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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. No it isn't their last as a family.  They just keep adding to it.  As if their own 19 were not enough, they bring the daughter-in-law, grandkids and now will have sons-in-law and more grandkids.  They'll have to rent a whole hotel soon.  And 2 or 3 stink buses.  Think ahead 10 years.  They'll have to book a whole town.

    That's precisely the objective.

    • Love 3
  2. Sometimes I think Anna is behaving as a parody of her monster in law, on purpose. With things like the "progress makes babies," and sometimes when she and Josh are making eyes at each other, they start laughing, like it's their subtle way of goofing on Boob and Mullet. I also felt that way when she said 5 kids would be a good start. I do believe that she's a very devout Christian, and that she wants a larger than average family. But I don't think that she especially wants/expects to have another 15 after this one. I think she might want one, maybe two more.

    From what I understand, this religious sect is essentially Baptist in origin but also referred to as “Independent Baptist family” meaning they aren't traditional Baptists but rather a more conservative form. They have no traditional 'church' or 'house of worship' and they call the place where they gather with others for spiritual meeting 'home church' because they meet at small halls, homes or other more intimate venues. Anna and Josh will be expected to 'receive the blessings of God through children' no matter how many they have, the more the better, there will be no limitation or family planning. 'que sera, sera'

    • Love 1
  3. Should I feel ashamed for thinking that Josh was cute - in a throwback-to-the-1950s, squeaky clean sort of way - back when the first couple of documentaries aired? Is that something I should have taken to my grave? Because now I look at him and go, "...Eesh." 


    ETA: I can't tell whether you guys are liking my post because you think, "Yes, Josh Duggar used to be cute," or because you think, "Yes, you should be ashamed."

    Certainly don't feel ashamed. Josh is a good looking young man, as you said he's like a blast from the past, very retro. But I saw Josh in a similar way that I saw that cute, clean-cut guy in high school and thought he was so handsome but then saw him again 20 years later and he was fat and bald. Josh is heading in that direction.

  4. Kim's not writing any blog. This season is 22 episodes long, and she's written blogs for about 1/4 of them. It's what she does when she's confronted with the episodes that show her in ways she doesn't like. She disengages. 


    Kim has to disengage, she really has to because if she didn't disconnect herself from topics such as her kids, her sobriety or her dog Kingsley and put an end to any more discussion of them, then she'd have to face the fact that she was at fault and is either directly or indirectly responsible for the consequences of her actions or inability to act.

    • Love 5
  5. This is an open message for Kim Richards in the hopes she realizes what messed up her head and gets started on her trip to mental health.


    If you don't already know why you're so fucked up Kim, I think I know some of the reasons. I'll try to list them in order


    1. You were born to a whack-job mother who twisted up your thoughts regarding men and sex. Subsequently it caused you to enter into two marriages doomed to fail. You married for wealth and status, that was your first mistake.

    2. You were pushed into the entertainment industry by the same controlling mother and became a child actress with some success. You held onto your childhood success and tried to carry it into your adult years, which didn't work because plainly you just weren't talented enough and you know it.. Once a child star is grown up and doesn't really have the talent to become an adult actor, people forget you quickly.

    3. Your relationship with your younger sister Kyle was close, but close in a not-so-healthy way. You competed with each other on every level for attention,validation, monetary rewards and the envy of others towards you.

    4. You were always drawn to the 'bad boy' including an investment scammer who robbed 8000 old people in his financial scams only to scam the wrong people and be killed by a hitman while you were on the phone talking to him.

    5. You can't accept not being the young, cute, darling young woman you once were. In other words, you aren't aging with grace.

    6. You fucked up raising your kids and even fucked up your dog with your overindulgence.


    Well Hell, even I feel like having a drink thinking about how messed up you are so I can't really blame you for drowning your problems in the bottom of a glass or up your nose. But, if you don't stop and change then you'll probably end up like millions of other addicts and be pushed away from anyone who might have loved you at one time and don't anymore. That's it. Now, I won't even charge a fee for my services, my two-cents comes free of charge. But if you don't want to listen and continue on the current path you've chosen, then we'll all just sit here waiting for the awful news that's bound to come sooner or later.

    • Love 7
  6. Now that Kim Richards has been arrested yesterday for public intoxication and kicking a policeman, will she still scream, rant and cry her eyeballs out insisting that she's been 'sober for 3 years' and does NOT need an intervention?


    Sorry Kim, any shred of credibility you might have had is gone for good. Nobody will ever trust your word again. Time to quit the show and check in to rehab.

