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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. According to a report by People magazine 2 hours ago, this is how the conversation will go;


    "My goal going down there is to get the story," says Kelly.


    "A first person account of what Josh did, who was involved, what the parents did about it, how they satisfied themselves that it had been resolved, what they did to help the victims and to answer some of the harder questions about whether they behaved hypocritically."


    "They do not want to talk about the details of the molestation, and I understand that as the parents of those involved, and that's fine," she says. "I've been told I'm not going to get answers there."

    But, outside of those specific details, Kelly says there will be no limitations on their discussion.


    "I think people want to hear more about when it was reported, why that time was chosen as opposed to an earlier time," she says.

    "And especially the Duggars' critics, whether they regret any of their strong comments on morality. In particular, with respect to certain lifestyles, now that they have been so hammered for their own sins. I think that is a fair question and they should answer that."


    Kelly's interview with the Duggars will air on The Kelly File Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET. Additional portions will also air during a one-hour special on Friday at 9 p.m. ET


    We can all pretty much guess what their answer to the highlighted question will be. They will calmly tell Megyn Kelly that they have asked for forgiveness from God because He's the only one that matters, and of course they will say they had been forgiven for any transgressions long ago.  This interview is going to be painfully and obviously slanted in favor of the Duggar's. Their entire futures as TV moguls depends on it.

    • Love 3
  2. Holy Crapola!  I was watching A&E and saw the commercial for this show, Bringing Up Bates. I didn't even know this was an actual series and I was stunned because when I saw the family I thought to myself 'those people look very familiar' then remembered that I saw them on 19 Kids and Counting.  They're the same cult, the same damned thing the Duggars are. I will never watch this show, never!!!

    • Love 1
  3. What the what?  Sean gave Davina a Bible and she gave him rosary beads? I must have missed something really pertinent in the one or two episodes I missed.


    *This series lost me long before those knuckleheads found a good gig with this lame series. I'm done with all of them.

    • Love 2
  4. The Duggar Ego is big enough to think that their appearance in Paris caused the locks to come down. Anything for these people to cry "persecustion!!!!!" We know they love them some persecution. 

    Truthfully, it could very well be that big-ass-honkin lock that Ben custom made for Jessa that made the powers that be in Paris decide they'd better stop the stupid tradition before more people attach great big ugly locks on the bridge until that last big stupid lock that puts it over the edge and causes the bridge to collapse.  Maybe we can thank Ben for that.



    • Love 8
  5. If you have a better name for this topic let me know. I'm just creating them at the moment.

    Since this is just a topic at the moment but will be an entirely new docu-series this summer, will the Caitlyn series be a separate forum and not merely a sub-category of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians?

  6. Where does the narcissist end and the woman, the human being,  begin?   All I see is a heavily shopped,  lit, and idealized set of photos.   I'm not Annie Leibowitz, but I'm confident I could take anyone here, sight unseen,   and make them look better.  Sure, she looks fine,   but having money can buy you a somewhat pleasing appearance.   Those are just pictures of a shell, no human spark in them.  This is Bruce's idea of what a woman is-Tits, hair, nails, makeup, shoes.   It's shallow.


    Caitlyn my dear,  most of us women aren't obsessed with our appearance.   You are, because you think that's how most women think, and because you're a self centered hoo haw.    Being part of the Kardashian family has perverted your views on women, I'm sure.


    If Caitlyn truly wanted to "change the world"  (that's not self important at ALL) she would have convinced E that she wanted to produce a show about average people who are transitioning,  show their daily life and struggles, and compensate them fairly.     But no, she has to make the big bucks flaunting herself. 

    As we've probably discovered, the news today has been filled with Caitlyn Jenner. And now I finally get it. All the public attention, and all the television coverage and all because Bruce Jenner transitioned physically into Caitlyn Jenner?  That's not entirely all. Caitlyn Jenner is officially out of the Kardashian productions going forward and will not be starring in his own 'docu-series' that will be coming out this summer. 'She' may as well cash in on this too since Bruce led a lie all his life to cash in on his fame. Caitlyn will now cash in on the transitioning with her own series,  So, take that Kardashians!  I don't know how this could possibly be enough to make a series out of. Will people really follow a Caitlyn Jenner series to watch as she goes about her daily lunches, interactions with friends and daughters and watch her play golf, ski, and surf?  I don't care anything about it and I'm not interesting in watching at all. Now, if there were to be an episode where Caitlyn and Kris Jenner get together to have a nice lunch together and talk it all through, THEN I might tune in to watch.  LOL!

