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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I thought David said in the interview that Heather and the other woman had mutual friends. I'm guessing that the other woman told her friends and one of them told Heather. It doesn't seem like either David or the other woman were being all that covert about the affair. They were going out in public together in what Shannon describes as their "small community" to places David would also take Shannon. I'm surprised they were able to keep the affair a secret from their spouses for so long. 


    Shannon and David's behavior is so unnatural and really off putting. I don't believe them when they say everything is wonderful. They may truly believe that but I don't think either of them knows what a good relationship looks or feels like. I feel sorry for their kids. 


    ETA: For the record I do think there are times that couples can come back together after one of them has an affair and even become stronger than they were before. It's not the norm, but it does happen. I just don't believe Shannon and David's relationship in its current state is healthy and at this point I doubt they ever had a healthy relationship.

    Although David and Shannon came from very different circumstances growing up, they have both come from broken homes. David is more of a self-made man having begun a construction company with his father in 1996. David basically earned his millions operating a construction business while Shannon was born into wealth. She lived in Newport Beach her entire life. Her maternal grandfather was the president of the boutique department store I Magnun. As Shannon said, David was not really accustomed to working with and near women most of his life. The 'small community' isn't really small, it's the 3rd most populous county in California and the 6th most populous in the country. The 'small' that Shannon refers to is the affluent people. The populous of the most affluent in Orange County are perhaps in the top 5th in the entire USA. So they hang out at the same clubs, restaurants, sports events, society functions, etc.


    I can't really even imagine what attracted David and Shannon to each other in the first place. David is from Freeland, Michigan originally. He grew up on beef ribs and beer. His work suit every day was a pair of work jeans and Doc Martens work boots. Shannon is an over-the-top 'green' housewife and follower of natural medicine. She embraces an organic lifestyle by visiting a holistic doctor up to three times a week and by healthy eating. She has crystals hung all over the house for feng-shui and harmony of her decor. Her children aren't allowed to have cellphones because of the 'radiation' concerns. She even took her girls to a natural cosmetic store to introduce them to some cosmetics. (aren't all cosmetics safe for humans?)  All this would make me absolutely nuts being married to someone like Shannon. Heck If I want to chow down on a greasy hamburger twice a year, I don't want someone behind me telling me how much it's going to kill my arteries.


    Maybe David saw a beautiful woman that didn't nag him or put him down. Maybe that was the real attraction.

    • Love 6
  2. This was really difficult to watch. Both Shannon and David are still in a lot of pain and have a very long and difficult road ahead if they truly want to repair the damage that's been done. I want to say that in some way I think it's only fair that the 'other woman' has been outed publicly by Daily Mail. Nichole McMackin is a very beautiful woman and she's married to a very handsome man. They're both wealthy and also live in a gated community in Newport Beach. If Nichole and Ree McMackin had a solid marriage, she wouldn't have cheated with David.  David and Shannon admitted to having had problems within their marriage before his affair.


    The circles that wealthy Orange County families revolve in are restricted to small circles of other rich people. The tight circle of wealth keeps them imprisoned within the boundaries of their wealth. In many ways, the wealth they have actually constrains them quite a lot by segregating them from real people and real life situations. Shannon said that 72% of the marriages in Orange County end in divorce.The environment they've created for themselves due to their affluence is also potentially damaging to many marriages. It's just too simple to get out of a marriage when both people are financially independent and don't need each other for emotional support any longer.


    Infidelity happens in any marriage no matter if a person is rich or poor. To promise to love someone 'till death do us part' is for the most part a myth because it takes more than love to hold a couple together for life. Temptations are everywhere and it takes a solid, trusting marriage with two dedicated partners to be able to resist temptations. In the event that one or both succumb to temptation for whatever reason, and they stray and have an affair, it takes tremendous effort on both parts to repair the damage and move forward into a monogamous relationship. It takes more than love to make a marriage work. It takes a lot of personal growth, maturity, empathy, understanding and most importantly communication that will help two people last in a marriage for a lifetime.


