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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I've watched Fashion Police from beginning to end maybe two times. I found it to be nothing but un-funny, snarky jokes and general bitchiness, the worst coming from Joan Rivers who I have found distasteful for the last 20 years. Even knowing that Melissa is one of the executive producers is enough reason never to watch this shallow show. I can't stand Melissa Rivers and never could. I enjoyed watching her dramatic meltdown on the Celebrity Apprentice. I laughed so hard watching her stomp around angrily in her big black boot.


    The only person that I could actually tolerate for more than five minutes on that dreadful show was Kelly Osbourne. When I heard Kathy Griffin was joining the snark pack, I knew that I would NEVER watch the show again, she's just plain obnoxious.


    This show could have had some redeeming qualities if it didn't sink so lowdown and dirty. With the right people, it could actually have been something halfway good.

    • Love 2
  2. I just don't believe that Kim has been sober for 3 years. And she definitely wasn't during this season since by her own admission she took medication that wasn't prescribed to her. 

    There was a lot of speculation about what Brandi meant when she said that Kim was using a patch for her hernia. Is it possible it was a lidocaine patch?

    If she has access to Monty's medications, I would guess that the patch she used was Duragesic which is a narcotic frequently prescribed to manage long term pain. It's the type of pain management for someone with cancer that has become tolerant to the effects of other pain medications. It's just a guess, but that would be mine.

    • Love 1
  3. This is my final comment on this episode, I promise.


    It was the scene where they were all seated eating and it was Brandi who suggested they all go around the table and say something nice about each other. One by one they offered up moving and emotional nice things to each other. Except Brandi couldn't do that. She gave compliments on their looks. As she said ""their insides aren't as pretty as their outsides and I couldn't find anything good to say about them". But when it came to Kim, she said something moving and from the heart; "you're just a ray of sunshine, all fucked up and I love every second of it, you know? You and I were not supposed to be friends, and we're friends for some fucked up reason. I think you're beautiful and you have a great future".


    When it came to the point when others had to say something nice about Brandi, she called off the game, she didn't want to hear because she knew they'd be lying to her face if they said anything nice. As Yolanda observed. "If you can't hear someone say something beautiful about yourself, maybe you don't feel worthy of that."

    • Love 3
  4. I felt that Eileen got the worse of the deal in this episode. She basically backed up Lisa Rinna against Kim. She and Kim had some hateful words together. As she told Kyle after their museum trip, Lisa Rinna was adamant she swore she would never again speak to Kim and she thought that Lisa Rinna should have included herself and Kyle when she did speak to Kim. "as it is now, Kyle and I are on the outs". She's right about this. LisaR left her high and dry and saved herself. Lisa Rinna is out for herself and even Eileen, who had her back with Kim, wasn't more important. She delicately brought that up to LisaR. Lisa gave her a big bullshit runaround excuse that confused Eileen and was contrary to what Lisa Rinna said about Kim just the night before.


    Eileen told Lisa "I had your back" to which Lisa replies 'but I have YOUR back'. Lisa Rinna is not a person that can be trusted. She's out totally for herself and how she looks to everyone.. Eileen has learned a hard lesson.




    Sorry, I just read all that I typed and it sounded a little like gobblygook. Point is, Eileen was thrown under the bus.

    • Love 4
  5. I found the whole laughing and giggling in the sex shop fake and forced. There were acting like teenagers that have never seen a dildo or nipple pasties before. These women have seen and done it ALL They aren't uninformed, innocent 16 year old girls. The playing with the dildos and sexy bras and other objects and laughing about it all was almost embarrassingly phony. Wasn't there another episode in previous years where they were all giggling over dildos, glass ones? I'll bet each of those women have a drawer filled with assorted sex toys. Please, don't insult our intelligence by play-acting over the frivolous things in the lingerie shop. I almost thought the four of them who were screaming maniacs just the night before, were going to break out in unison singing Kumbaya as they all held hands and swayed.

    • Love 2
  6. I actually thought it was pretty comical because I don't believe any of this stuff is real. Now Lisa and Kristen have something in common. This is the kind of stuff that Bravo is made of.






    Beverly Hills doesn't have a patent on the on-screen fighting, Atlanta holds up their end



    Tune in next week, 'See What Crappens Next'

    • Love 5
  7. One good thing about this episode I got to see a brief glimpse of one of my favorite paintings.. Vermeer's Milkmaid.




