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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. If Eddie wants to hook up with Rocky, go for it.  I think he's being a fool, but hey, no one's married and everybody's an adult, so I have no problem with it. 

    I have no problem either with any of them hooking up but geeze, it's a damned 3 day chartered yacht cruise that they're being paid to WORK on, not to party on. What are they, dogs in heat? Can't any of them go without sex for 3 days?

    • Love 1
  2. Leon and Rocky are both horrible. Kate is right, Leon is a cruise ship chef not a gourmet chef. Seared scallops, really? Each guest gets 2 scallops with a 'smear' on their plate and a piece of endive and that's supposed to be gourmet? He called it 'scallops St. Jacques' but it was nothing more than seared scallops. Scallops St. Jacques has a cream sauce and a crust of bread crumbs.  Leon has no clue how to decorate a plate, he must have skipped that class in culinary school. And his comment to Amy "I could wow them if I want to". What is up with that? He obviously doesn't know how to wow anyone. Ben Robinson was a real gourmet chef and presented amazing dishes served with flair. His dinner selection and plating were impeccable. Leon is a joke. I think that all the animosity between Kate and Leon is because Kate knows he's a fraud an no 'gourmet chef'.


    Rocky is annoying as f**k. The monologues when she's looking straight up to the ceiling instead of the camera is so stupid. She's very pretty and she knows it, but she's incredibly immature. I'm pretty tired of the way Bravo keeps insisting that she get in that dumb mermaid costume and splash around in the ocean, it's so lame. For some reason Rocky seems to think that this cruise is hers to enjoy and forgets she was hired to work not to play and screw around with the men on the yacht. The Eros is the most expensive to rent of any of the yachts in previous seasons. This one rents for approximately $32,000 a DAY. The guests paid for it, not Rocky but she seems to think she's the one entitled to use the yacht as her own playground. 



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  3. It does not work that way... At least that's what they tell us. Nobody gets special treatment when it comes to waiting on an organ. It's against the law to recieve any sort of gift cash or otherwise for organ donation, although I wish that wasn't the case because I feel like more people would donate a kidney or part of a liver or bone marrow if they got paid for it. 

    We all like to believe that's true, but unfortunately for those clinging to life waiting for a liver, lungs or kidney, someone with wealth will take priority. Oh yes, the doctors will justify it somehow but the fact is, if you're rich you can get whatever transplant you need and jump ahead on the waiting list with warp speed. Several high-profile cases come to mind. Larry Hagman (liver) Mickey Mantle (liver), Natalie Cole (kidney), Steve Jobs (liver) and Vice President Dick Cheney (heart). Many people on the recipient list have died because they weren't important enough or rich enough.


    Is it fair that an alcoholic gets a new liver, or a 71 year old man gets a new heart because he's a former V.P. of the US over a 45 year old school teacher? You better believe that if Lamar Odom needs a new kidney, he'll get bumped right up to the top of the waiting list. Or maybe Khloe, Kim, Kourtney or Kris will step up and put their kidneys up for donation for 'Lammie'.

    • Love 6
  4. If we weave through the landmines of explosive news stories it eventually comes down to the reality of Omar's situation. He overdosed and had a small stroke. He was in a coma and not breathing on his own when he was brought into the E.R. and they had to intubate him while he was unconscious. He wasn't breathing on his own and doctors kept him in a medically induced coma until they were able to give him the appropriate treatments. They were slowly able to waken him once he started to respond to external stimuli and bring him back up to full consciousness. After slowly weaning him off the ventilator he was able to breathe without the assistance of it and the tube in his throat was removed, he was given oxygen supplementation by mask. He has some kidney damage so that's a big factor in recovery. It may be irreversible but Lamar is in good physical condition so his chances are better at recovering kidney function.