    Andy read comments from viewers about David being 'robot-like' and David admitted not being the type of man that likes the cameras and attention. That's pretty obvious because he has looked more like a scared deer in the headlights of a semi-tractor trailer when he's on camera. But I think it's a choice as to be shown or not and if he's not comfortable being filmed then don't do it. Unless of course his appearances is built into Shannon's contract with Bravo, then he has to appear now and then.

    • Love 6
  3. I've heard Caitlyn tell the story of how she came to date Kris several times, it's been the same. She thought Kris was another typical Beverly Hills divorcee who spent her days shopping and lunching. When Caitlyn found out that Kris had 4 kids, her opinion changed. She never said in VF that the marriage was horrible, only that the last few years were unhappy and that she felt that Kris wanted her out. I watched the show and had the same feeling. The kids themselves talked about the tension between them. Kris just doesn't want to be viewed as less than perfect and the loving earth mother.

    She emptied out the storage unit with tons of Caits old stuff and never shed a tear. She smells two suits ( one still with the tags on it) and blubbers like a baby? Not feeling it.

    Jenner knew exactly what he was getting with Kris. Statements made during the bitter divorce between Kris and Robert Kardashian are as follows;


    According to the documents, after discovering the affair Kris was having with her boy toy Todd Waterman, an angry Robert cancelled Kris’ credit cards, store cards and stopped paying for her extravagant lifestyle ­ something Kris bitterly fought against as she claimed she deserved the “luxury lifestyle” she had been leading.

    “The petitioner and I shared a luxury lifestyle,” Kris said in her petition for spousal and child support. “Nothing was too good for our family. Even our children’s clothing was purchased at exclusive boutiques.”

    In her petition, Kris goes on to detail her tastes for fancy restaurants and boutiques, high-priced European holidays and lavish home entertainment ­ “The New Year’s Eve party alone cost between $10,000 and $12,000. Since January 1990 the petitioner has essentially cut me off from all funds.

    “In order to have some cash at my disposal to meet the basic needs of myself and my children, I have taken a job offered to me by my friend who has just gone through a divorce.


    “(But) I am earning less money than our paid household help,” Kris said. Robert, at the time, claimed to be unemployed and only earning $2,000, but Kris told the court it was voluntary as he wanted more money than what had been offered to him by a law firm, so she demanded he be ordered to work to cover her and the family’s expenses ­ which monthly added up to a massive $37,189!


    According to Kris’ sworn statement this included the $15,000 a month mortgage payment on the Beverly Hills home, wages for a gardener, a maid and housekeeper as well as clothing costs. According to Kris, each month she spent $800 on clothing for all four children but spent $2000 on herself.

    Kris’ lawyers also demanded Robert pay for the family’s extensive debts on store cards for some of Los Angeles top stores including Neiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue ­ which had grown to more than $21,000.


    It appears that Kris Kardashian Jenner is and always was, a hedonistic, narcissistic, ambitious woman who was very accustomed to having things her way. How the story of Kris Jenner and her greedy, publicity seeking children will end is still going to unfold with time. But in my opinion, it's not going to end that well for most of them.

    • Love 5
  4. It's quite funny really the common thread that seems to run through several of these famous Hollywood families. They are all connected in a 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' scenario which is a parlor game based on the "six degrees of separation" concept, which posits that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart.


    To begin with, I'll start with Linda Thompson who was the one-time girlfriend of Elvis Presley. Linda Thompson married Bruce Jenner and had two sons, Brody and Brandon. Linda divorced Bruce and Married David Foster.  Linda was Bruce's third wife. (that might be a hint that he shouldn't have married women)


    David Foster has been married four times and had several children by former wives. His current marriage is to Yolanda Foster, former model and cast of RHOBH. David Foster was responsible for an auto accident in 1992 in which the actor Ben Vereen was struck by Foster's car while he was walking on the highway near his Malibu home. Ben Vereen was critically injured but recovered. Yolanda Foster had been married to real estate mogul Mohamed Hadid. They have three children together, Gigi, Bella and Anwar.