  7. The Duggar Ego is big enough to think that their appearance in Paris caused the locks to come down. Anything for these people to cry "persecustion!!!!!" We know they love them some persecution. 

    The big dumb lock that Ben made is just about the only thing that Ben and Jessa Seewald paid for themselves. TLC picked up the tab for the entire trip because their film crew tagged along.

  8. Thanks Sew Sumi.  One drink for every time MeeShell stares adoringly at JimBoob.  I am going to need a trip to the liquor store.  Be right back.



    The Official Duggar Drink game


    Fill a 16 ounce cup with your frosty beverage and the shot glass with hard liquor, and let the games begin.


    The rules are simple. Every time the Duggars use one of the following words, you have to drink:

        Jesus – God – Christ – pray – forgive – sin – soul – heart – lust – mistake – love – heal


    If they use any of the following phrases, you have to do a shot:

        Only a child – just 14 years old – asked for forgiveness – sought God’s love – a long time ago – private family matter


    If Megyn Kelley says “heartbreaking,” the first person to finish their drink gets to make a new rule.

    The first person to pass out gets “I love the Duggars” written on their forehead with a Sharpie.

    The last person to vomit, considering the interview is undoubtedly intended to show support for a confessed child molester, wins.




    (by the way.....that's the 'look' that I've been reserving for God all my life)

    • Love 16
  9. "Megyn! Megyn! Wait! Before you start your interview with Michelle and Jim Bob, can you please add just one last question for both of them?  Ask them if they'd be okay having 'Caitlyn' Jenner come into the girls bathroom at a restaurant you happen to be dining in, while your daughters are in there? Would that be okay with them?"



    • Love 13
  10. I'm sorry but I just can't seem to totally get on board with this. I know that he's been unhappy living as a man. I get that. I know that now he'll be happy being who he was really meant to be. I understand that and commend him for his bravery on moving forward. But I must be so bad because when I saw the photo for the first time I chuckled instinctively because my brain screamed "hey, that's Bruce in underwear!"  My mind was telling me 'un-see that right now!' So I felt guilty for chuckling. I don't think he looks marvelous sorry, but maybe it's because I know most of the looks there are a conglomerate of a whole bunch of different plastic surgeries.


    I wish him happiness, I really do. And, I hope he achieves what he said he hopes to, to bring transgenders out of the darkness and accepted by people mainstream, just like everyone else. Okay that's done, he's out, he's Caitlin, he did a Vanity Fair cover, now let it be done with. I don't want to have to see Caitlin gracing the cover of every magazine and weekly gossip paper while I'm standing in the supermarket line for months to come.

    • Love 2
  11. That is so interesting and good to know. In our discussions of the Duggars (and the Bates and Keller families) we're talking about families that are in a subset of fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity. It's all too easy to lump all "fundies" in with the batsh*t crazy Quiverfull/ATI/Gothard world. But it's not correct. I have a tonload of relatives who are rural (or small town), evangelical Baptist, politically conservative - and have never been involved in any of that cr*p. The men and the women are educated, hard-working, involved in their communities, and while not perfect they're a stark contrast to those fame-mongering nutjobs JB and Michelle. For all I know, there are a whole lot of conservatives and evangelicals who are plenty skeeved out by the Duggar freakshow and not thrilled to be identified with them. Some of them seem to be speaking up. Good.



    From what I've seen and read, JimBob isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. The other day on one of these threads, somebody related watching an interview of the couple after JimBob had made a statement at a political event. It wasn't a particularly hard-hitting question, just an inquiry that followed up on what he'd said, but JB went all deer in the headlights and couldn't figure out how to answer. But Michelle's lived on a steady diet of public admiration and promotional TV appearances. If FOX goes all softball she'll do fine, and I think she's basically smarter than JB, but I don't see her coping well with any kind of serious questioning.

