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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Part of me thinks that Jim Bob only went to the police to save his ass from being charged or called by CPS.  

    Jim Bob (referred to in the report as “James”) first learned of Josh’s behavior in March 2002, when one victim approached Jim Bob and said that Josh touched her breasts and genitals while she slept.

    Jim Bob appears not to have acted on the accusation. In July 2002, Josh, then 14 years old, admitted to the behavior to his father, prompting Jim Bob to “discipline” Josh but not report the incident to the authorities.


    In July 2003, his father and church elders took him to a state trooper to confess what he’d done. The trooper, Cpl. Hutchins, gave Josh a “very stern talk” but did not charge him with any crimes.

    InTouch reports that Hutchins was later arrested on child pornography charges and is currently serving 56 years in prison.


    In December 2006, Springdale police interviewed the Duggars about Josh’s behavior. Jim Bob would not produce Josh for questioning—per InTouch, “when police asked Jim Bob to bring Josh in for an interview in 2006, he attempted to hire a lawyer and refused to produce his son for questioning. At least two lawyers refused to take his case.”


    Jim Bob Duggar could have possibly been charged for obstruction of justice, but he wasn't.  This might possibly be the subject for Oprah's show in ten years.



    The Duggar Family

  2. Try telling any testosterone raging teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16 not to masturbate, not to have sexual thoughts of girls, not to think of sex in any way. That is not humanly possible and it's not fair to teach that to any child. It's human nature and if you tell that child that it's wrong and it's a sin against God, it damages their thinking for life.


    I hear over and over about how they got Josh help through whatever means, the details of that are very foggy. What I want to know is did the four or five girls in the family that were sexually molested by their brother over a period of years get help?  Again, it's all about the predator and not about the prey. These girls need professional help, not a bunch of religious zealots praying it all away in a group in their 'home church'. That's bullshit. The girls have been molested and will have to deal with this all their lives, WHERE IS THEIR HELP


    This as how the 2006 incidents came to light the second time around;


    "The 2006 report explains that after a family friend became aware of the situation upon finding a letter that detailed the incidents that had been left in a book loaned to the friend by a member of the Duggar family, a call was made to the Child Abuse Hotline, which led to the Crimes Against Children and the Springdale Police Department investigating the case in 2006."

    • Love 8
  3. I asked this a few pages back and read several pages worth of comments and haven't seen an answer- people here are saying he did NOT receive counseling as he stated in his resignation.  He referenced going to the Vista program or something- is this not a real counseling program?  If not, what is it? And where people are saying he only did manual labor and didn't get counseling, what is this based upon?  I'm just curious, since people (not on this board) have said they did the right thing- "they sent him to counseling! what else could they do?!" (not mentioning, of course, the parenting and climate that fueled this to begin with).  


    Is there a thread for the camera crew episode?  I have many questions and comments about that, but didn't see a thread for the ep.

    Here's the website for Piney Ridge program at VISTA Hospital


  4. Josh and Anna's website


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    TLC pulled all scheduled episodes of 19 Kids and Counting.   Bye Duggars

    • Love 7
  5. Clear


    While I don't condone Josh's conduct, I think I view it as something that was created out of a life of deprivation, dictatorship and mind control.  His 14 year-old mind and body were likely not functioning as an average teen might. He had no healthy role models and limited normal social interaction.  And even if he had gone before a juvenile court judge, he would likely have received therapy and supervision, then had his record expunged when he was 18.  Too bad that didn't happen.  Instead, he continued to live under the reign of his uninformed parents, who did not get him professional help.  So, I"m not surprised he acted out again.