    Kris Kardashian was married to Robert Kardashian, a prominent L.A. Lawyer. Robert caught Kris in the arms of her tennis boy toy lover Todd Waterman and divorced Kris. In the documents, filed in the Los Angles Superior Court, Robert revealed he was so upset when he found out about the affair, after almost 12 years of marriage, that the court feared he was a threat to his family and awarded Kris temporary custody of Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Robert Jr. Bruce Jenner moved in with Kris and her four children against the legal protests of Robert Kardashian.  According to Robert Kardashian's statement, while he was forced to live with relatives, Kris had moved Bruce in, along with his four children ­ including reality star Brody Jenner ­ as well as his extended family. (one big happy family, right?) One month after the final divorce papers were signed, Kris and Bruce got married.


    Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid are great pals.(Yolanda the mother of Gigi with Mohamed Hadid and David Foster having been married to Linda Thompson who was married to Bruce Jenner), Kris was insanely jealous of Linda Thompson when Bruce and Linda rekindled their friendship after the breakup of their marriage. Kris and Bruce Jenner were in the courtroom together nearly ever day of the O.J. Simpson trial where Robert Kardashian sat at the side of his best friend O.J.Simpson. Robert Kardashian believed that O.J. was guilty of killing Nicole and felt certain that he would be convicted. His face at the reading of the verdict shows the shock of the verdict. Nicole and O.J.Simpson were best friends to Kris and Robert Kardashian.


    They've almost come to a full circle. Kendall Jenner and 'Gigi' Hadid are best buddies. Linda Thompson and Caitlyn Jenner are friends again. Kris Jenner is still a hot cougar with vajay fever and expensive taste. Kris will continue to live the lavish lifestyle she's been accustomed to and so will her famous spawn.  And....Elvis has left the building.






    Maybe this link explains it simpler. http://ganaf.com/ganaf-Kardashians-Jenners-Hadids-Foster-Connections-37200057/

    • Love 8
  5. Helen and Max, now that's something to really think about. In last night's episode they talked about how Max, Helen and Noah were close in college and how much Max wanted Helen back then. Flash forward to last season when Max suddenly appears on Montaug and enjoys a lunch outside at a restaurant with the entire family. In Noah's recollection, Max and Helen give each other a passionate kiss and embrace while the kiddies are there wondering 'wtf?'. Supposedly, Max is recuperating from a breakup of his marriage to his wife Val.  Then Max buys cocaine from the taxi driver which is none other than Caleb Lockhart. They go to the bar where there's music playing and Max hits on Allison and she flirts back.


    Fast forward to this season and Max is now the owner of the hotel that they both so artfully messed up and now he's madly in love with Allison because her ass is so tight and she's so amazing. Helen doesn't seem to be so into Max so I suspect she's just accustomed to having money and is hanging onto Max for that reason. (gold-diggers aren't always poor women looking for a sugar-daddy) It seems like his dirty sex talk is making her want to throw up, so she has a reason for being there. I think showing Max's slack penis was just gratuitous on the part of Showtime as it seems they are hell-bent on making their mini-series more sexually explicit even if it doesn't have any significance to the story-line.


    Kathleen Chalfant does an excellent job portraying Helen's mother, Margaret Butler. Last season, she was portrayed as a control freak who also controlled her own husband's career by ghost-writing the majority of his best selling novels. It looks like good ole Margaret will carry on with the same theme this year and will be the control freak that people applaud aloud once she's taken down a few pegs and knocked off her high horse. John Doman who plays Helen's father Bruce Butler will be in next week's episode and I'm curious to see how the relationship unfolds between daughter-father.