    Reports now claim that he can speak with difficulty, he's slurring his words, but he's unable to stand without assistance. This is consistent with a person who has experienced a cerebral vascular accident, or stroke. Depending on the location of the stroke in his brain, Lamar may have difficulties going forward but should improve with rehabilitation and time. He might experience memory loss, difficulty speaking and some paralysis. If Khloe is going to remain by him through his rehab, she's going to have to be extremely patient and have incredible endurance and patience. Khloe may never see the same Lamar as she once knew, he'll be changed. But the one good thing for Lamar is that he won't have to check into a drug rehab for a six months to get clean, he'll have a very long road to recovery whether it's total or not, and a second chance at life.  Khloe has only known a very different Lamar Odom than she'll probably ever see again. Even his emotions will change, he'll have periods of depression and anger at his situation. He'll get terribly frustrated and even cry. Khloe Kardashian is a young woman of 31 and time will tell if she has the fortitude and endurance to be a full time nurse to a man that's possibly going to be a semi-invalid. She might have to give up some photo shoots and a good portion of her career in addition to partying and dating.

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  5. Addiction doesn't work that way. Khloe can't just lock Lamar in a cabin until he doesn't want to do drugs anymore, and its not on her to get him clean. Not to mention that it sounds like he's a hard core drug user. He can't just decide to stop cold turkey. That could kill him. It has to be done in a rehab, with medical professionals. Khloe did everything she possibly could, but Lamar didn't care enough about her or his children to get help. He chose drugs over his family, and until he decides to get help, this will keep happening to him. Khloe got out because she had to start putting herself first, otherwise she was going to get dragged down by Lamar's addiction. 


    Lamar decided his vows meant nothing, when he cheated on Khloe. She should have divorced him for that alone, especially after everything she did for him. Was she supposed to let him do whatever he wanted to her, and stay simply because she promised to? That's not healthy for anyone. Although his drug use might have ended their marriage, who's to say that Khloe didn't party Lamar style when they were dating? Just because they're wealthy and like to party and just because drugs are as easy to get in L.A. as a slice of ham, I don't want to accuse any of the Kardashians of ever using drugs but to say it never happened would be a stretch of the imagination too.

    This is one of the pitfalls of marrying a man or woman that you've only known for a month. After only one month, how could Khloe know that he was a drug abuser and womanizer? After a month, I'm just beginning to get comfortable with a new bra. It's absolutely reckless to get married to a man you barely know. It wouldn't have taken very long for Khloe to realize that Lamar Odom had a big problem. Let's face it, Khloe was a party girl when she met Lamar. I'm not suggesting that she took recreation drugs with Lamar but having immense wealth and living in L.A. where drugs are easy to get, it's a little hard to believe she absolutely didn't party with him once or twice with drugs. Lamar is the only person that can change his bad habits, nobody else in the world can but him.

    • Love 7
  6. While I do agree that she loved him, IMO, Khloe is a large part of the problem. Yes, she covered up his drug problems, his cheating, his disappearances, & that's why he continued to do drugs, cheat, & disappear for days, Khloe allowed it. Instead of letting him suffer the consequences of his actions, she enabled him & made sure that he could do what he wanted consequence free. She's doing the same thing with Rob, letting him live with her & taking care of him, & I don't think it's a big coincidence that Khloe & Scott were such big buddies while Scott kept drinking. I think that Khloe enables men, she coddles them & lets them be little bad boys & as long as she's around them, they never grow up.

    I think Khloe has a deep need inside of her that wants so badly to be the big sister to these guys, the one they trust and confide in over Kim or Kourtney. It's always a competition between them and this is one way that Khloe has of keeping them closer to her than the others. But at the same time she enables them like you said.

    Could be that some of us tired of all the conflicting reports and decided to wait and see.  I still lurk and am grateful that he seems to be doing better, but I'm not really interested in debating the reports, Khloe's devotion, etc. 

    You're so right that people have just gotten sick and tired of hearing such vastly different reports. There's really nothing that can be believed after a while. Even the 'in the coma, brain dead' report, that was erroneous as well. Yes, he was in a coma but it was a medically induced coma the doctors put him in so they could intubate him and keep him on a respiratory for 3 days.