    I was especially unimpressed with the comments made by Kyle during the 'cultural' visit to the Rembrandt museum. She had nothing to offer other than low-brow comments throughout their tour of the museum. "wow imagine being able to paint a shadow like that" and "I think even I can paint a bird better".  It was obvious that culture and history have no significance for Kyle. I'm sure she wished she was shopping for dildos with the others instead of staring at old paintings of dead people.

    • Love 10
  8. There's two separate camps within the Beverly Hills housewives Bravo circle. First, there's the few that have something to lose if they lose fan appreciation, and camp two that have nothing at all to lose.
    Camp One
    There's Kyle who's married to Mauricio Umansky, one of the most successful realtors in California. Lisa Vanderpump married to Ken Todd, a renowned restauranteur. Lisa Rinna married to a long-time respected Hollywood actor, Harry Hamlin. Eileen Davidson married to Vince Van Patton who really hasn't done much on his own other than work as commentator for the World Poker Tour and had a semi-famous father. Lastly, Yolana Foster married to a highly successful producer/composer/songwriter, David Foster, who knows all the influential people in Hollywood. All these husbands are highly visible, have successful careers, maintain positive public images and do not want their names associated with hateful, vindictive nasty wives.
    Camp Two
    We have two women left. Kim Richards, a former child star who continues to attempt to ride her past fame as a child star into the present. Brandi Glanville who was a nobody until asked to do this show. Her only claim to fame was being married to an adulterous actor-husband Eddie. Kim and Brandi have absolutely nothing to lose by showing whatever behavior they want to on camera. I still feel there was something very bad that happened between Brandi and her father when she was a child. They were estranged until just last year when they reunited. The majority of people that follow this show have branded both of them as being unsavory, nasty, addictive personalities. Kim Richards and Brandi Glanville have no reason to hide their real selves or to be something they aren't. Both these women had earned the disdain and dislike of the audience long ago.
    The others have a lot to lose. Whichever way they're perceived by an audience is reflected right back to their husbands. Ken Todd, Mauricio Umansky, Harry Hamlin, Vince Van Patton and David Foster. Which one of these high profile husbands want their wives appearing to be despicable, desperate, nasty women? They want their wives to project understanding, empathy, restraint, 'good taste' and sensibilities. Brandi and Kim just don't have those influences on their behaviors. On the other side of that coin, who do Kim and Brandi have that would possibly be an influence in their behavior or to feel the repercussions over their actions?  Nobody.

    • Love 13
  9. For me, the only genuine portion of this episode was while they were on the boat 'playing the game' talking about what they admire about each other. I found that most comments about the other were disingenuous and for the most part pure bullshit (if there is pure bull shit). In one minute they want to rip out each others hearts and devour them (with wine of course), then in the next scene they're laying praise upon each other about their 'good hearts' and crap like that. When LisaR says to Kim, "II think you're a winner, I think you have a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul. You're a winner and I love you." I NEARLY THREW UP!! Yes, Brandi kept her remarks to external things like liking Lisa's breasts, or telling Kyle she really likes her hair, or that Lisa R has nice eyes, she was only doing what she said. She said she can only appreciate them for their outsides and not what's inside. She's being true to herself anyway, I have to give Brandi that. She can't make up a lot of sweet but false things to say.


    I thought Kyle is really starting to her age. Her dark eye makeup and red lips reminded me of the faded screen star Norma Desmond. She just looked older than she usually does, maybe it was the lighting or her severe makeup.




    And the slap to Lisa V's face.......that's just more Brandi fucknuttery. She's insane and need therapy. I must say that for a brief second, I sort of snickered a little inside. Lisa V has always seemed like an untouchable ice queen It's satisfying in an evil way to see her knocked off her perfect pedestal just for a moment. The ever present composure was rattled.

    • Love 1
  10. I wish the hell I wasn't so old because I'd be curious to see in 40 years if Kim and Kanye are still together and what they'll look like. Will there be a sneaker shoe line called 'Yeezer's for Geezers'?  Will they be walking with Swarovski crystal encrusted tips on their walkers? Will Kim's butt be behind her knees instead of below her back? Will her boobs sag below her hemline? Oh all these things will forever be a mystery to me since I'll be long dead and dusty.


    Oh one last thing. I know that auto-tune is necessary for Kanye because although he can carry a note, he has no vibrato in his voice. My sister and I used to go underwater together holding hands and face to face. We would then laugh and talk to each other saying words, and it sounded exactly like that.

    • Love 1
  11. LisaV explained in her TH that she learn the hard way not to question Kim, Paris, regarding her sobriety even when evidence/facts show otherwise.