    I agree with you. I had mentioned in a previous post that all the sexual suppression and guilt can not only be very harmful physically but it can also be dangerous emotionally. Teenagers shouldn't be told to quash their sexuality. The Duggars are all sexual beings like all humans are born to be. I had thought long ago that from 19 children, there's bound to be one or two that are sexually dysfunctional. I had also thought that there's going to be at least one of the children being gay or lesbian. The statistics loosely bantered around are 1 in 10 children in the US being gay or lesbian. That's great and I don't care who or how many are. But the fact is, there's surely one of the 19 that is gay or lesbian and if so, they will surely not be allowed to come out and be who they were meant to be and live a normal life in the skin they're most comfortable with. The cult they associate with are clearly anti-female, anti-gay and racist. The fact that Josh sexually molested some of his sisters isn't surprising in the least since those kids grow up in a great big invisible religious bubble and the sisters are considered to be lesser creatures anyway and subject to the rule of the males

    • Love 8
  6. I'm wearing my long chevron skirt today in solidarity with the girls. :)

    I am so genuinely sad about this. It breaks my heart most of all to think of those girls not having felt safe in their own home. And given the patriarchy, I'm sure they all idolized Josh before this happened. I can't begin to imagine their fear, hurt and confusion. It all is just unspeakably sad.

    This shouldn't surprise anyone, I know I'm not. The deplorable way that this ultra-conservative, hypocritical religious sect has a clear and present history of thinly disguised female misogyny. Women are considered things, sexual objects that are to be used for one purpose alone, to bear children and increase the numbers of 'the faithful'. The women are brainwashed and repressed from birth. The men on the other hand are raised to believe they will be the patriarchs and the rulers of their women. TLC doesn't want to let go of their cash cow but the backlash of public opinion may be so strong that TLC will have to address this issue and do something. If they keep the Duggars show they will be taking a great risk.


    I would be interested in knowing why Josh Duggar decided to come forward with his sordid past at this point in time. He must have known it would absolutely destroy not only his political career but the reputation and legacy of the entire Duggar family.


    I bet every one of the Jenners and Kardashians are running around high-fiving each other right now because they know this is taking some of the heat and attention off them and Bruce.

    • Love 1
  7. Absolutely. So many people are delighting in the downfall of the Duggars that they fail to realize it came at the expense of Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger's well being. It's awful to have something so hurtful and deeply personal served up as fodder for the public.

    On one hand, I agree that it's unfair to the girls to divulge their names. On the other hand, a lot of people are probably feeling that the successes, the wealth, and the fame gained by the Duggar family comes at a price. The Duggar's have all benefited for years from their charade of humility and holiness and now it's time to pay their pound of flesh for all that came before this.

    • Love 3
  8. There must be a website dedicated to 'Kim-isms' and if there isn't then there should be. I can quote at least two Kimism's in every episode. The rerun episode that I just watched this afternoon had two jewels of them in that single episode.  The first one came out unexpectedly when Kim was telling Khloe how she thought it would be so cool to have North baptised in Jerusalem.


    Kim: "Wouldn't it be SO cool if North and Reign got baptised in Jerusalem?"

    Khloe: "oh that would be incredible"

    Kim: (softly and meaningfully) "I know, right?"


    Kim googles the 'official website of the baptism of Jesus Christ' and finds out that a 'guy name John' baptized Jesus Christ, she looks at Khloe and says  "I want a guy named John to baptize North" (in Jerusalem of course)  After that she shows Khloe the video of North and Kanye in a video while he sings that shitty song with the more than usual obnoxious dose of auto-tune.


    The next historic Kimism came very soon afterwards when Kim and Scott were talking about the gossip columns speculating about a romance between him and Kendall. He told Kim "somebody called me middle aged the other day".  Kim says "really? when is middle age?" "You're just 30 that's young. (Scott says 'well, I'm 31)  I feel like middle aged is like 40.  Do you think people are prettier these days?"  Scott says "yeah of course, you can go pimp your ride anywhere, and come out prettier".  I think that whoever was behind the camera and sound boom that they were pissing themselves trying not to laugh out loud.


    I swear that I almost could feel my brain swelling up trying to absorb and process some of the ridiculousness that just pops out of Kim's mouth. She's 34 years old now and in 6 years she's going to be a middle-aged woman according to her. She has no idea how fast those 6 years pass and when she reaches 40, I guarantee she won't feel middle aged and will readjust her thinking to 50 being middle-age.

