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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Moist ugh!!! That's def on my list!


    I love Lisa R but I don't believe that her child was "mortified" for the chub-chub comment. Word to whoever upthread mentioned she should change her hair. Can you imagine her with Kyle locks or a Yo bob?


    Brandi is so cheap and disgusting. When Andy compared The Slap to playing with a dog and it going a step too far, her immediate reaction was a nasty "F-you." It takes a lot for me to say that to someone's face, let alone say it to the producer of the show that pays me to appear on it, on national TV.  She doesn't give a crap about anything and she acts like this is some kind of admirable trait.


    She's really holding on for dear life to "you pushed my arm" eh?

    Brandi is defensive and is accustomed to people only saying negative comments about her uncensored mouth, so when Andy made that comment, her mind immediately thought it was a negative thing against her and she didn't take the time to process in her mind exactly what he was trying to express. Anyone in the vicinity of Brandi shouldn't use analogies or any words with more than six letters because her mind just can't process it.

    • Love 4
  2. I worked at a women's imaging center and mammograms and other breast imaging studies constituted a great portion of their services.


    We had a woman who had come in with a questionable mass in her breast.  She came in for her biopsy and was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was recommended she have surgical resection followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy and odds were she would have a full recovery since it had been caught early.


    She decided instead to go the holistic route.  She came in every 6 months for her followup imaging, and the mass kept getting larger with each visit.  No amount of explaining to her that she was running out of time and needed to take definitive action changed her mind.  She was determined to handle it through diet and herbal remedies.


    At her last visit, one of the technicians came into my office teary-eyed and saying she wished the patient would stop coming in even for followup because it was breaking her heart to see her slowly dying and yet still refusing conventional medical treatment and saying she just needed to increase her supplements and cut other things out of her diet and she would be fine.


    My contract there ended shortly thereafter, so I don't know the eventual outcome of that patient's case...I've got a pretty damned good idea, though.


    I bring this up because, when I hear about what Yolanda is doing with the "guinea pig" types of treatments all over the world, I always think of this patient and how she essentially was killing herself with her decision to explore other methods of treatment rather than following the advice of the physicians treating her.


    I'm all for people trying alternative methods of healing but, when those prove ineffective or the disease progresses whilst undergoing said alternative treatments, it's time to quickly reassess the situation and seriously consider changing treatment paths.  


    I hope for Yolanda's sake that she isn't losing precious time by traveling all over the world to try these experimental/unproven treatments.

    I feel that Yolanda is reaching out to anyone that offers her a way to go back to exactly what and who she was prior to her Lyme Disease diagnosis. In my opinion, she's chasing shadows and ghosts because someone that has Lyme disease will never be exactly the same as they once were. Yolanda is a 'woman of means' and can easily afford to travel anywhere in the world where there's an alternative treatment that can't be done in the USA because those experimental treatments also have unknown risks and don't have FDA approvals. But Yolanda should also realize that despite all the claims for cure or miracle treatment, the USA probably has the best medical services available in the world. If there's any correlation between the experimental treatment she received in Korea or Mexico and the recent increased loss of concentration, fatigue and memory retention, nobody could know.


    I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2001. I felt my personality changing. I was short-tempered and irritable. Then I became more outgoing and talkative, losing track of time and my ability to concentrate at work. My short-term memory is shoddy at best. A quick treatment of antibiotics appeared to have cleared up some of those problems. Lyme disease itself isn't the problem, it's the other ailments like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia and even the way that our bodies react to a simple infection long after the infection has been resolved is what becomes the thrust of the frustration factor.

    • Love 10
  3. Heh. I must admit I come from a country (or perhaps a generation) where the use of 'cunt' is a LOT more liberal than it apparently is in the US. It just doesn't carry the same level of offense and outrage in the UK and Australia as it clearly does in America; in fact phrases like 'mad cunt' or 'sick cunt' are actually compliments/terms of endearment, lmao! Must just be a cultural thing! Personally I like the word a lot, but I tend to use it in self-deprecating or sarcastic ways (or in the aforementioned complimentary way); I don't think I've used it in the middle of an argument, I've certainly never used it for shock value, and I'm always careful about the company I use it in (for example I'd never use it in the US, I've learned first hand that Americans can be quite perplexed by its casual usage!)