    • Love 13
  7. Today's News Flash


    Kim Richards Steps Out After Being Arrested for Public Intoxication



    Kim Richards isn't going to stay out of the public eye.

    The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was photographed outside her home on Thursday afternoon, just hours after she was arrested for public intoxication.

    Richards, 50, was taken into custody earlier that morning after officers responded to "a report of a possible fight" at the Beverly Hills Hotel at around 1:30 a.m.

    At the time of her arrest, she "was displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior cursing at the officers and passively resisted arrest," according to a statement from the Beverly Hills Police Department.

    Once at the police station, Richards kicked an officer in the leg, though he was uninjured. She was released at about 10:30 a.m. after being charged with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer.

    A source close to the Richards family told PEOPLE that the reality star has been "acting increasingly out of it. She's been a mess, showing up late to events and social gatherings and acting bizarre or belligerent or both."

    Richards previously spent time in a treatment facility for alcohol abuse in 2011 and has insisted on episodes of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that she's been clean ever since.

    Her costars expressed their support for the celeb on Thursday, sharing sweet messages wishing her well on social media.


    (I can almost hear Lisa Rinna laughing from here as she says "told ya so")

    • Love 5
  8. I don't care if the older kids can cook/clean. The girls already have to raise the children while the guys are sitting around on their butts doing nothing. There's not one person in that house that can teach these kids to do anything properly. They've basically been "winging it" all since the buddy groups were thought up, IMO, so I think the older girls are doing the best they can with what they have, which isn't much. :( 

    The females were basically born to be white slaves to take on the responsibility of raising the younger children instead of Michelle or Jim Bob. For the Duggars, this is the legacy they leave their girls, to be wives that are both obedient and subservient to their husbands and to bear lots of children for the community.

    • Love 5
  9. There are so many inconsistencies here. Despite the proclamations of 'love' and 'God'. Their religious cult openly judges other people, that may not share their beliefs, in a negative way. Ask any of the members of their Christian Fundamentalist cult what their views are on women's rights, homosexuality, gay marriage or interracial marriage. Ask Michelle or Jim Bob if they'd welcome a gay man into their lives if one of their sons was gay and wanted a life partner with another gay man. I'd like to ask Michelle if she encourages any of her daughters to be an engineer, a surgeon or an archaeologist. Ask Jim Bob if he'd pay for cosmetology school for any of his boys in order for them to have a career in cosmetology.


    The viewing public see nothing but modesty, kindness, praise of God, obedience (in all forms) and having as many babies as one woman can have. In their Fundamentalist beliefs, the more babies a woman has, the closer she is to perfection and the higher her social standing is with the community of their peers. People with fewer children are placed in a lower rung of the status ladder than those with multiples. Michelle and Jim Bob are in great standing with their community because of their birthing 19 babies. Who could top that, right?


    *Choosing this alternative lifestyle is basically their rejection of the "normal" world. And for some reason they think the best way to do that is to have kids the way other people buy Costco cheese.

    They believe that the more babies they have, the more voting Christians to balance out the heathens. The individual babies really aren't as important as the quantity of children they successfully indoctrinate into their cause. Keeping women in a state of constant pregnancy/nursing may not be a conscious tactic of male domination, but it works that way all the same. You try life as a 24/7 lactation pump -- see how "strong" and "independent" you remain while acting as combination Household Operations Manager/Teacher/Brood Queen/Slurpee Station.



    Look at this slacker, she has one whole free arm.


    *Excerpts taken from an article written by Hannah Ettinger, a former member of this particular movement

    • Love 6
  10. I gave you a happy thumb, too. I agree it really was too much -- of all of the BH wives IMO only Eileen escaped with some modicum of dignity. Do you watch NY? The outrageous is there but not the overt vulgarity and the difference is startling. Jump into the NY pond (if you're not there already)!

    I'm already up to my ankles in the NY pond. So far, I'm liking Bethany. I also like that Ramona has been humbled (a little).

    • Love 1
  11. 09a1e1d7b589aa382f8e6882f47df8c6.jpg

    PHOTOS: At Home with Ben & Jessa Duggar Seewald | AT FIRST BITE | One perk of living together? Cooking for two, with an extra helping of love on the side. Recently, Ben cooked Jessa dinner, serving it with a note that read, "Your smile brightens my spirit like the first gleams of sunrise after a crisp autumn night in the Arkansas Ozarks."


    Is their address #1 Stepford Lane, Stepford, USA by any chance?  Jessa looking pregnant, so I think they finally got the kiss down pat and thensome.