    Kyle should just be honest and admit to Kim that she has not been a presence there to defend or support her. If she's not there to confront, doubt or question Kim face to face, then she's not being supportive as she professes she is. If she doesn't want the job, or if she's burned out from continually watching Kim say one thing then do the other, then she should just bow out and say "I'm done" and stop proclaiming to be a supportive sister. Kyle can't be only half of what a sister should be. It's either all or nothing when it comes to supporting an addict.

    • Love 1
  12. If you remember Lisa R and Lisa V were driving together somewhere together and Lisa R said "we should do something, Kim needs an intervention or something" and Lisa V said 'we can't do that, we don't even know".  Lisa Vanderpump is smart, she chooses to err on the side of caution rather than jump headfirst into assumptions and attempting to control a situation that she has no business trying to control.


    That's just one instance where LisaR was overstepping boundaries. Again, on the plane. Kyle was right there, two feet away. She did exactly as Kim said, she lifted up her blanket and hid behind it silently. Then again, at dinner. She sat there with wide-eyed but silent astonishment when Lisa brought it up yet AGAIN about getting into Kim's business. And yes, her looks and how she presents herself by her extensive concerns about her own appearance in front of the camera overshadows by far her concerns about her sister. Even before going to the hash-house she was so involved in how she looked and what she wore that she gave no thought at all to the fact that Kim wasn't going or why she wasn't going. The fact that Kim wasn't going wouldn't have been a surprise if she was indeed the dutiful, loyal and concerned sister she professes to be for Kim.

    • Love 1
  13. It's clear that  they're all egotists to varying degrees of intensity. I think Kyle's immense ego borders on true narcissistic self-love than simply egotism. Her super ego is an addiction. She thinks the world revolves around her. She seems to feel that everything bad that happens to Kim is happening to her and everything good was meant for her. Kyle's ego traps her into selfishness where clothes, money, esteem, pity, fear and conceit rules her life.


    Kim was absolutely right when she told Kyle at the dinner that she wasn't there for her. Kyle shrunk away from standing up for her in the plane with LisaR and again at the dinner when Lisa brought it up yet AGAIN. Kyle has allowed her narcissistic self-love to rule her decisions and in the end, she's making some very bad choices.

    • Love 2
  14. I don't watch this religiously, I catch the show if I happen to be surfing and spot it. My initial impressions haven't changed since the first 3 shows. Jamie shows too much teeth. Who talks like that, really? I never saw anyone who shows all their teeth while just speaking normally.


    Jason still seems immature to me. I don't think he had much dating experience prior to this show. He probably spent a lot of time at home with his mother during her illness. Cortney just blows me away normally with the amount of makeup she wears for daytime, but when I saw the Las Vegas episode I nearly gasped. She looked like a performer in one of the off-strip shows, like a magician's assistant. She must have used a trowel and paintbrush to get all that on her face. Does she go to Lowe's or Home Depot for her eye makeup or the cosmetics dept. in Walmart? I'm a little tired of her hormonal self-pity. "boo-hoo, poor me". I get disgusted at the immaturity of all that.


    And Monet, well who cares that she was contracted for a season and has to date for the cameras. That's not new or interesting at all.


    Doug, now there's a topic. He's goofy, he has a funny mouth twitch when he talks and dammit, fix your hair Doug and get those damned moles taken off your face.


    I will not bother even watching the new round of paid-to-marry newbies. They all look boring in the promos for the show. Scratch that show off my list of things to watch.


    That suite in Planet Hollywood cost at least $900 each night. Cortney said her friends helped with the expense of the room, but they had to pay for their own rooms too because there's only one bed in that suite. I'm sure Bravo picked up the tab, not the friends.

    • Love 2
  15. Not really though.  This season Kim had two weddings going on or being planned, and Monty dying, hell she even got her roll on Revenge. 


    Lipsa had a trip to Medford to see parents she hasn't bothered to visit in years, some lame "charity" thing in her backyard, and...Kim.


    I've never been a fan of Kim's either, I didn't watch any of her shows, never saw a single movie or guest star roll, except this year, with Revenge.  I don't like her.  I think the Richard sisters are immature mean girls from hell sober.  She makes me sick in many ways, especially the whole dog horror.


    That doesn't stop me from seeing that this entire season, and Lipsa's only real storyline, has been about Kim's sobriety.  I not only find that detestable, I find it boring as hell.