    • Love 3
  7. CNN would be the perfect place for Brielle to intern. But I think they require you have some college under your belt first. Most companies do, for that type of job.

    Most people that are hired by CNN know shit. Brielle doesn't know shit unless you count knowing 'who's-who' in pop culture and what's trending on Twitter. Unfortunately for our society, Brielle is representative of many of our teenagers, even those that aren't millionaires.


    When we watch a reality show like 'Don't Be Tardy', some of us get an idea about what's wrong with our children. They only want to be rich and famous like the Kardashian's or Biermann's. What happened to aspiring to be a nurse, doctor, chemist, or teacher? Is it that there just isn't enough glamour in those occupations? No, your children won't be better prepared for adulthood if you spoil them and tell them they're the most wonderful little humans on the planet. No, your children won't benefit from you talking about either your private sex life, your boobs, vagina, lip injections or rhinoplasty. No, your children won't be better off by you giving them their first car, their first job and piles of cash when they lay their hands out to you. If you want children to have higher standards you have to be the one to demonstrate exactly what high standards really are. To Kim Zolciak, higher standards means not buying any luggage less than Gucci.

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  8. I've seen Kourtney and Kris mention God and scripture occasionally over the years. Their faith may be superficial but I don't think it was invented last week.

    Yes, God may be worth a mention now and then just to keep the moral majority satisfied that they aren't all ruthless, ambitious and money-hungry heathens. But truthfully, do any one of them actually live according to what they preach to the camera and viewing public? What about the moralistic base, whether it's the 'Golden Rule' or the 'seven deadly sins'. It's wonderful that people can quote a line or passage from Scripture.  Are they words spoken by a person that has no idea what it means or how to actually live it?  The old saying 'practice what you preach' just doesn't seem to have any significance or meaning in the Kardashian vocabulary.


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  9. Slade's family looks wealthy, I'm sure Brielle will get knocked up and coast on child support until she can land her very own Big Poppa. Despite all her protesting, I doubt Kim would be that upset about it.

    I had thought from the very start that Bravo is setting up Brielle and Slade for their own future reality show.

    Lastly, has this been discussed on this forum? Brielle's boob job. I think she had one. So Kim consented to and paid for that? Absolutely ridiculous. So is this the thing now for girls at age 18 - parents buy them new tits to go with their brand new high end cars and Chanel bags? 

    I'm a fairly new viewer to Don't Be Tardy and I have to say that in the beginning, I thought that Kroy was just an adornment for the scenes with Kim and her daughters. My opinion of Kroy has changed quite a lot and I see him as a great father, a patient step-dad and an extremely doting husband. I think Kim is an exceptionally high-maintenance woman and I give him a lot of credit for being able to juggle that family and still play professional football.

    I noticed in one of the final talking heads with Kroy and Kim on this topic, where he normally is pretty relaxed, funny, and easy going, this time, his body language was twitchy and kept shifting - a tell about his frustration and anger -  while Kim was talking. He was mad. I commend him for trying with those two. He was right to cite his own experience of climbing the ladder as a young athlete, paying his dues, to finally get to the NFL. I suspect that of all the kids, that Brielle causes him frustration. He is seeing 18 years of coddling to now make a sweet and likable girl, ....also a lazy, dumb, unrealistic, and entitled brat. Rather like the woman he married.  

    I nearly spit my coffee onto my screen when I watched Kim arguing with Kroy about the fact that her twins need their own Gucci luggage. I find it atrocious that Kim gives her kids many examples of how an adult should not speak or act. Asking your little kids if they want to see mommies new tits is just beyond low-class and crass. The foul language is bad enough in front of the kids and I hope they don't expect their little ones to refrain from using those words.