    This said, I must say this: Brandi is a cunt. And a pathological liar, too. It's always the ones who wax poetic about how "honest" and "real" they are who end up talking the most shit.

    All the nasty name calling is just a self-defense mechanism for someone that's ill-prepared to defend their position in a rational way. When someone like Brandi begins the name calling, it's because she just doesn't have the maturity or intelligence to make a proper and rational argument. Since she can't, the only recourse is using profanity and vile ghetto words to insult.

    (take that bitch, I can't rationally argue my point because I'm lying about it, so I'll curse you the hell out and make you stop in your tracks with a disgusted look on your face.) That effectively puts an end to the attack on her. She knows when she's losing an argument so she throws the vile words out hoping it will put an end to it. That's always Brandi's last ditch effort at deflecting any attacks aimed at her.

    • Love 18
  4. I watched the pilot on demand and really enjoyed it but i won't give away any Sutton Foster has some really great expressive eyes. I wasn't certain I'd like Debi  Mazar as her lesbian best friend but I liked her character very much. Sutton Foster and Nico Tortorella were live on Today New York this morning, he had bright green hair. For some reason, I didn't like him that much during this live TV interview, he seemed a little immature. Nor did I become instantly comfortable with his character on the series either. Hilary Duff co-stars and is believable as a super-ambitious working girl in her 20's. The wide age-range of the actors provides some humerous moments that does a good job at illustrating the generation gap between 26 and 40.


    There's some very funny situations and lines. I'll watch the premiere tonight but I don't know how long they can carry on with this scenario and still make it believable and funny.

  5. I'm not sure what he's got but I want me some!!  His instagram KILLS me.  Especially when he's on vacation with Shiva and all the kids.  One thing about the guy, he loves his kids and grandkids fiercely.  These people know how to live and laugh and some of the pictures are so damn loving and gorgeous I want to cry.   


    If you look at his account, look at the picture of Anwar on the sidelines in his football jersey.  The kid is going to be a ridiculously good looking man.


    I just wanted to post a photo of Yo & Mo on their wedding day. Yolanda was gorgeous and Mohammed hadn't gotten creepy yet.


    • Love 14

    Kris Jenner is getting old as others have said, but this is a woman that will never give in to 'old age'. She does have a 'wanky eye'. I've noticed that in a few photos. It must be from the botox.

    I can guarantee that she's sworn to never look like her sister.



  7. What if Kris went back to Kris Kardashian and Bruce changed his name to Kris.....Kris Jenner?

    The messed up thing is that she divorced both those men. If she wants a change then maybe she should go back to her maiden name 'Houghton'. She's not a Kardashian and she's not a Jenner. But "Kris Jenner" sort of rolls off the tongue smoother than Houghton. I don't believe she'll change her name, nobody would know who she was anymore if she did.

  8. I'm back!  I have two permanent issues (one spine injury related, one illness related) which get a little draining, these last couple weeks were a little rough, but thanks to everyone!


    EW! My mind connected those words in a creepy kind of way. I sure hope that's not what's draining. I hope you get out of your slump and perk up.


    • Love 7
  9. Haven't been posting as much, but I've been liking the heck out of a lot of my fellow PTV'er's posts, but I'll be taking a little break off PTV, and my other forum addictions, to deal with some health issues.


    Keep up the snark all!

    Spring flowers always perk me up so I'm sending you some Cherry Blossoms. Get well soon.



    • Love 5
  10. I know counseling helps, especially behavioral counseling. But Kim and Kyle will never attend counseling if they think their behavior is appropriate. They would be better served by friends who tell them their actions are unacceptable. They're what, in their 40s? They can't keep blaming mommy for their actions. They're grown ass women who need to take responsibility.