    After listening to Jim Bob over the years, I figured out that he has a standard list of answers for every possible question. In other words, he'll never go to any interview unprepared. I can almost speak their words, both his and Michelle's, before they even utter them. That's how static and automatic their responses have been for years. I have heard people like Jim Bob before. Their answers are instantly in their head all prepared in advance. The Duggar's have had nearly two weeks to brain storm with each other about what questions will be asked and how they will answer them.


    The only thing that will interrupt that thought pattern of rote answering is by putting forth a question that will be totally out of left-field and unexpected. It's almost like a person taking a lie detector test. The interviewer will ask 'safe' questions like "do you drive a car?" "Is your middle name Edward" then once the person's train of thought is lowered down to answering simplified questions, he will be asked "did you murder your wife last night?"


    I don't think Megyn Kelly will do that because she doesn't want to be accused of blindsiding the Duggars.

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  12. What I'd like to know is, why on earth is it spread over two days? If the first is as much of a softball as we think it will be, how do they hope to pull viewers in for the second show?

    I honestly believe that since Megyn Kelly recorded this interview well in advance of the air date that FOX wants time to get feedback on the interview before Megyn Kelly goes live for her one-hour show on Friday. In this way they can calculate what the reaction was to her interview with the Duggar's. Depending whether it was pro or con will decide how she'll conduct her one hour special. Just my opinion. I'm glad we have a separate topic here in order to discuss this interview. It will be a lively board for days.


    I recently heard a quote (Game of Thrones) that I'm able to directly relate with the rigid fundamentalist beliefs of the Duggar's.


    "Belief is so often the death of reason"

    • Love 11
  13. Zombie was correct.  Or more accurately, a wight, which is what the army of reanimated dead is comprised of.  Those commanders on horseback are White Walkers.  Two separate and distinct things.  The White Walkers create wights out of the dead.

    you got dat wight

    • Love 5
  14. I want Cersei's dungeon cell door to open slowly and 'Black Jack' Randall from Outlander is suddenly tossed in naked. They could cut the scene right there as far as I'm concerned.

    • Love 6
  15. If I were Sansa, I would think long and hard about LittleFinger's role in all of this. I may not kill him, but I'd smack him around for a few months. He knew how sadistic the Boltons were and he must have known that Sansa would go through hell. Sorry Sansa, no man is going to come and save you. Not now, not ever. 


    But first things first. She has to get these damn Boltons out of her house. She needs to find her friends in the north, and then find her brothers, and maybe borrow their dire wolves for a bit.


    And there will be much bigger fish to fry if/when the white walkers/wights get over the wall. 


    Tyrian needs to develop some sort of dragon stone bomb that a dragon can carry and drop on all of the undead. Help us Tyrian, you're our only hope.

    A whole bunch of dragon-breath just might do the job

    • Love 1
  16. For me, the first mistake was making Frank too likable, and I have a feeling Frank wasn't as lovely in the books.  I'm an absolute sap for romance, so I'm shocked that I'm not emotionally involved in the show.  I don't like how Frank has been treated -  I highly doubt he's already madly in love with another woman, married, and having a hell of a sex life.  I just can't get over that fact, but I want to and will continue to try.


    From what I was shown, Claire was very much in love with her husband, and they had an excellent sex life.  While Jamie and Claire's wedding night was hot, they married to protect Claire, and I was actually surprised she didn't ask Jamie for a little time, or tell him there would be no sex.  It was a marriage of convenience, after all.  She didn't need to have sex to be protected, and it was just so disrespectful of Frank, especially since she was still determined to go back to him.  I'd feel a lot better if I wasn't convinced that Frank is somewhere grieving, celibate, and waiting for her return.  And I would feel even better if we got a talking head when Claire stayed in the past, that specifically stated she was in love with both men.  Something that makes her seem less heartless.