    • Love 2
  12. Is this really what we watch TV to see? Is this what 'entertainment' has become, a bunch of screaming, cursing, foul-mouthed Botox filled rich women?  I felt embarrassed and ashamed of myself watching the reunion episodes because I felt embarrassed for them and for myself for watching such low-life behavior from women. This is the sort of behavior that I expect from uneducated mob wives not from the wives of very wealthy and successful men or women who are successful in their own right. Women screaming 'fuck you' and vile words like 'cunt' and 'pussy' spilling out of their mouths so easily. They are loathsome, all of them. How low can any of them sink without feeling regret that they have sunk so low?

    • Love 7
  13. The problem as I see it is that Brandi tells the truth as she sees it, and her truth is fucked up. The best example is the whole space cake thing. She believes that Kyle is a hypocrite for not wanting to partake on camera, even though Brandi didn't want to partake on camera either. Kyle would only have been a hypocrite if she had been judgmental about the other ladies doing it. If she had been saying things like "I just think it is wrong and I would never do it", all the while actually doing it at other times, then she is a hypocrite. She wasn't doing that. She is no more a hypocrite in that situation than Brandi was for having her own legitimate reasons for not doing it on camera. The ironic thing is, Brandi is a hypocrite for talking about Kyle. Brandi didn't want indulge because of the way it might potentially make her look on camera. Kyle did the same. By saying that Kyle is wrong to do that, then actually doing it herself, Brandi is a hypocrite.


    Brandi needs to stop using words she doesn't understand, like hypocrite, vindicate, or smoking gun. Stick to fuckety, fuck, fuck. 

    I don't believe that it was just a case of Kyle not wanting to eat some of the space cake on camera, it was the way that Kyle made it seem like she has never used pot and never would. Kyle always tries to make herself look beyond reproach when it comes to things that are not "socially" correct or that may have some improprieties associated with them. Brandi took the high road on that one. She was clear that she has no problem at all using weed in any form (although she did add that it's not her drug of choice) Brandi is the last person on earth to care about how she looks on camera. This was clearly a more serious issue for her. She was clear that the reason she didn't is that she absolutely could not do it on camera because of the custody battle she and Eddie were in the midst of at that particular time. Brandi is smart enough to know that her high-jinx on camera might result in her losing custody of her children. Kyle on the other hand, protested on a different basis. She attempted to make it appear that she's too good of a mother to use any drugs at any time and it's a fact that she had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.

    • Love 3
  14. I can't look at this reunion and put anything into perspective at all. It was such a mangled mess of talking over each other, accusations, crying and lies and it's nearly impossible to make sense of any of it. They're all manipulating, lying, desperate woman.


    Bravo broke the first commandment of reality television when they contracted two sisters to be on the same reality show. Of course, their narcissism and need for attention compelled both Kyle and Kim to agree to the participation. Bad idea all around. A sister relationship might survive being cast together in a sitcom or regular weekly series, but definitely not on a reality show. If they had issues before Real Housewives, those would issues would certainly be exacerbated and many new issues would erupt. Pairing up sisters in the same reality show works about as well as putting more of the husbands in the show. (We see how that worked for Russell and Taylor, Adrienne and Paul) It's a deadly relationship cocktail for any family members to appear together in a reality show. I wouldn't be surprised if  Kathy Hilton had been approached to join the cast and refused.


    Kim is basically an emotionally shattered person and needs to be off this show and go away and heal. Yet in her wild, crazy and fantastical mind, she does show some logic. Kyle has sung the mantra of a devoted and caring sister to Kim, but she hasn't figured out yet that she and Kim need to work things out off camera with a therapist in order to avoid the on-screen confrontations and veiled threats towards each other.

    My opinion of Lisa Rinna remains unchanged. I believe she, above all, has the tools and talent needed to do whatever she wants to do but present it in a way that she's the victim and blameless. She's the one that I would be wary of if I was one of the cast, and would watch my back when around Lisa. She's like that little piece of adorned cake that says 'eat me' but it's laced with poison.


    I missed Yolanda being there because she's the one woman in the bunch that I can really take seriously. She's impartial, level-headed and doesn't let her emotions control her mouth. Her words are weighed and measured carefully.


    Brandi Glanville in my opinion rings the bell for me for just being truthful and making sense. OMG I actually typed that! I never thought in a million years that I'd have the opinion that Brandi is raw but honest and tells it exactly as she sees it. At least she seems has the desire to get to the truth and heart of the matter.