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  10. It's really interesting how wealthy, ambitious, self-centered, self-righteous people can suddenly find God and religion when tragedy strikes. Up to that point there's no references to any Bible quotes, no passages from Scripture or nary a mention of God. Faith is used like an Ace card in the hole, when it looks like they're going to lose the hand they still have that Ace to bring out to win the game.


    It has been this way for centuries with Industrialists like J.D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and other "robber barons" , the 19th century industrialists who used unethical or illegal practices to build monopolies. At the end of their lives, when they had all they wanted they realized that their ends were near and they became philanthropic and built great colleges, medical centers and concert halls. It was like they felt that giving back to society even at that late stage of the game, would get them a pass from God.


    The Kardashian's are power magnates on a different level in our 21st Century, but not very unlike those greedy Industrialists of the 19th Century. By using Lamar Odom's overdose on drugs and presenting this tragic event as their own personal 'watershed moment' in which their fame, fortune and greed is suddenly not so important at this moment that they'll put it on the back burner for a little bit, or at least until Lamar speaks one complete sentence. They will implore their fans for prayers for Lamar Odom, but when has any one of them ever offered up a prayer for any person other than one of their own in order for personal gain.

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  11. This is something that's bothering me. There has been a lot of detailed medical information published about Lamar's condition. I even read a TMZ article yesterday that specified the percentages of oxygen in his blood at the time he was placed in the ambulance (at the brothel)  and the time he arrived at the hospital:  "We're also told when the ambulance picked Lamar up from the Love Ranch, his blood had 38% oxygen saturation. Paramedics treated him and by the time he entered the ER, the percentage increased to 58%. Normal blood saturation is in the high 90's."



    "Lamar Odom: Lucky Break On Oxygen Front"

    10/16/2015 3:51 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

    Now who gave TMZ details like that?  Did TMZ pay off one of the paramedics, or did Khloe provide that information?



    "Lamar Odom: Huge Improvement -- Breathing On His Own"

    30 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

    "Our hospital witnesses say Lamar has been taken completely off the ventilator. We're told he's still wearing an oxygen mask to increase his oxygen levels."

    Who are TMZ's "hospital witnesses"?


    It's really pissing me off that Khloe asked Dennis Hof to stop speaking and give her and Lamar some privacy, yet she herself seems to be blabbing every detail about his medical condition to the tabloids. If Klhoe personally is not leaking all this information, then she is authorizing other "hospital witnesses" to do it. If she wasn't cooperating with the information leaking, she/her publicist would have issued some statement to tell the hospital "witnesses" (if they are employees) to shut up. The employees could also be fired for violating HIPAA nondisclosure regulations. But since no employee seems to be in any sort of trouble, they've apparently been given permission to talk to the tabloids. 


    Like others, I am curious about Lamar's true condition, but still I think the frequent detailed medical reports are a violation of his privacy.

    I had to snicker to myself a few times after reading "Khloe Kardashian is by his bedside and making all his medical decisions".


    As a nurse, I thought about this statement that I've read exactly as I copied it and thought.... what decisions?

    So I imagined the doctors asking; "Khloe? should we give Lamar a tissue plasminogen activator?" or "Khloe can we have permission to extubate Lamar now?"


    Nah, nah that ain't the way it goes. If she's had to make any decisions for Lamar so far it would be whether to put a light blanket on him or just a sheet. As far as I can tell, there are no life decisions that she would have to make. I think the medical staff is in charge of those. The only one would be whether to keep him on life support if he was deemed to be clinically dead. Since he's giving her the thumbs up and thumbs down and 'love you baby', I don't think Khloe needs to worry about making any decisions.

    • Love 7
  12. The stories about Lamar Odom have been unreliable at best from the beginning. Initial reports were that he was found unconscious, not breathing, blood coming out of his nose, vomiting white stuff and because they couldn't get him into the helicopter, he had to travel by ambulance which caused a 40 minute delay in treatment that might result in him not surviving. Whew! that's a lot. After getting to the hospital the reports said he's brain dead, no activity at all in his brain. He was on a ventilator and his kidneys had shut down and he was on dialysis. Wow, more than we can absorb. We were all picking out our black clothes ready for the funeral.


