggars got on tlc? Did someone call tlc about them or did boob call tlc himself?

    From an article in Daily Mail  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3093136/How-squeaky-clean-photo-launched-Duggars-fame-2002-belied-sordid-molestation-secret-home.html


    • Producers came across photo of Jim Bob Duggar, his wife Michelle and their children - then, 13 of them - heading out to vote in Arkansas in 2002
    • Family was offered first one-episode show, which led on to a series that became one of America's longest running, and most loved, reality shows



    The photo that started it all: Jim Bob Duggar and his wife, Michelle, beam as they head out to vote in his unsuccessful 2002 run for a seat in the US Senate with their children (then, 13 of them). This photo was seen by a writer, who penned a story on it, which was subsequently seen by an executive at Discovery TV channel

  9. The Willis family was like 13 theater kids to me with mama leading the way.  They are a little more polished than Jill Rodriguez, but far, far too look at me and watch how much I can act and carry on for attention.


    I'm tired of the Duggars, but I've hung on all these years and will watch probably until they go off the air.  The newer families mostly seem to be trying too hard and therefore have no interest for me.  

    I'm just tired of TLC entirely since all they can do is program shows that intrigue us because the subjects are either bizarre or unrealistic on some level. Do we really want to see mentally ill people that hoard or little girls dressed up like strippers and paraded in front of judges to be scored on their level of sophistication? After realizing that TLC had full knowledge of the Josh allegations yet knowingly enabled this family because it was a huge cash cow for them sickens me. I'm not only anti-Duggar type shows, I'm completely anti-TLC programming. I will never trust any programs produced by TLC again.

    • Love 6
  10. I'm not loving Dorne, but I'm glad to see Bronn live another day.  Oberons' girls are very pretty (clothed, thank you), but that's all I can say for them.  Also, Jamie is going to get himself killed spending his life doing what Cersei says.


    I like Bronn, he's honest about his dishonesty. Although the scene in prison when the Oberon girl, (I believe her name is Tyene), showed her beautiful breasts to Bronn to prove that the Oberon's are beautiful became just a little too gratuitous. Although, my husband clearly enjoyed the lengthy display of her amazing figure, I think that the scene just had a little more of it than it needed. I think the writers just wanted for fill up a few extra minutes on the show and thought that although it was unwarranted after a time, that the display of her breasts is something viewers wouldn't object to. But I have found many instances in Game of Thrones where displays of nudity did seem to be gratuitous as well.

    • Love 9
  11. Cersei made three big mistakes.

    Fucking with LF's coins and Oleanna's family.

    Also failing to see the huge threat Lancel is to her.

    WELP, bish learned today.

    Lancel became more of a hottie since he started to fly with the sparrows. He used to have a Prince Valiant hairdo and looked like the kind of guy that would rather sleep with Ser Loras than Cersei. Now he's all mafia looking with the hot-ironed insignia on his forehead. I wonder if Cersei will get a cool tattoo too? I was hoping they were going to throw her in the same cell as Margaery, that would have been so funny!

    • Love 5
  12. Was brienne in the episode or did I miss it?

    Brienne was shown briefly surveying the castle from far away as if looking for the candle in the tower window and a sign to move in.

    • Love 1
  13. http://bitterjealousfatties.yuku.com/topic/964/Josh-Duggar-Molested-Sisters#.VWJBUo1FDIU


    I've seen the "Alice" comments on a couple of sites (I haven't looked around too much) but this one is the most comprehensive. She is commenting back and forth with people but this is only showing her comments. In a couple of them she talks about Josh and pornography. She says he was looking at the internet and all the filth that is on there (paraphrasing)  She knows a lot about the situation and lets it be known that she is willing to tell anyone who asks. I was wondering if Josh or anyone had access to the internet because I never watched the show. Maybe that's what his private videography room was used for.

    They all had access to computers, both desktops in the computer room and laptops. I would bet that all of those had been donated to the Duggar family. Reading the article and the statements made by "Alice" I've concluded that she's an older woman judging from some of her terminology such as "a pretty penny' and I also concluded that she's a member of their 'home church'. But I can also see that she isn't highly educated which means she's one of their cult members.


    “Around 9:00 a.m., the children start their music & individual studies–for grades 3 and up, studies such as Mathematic, Language Arts, Science, and History & Geography are done on the computer with Switched On Schoolhouse,” Michelle said.