    • Love 5
  9. But lots of transgender people do this...not for fame or money or status.  Maybe they're lucky enough to realize it at the age of 4 or 14.  But many of them are adults with families, just like Bruce Jenner, who have struggled with gender issues for their entire lives.  They might not have even realized they have been "lying" to anyone or pretending to be something they're not.  I really don't think they do it to hurt anyone, and I don't think Bruce did.  He's just finally being fully honest and open.


    That being said, I do agree that Kris and the kids are justified in their resentment or anger.  As I've said before, when a loved one comes out as transgender, it is in some ways like a death.  There is a grieving process you go through and grief is rarely rational

    The thing is Bruce said over and over in the interview that he knew he was lying to his family and he didn't want to hurt them. Well, eventually he has laid down just about the biggest hurt he could on all his family because now they know he was lying to them their entire lives. And why did he? It isn't as though he would be the first transgender celebrity. There were pioneers in transgender assignments by very high profile and famous people long before Bruce Jenner. Going as far back as Christine Jorgensen and Renee Richards, both pioneers in opening up about being transgender and both well known, high profile personalities. Did they hide and pretend by marrying and having a slew of children all their lives to protect their notoriety and fame?  No. Did it result in financial losses to them because of it? Certainly so. Bruce Jenner was the greatest American athlete in the world. Would he be on a box of Wheaties if he went public about being transgender? That admission would leave a vast empire of wealth trough endorsements, public speaking, appearances. television shows, books, etc. He couldn't pass it up to be who he really was. Instead, he continued the charade, marrying women, making babies and hiding his secret from all of them. I could never fault Bruce Jenner for wanting to be what he's always wanted to be all his life. Everyone deserves that. I can only fault him for wanting it right now, present time, after the fortunes are made and the children are adults.

  10. I do hope for Bruce's sake that he finds a great stylist that will convince him that a middle hair part with long straight hair only makes a old woman look older. The middle-parted long hair makes him look scary and although that long hair may be a symbol for him of femininity, there has to be a style that will be more flattering.


    I do find it sort of hilarious and ironic that he admitted to being a conservative Republican. Of any political party, the Republican Party has been the most anti-gay and provincial thinking. I don't know what other staunch old-school Republican will feel about Bruce Jenner identifying with their politics. It's just funny and bizarre that he's Republican.

    • Love 3
  11. After watching this, I realize now that people that have struggled with being gay or lesbian have actually had it much easier than anyone born transgender. People can more or less understand homosexuality. That a woman would want to be with a woman, or a man with a man. But we all have great difficulty understanding the mind of a transgender person. For example, Chaz Bono. He was born female and transitioned into a male. But Chaz Bono was definitely homosexual, preferring sex with females. Conversely, Bruce feels female but has always preferred sex with women. This is something that is pretty difficult to understand, but the fact remains it's real and it happens.


    I fault Bruce for not being honest with the 3 women he married. Kris, although I hate admitting it, was justified in her anger and resentment towards Bruce for not being honest with her before he married her and had two children with her. He lived a lie even though he was aware that he would be doing a lot of damage to all the people involved in his life. His wives, children, grandchildren and extended family has been deceived and outright lied to by Bruce all their lives. He just lied to himself and to them. He was selfish and wanted it all He wanted fame, money and status. In order to have all of that, he had to deceive and pretend to be what he wasn't.

    • Love 1
  12. The fact that the waiter was genuinely laughing makes the exchange not rude to me.  As a Miami waiter he is probably quite used to dealing with New Yorkers (Florida is filled with them). He knows when a New Yorker is being an asshole, and I don't think her style of humor offended him in the slightest. 

    I think that what she was saying in a humorous and less offensive way is that when the waiter said "let me walk you though our menu" that the waiter usually does precisely that. He's supposed to explain the specials, maybe tell her what the soup of the day is, perhaps make suggestions as to the favorites, etc. It was her way of telling him that he really didn't walk her through the menu at all.