    Wthin the last 48 hours, he was removed from life support, his kidneys bounced back and he doesn't need dialysis, he opened his eyes and blinked at Khloe when she said "I love you". Just yesterday he opened his eyes, saw Khloé Kardashian, said, "Hey, baby," gave her a thumbs up and then went back to sleep,


    If we are to believe all of this then I for one wish to nominate Lamar Odom for the 'Lazarus Rebirth Trophy'. People want to know one thing only, the truth. The public resents having erroneous reports dished out as truths when they're not. The public has been kept sitting on a seesaw, up one day and down the next. If the initial reports were any where near correct, then Lamar Odom would definitely not be responding. The reports of 'irreversible brain damage' and 'brain death' would mean there's no coming back from that and there is no ability for him to breathe on his own and that doesn't change, it just doesn't. If Lamar is awake and 'thinking' by responding to external stimulii and touch then someone was really full of shit. This causes the public to become immune and disbelieving to any news. Now I see a new reality show on the horizon starring Lamar and Khloe once again.


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  13. A chromosome test on fertilized embryos will tell you the sex of the baby before implantation. Happens all the time for about $5000. Now what these idiots had done in cannot say, but for couples here who need this test for medical reasons they suffer because idiots like Kanye use this test to select the gender of their baby (even though they shouldn't), therefore insurances will not cover it.

    The whole point of using MicroSort technology for Kim and Kanye is because they didn't just want ANY baby, that baby HAD to be a male. This male child will end their childbearing for their lives if they remain married. IVF only fertilizes embryos, it is NOT gender specific, and gender specificosity is precisely what they demanded, insisted upon and paid in full for.

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  14. He ain't that special. The procedure actually costs a fraction of that so lots of regular folk have it done all the time.

    Kim and her fake pregnancy illnesses make me sick.

    Actually no. Although IVF is very common and covered by most insurances. The process of 'sperm sorting' is a giant step further than IVF. The procedure to identify and select only the fertilized egg of a specific sex is very expensive. The process improves the chances that the baby conceived will be of the desired sex. MicroSort technology is only available for those in the United States through labarotories located outside the US.  MicroSort technology and the process is performed in labatories in Guadalajara, Mexico, Mexico City, North Cyprus and Switzerland.

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  15. This is a sensational story and it becomes more sensational if Lamar speaks/moves/breathes on his own. There may also be some positive spin going on; it may all be true; it may be a pack of lies fed to the press by some disturbed person who gets their kicks out of feeding the press a bunch of bs. I'm not ready to write him off as dead yet, however, I'll believe he's in real recovery status if/when an actual doctor connected to the case makes a statement.


    I'm in total agreement. There's just too much attention here and that prompts the press to jump at anything right now. The majority of the information is totally erroneous and heresay. It's put out there for the public to get hits on their websites. We haven't yet heard a single statement made from an official spokesperson from Sunrise Hospital. We have heard reports from so-called 'family spokesman', whoever that is, and not from a hospital officlal with a public statement. There's just too much incorrect information that leads people into believing whatever they want. "Lamar is breathing on his own"  "Lamar opened his eyes and told Khloe that he loves her" "Lamar's heart is improved".  That's all rumors and not to be taken seriously. Wait for the official hospital to speak before we believe anything.

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  16. There is no good way to say this, but, my feelings on the subject come from personal experience with my mother - is it really good news that Lamar's heart is improving if his brain is badly damaged? I don't know that it is. We said goodbye to my mother 3 times because she rebounded twice. But, her quality of life was zilch. So, if your heart is keeping you alive, but, you have no life, is that good?

    There is no right or wrong, good or bad way to say what can potentiallly be Lamar Odom's destiny.