  6. I'm really getting tired of this whole Khloe and Lamar story. Jamie Sangouthai was one of Lamar's best friends since they were kids in Queens, NY.  His friend died in June during the taping of this episode, Jamie Sangouthai was a long time heroin addict and died from complications of necrotizing fasciitis,('flesh eating disease'). Jamie had chronic intravenous narcotism, which is caused from IV drug abuse. Lamar isn't 'merely' an alcoholic that can go in and out of treatment (like Scott Disick) when he wants to clean up, he has been a hard core crack cocaine addict. But more recently, Lamar Odom has been doing something much more dangerous than crack, he's been doing an old-school drug called ‘sherm,’ which is taking a joint and dipping it in liquid PCP. It’s dangerous and can cause the addict to become very violent.


    I think that in the future, we'll start seeing signs of the beginning of the end for many of the Kardashians and Jenners and their popularity. They've all been fortunate to have the life that they've enjoyed for all these years. The price of fame and fortune rarely comes without risk or downfalls and I think that we'll all see some cracks beginning to develop in their artificial veneer lives.


    One last thing I absolutely can't even stand watching Kourtney eating slices of pear. Who eats like that? The conversation about the green grass with Scott was a little surprising because I had always thought that of all of them, Kourtney was the only one with some real education and brains in her head. When she asked Scott, "do you think our grass is too green?" and Scott asks 'why?' she says "I guess people in a helicopter were like taking pics to do like a story about people who are watering their grass too much, we should find out what the rules are in a drought. Scott brushes it off, "I don't know, I'm not an environmentalist." California is in the most serious drought in history and as a college graduate, Kourtney should understand what a drought is and what happens in a severe drought.


    Like most rich people, they think there's an endless supply of anything they need, even water. Sure, fill your swimming pool, top off the jacuzzi tub, let the sprinklers run for your green grass 4 hours a day and water your golf courses. But one day, when you turn on the tap in the kitchen and nothing comes out, don't wonder why.

    • Love 4
  7. I know Meghan is quite taken with these unfortunate children but a rule of thumb is you don't identify and publish photos of victims of sex crime.  I sure it is just immaturity on her part.  It is nice to see her direct her energies to helping but use some common sense.

    She instagrammed those photos of a group of children who were victims of sexual abuse and sex slavery in Vietnam because nobody there cares and allows minor children to be photographed for publication. In the United States, she'd never get away with that, NEVER. Meghan is just an immature asshole. She has the maturity of a 12 year old mean girl. Vicki is right about her marriage to big-head Jim Edmonds but I doubt it will last 2 years, not four. 

    • Love 8
  8. At this point I expect us to see Meghan’s head popping up in Vicki’s toilet like on one of those horrible American Standard ads.  She’ll be trying to get urine and stool samples from Brooks to continue her search for truth and justice. 


    If that happened and it was only shown on pay-per-view, you bet I'd shell out the cash to see it.

    • Love 6
  9. Well she must have really meant it and Vicki should never have anything to do with her again. Of course Brooks and his family should never be in the same room with her. I think he should also file a police report and get a restraining order, just to be sure he is safe. After all when a drunken Brooks was baited to say (in a facetious way) that Brianna's husband should beat her......that of course was SERIOUS and now she can never be near Brooks ever again, regardless of how this affects her own mother.

    Perhaps Briana took that remark seriously even though Brooks was drunk and was being glib. Perhaps also, Brooks Ayers was aware of the domestic violence in Ryan's past. Ryan Culberson isn't exactly the squeaky-clean all-American Marine according to police reports. Orange County Court Records show that a woman named Rachel charged Ryan with Domestic Violence in 2010. Interesting, Ryan was married to his first wife, Melia (I believe they were separated) at that time and it was also around that time that he met Briana. Briana and Ryan eloped in 2011. .Ryan Culberson ex-girlfriend Rachel Lawrence was awarded a retraining order against Culberson after Lawrence petitioned the court asking that Ryan Culberson be ordered not to “harass, attack, strike, assault” her. Ryan was "sneaking around" on his first wife with Briana, who didn't know he was still married at the time.  According to court records Ryan's divorce from his first wife Melia was finalized in 2010.