    • Love 1
  13. Heather will NEVER go into Sonja's home again.  She will NEVER be friends with Luann again.  In the words of Bethenny, do you really think I care?  Heather seems to think that people should be devestated if she decides that she doesn't like them.  Her little annoucements about burning bridges is so self-important.  Get over yourself, mama.  You ain't shit.

    In reality TV shows like RHoNY, the word 'never' only means, until the next party, luncheon, fortune teller reading or private massage is there. Then Heather will go in again and forget all about her indignation at being left out in the rain and all will instantly be forgotten.

    • Love 2
  14. I don't like anyone, they're all caught either glancing at the camera (I caught Sonja and Luann twice) or they're trying very hard to stir the pot in order to force some drama. I never like Bethenny and that's why I didn't watch this in the past when Bethenny was a cast member. But I have to say that out of all of them, she at least makes me laugh.


    I understand where her personality comes from after learning more about her childhood. To say that she came from a dysfunctional family would be a vast understatement. The stepfather she got together with in this episode is a old man and wants to try to undo the wrongs of his past. He was a gambler, alcoholic, womanizer and wife beater. She was estranged from him for very good reason. The marriage between John Parisella and her mother Bernadette was a toxic one. She and her mother absolutely hate each other.


    Bethenny compensates for her deep unhappiness with humor, and I appreciate that she does. I especially liked what she said to the waiter at the MO-mar restaurant in Miami.

    Waiter: "Let me walk you through our menu. On the first page we have all our food items, following that we have our signature cocktails."

    Bethenny: "so it's like any other menu, I read what's on it, I order and it comes

    alright I'm familiar with how this process works, I'll have a club soda."


    Her friend comes and sits and at first I thought it was Dorinda in disguise with a brown wig. She looked and sounded just like Dorinda. Overall the episode was very uninteresting and I don't really like any of these women.

    • Love 4
  15. I would not be a bit surprised if a good portion of this show is fake.


    I look at it this way.  People who sign up for this show have to be willing to be:


    • Legally married to a stranger
    • Willing to marry a stranger on TV and be willing to be filmed for the next six weeks
    • Be in the NY metropolitan area
    • Be attractive (no unattractive people on TV...grin)
    • Be sane; sure Ryan D has a temper, but they don't want any serious nut jobs.

    There's no question that although the show isn't entirely scripted like a regular weekly television series, the 'cast' are all given some storyline ideas to work with. The dialog that's filmed is then edited and cut and pasted in order to make something cohesive for viewing. The experts here are even difficult to listen to when they dialog, they're speaking right out of textbooks. The couples have all signed up for a fun ride in a television series, made some bucks and got their faces seen for future jobs 'in the business'.  Not one of any of these three couples will make it to a year. If they make it past the six weeks it's only so they contracted to do it and will last six weeks, no longer.

  16. I read that transgenders don't know which sex they will prefer until after all the hormone treatments.  It could go either way, so I suppose he is waiting to find out.  He did say he always had a huge attraction to women, so perhaps he will be gay, if the hormone treatments don't change what appeals to him.


    He's so darn calm. He seems so happy and unconcerned about almost everything.

    I agree about the level of his calmness, but they have all been prepared for this filming. Spontaneous crying happens and those women will cry a lot of tears before they really come to terms with this transitioning. I just can't help loathing Bruce Jenner for saying on one hand "I don't want to hurt anyone" and on the other hand lying to all those people in his life for 65 years because he would rather keep his image, money, prestige and reputation than to give it all up for who he says he really is and has always wanted to be. He hurt many people in his life for many years and now he keeps repeating "I just don't want to hurt anyone".

  17. And even the location was seeming out of touch, the gorgeous Malibu beach and waves, so removed from the world 99.999 % of those who struggle with this live in.

    If you see it again, notice how E! managed to film the opening scenes in every segment in a romantic and enhanced visually colored manner. Remember, Kris Jenner is one of the executive producers of this show and I'm sure she wanted to make it all appear to be visually serene and sophisticated in order to lessen the intensity of the subject.