    The Terri Schiavo case comes to mind. For those who aren't familiar with Terri Schiavo, she was only 27 years old when she collapsed from sudden arrhythmia death syndrome. She was unconscious and unresponsive. There was a legal struggle about end of life care that went on for many years. She was diagnosed to be in a irreversible persistant vegetative state even though she was awake. She was kept alive with a feeding tube from 1990 to 2005. Schiavo's husband and legal guardian argued that Schiavo would not have wanted prolonged artificial life support without the prospect of recovery, and elected to remove her feeding tube. Schiavo's parents argued in favor of continuing artificial nutrition and hydration and challenged Schiavo's medical diagnosis.The highly publicized and prolonged series of legal challenges presented by her parents, which ultimately involved state and federal politicians up to the level of President George W. Bush, caused a seven-year delay before Schiavo's feeding tube was ultimately removed. After a very long and very publicized case, Terri Schiavo was removed from her feeding tube and died peacefully days later. Terri Schiavo had suffered severe anoxic (without oxygen) brain injury.


    If Lamar Odom's heart was found to be improved since his admission, that says little regarding his prognosis since he has no brain activity and he's in kidney failure and having dialysis done to clean his blood from toxins. Khloe will have to make the decision, and if she can't someone will have to step up and make it for her. Lamar can't be left to linger for weeks, months or longer. Khloe has to realize that she's not taking his life away from him. His life ended on Tuesday. It's time for the family and friends to prepare his eulogy and remember the good things about him.

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  17. I saw this douchebag on Good Day NY yesterday and I wanted to punch him really hard.  When he said then he got a call from the Kardashian publicist saying "Khloe would rather be the one to talk when the time is right" he said he told the publicist "go to hell". What a tacky asshole.

    Pimps aren't generally known for their finesse and tact.

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  18. I remember her making sure his hotel rooms and their home had stockpiles of candy in them. I think that's where I first noticed the cookie jars full of Oreos and Vienna fingers making their appearance. And I recall her making him huge mugs of tea with tons of sugar in them, and then asking him if it was sweet enough.

    I suspect his lack of interest in sex was a problem too,  not sure if it's a side effect of drug use but for a while she was desperate to get him interested in her. The sex swing, the candy video, the pleather/rubber suit thing. And he basically laughed at her and went back to playing video games with Rob. That was a huge red flag to me. What newlywed guy (or girl) wants an in-law in residence 24/7? Especially when you have been separated from your spouse for a week or more due to work.

    When he began doing his disappearing act for days at a time. Days when she had no idea where he was or who he was with. All those calls on the show with her talking to his manager or agent, there was strange stuff going on for a long time. Those guys were calling her looking for him, he was spiraling and she was trying to cover for him and also hide it from her family.

    I have always thought that it was Lamar's influence on Robert Jr. that encouraged Rob to get involved in his own downward spiral with drugs. The Kardashian empire has basically controlled social media for many years. They had the influence and power to manipulate and design their own brand with the public. Now that Lamar Odom lays in a hospital as a result of an overdose in a place of legal prostitution, they are virtually powerless to put their own personal spin on the situation. This must be extremely frustrating for Kris particularly since she's the main reason they're all such controlling people.

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  19. It is impossible to ignore the self-imposed circumstances that put Lamar in this place or, more important, the situation he put his minor children in (children who undoubtedly still need financial if not parental support from their father).

    But if it wasn't, I'd be pointing out that this is the ultimate "until death do we part" commitment that she got when she entered into a marriage so quickly and thoughtlessly. It's (apparently) all yours now, girlfriend.

    'In sickness, and in health' is just one more vow she just might realize was a big deal.

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  20. Khloe's publicist contacted Dennis HOf, the owner of the Love Ranch South. He stated on Access Hollywood a few minutes ago that he got a call from this 'rude' publicist asked him "are you planning to do any media today with this?".  The publicist states that they politely asked him to stop talking to the media, which he refused. Dennis Hof responded to this publicist "If Khloe is so concerned about her man, why isn't she waking up with him instead of my girls?"