  14. I thought there was only a studio for the boys too but there is a large closet on the plans. If you look up Duggar Floor Plan, Kodiak Steele Homes (pdf) comes up. They have the plans. Both the girls and boys rooms have a long storage room along the back wall. I think those are what we saw when M&JB and Josie were looking for the crib for Mbaby. The girls has a sewing room and the boys has a studio. Both have two baths with tubs and the girls have that extra hair/make-up area outside their baths that if I remember correctly has extra sinks. The girls room has no closet but the boys has a large closet on the side that seems to have head room that could have a bed in it. Opposite that is I'm assuming the slide to the first floor because its not marked.

    I had read that the molestation took place in the communal bedroom of the girls. Which to me, is even worse than the molestation taking place in a closet or in a computer room or ANYWHERE else in that house. The little ones were there in their own twin beds during these incidents. I had read one article that made light of the whole thing by saying that "he touched her breasts and vaginal area and all the while the girl was reading a book."  Holy shit, how could anyone try to make it sound as though the girl was bored and not alarmed or scared?  If any one of the girls was 'reading a book' while being sexually molested by her older brother, it was probably the Bible and she was asking for forgiveness for causing him to lust and do that to her. That's the way this cult thinks.

    • Love 3
  15. Not planning on going over there, because I expect it'll break my brain more than I can afford, but if everything everyone said isn't real or true, what is Josh repenting for?

    I read just about all I could stand from Michael Seewald. This paragraph in particular almost 'broke my brain' as you say.


    "There are others that see this episode as a result of sheltering and repressing human desires. They think that had he access to sex education by Planned Parenthood, been allowed to watch edgy Hollywood films, been encouraged to experimentation with a girlfriend, or gotten free condoms from the local school nurse, then none of this would have happened. Right. The stupidity of some people is mind boggling. Fan the flames of youthful lust and you end up with what we have: unprecedented numbers of unwed mothers, millions of abortions, rampant STDs, and the unraveling of the fabric of our whole society. Josh didn’t sin because he was repressed, he sinned because like all of us he is a sinner."



    • Love 1
  16. Duggar social media has basically stopped. I guess Smugs has nothing to post about now that he's not telling us that homosexuals are bad. Hypocrite

    Here's some consolation. Josh is getting bald fast. Not only will he be a fat old man, he'll be a bald AND fat old man. Even God has a sense of humor.



    • Love 13
  17. I wonder what Josh and Anna will do now, and where they will live. It's doubtful Josh will have another job any time soon. Perhaps they will live in an RV in the Duggar backyard? Or maybe they will all  cram into Ben's old bedroom in the Duggar barn?


    I feel very sorry for Josh's children, whose lives will be turned upside down over this.

    AND I wonder if Anna will continue to have a baby for Josh every couple of years, 4 children now in a span of 5 years. Truthfully, Anna's face is showing the strain in my opinion.

    • Love 3
  18. I have to defend the duggar parents a little bit on this. There is so much speculation and assumptions being made but based on what I know I don't think that I would have acted much differently as a parent. If I were made aware of an incident between my son and daughter, I would be equally concerned about both of them. Obviously for different reasons but just because one did a horrible thing doesn't make me love him less or want to protect him less. If I thought it was a singular occurrence than I would talk to him about it and try to deal with him in family. When I learned of more bad behavior, I would get counsel from others and if I knew a family friend in law enforcement it doesn't seem unreasonable to go to them. Did Jimbob know this officer was a gross child porn man? Maybe but that is all purely speculation. What if he thought the guy was clean and trusted? It seems natural if you are taking a child that you love to the police to pick someone you know and think is a good guy. I would maybe even choose to send the offender to the build a house/mentor/counseling thing. Yes it isn't official psych work but perhaps the guy is really good at counseling people.

    From a purely fact based standpoint, I don't see anything bad here especially given their religious views. I don't know the motivations of JimBob and Michelle and I don't know what political aspirations they had but on the surface everything seems rational. Yes they should have gotten official counseling for all of the kids but what if they couldn't afford it at the time?

    According to Forbes, Jim Bob Duggar's estimated net worth was $3.6 million as of May 2015.

    Josh Duggar's parents sent their son to Little Rock in March 2003 after learning he repeated the behavior he confessed to in 2002 and been disciplined for at that time. According to the police report, Jim Bob Duggar told Hignite in 2006 he sent his son to a Christian ministry in "the old Veteran's Hospital in Little Rock." Duggar said he couldn't remember the name of the program, but it involved "hard physical work and counseling." Michelle Duggar told police the place her son attended "was not really a training center" but Josh went to work for a "guy they knew in Little Rock who is remodeling a building." 


