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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I heard Jason say that the sister was older and then at one point Cortney asked him if she and Jason were visiting his dad at the same time. Makes me suspect that Jason's mom was the other woman and the father's wife kicked him out, but perhaps they got back together and she didn't want Jason around as a reminder? Who knows, just a thought I had. Or the father's been married several times.

    Wow I think you've hit the nail right on the head with this. I saw the paperwork that Jason and Cortney opened and his father's name was clearly printed on the top, 'Hector Louis Carrion'. Jason's mother met his father at United Cerebral Palsy of New York, Brooklyn Rehab Campus. Jason said his mother was working there at the time. I'm pretty convinced now that Jason's mother was the 'other woman' who had an affair with Hector Luis Carrion and Jason was the outcome of the affair. I think his father might have been married and had a daughter Jeanine, who is 35 years old now (she lives in Staten Island) then Jason was born out of wedlock and his father went back to his wife and had another son and possible other children with her. OR...... Hector Luis was divorced, met Jason's mother and met her then divorced her and met another woman and had more children with her.  OR.... Hector never married Jason's mother at all but gave his last name to Jason.


    Now I have to get working on the Jamie and Doug mystery. She said that her ex-boyfriend lives in the same town where she grew up and where her sisters still live. Doug commented that Jamie's ex can sing. Jamie and the ex. wrote the song that they used for the wedding between Doug and Jamie, the one on the beach in St. Thomas. That's pretty bizarre. So, Jamie grew up in Dryden, New York.  How many singer/songwriters could there possibly be in Dryden, NY?

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  2. Isn't it an invasion of privacy for the show to display the Facebook page of Jason's half sister Jeanine without her prior approval? It was shown clearly, Jeanine Carrion-Cimmino. Of course I went to check out her Facebook page and she resembles Jason a lot. She's really pretty. This display must have been agreed to way in advance, otherwise I think there is a potential lawsuit there.



  3. Neph's girlfriend Jasmine is an annoying pain in the ass. She's so immature and unrealistic. She thinks a few ties of his that are hanging on one hanger in the closet is taking up too much room and has to go to make more room for her stuff?  She even gave him an ultimatum, get the ties out or ship my stuff back to Texas. Well, if I was Neph I'd say 'adios chiquita' and go get some big packing boxes. What are these two doing on this show anyway?  I guess they had some blank spots to fill in from missing the other couples that didn't pan out and threw this couple in to fill up space.


    All I can say to Jamie, is 'go girl'. Go to the old man ex-boyfriend and be done with it. Stop the whining and complaining and get out of Doug's life. Go live with your 'best friend'. After six months, you'll be crying to the new/old boyfriend that you still have a thing for Doug. You just can't be satisfied with what you have, can you? You will always want what you don't have.


    Jason has a lot of anger towards his father, and rightly so. But Jason doesn't know the circumstance as to why his father left and started a whole new family. There's always two sides to a story and Jason only knows one side. It seems that it worked out for the father since the photos show him with his other children. I don't know if opening up this bee hive of emotions was a great idea. Sometimes it's easier to deal with old hurt rather than risking new ones. Emailing his half sister is a big risk for Jason. She might not want to have anything to do with him, there's old wounds there that have healed with time, he's going to reopen those and maybe she doesn't want that. Any rejected by her would certainly hurt Jason even more. I guess we'll find out.

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  4. I've seen the Kardashians in a regular grocery store once. They looked about as natural in a grocery store all dressed up in black with gold jewelry as a clown sitting in the front pew of church on Easter morning. I absolutely hate it when someone buying groceries can't wait until they check out to open a bag of cookies or snacks like Kim did with her snack. Open it while shopping and start the snacking. CAN'T SHE WAIT to pay for it first?  Again, sense of entitlement.

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  5. This episode felt like the battle of the paid friends. Malika of course wins because of the hundreds of times she said "you need to talk to your sisters!" Do we truly believe Khloe is so shy and such a pleaser that she won't tell Kim and Kourtney what's on her mind?? HAHAHAHA!!