    Eileen Davidson and Lisa Vanderpump are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem so they fly under the radar for most of the time. The others would rather have negative image projecting than none at all.


    Bonus image: Bethany Frankel and Kyle Richards.


    • Love 1
  15. I guess every time Dr. Logan goes on and on and on about how instant physical attraction isn't everything, people should listen as it does seem like Davina/Sean flamed out and Jaclyn/Ryan did a slow burn to happiness.  


    There was a blog I read last week where the person posted some pictures of Davina from social media that were taken sometime this winter--after the January reveal date but before the show started airing and she was on a trip with friends and no Sean and no wedding ring.  I'll see if I can find the link if others want to read it too.

    This wouldn't shock me to find out that Davina and Sean went their separate ways. I think if that happened that Sean dodged a bullet. Davina is probably the most overly dramatic, needy, and high maintenance woman I've seen out of all the brides of both episodes.

    • Love 1
  16. I've only seen this honeymoon episode a few minutes ago for the first time. I just can't get over how immature Davina is. I think she wants the perfect movie-theater love story.  Life ain't like that lady, so put on your big girl pants and start behaving like a mature adult woman. If this couple remains married, then this guy Sean is going to have to deal with a very high maintenance woman. Don't men get a little tired of that maintenance after a while? Davina doesn't know the first thing about being a giving, understanding wife.

    • Love 2
  17. Here's a quick refresher of the terminology we've heard over the last few episodes;


    Histrionics: Behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion; dramatics; operatics

    Gaslighting: A form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.

    Projecting: A person defends themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude


    This is a list of the top one-hundred personality disorder traits. I found it interesting because any one of the RHOBH meets the criteria for most of the 100.



    • Love 6
  18. Ratings Time!


    BH tops all and NYC not so much



    I find it quite interesting that the #1 and #2 most watched cable shows are actually diametrically opposed to each other. One is all booze, sex, excess, and wealth flaunting. The other is don't touch, don't kiss, wear a dress when you swim, and have lots of babies. Isn't that weird that there's nothing in the middle that comes close to normality?

    • Love 4
  19. I'm not liking any of these women. I want them all to go and have Bravo do a clean sweep and start fresh with 7 new Beverly Hills rich again women whose careers might need a jump-start. Look at Lisa Rinna, she made the choice to be on the show to get her sagging career bumped up. Now she's doing multiple television shows. She's co-hosting on Access Hollywood, she's doing more commercials and guest appearances than she has in many years. I used to like her in the first few episodes, I don't anymore. Brandi is right. At the 2nd installment of the reunion, they all looked like a pack of desperate, aging, rich, nasty, ambitious wenches.


    I don't want to ever see Camille, Taylor, Charlton, Joyce or Adrienne ever again. There shouldn't be any necessity to recycle a housewife. We just didn't care enough about them then, and still don't. (the viewers have voted)  I'd like to see a whole new batch of housewives and I nominate Kathy Hilton, Faye Resnick, Meg Ryan, Sharon Osborne, and maybe Demi Moore. Now THAT would be an interesting collections of bitchy women.


    I hear she does magic now.

    Adrienne could have magically appeared falling out of that creepy Prince of Denmak's ass and hardly anyone would turn an eye to watch that.

    • Love 3
  20. I don't follow the show regularly and have only seen a few episodes. Jessa's wedding is the second Duggar girl wedding that I watched. I saw the wedding of the other sister (don't know her name) to the tall goofy looking guy. I heard that after one month of marriage, she announced that she's pregnant. No surprise really.


    Watching these weddings I truthfully felt about as uncomfortable as a hooker in church. It dawned on me finally that these people are actually REAL people, and I don't know if that was a good or bad realization. On one hand it's great that there's a woman out there in Arkansas that's willing and financially able to bear 19 children. On the other hand, my awareness of world hunger, poverty and disease makes me want to crucify them both for their irresponsibility. On the other-other hand, I applaud that they are "Christian" folk and follow what they believe to be the word of God.


    I can't help but hope that their real marriages are truly as sublime and complete as they assume they will be. Innocence and trust are good virtues to have as long as you can live your life in a glass bubble of a town of 2,000 inhabitants and never have to venture outside that little microcosm that they've been raised in. Insulation from the outside world helps maintain the point of view that if you put your lives in the hands of the Lord, everything will be fine.