    If one of my children was caught molesting anyone, a neighbor's child, or a sibling, I sure as heck wouldn't call on the plumber, carpenter, or the electrician to counsel him or her.

    • Love 15
  19. TLC... the other guilty party.  'The Learning Channel'      
         Originally, The Learning Channel, owned by Discovery, was created as an informative and instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of television. The channel mostly featured documentary content pertaining to nature, science, history, current events, medicine, technology, cooking, home improvement, and other information-based topics. The channel was geared toward an inquisitive and narrow audience during this time. Perhaps due to poor ratings from a narrow target audience, TLC began to explore new avenues starting in the mid-1990s, deemphasizing educational material in favor of entertainment.


    In 1998, the channel started to reinvent itself by offering programs that were less educational in nature and more towards reality-based drama. And so it began. The shows took a good market share of viewers who watched out of curiosity, and by indulging in some sort of twisted voyeurism, prying into the lives of dysfunctional families, mentally ill shutouts, and terrible parents. Shows such as Jersey Shore, 19 Kids and Counting, Hoarding: Buried Alive, and Toddlers and Tiaras,“Toddlers and Tiaras” frequently came under fire for its twisted values.TLC consistently aired shows that exploit mental illnesses and misguided members of society for the purposes of entertainment.


    The TLC channel and the 'powers that be' within the framework of the corporation are an inseparable element from the entire scandal. TLC was fully aware that Oprah sent them all packing from Chicago without appearing on her show, and they know exactly why too. Harpo Productions is a giant with a slew of legal resources that clearly verified the information and deemed it true enough to send the Duggars swiftly back to Arkansas. TLC had a contract with the Duggars and were very much aware of the reasons they were cancelled from the Oprah show.


    TLC was making way too much money from the Duggars to divulge this crucial information. They had already paid the Duggars $200,000 to build their new home. Every stick of furniture, musical instruments, and just about everything inside the house except for the kitchen was given to the Duggars. The kitchen is the only room in that huge home that the Duggars paid for themselves.


    TLC has become the clogged garbage disposal of American culture. TLC may have its fair share of viewers who only watch out of a sense of morbid fascination, but I believe that it's possible that a TV network like TLC  could offer  a far more enjoyable platform without this sort of trash.



    • Love 15
  20. For the victims sake, unless they want the show to continue, I hope they can handle this privately. All of this is hard enough to deal with and I'm sure doing it in the public eye just makes it harder. While the parents chose to be in the public eye and I don't so much feel bad for them, the kids didn't, so I give them a pass at owing any explanation.

    What makes me mad, yes from now on anywhere Josh goes he is going to have people whispering "he's the one wo touched his sisters"... But HIS actions caused that. His sisters are going to have the exact same treatment with people whispering "is she one of the ones touched" but she had no control. I have several people on my Facebook feed arguing that he was only 14 and would I want to be judged by things I did when I was 14...yet the victims were even younger and they are now having to relive what may have been one of the most painful experiences in their life with America watching.

    People seem to think that the sexual molesting of his sisters was a one time thing, or over a short period of time, it wasn't. The inappropriate sexual touching went on for as many as 4 years that we know of. I don't think that the Duggar girls that were molested should feel in any way guilty for being molested, but I'm pretty certain they were made do feel that way by not 'binding their breasts' tight enough, or wearing skirts that showed the bottom of their knees. Don't forget that this cult empowers males and denigrates women. In their self-righteous beliefs, if a man commits any carnal sins, it's all the fault of the female for making him molest them by not being modest enough.

    • Love 11
  21. He didn't go to the police. He went to his State Trooper (not police at all) friend who most likely would help him scam used car buyers with false inspections.

    State Police have jurisdiction throughout the entire state. Local police officers have jurisdiction within their own town. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on what side of the uniform you're standing, the State Trooper only gave Josh a 'stern warning' and didn't follow through on charges. But of course that's understandable since he was later arrested and convicted for child pornography and sentenced to 60 years in an Arkansas State prison.

    • Love 1
  22. Maybe the whistle blower was Marjorie's family?  Maybe Si let them in on some things but couldn't summon up the courage to do it himself.  

    It seems that there was more than one whistle blower but their identities will probably never be disclosed. This link may provide you with more information as to the 'whistle blower(s)'.



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