    Then of course Corey the paid boyfriend gets a nod with the condom and cucumber scene, but I thought Kris was supposedly having nonstop sex with this man? Isn't it too late to worry about condoms at this point?

    And last but not least, we get a glimpse of Candis! As someone mentioned unthread, the only missing famewhore was Jonathan.

    I had to laugh because Kris Jenner probably at least knew what condoms were when she was barely a teenager. The ridiculous attempt to appear to be totally unaware of how to use a condom was laughable. In no way is Kris innocent when it comes to sex. The woman was born horny.

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  6. I don't understand why Caitlyn was so butt hurt that the girls didn't attend the after party. Kylie and Kendall are freaking teenagers and their father just became a woman. Maybe they weren't ready to handle all the questions and attention. Kim, Kourt and Khloe didn't want their mother to feel slighted so they opted to meet her for dinner. Jeez, it's not like they blew the whole thing off.

    Caitlyn really comes across as a spoiled brat.

    When we watch Caitlyn and listen to what she says, we tend to think 'selfish' and 'ego-maniacal' but I believe we're seeing a down-to-the bone clinical narcissist. There's a world of difference between what the Kardashians are and what Caitlyn always was. They are narcissistic yes, but Caitlyn has lived an entire lifetime as someone with a very real mental disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


    Most of us exhibit mild traits of narcissism; a certain degree of self interest is healthy and demonstrates good psychological health. Some of the traits of narcissism, such as inflated sense of self-confidence, arrogance and ego-centrism are frequently attributed to people with a “big ego”. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is often under-diagnosed as many high functioning individuals, like Caitlyn Jenner, are just considered people with big egos due to their successes. The greatest fear that Caitlyn Jenner has always had is the fear of not having attention focused on her and being thought of as being common.

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  7. Let's all make a toast. 'Up the bum, no babies!' .......(crass, no class)


    Yes, Khloe has outdone herself in the race to the finish line in 'The Biggest Slut' competition within the Kardashian ranks. I think that Khloe is so desperate to stand out from her sisters and micro-managing mother that being outrageous and outspoken enough will get the attention she craves. Khloe has been the 3rd in line of the three full-blood sisters for focus because, she definitely has had some body issues. Now that Kim has become an Orca and Kourtney has morphed into an anorexic, mentally unstable person, Khloe can finally get ALL the attention with her antics and socially unacceptable behavior. Khloe holds center stage now. She can't compete with Kendall and Kylie, but she'll always have Kim and Kourtney to upstage.


    Yesterday afternoon, I watched an old episode from 2009. Kim and Kourtney were in Miami and Mason was just a few months old. Scott was his usual self-indulgent, alcoholic self and went into a tirade in their Miami apartment and punched the bathroom mirror. He had to go to the emergency room to get it stitched up and a few days later required surgery to reconnect tendons in his knuckles. Kourtney did her usual crying and attempts at 'tough love' which of course didn't do a thing to change Scott. Flash forward to 2015 and now Kourtney has three babies with Scott the alcoholic and philanderer. Who's to blame for that, Scott? I used to think that she, of all the three, was the one with some brains. Now I feel that Kourtney is the one that needs to find out why she had this need to have more babies with Scott Disick and get some help for her eating disorder. How can anyone feel sorry for Kourtney when she brought this all upon herself? This problem with Scott has been going on for more than 7 years!

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  8. Brittany will forever be known for being the 'dumb girl that wore her underwear twice to an interview with Lisa'.  In a few weeks, nobody will remember her name, it'll just be 'underwear girl'.  And Jax will be the other knucklehead that thought Lisa was being unfair to his fu*ck-buddy by holding Brittany to an unfair standard because she's dating him. 


    And Sheana telling Shay that he doesn't need to stop drinking, "it's fine to drink when it's an occasion and we're having fun. You don't have to drink to get drunk, drink to get a good buzz".  Sheana, he's an addict!!  Grow up little girl.