    Isn't there a point in everyone's lives when they put on their big girl pants and say "I'm a grownup, I am responsible for me" ? Usually that happens between the age of 18-22 for women. These are middle-aged women and there's no reason whatsoever that one should be responsible for the other. Whatever either of them promised their mother, the statute of limitations has expired long ago. What is it that creates the lifelong obligation to watch over a sibling? Really, they are grown ups and have their own lives and should live their lives as they choose. Kim and Kyle should realize that they aren't living for each other, they are living for themselves and for their own families. Truthfully, I'm really sick and tired of the see-saw back and forth, the ups and downs, and the extremes of this sister relationship.

    • Love 5
  11. I think that some of the deeper problems between the two sisters is coming from sources outside of Kim's addiction and sobriety. Bravo focuses a lot on the successes of Mauricio and Kyle and their ideal family. Kim doesn't have an ideal family to focus on. She has a son that has some serious mental issues and she lives with an ex-husband that's dying of cancer. Bravo certainly can't make anything good out of either of those situations in Kim's life.


    There's also some sibling rivalries that are obvious stemming from the sale of the Palm Springs home that belonged to their mother. There may be a ton of baggage these two sisters have between them, things that have driven a wedge between them deeper than anyone realizes.

    • Love 6
  12. Kendall Jenner for  Chanel Haute Couture in Paris, France - (July 8, 2014)






    Kendall Jenner for  Chanel Haute Couture in Paris, France - (July 8, 2014)










    It's Haute Couture that nobody really wears (do they?) and it all looks stupid to me, especially that rooster hairdo.

    • Love 2
  13. To Persnikety1 and Prettybird, You're both strong women that have a great amount of fortitude and strength. That's obvious in your comments. You're both on a very challenging road right now, but you're doing a great job of traveling that road. Most of us have someone in our lives that are close and have been affected by cancer or strokes so we're well aware of how much strength and resolve it takes to 'pass on through' these phases and move forward towards healing. We'll all be here to share our funny thoughts and silly stories with you. You'll have good weeks and bad, but no matter which it is, remember we're all going through this life with the same worries and hopes. We'll keep you both in our thoughts.

    • Love 9
  14. I don't get all the Camille love. If Kelsey never humiliated her by dumping her so publicly, she would still be the same entitled, snob that she was before. I don't want to see her back, that goes for Adrienne also. Andy was so pissed off at her for not showing up at her last reunion that he fired her, now she's showing up again and all is forgiven. Next thing you know, we'll be seeing Taylor again. 

    I also don't get all the Camille love. She was a snotty, smug, pretentious bitch when she was on the show. I don't think it would be an easy marriage to be married to either Kelsey or Camille. I don't want to see her again. She looked like a $20 hooker on Hollywood and Vine trying to turn a trick. Oh no no noooo, I don't want Camille to make a reappearance. The same goes for Adrienne Maloof. I don't like her face or her voice, both are annoying. People have spoken here about the possibility of Fay Resnick joining the cast and I think she would be great!  Faye always looks like there's something really stinky lurking right under her nose, she has 'that look' about her. But, Faye is relatively intelligent, crafty and well-spoken so I think she'd give all the others a real race for ratings.

    • Love 8
  15. A footnote about creepy Prince Mario-Max that Camille was face mashing with (ew). Bravo viewers are  being bamboozled as "Prince Max" is not a prince by birth. He was adopted by his stepfather, HD Prince Waldemar of Schaumburg-Lippe, a member of the princely family of Schaumburg-Lippe, whose head is Prince Alexander. Waldemar's adoption does not make Mario a serene highness or a member of the Princely family with succession rights.  In order for Mario to be a member of the princely family,  he would need to be Waldemar's legitimate son. He's not. He's  not a real prince, but he plays one on TV!  His last 'gig' on National television was a guest bachelor on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker. Bravo decided to recycle the 'Prince'.  It seems that Prince Mario-Max likes having his photo taken with rich, California women.



    I'm sending Brandi a box of these mass-produced rubber nipples. They can be worn either inside or outside a shirt, dress or sweater. If she wants to show her nips so much yet still be all warm and cozy and not leave her chest area exposed to the weather, she might consider wearing a pair these on the outside of her clothes.