    There were some important things that got right down to the 'nitty gritty' for the Jenner and Kardashian women. Khloe got right down to the point when she asked him and I'm paraphrasing here "you say you like sex with women so when you do the surgery to reassign your sex, will you be gay?"  Bruce insisted no, he's heterosexual. Khloe asked him "will you be a lesbian then?"  Bruce couldn't answer her on that question. I think that the 'girls' all need to know that although his 'soul' is female as he claims it is, that his gender will still be male and he will still remain heterosexual. BUT....and this is a big but, if he has female genitalia how is he supposed to have sex as a male?  The only sex he will be having will most likely be homosexual.  Am I way off base on this?  I guess I'm as confused on this point as Khloe and the others are.

    • Love 1
  18. The whole Duggar mentality about sex and sexuality is really pissing me off because the little kids are now adults with sexual feelings. Okay, so Jim Bob and Michelle made a decision FOR THEMSELVES to be sexual rabbits and have sex all the time. For Bob's pleasure and for Michelle's mental illness that makes her crave having babies. But the minds of these children are being twisted and manipulated in an unnatural way. Most all animal species including humans are sexual beings by nature. Repression of sexuality isn't only harmful physically but it can possibly be damaging emotionally.


    There's such a vast difference between ordering a child 'don't feel desire' or 'don't think of your own sexual feelings' rather than saying 'yes, you are feeling sexuality as you should be, it's natural and normal, so let's talk about it'. Parents need to communicate these things with their kids and be honest with them. Just  giving them orders such as 'don't hug, don't kiss, don't think of sex' is just too much to ask of any child. This is exactly why these women fall in 'love' so quickly. They confused the 'need' for sexual contact with love. They'll live their lives never opening up completely sexually, experimentation or going 'outside the box' will be too out of the realm of possibility between them because their spouses are just as repressed as they are. This is the kind of stuff that takes years of therapy to undo.


    Somewhere along the way, one or more of these kids are going to be totally messed up in their heads because of this. And I don't care what anyone else thinks, there's bound to be at least one or two that are gay and repressing that too, and always will repress it.

    • Love 10
  19. I hate that this happened, would've preferred Sansa just having her screentime cut like Bran, and can only pray that Rams ends up as the guest of honor at Mel and Stan's next BBQ, but I will concede that having Ramsay rape a character who matters feels less cheap than having him hunt a girl no one even knew the name of and flay non-entities offscreen, so the real marker of the scene's offensiveness is how the impact on Sansa is shown going forward. Which I don't really have high hopes for, but at least this time the showrunners and actors were all agreed they were shooting a rape scene. And honestly, I was expecting even worse from the hints Alfie and Iwan have been dropping in interviews, I thought the whole focus would be on Theon's blubbering face, but there was a much bigger zoom-in on Sansa's and more time spent on her before the camera cut to Theon, so it felt like the purpose of that cut was just to avoid showing Sansa in full graphic detail. Sophie was 18 by the time this was shot but tptb hired her at the age of 12/13 and have watched her grow up even more closely than we have, so I'm sure that was a major contributing factor here. With any other actress, they'd probably have gone for full-on tasteless boob-jiggling as happened at Craster's last season.

    I think the rape scene of Sansa was absolutely essential to the formation of the new and better Sansa Stark. No longer the shy, reticent and naive girl, Sansa is now a hardened-to-the-world woman. It's only through this newly found identity will she be able to proceed with what will possibly be the undoing of Ramsey and Roose Bolton.

    • Love 3
  20. Several impressions from all this hullabaloo about Bruce Jenner transitioning into a woman. First of all I noticed in this 2 part special is the relationship between Khloe and Kendall, and I've noticed it many times in previous episodes. Kendall looks to Khloe for comfort and support in a way a child looks to her mother. She sits close, Khloe has her hand on Kendall and she eventually lays her head on Khloe's shoulder as she cries. This is a close mother-daughter relationship, something Kendall never got from Kris.


    The other thing is the way Kris deflected blame and projected it onto Bruce. The conversation in the kitchen went this way; "I think you shut me out a long time ago. You were angry, which made me angry," she said. Bruce shoots back "You know you treated me badly those last four, five years of our marriage,"  To which Kris says."No, you were just very, very angry to the point where we just had to separate and then get divorced," she replied tearfully. "You never said this was going to be the end result, ever."