    Dennis Hof also confirmed that Lamar was communicating on social media with the ranch's transgender prostitute, Madison Montag. He said that Lamar paid the ranch $75,000 using a credit card and specified that the two prostitutes be made available to him 24 hours a day to do whatever he asked whether it was to fix him something to eat, to get him a drink or to have sex.

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  21. Did Rob ever show up? No wonder the women all seem to be so strong. The men in their lives never seem to step up and support them. Not counting Kanye because I don't know if he even knows Lamar. But, Rob? Khloe could probably use his support. Unfortunately, he never seems to have anything to give.

    Actually the only support that means anything to Lamar right now is the support of his ventilator and medical team. Lamar isn't aware of anything because he's totally unconscious and possibly brain dead, nobody knows that for sure. But having a lot of people hovering around an ICU bed is distracting and disruptive to patient care. Best they come if he ever becomes conscious and aware of his surroundings and people with him. Right now, that's not happening. If people are rushing to his bedside it's more for themselves, not for Lamar Odom because right now there's a man lying in bed that isn't aware of anything since he has suffered brain damage.

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  22. I have had to make that decision three times in my life already, and it is awful.

    You listen to the Drs and what they recommend, cus they sure will tell you straight...no chance of your loved one ever being what they were before the incident...

    Then you think about quality of life and maybe discussions you have had with the person during their lifetime.

    Then you ask others who are present if they have ever talked to the person about it, cus you need some sort of validation that you are making the right decision.

    Then you agree to pull it.

    Then you watch....monitors..their face...their chest moving up and down.

    You wait.

    Fucking awful.

    This is the way I look at it. I'm going in for surgery on Oct. 30th (yikes-2 weeks from now) and I have prepared my Advance Directives. I'm not going to leave the decision for someone else to make in the event something happens and I end up clinically dead on on life support. I made a choice not to have machines keep me alive if I'm clinically dead. I think of it like this....If I was clinically dead years before the artificial ventilator was invented, before defibrillators were around or before long term medical care for a vegetable was available, I'd be dead and that's how it should be. If a person has irreversible brain damage and cannot survive without mechanical ventilation to breathe then I'm pretty sure the majority of people wouldn't want to live for another 20, 30 or more years in that vegetative state. We all have to die eventually, but that's not living. I don't want to make light of this situation where someone is kept alive although there is nothing sustainable by that person. I compare it to a house plant needing to be fed and watered every day. It makes sense for a plant that is alive and flourishing, it makes no sense for a person that is essentially dead. Let them go and release them from their torment.

    • Love 8
  23. Kim and her placenta problem... along with the excess fluid in her womb that might be a symptom of diabetes and her pre eclampsia and her general hatred of being pregnant. Its a wonder this woman isn't confined to bed rest.  Why is her pregnancy even an issue at this point, why mention it? Just to let everyone know what a sacrifice she made to fly to Vegas, she jeopardized her life!! All for Lamar... and a photo op. 


    Kim and Kanye went underwent an IVF gender-selection process this spring to predetermine baby No. 2’s sex. The procedure isn't cheap, but money isn't an issue in their case. The egg selection procedure in which only male fertilized eggs were placed inside her uterus costs around $20,000. Many doctors refuse to perform this invasive procedure just for sex selection, and some people are troubled by what eventually becomes of the embryos of the unwanted sex, which may be frozen or discarded. The choosing of the sex of your children is just one added benefit of being filthy rich. The only thing money isn't able to control is preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Hopefully for Kim, her diabetes will only be temporary and not a permanent part of her life. Kim is at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes down the road.


    It's no wonder that Kanye has a God complex, he can choose what the sex of his child will be. Kim will most likely have a very fat little baby and I'm certain she'll be going to see Terry Dubrow or some other plastic surgeon soon after giving birth for her vaginoplasty.

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