    • Love 8
  16. Isn't Monty REMARRIED and wasn't that HIS WIFE who accompanied them to the party?!!??? 


    IIRC, the wife was introduced during their daughter's wedding.  Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    Monty isn't married. He was married twice. His last marriage was to Terri Lynn Doss  (1991 - 1994) (divorced) (2 children) His first and last love is Kim Richards  (1985 - 1988) (divorced) (1 child). Sad news about Monty. His lung cancer spread to his bones and brain. He won't live too much longer, so sad.

    • Love 11
  17. My brain is still spinning from the final episode. I almost slapped the television set. "she said that you said that I said that you said".... OMG!  Stop already, just stop!  Every crappy episode surrounding nobody but Kim lead up to a great big crappy finale. In my final analysis I have concluded that I don't like Kyle, she squeaks and cries way too much. I don't like Lisa Rinna because she's a pot-stirrer and her skin looks significantly worse in the final two episode than it had the entire season. I'm tired of Kim and her outbursts and big puppy-dog eyes looking all sad and stuff. I'm really tired of watching how the editors have to keep blurring out Brandi's nipples. (girl, that's grounds for arrest in my town) I'm tired of wishy-washy Eileen trying to put a word in edgewise just to be able to justify her paycheck. I'm sick of all the husbands, (as Brandi says 'shoo shoo'). I can still tolerate Yolanda because I hate her for her awesome body but at the same time I can admire it lustfully in a non-lesbian way.


    I saw a brief clip of the upcoming reunion and I can already see that they're all wearing way too much makeup, the skin on their necks looks like a chiffon scarf I have in my bottom drawer that's been there since I had my second child, and they all look as old as they really are but ridiculous looking because they think they look young and hot.  I'm old and I own it, I do my best not to scare young children but I don't try to pretend I'm not over the hill and, nobody looks at old people anyway.


    It was a frustrating final episode.I wanted to punch them all in the chest.



    • Love 10
  18. I was surfing channels and stopped at what was an apparent 'Duggarthon'. I haven't watched this series since it first aired in 2008. It freaks me out in so many different directions. I'll keep my comments to the four words that kept going around in my head as I watched Michelle snorkel in her dress. I found out that the website 'WholesomeWear.com' is a website that makes clothes for modest swimming. What the what??!



    • Love 3
  19. I see Kim as someone stuck in a perpetual revolving door. She enters that door because Bravo pays her to be visible and to air her problems on television in front of millions. She gets stuck in it because of the money and because of the public exposure she gets, which she needs. Which they ALL need obviously. Whether it's to boost a stagnant career like Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson, or whether it's just to be in the public eye for the excitement of it, it's all the same, it's their need.


    The needs of Kim's children have probably taken a back seat to the other projects she's trying to develop for her career. Brandi also relegates her kids to a back seat to her public exposure with the housewives and her appearances and podcast. It's inevitable that there's some dark clouds on the horizon for those children of Brandi's. If Kim was more concerned about herself and her children she would bow out of this reality show and focus on what's really important. But, being a Hollywood personality, that's probably not going to happen. Brandi might have the chance to circumvent all those problems that Kim is experiencing right now, but chances are she's not going to do that.

    Everyone has their priorities and some have their priorities misplaced.

    • Love 4
  20. I didn't know that.  In fact, I didn't even know countries had a national color.  Didn't Yolanda say her blue room in the hotel was so Dutch?  If I knew the Dutch had a color, I would have guessed it was blue.  

    Dutch soccer team, in orange of course


    • Love 1
  21. Why can't these ladies dress?!?!? Why oh why? Yo looks like she grabbed something from her old Snag A Rich Man collection. Kyle looks like she's about to star in The Craft 2: Still A Witch After All These Years. Kim needs a bra. Eileen looks insane. LisaV looks ok, but the shoes should never leave the strip club, man she loves herself some hooker heels.

    What's up with Kyle and all the stupid capes?  That's the third one on this trip that I've counted. LisaV dressed age-appropriately but yes she loves her hooker heels but I've heard her complain about her aching feet several times. Fashion over comfort I guess.

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