    I totally agree with all of this. Basically, we're intrigued with a group of rich, vapid, shallow women who are more concerned about which accessories to wear to a luncheon than what's happening in the real world. It's a different life arena they reside it, and that's why we watch them. It's almost like going to a zoo to see exotic animals that you we don't see walking the street where we live, or work where we work, or shop where we shop. They're all self-consumed creatures that wouldn't survive a night without falling to sleep planning their next shopping trip to Rodeo Drive, or wondering what color flowers to adorn their luncheon table with. We wonder how we'll afford to pay to have a root canal on a painful tooth and they think nothing of spending thousands to rearrange their lips.


    The bottom line here, and the real fact is that we want to see them fail at something. We to see something green stuck on their teeth. We feel good when one of them runs around doing a Rodeo Drive scavenger hunt and gets perspiration stains under her arms. We want to know they breath the same air, unscented, and have the same dry heels.We want to know they're the same damned race anyway, human.

    • Love 10
  16. Dear ub40fan,


    I haven't been here long, but know that your posts are very much appreciated.   Will be saying prayers for you and will ask my forum to also say prayers.


    Looking forward to complaining about those reality HW with you soon!






    She saw this and I'm sure it comforted her greatly before her surgery. Nice thoughts.

    • Love 2
  17. I hate to say it but I was never a Lisa Rinna fan in the past. She's been around the business for a very long time and now that she's getting to be 'a little long in the tooth', as the expression goes, I feel she's game for just about anything that will keep her career moving. In the beginning of her joining this show, I was pleased with her sense of humor and fun attitude and liked her. But I can already sense that I'm not going to be a huge fan of hers in the next season.because I've already fallen out of 'like' for her. I find her and Eileen both to be just two more actors paid by Bravo to do what they have done all their lives, act. I see Lisa Rinna as the girl in high school that had a bubbly personality and was probably a cheerleader. As an adult, I can see that she needs to be liked, more than anything else. That's okay too. What I really do not like is pretending to be what you really aren't just to ingratiate yourself with people. It's transparent, and I'm starting to see that in Lisa Rinna. I know I'll get backlash of opinion for this and maybe I'm all wrong about Lisa R but I'm not firmly planted in the Lisa fan club yet.

    • Love 4
  18. Since Kathy appreciated Bob Dylan, I'm sending Kathy's family this in her honor.



    "Death Is Not The End"

    When you're sad and when you're lonely
    And you haven't got a friend
    Just remember that death is not the end
    And all that you held sacred
    Falls down and does not bend
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    Not the end, not the end
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    When you're standing on the cross-roads
    That you cannot comprehend
    Just remember that death is not the end
    And all your dreams have vanished
    And you don't know what's up the bend
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    Not the end, not the end
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    When the storm clouds gather round you
    And heavy rains descend
    Just remember that death is not the end
    And there's nowhere there to comfort you
    With helping hand to lend
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    Not the end, not the end
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    Oh the tree of life is growing
    Where the spirit never dies
    And the bright light of salvation
    Shines in dark and empty skies
    When the cities are on fire
    When the burning flesh of men
    Just remember that death is not the end

    And you search in vain to find
    Just one law abiding citizen
    Just remember that death is not the end.

    Not the end, not the end
    Just remember that death is not the end.



    • Love 12
  19. 3d7d1601e.jpg

    While browsing photos of Kim Richards, I came across this picture taken of Kim Richards at the first reunion in 2011. Kyle had called her sister an alcoholic in the season finale. At the close of finale, a banner on the screen announced that Kim had been checked into rehab by her family. A week later, she checked herself out. This is her at that reunion episode,  



    Here it is, 2015 and Kim Richards truly IS the worse for wear. Her addictions have taken a toll on her appearance.


  20. Re the pot café:


    I live in a legal-marijuana state. Going into a retail pot store for the first time was a weird, unsettling, thrilling experience for me, a 50-something whitebread suburban mom. I totally get why they were acting goofy. You've been told your whole entire life that it's criminal, bad, dangerous, lowlife, etc (and any usage must be on the downlow) and *suddenly* you're in a situation where that exact same product is totally legit and aboveboard and public and it's use is NBD. It's a real disconnect. A 180. My first time at the pot outlet I was both giddy and nervous as hell. So I get it.

    Of course they aren't whitebread suburban moms but they never were. They're part of a society that indulges in things like pot. This wasn't a 'first' for any of them. The giddiness that night was pretense for the sake of the cameras and their kids. They wouldn't like anyone knowing they've all used pot at least once before, which I could bet my new boots they all have. Brandi knew that and she was amused by their transparent attempts at feigning innocence as to the ways marijuana is used.

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