    Rachel Lawrence stated:

    “After our breakup, he has followed me relentlessly. He has threatened men that I dance with… Ryan Culberson, usually in a drunken state, often waits in the parking slots of these dance clubs. He tries to start fights with my friends, as well as harass and threaten me that he will harm my friends,” Lawrence told the court. “I know from my dating experience with [Ryan Culberson] that he carries firearms in the truck of his car. He told me that he has a concealed weapons permit.”


    Sometime, people just aren't at all like they seem to be.

    • Love 4
  10. I downright resent feeling sorry for Brooks.

    This has reached the point where the endless harassment and dogging of Brooks and Vicki about this, despite many pleas to stop, has become sickening. The tide starts to turn and people begin to feel sympathy for the person they accuse of being dishonest. The relentless attempts by Tamra, Meghan, and Shannon to discredit Brooks Ayers has backfired to a great extent and only served to make them look like vultures and opportunists. In the end, the truth will come out but in the meantime, before the reunion episode is filmed and 'in the can' waiting to air, this issue with Brooks won't be resolved. That may never happen unless of course he dies of cancer.

    • Love 7
  11. Admittedly I posted last night under the influence of the 4ish glasses of Merlot I need to deal with this show at this point.  Yeah, I've had  a PET scan and I've had many CT scans, but I didn't realize they could combine them into one test.  I was confused when he kept calling it a PET/CT and I just assumed he was getting mixed up as well.  On the one hand, I totally get why so many are jumping off the "Brooks has cancer" bus.  I feel like we are all colored by our personal experiences to some degree, and I'm gonna be pissed as hell if I gave his ass the benefit of the doubt all this time and he's faking it.  Not pissed enough to call him, or his ex, or his doctor, or the imaging center, etc etc etc.  Haha!

    That said, Meghan can still take a damn seat.  All this shit started because a PSYCHIC said so.  For real?  Are these people that stupid?  And now Meghan is running around saying definitively that he doesn't have it and they all totally believe her!  WTF.  If I were Vicki and I could get away with it, I'd snap her damn twig neck. 

    ETA:  So these bitches just kept telling Vicki to just show them some kind of record, something to prove to them (which, what?) that he isn't lying.  So he does, and that's still not good enough.  Either way, he was screwed.

    I could guess at how Meghan would answer this.... LOL!



    • Love 5
  12. Headbands to Meghan are what the power bracelets were to Wonder Woman.

    I know a lot of "Jack Christians" and I'm guessing that Tamra will be part of that group. They go to church, but are giant assholes for the other 6 days of the week. The only way I'd believe Tamra found God is if she were to become Mormon or Jehovah's Witness and went on a mission to The Sudan, leaving all her makeup at home.

    Ryan is nothing more than an obnoxious piece of dogshit. His only talent is being a lazy Gomer. Does anyone know if Sarah's first three kids are from the same man, and was she married to him?

    Since I didn't watch this show from the beginning, is Simon Ryan's father, or was Tamra married before Simon?

    Tamra was married to Darren Vieth (who was 3 years older) when she was 18 years old, the same year she gave birth to Ryan. In an interview in 2013, Darren Vieth had some pretty outrageous and nasty things to say about Tamra in a RealityTea interview.


    Meghan-headbands....what can anyone say about those?


    • Love 8
  13. Re Brooks' Lymphoma:  wouldn't a "mass" anywhere in his body indicate a cancer other than lymphoma? 

    If a doctor is only feeling a mass with his hands he has no way to tell where it is, what organs it's affecting, or whether it's from the lymph nodes or not. That's why doctors order tests like CT scans and PET scans and even more immediate telling are blood test results.

    • Love 4
  14. I already see how this is going to go. If Megan is kept around she's going to initiate a relationship with Breanna and they will be against Brooks. And after Ryan's relationship implodes with his Tamra surrogate he's with he will move back in with Tamra (and Eddie). Hijinks ensue.

    (Cue wacky sitcom music)

    In the clip about for weeks episode, they showed Tamra and Briana having lunch together. Tamra tells Briana "The girls are saying that Brooks is duping your mom about the cancer thing". Briana replies "I'll kill him, I'll kill him myself".  Oohkeedohkee Briana, you just uttered a death threat on National TV. If Brooks happens to get hit by a car, or falls out of the bathtub and dies, Briana is going to take the fall for it.