    I felt a twang of sympathy for both Jessa and Benjamin (Bengerman and Jesser as the minister pronounced their names)  Jessa must have practiced her first kisses because she tilted her head WAYYYY to one side like they used to do in movies in the 'olden days' and Ben looked like he didn't know what to do except to have good breath and keep his lips tightly together. I almost felt embarrassed thinking about their honeymoon night. I think that sex will feel very awkward to them both for a very long time. I left that episode just shaking my head.

    • Love 3
  21. This season of RHOBH has been so full of raw hated, resentments, foul language and sincere dislike for each other that I wonder how in the world this same over-the-hill gang can go on another season together?  Eventually, something will happen that is going to destroy someone's life for real, and if that happens then TV-land is an accomplice to that by supporting it by watching each week. Yep, I'm among the guilty ones that does, but we're seeing that being in this show is starting to corrupt their personal lives. Do they wonder if the decision to be in this show in order to show off how wealthy and beautiful they are might just be the thing that destroys their credibility as human beings or in a worse case scenario their own relationships with their families?


    • Love 5
  22. Maybe Yolanda is the one who told Brandi that Mohammed said Joanna Krupa has smelly lady parts.  LOL

    And on this topic...............

    "TMZ reports that Joanna has slapped Brandi with a slander and defamation lawsuit citing emotional distress stemming from several times Brandi said in the media and on twitter that Joanna’s vagina smelled and also accusing her of breaking up Yolanda Foster‘s marriage to Mohamed Hadid by having an affair."  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/01/22/joanna-krupa-sues-brandi-glanville-slander-defamation/


    So, BAM! Brandi, take that 'biotch', you're finding out the hard way that your unfiltered, foul mouth will wind up getting more than someone's penis in it. This is probably the first of many lawsuits that will ultimately fall on you for saying shit about people whose careers are damaged by your words.

    • Love 3
  23. Ah, how could I forget that?


    And then sat there at the head of table for all the world like a naughty little toddler caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar as Ms. Dubois systemically verbally attacked the other women at the table.


    Yeah, I'd absolutely love a season 1 Camille back.  That Dinner from Hell was pure gold.  


    Such a difference between season 1 Camille's vile behavior and that of Brandi and Kim.  I loved to hate on Camille and snark on her antics.  


    Brandi and Kim, not so much.  

    I'm one that absolutely doesn't want to see any more of Camille for at least a dozen reasons. I'll just give two. I don't like her face or her expressions. Let me go a step further since I woke up feeling a little more snarky than usual. (I need coffee), I think they all looked like 'old hags' as Brandi put it. Believe me, I'm far older than all those broads, but with the greasy faces, blackened eyes, and wrinkly necks, they looked as though they put on their makeup with a trowel instead of a brush. Kyle looked especially bad to me. She looked older than usual, her straight hair was not flattering and it was a hideous two-tone, she looked absolutely emaciated and her face was so stern and hard that she appears to have aged 10 years since the final episode. Yolanda, who is supposed to be so sick with Lyme disease actually looked the healthiest of all of them. Lisa Rinna, Kim and Kyle Richards, and Lisa Vanderpump all looked just awful. Brandi looked like she aged 10 years also but her face looked more swollen and distorted than ever.


    Will they ever come to their senses and realize that they can't look like they're in their 20's anymore simply by being thin, dying their hair and plastering on makeup? The fountain of youth worm turns eventually and they start looking like caricatures of their former selves. I'm having brain flashes now of the old movie with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, 'What Ever Happened to Baby Jane'. I wish this 'over-the-hill' gang would realize that by trying to look and act like you're still in your 20's just doesn't work any more once you approach the sixth decade of life.


    • Love 2
  24. Yeah, Yolanda kind of owned Brandi in their exchanges, especially in regard to Bella, "I knew exactly what she was doing, trying to divert [the conversation], and I wouldn't go there."

    Speaking of Bella and Gigi...

    Yolanda is proud of her two model daughters, and she boasts frequently and rightly so. They are both earning big paychecks working for the giants in the fashion industry. When we were given some views of both Bella's and Gigi Hadid, I could see that the apartments they were settled in to begin their careers in New York were apartments that cost between $5,000 to $8,000 a month (or more). Nice setup for two young women.


    Yes, they are both beautiful and have both made it to the 'big time' in the modeling world. Something to be proud of certainly. But if these two young women were not born into tremendous wealth and influence, what would the odds be of them getting as far as they have?  Really, there's thousands of beautiful young women with aspirations of being a top model. The only thing they lack is the money to get them there. Yolanda can be proud, not only of them, but of herself for being the vehicle from which they were able to achieve their fame.

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