    Last words from me regarding Bruce and the Jenners. Bruce Jenner has has this gender conflict his entire life. Bruce became famous and made a choice. His choice was to cash in on his fame, ride the wave of wealth and take it as far as he could and put aside all this yearning to be what he felt he really was inside in order to have that. Then he marries 3 different women and have seven children between them. Did he ever think "the last thing I want to do is hurt you" during those years? He was selfish and self-serving and now that the youngest is 17 and he's 65 years old he decides he wealthy enough, the kids are grown enough and he's out of his third bad marriage so he's free to be the woman he always wanted to be. All this adds up to one big messed up bunch of Jenners and Kardashians. Not only was he unfair to all the people in his life for selfish reasons, he was selfish to himself for not doing this sooner. I feel badly for people that are struggling with this issue of being transgender, but hopefully they won't follow in the footsteps of Bruce and destroy the lives of so many people by pretending they're something they aren't.

    • Love 2
  21. I'm so happy to see that Sansa has finally outgrown her immature, shrinking, cowardly adolescent girlhood and has become a strong Stark. When Myranda was taunting Sansa about all of Ramsay's ex-lovers, Sansa showed her Stark strength by saying “I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home. And you can’t frighten me.”  I was happy to see that Sansa is no longer a girl that can be manipulated and frightened anymore.


    Unlike a few other commenters on the rape scene, I wasn't surprised since we all knew that Ramsay is a twisted, sadistic man. I felt that this violence towards Sansa was exactly what Theon needed to witness in order for him to grow a new set of balls to replace the ones he lost to Ramsay. Theon will be pivotal in some way to Sansa's escape from the clutches of Ramsay and Roose Bolton and I'd bet it will be Sansa that vindicates the killings of her brother and mother at the hands of Roose Bolton.

    • Love 8
  22. Lamar was a candy freak. Khloe used to make sure the hotels he stayed in on the road were totally stocked with candy. And she used to bring him huge cups of tea loaded with sugar at night. Kim dragged him to the dentist cause he had rotten teeth and needed massive dental work.

    If you remember, Khloe told him his breath was horrible, that's what got her to push him to see a dentist for his rotten teeth.  (ew, just ew)

    • Love 1
  23. Do they really want to start trying in 2 weeks, get pregnant fast, and have a 2nd baby in February when baby #1 is like 10 months old?? I'm sure Jill does, but I think Derick's head might explode. I'm not suggesting that he's unhappy with his wife or family -- I'm sure he isn't. But in just a few years, he has graduated college, gone to Nepal for 2 yrs, courted a girl via Skype, returned and started his first professional job, proposed to said girl, gotten married like 4 months later, gotten her pregnant like 5 hrs after putting a ring on it, and welcomed a child 9 months later. How about taking some time to breathe -- and maybe put some weight back on and just relax and enjoy the child you have and get to the point where you're reliably sleeping nights before making the next baby!?

    Don't forget something.....Derick found sex and he's amnesic about anything else he's done in the past.  He finally got his hand inside the cookie jar and he won't be pulling it out anytime soon. (yes a pun is intended). While the Dillards are very conservative Christians, they never subscribed to the rigid dress codes or home schooling as the Duggars have. Derick was allowed to go to college, something not a single one of the Duggars was allowed to do. "Daughter-sister-mother' Jana will be the first if she graduates from the Christian college she plans to attend. If f the Duggar/Dillard union results in a lot of kids, Derick will be a little out of his depth. Still, both Derick and Jill have said that they intend to have as many children as they can, and aren’t using any birth control.

    • Love 1
  24. Take your time, Jill, and enjoy the baby you have before you try for number two. If babies are as precious as you say, then act like you're enjoying the one you've got than always wishing for more.

    You seem to think that Jill has a choice about when she becomes pregnant again. The only thing that may save her from another pregnancy so quickly will be the fact that she's breast feeding.

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