    Would Bravo film that ya think?  Not only would I watch that, I'd DVR it.

    • Love 2
  15. There were so many misspellings and errors on this report that I doubt any doctor would 'sign off' on that report. The word clinical is misspelled 'CLINICA HISTORY'. The compression of the words into one long sentence would suggest that someone copied and pasted from the internet to a word pad and transferred it to print. There's one other thing, the measurements of the mass reported said 13.3 ems. instead of cms. If someone transcribed this report in such a horrible way, the doctor would never sign it. I don't even think that Brooks would be able to obtain a test result unless it was corrected and signed.


    I'll be glad to move on from this, This entire season of RHoOC has been tedious and difficult to watch and if they don't change lanes soon, I'll move my viewing into another lane entirely. I don't want to stick around until Meghan or Tamra begins to insist that Shannon show proof of her bronchiectasis including chest x-rays.


    IF Brooks Ayers is inflating his illness or out-and-out lying about it, he can join the long list of the most hated men in the USA.


    1. Donald Sterling (92%)
    2. Bernie Madoff (90%)
    T3. O.J. Simpson (88%)
    T3. Conrad Murray (88%)
    5. Justin Bieber (86%)
    6. Phil Spector (83%)
    7. Aaron Hernandez (81%)
    8. Michael Lohan (76%)
    9. Eliot Spitzer (73%)
    10. Jon Gosselin (71%)

    11. Brooks Ayers (TBD)

    • Love 4
  16. HAD cancer is more like it, IMO. I think he's using past records to puff up his claim and offer proof. I listened VERY closely to the *Dr.* - use that term lightly, more like a charlatan, and he never said Brooks CURRENTLY has cancer. As long as B&V  were okay with showing thefilming and telling the *Dr.* on camera that friends were doubting his cancer  they could have asked the doctor to say on camera that yes, his CURRENT labs say he CURRENLY has cancer. As for the masses the doctor was palpating, he did not state they were cancerous masses. Chemo can cause growth of tissue/masses.

    The date on the document shown to Tamra was from 2015. The mass in his stomach was clearly felt by Dr. German Zermeno and even his estimate of its size and location validates the CT report. Dr. Zermeno is a very well-known natural medicine physician. I doubt very much that Dr. Zermeno had anything to gain, but very much credibility to lose if he presented himself in a manner that could be representative of anyone other than a professional. Any doctor that presents alternatives to traditional medicine will be viewed by some as a quack and some as a savior. Dr. Zermeno couldn't possibly state that the mass he felt inside Brooks was cancer without having further tests conducted such as the CT scan that had already been completed. The report from Newport Imaging Center also stated that the mass had a 'necrotic' center. Necrotic means that the cancer cells in the center of the mass were dead, possibly from the chemotherapy, which is a positive thing.

    • Love 7
  17. I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


    Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 

    I think that those women, even if they were standing next to the deathbed of Brooks Ayers, would justify themselves in some way. They would deflect any blame by saying "It's not my fault, she told me he didn't have cancer" or "the psychic SAID that Brooks didn't have cancer". Either way, they will most definitely not be genuinely contrite and simply say "I was so wrong and I regret doubting Brooks, I don't know how I can make it up to them".  Never going to happen. Admission of wrongdoing and feelings of regret are just not built into the soul of any of these women.

    • Love 5
  18. Both Shannon anD Tamra need to pick a lane and stick to it! They have both been flipping flopping back and forth with this issue. Tamra was the worst tonight because she believed the paperwork then when Meghan presented new information she fucking went all paranoid and said "I don't know what to believe!" I, at least, like that Shannon says "The truth will come out."

    I did laugh at Meghan when she shaded Tamra about her being the one to read Brooks paperwork. Did yall catch that? I was like omg.