    There were plenty of terms for sex back then, and Jamie would have known all of them.  I'm sure those swaggering macho Scots don't tell stories about "making love" to the bar maids.  I think it was a very poor choice to have Jamie use that term.   There were also very specific words for anal sex back then, buggering being the most common.


    I agree that Black Jack is in love with Jamie - to the extent he's capable of love.  I think he's closeted, and he punishes Jamie for the attraction.  He's like a typical stalker, who's obsessed and infatuated, but often ends up killing when they're rejected.  I don't have a problem with how the first incident happened.  Not that I enjoyed it, but it was rough and obviously very painful for Jamie.  What disturbed me was the so-called "love making" scene.  I wonder if people would respond differently if Jamie were a woman.  A woman who'd been violently raped, then later that rapist gently strokes her hair, anoints her with lavender oil as he caresses her, and gently makes love to her as she loudly moans.  Her rapist kisses her softly, and when he raises her head, she lifts her own as if to prolong the kiss.  Basically, they filmed it as a very sensual scene, which is an unusual choice for a rape scene.


    Frank's real personality really wasn't apparent to me in the first episodes. I didn't have enough to 'take a liking' to him as a kind and loving husband. I had neutral feelings about Frank. Because of the war, Frank and Claire had been separated for five years. The trip to Inverness was Frank's idea for a second honeymoon to get reacquainted and to investigate his family heritage, specifically Jonathan 'Black Jack' Randall.


    The marriage was contracted with Dougal to protect her from Randall. The condition was of course that the marriage be consummated on the wedding night. This is why there were men lurking on the other side of their bedroom chamber listening to make certain it was. Keep in mind that Jamie is a virgin and a "Laird" of a large estate as the only male heir. The common sexual speak amongst the men wouldn't be something that Jamie would do.


    As far as Black Jack 'loving' Jamie. I don't think he loves Jamie in a traditional sense. I think he's covetous of his strength and fortitude. He put Jamie to the test, trying to break him in order for Black Jack to know he's only human. But Jamie doesn't break and this pushes Black Jack even more forward in his obsession to dominate him. Jamie is what Black Jack struggles to be but knows he never will.

  17. I disagree about that synopsis. It appears that Matt doesn't understand a few things. First, just because Jamie had an orgasm does not mean he enjoyed it. It actually not that uncommon for people to orgasm during rape and it leaves them confused, ashamed and guilty. Second, It is possible for people to be happy about something but still be dealing with a trauma. Just because he's happy about the baby (still thought his reaction was muted) does not mean he's generally happy.


    When Jamie confessed to Claire about the second rape by explaining, "I couldn't help myself Claire, it felt so good not to be in pain." That's far different than enjoying the rape. Jamie was horribly tortured and was in immeasurable pain. Having any sensation that takes that pain away, yes even having a positive and non-painful sensation of orgasm is what Jamie experienced. It was only at that point that I really understood the title "To Ransom a Man's Soul".

    • Love 4
  18. Although I definitely don't want the sisters identified (although the internet has speculated way too much on that topic) I do wish that the WHOLE family could be interviewed. At least give those girls a voice. Let them talk to someone outside of their family and religion. Can't somebody help them? Now that it's out that abuse has taken place in this home does CPS or others have the authority to speak to the minors in the home individually? Can the daughters get real therapy now? Or because it was such a long time there's nothing that can be done? I'm truly worried about how things are in that home right now. 

    Four of them are over 18 and legal adults. According to the law they are free women and have voices. They can't speak out. They are Duggar's and their loyalties lie with the family no matter what happened in the past. They're all brainwashed and no matter what happens, they will remain silent and inconspicuous, let Jim Bob run the show, and possibly never speak publicly about any of it.

    • Love 5
  19. I don't think it's that black and white. I think it's more complicated than that.

    Let's be honest here to what it all comes down to.....  $

    There's many things complicated about being transgender, there's no doubt at all that it's not simply black and white. I never thought that. Bruce Jenner was riding a once-in-a-lifetime wave of success and money. Who in their right mind would abandon those opportunities when they're 27 years old? And now, at age 65 and being comfortably wealthy, why not make the choice to transition?

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