    When Tamra was sitting with 'Pasture Mike' she said that reading the Bible was not an easy thing to read, "thou shalt not".... She suggested there should be a 'blonde version' of the Bible. So to hand Tamra a medical report in which the text was compressed that read; "FINDINGS: Thereisalargemasssurroundingtheceliacandsuperiormesenteryvessels" would be like handing Tamra the Dead Sea Scrolls and asking her to understand them immediately. ............not likely to happen in anyone's life time. In order to make Tamra understand ANYTHING, a person has to speak in words that contain no more than two syllables, spoken in a clear, slow voice with no other external distractions such as color, light and sound.

    • Love 12
  19. Yes, Newport does CT Scans, but Brooks was specific in saying PET.      So, he doesn't know?    He made it up?   You would think someone who has supposedly had recurring NHL would know.

             He is pretending the have it again and changed the letter head on the report?

    All I know for sure is both Vicki and Brooks are liars, so Its very easy to doubt everything they say.   


    An integrated PET-CT scan combines images from a positron emission tomography (PET) scan and a computed tomography (CT) scan that have been performed at the same time using the same machine. Because a CT scan provides detailed pictures of tissues and organs inside the body, while a PET scan reveals any abnormal activity that might be going on there, combining these scans creates a more complete image than either test can offer alone.

    • Love 7
  20. Well, if Meghan and Cherrio are correct, then the "report was doctored in some way because the Imaging center does not do CT/PET scans and hasn't since 2008. Does anyone else in the OC area know if what they said is true? That would end the question about this report being legit in a big way if the center does NOT do CT/PET scans.

    Notice it says CT scan with contrast. When Meghan says the Dr.’s office doesn’t do Pet scans, she is probably right as most Dr.’s offices farm out the scans to actual imaging centers where your insurance pays the most part of the bill. Why don't people move on, maybe to Kim Zolciak and accuse her of not having a stroke and insisting she show all of us her medical records to prove it?

    • Love 9
  21. I froze the TV when Tamra was holding the report which was dated 4/18/15. I was able to read most of the findings. Tamra is sadly mistaken, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma is not a blood cancer, it's a cancer of the lymphatic system. Lymphoid tissue includes the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the body’s immune and blood-forming systems, such as the spleen and bone marrow. The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin lympha meaning water) directionally towards the heart.


    Brooks has said that his cancer is in stage III. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma stage III means that the lymphoma is found in lymph node areas on both sides of (above and below) the diaphragm and the cancer may also have spread into an area or organ next to the lymph nodes (IIIE), into the spleen (IIIS), or both (IIISE). On the report, it did say that the spleen was normal size.


    Here is an illustration of the Lymphatic system


    Now for the OFFICIAL report.......



    FINDINGS: There is a large mass surrounding the celiac and superior mesentery vessels. Mass measures 14x13.1 x 13.4 cm. (approx 5 x 5 inches) Necrotic center. The additional retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is seen in the periaortic region.


    I hope all of this cancer-no cancer bullshit is over and finished. I'm so sick of it. The man has CANCER!!



    • Love 22
  22. Kim apparently was impressed by Pope Francis and tweeted about him "the pope is dope". Um, wrong choice of words Kim. That single comment by KIim on the occasion of Pope Francis’s historic visit to the US was enough to reduce one Argentinian entertainment website to paroxysms of nationalist outrage and accusations of anti-papal hostility. It seems the reporter at Primicias Ya was only familiar with the other meaning of “dope”. Under the incredulous headline “Did Kim Kardashian attack the pope?” the writer (mis)translates the tweet as “THE POPE IS DRUGS.” One commentator scolds Primicias Ya, demanding that they “inform themselves before creating controversy”.


    Kim Kardashian West and Khloe Kardashian really need to understand that people throughout the world do not understand our vernacular. So when they tweet something stupid, it goes out to the world and those tweets are taken literally. Khloe tweeting "Shiek Pussy" with an Instagram photo of herself in a cat-suit costume and Scott in an Arab costume inflamed the Arabic community.

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