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  9. There was as movie back in the 70s or early 80s called The Best Little Girl in the World, about a teenage girl who was anorexic.  One of her things was not being able let her lips touch her fork or her food.  Whenever I see the K family eating, I think about that movie.

    You may have touched on something deeper there regarding Kourtney. When I saw a photo of her and the kids dressed up for Halloween, I thought she looked anorexic.



  10. I would compare Noah Solloway's talent as an author similar to someone like Fifty Shades of Grey author E.L. James.  Like that erotic money-making novel, Noah's novel also titillates and provokes emotions, primarily among women. The undergraduate student that panned it was male so Noah's book was obviously seen differently by a male than it was by the adoring and impressed women at the reading. As this student said "Do you see anyone reading your book in five years?" which would of course make Noah's book a piece of literature. Noah's response to that question was spoken in jest but I'm sure came from honesty "for the sake of your generation I hope that in five years it will be translated into an emoji". Similar to Fifty Shades of Grey it's a commercial success because of the eroticism and sexual titillation. If anyone has seen the movie Fifty Shades,( which I am embarrassed to say that I have on HBO), it was so vacant of feeling and substance that I ended up chuckling at most of what was intended to be sensual and erotic. It was absolutely awful. Fifty Shades of Grey was not literature that will be read by generations to come or taught in literature classes. The same for Noah's book. The undergrad students panning of Descent was right-on deadly accurate.


    I suspect that Noah's book will be compared to a musical one hit wonder where a performers song reaches #4 on the Billboards then sinks into oblivion never to be seen or heard from again.

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  11. So can someone help me out here. I have been watching the Season 2 eps in real time and I just recently started trying to catch up on Season 1. I watched the pilot the other day, and during the Lockhart family dinner scene there were a couple of small children sitting at the table. Whose kids are these? Have they just been retconned out of the story?

    I just re-watched the pilot because I had forgotten about the spare kids in that first episode. It appeared to be a Lockhart family dinner with a few extra kids there. I think there were two girls and a boy around age who looked around eight years old. I have a feeling that these children were forgotten in the story line because it would have conflicted with the theme of the 'Lockhart curse'. The writers must have deep-sixed those kids in the hopes that nobody would remember them when the time came anyway.  And, we didn't!

  12. Or...maybe she's built like her maternal grandmother.



    Of course Whitney wants to be a model. The girl is nothing but bone; the times Ive seen her in summer clothes . In the previous season, was there any hints that she had a eating disorder?

    The actress that plays Whitney, Julia Goldani Telles, is a professionally trained ballet dancer. Her first role in television came in 2011 when she successfully auditioned for the part of Sasha Torres in the ABC short-lived series Bunheads. She never had an acting job before and without head-shots or a résumé. Her agent felt Bunheads should have been one of her first auditions as he felt she would be comfortable with the dancing aspect of the show. Just judging from her slight physical appearance and long neck, I think it's possible that Whitney could really make it as a model in New York. She certainly has the temperament for it.

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  13. You nailed it !! They do live in New York, but in the borough of Brooklyn. That is indeed NY'er speak, whereby referring to Brooklyn, Queens, etc. by name but when you refer to Manhattan, you say New York or the city.  So yes Witney lives in Brooklyn which is part of New York and wants to move to Manhattan (a/k/a "New York")  

    I also thought that I heard Noah and Helen mention living in Harlem when they were getting their drunk on. It sounded as though Harlem was where they lived at the start of their marriage. And you're right, Manhattan is referred to as 'the city' or Manhattan not only by other borough NY'ers but by anyone in the tri-State area.

    I'm really starting to think that something is wrong with Helen in the present day scenes.  I thought Whitney's comment about how Helen only has 5-6 good years left was possible foreshadowing, and Helen looked awfully pale and drawn, especially at the gym.  If she's sick/dying that would explain her desperate need to get Noah off at any cost, even by alienating him with the whole baby DNA swipe.  I assumed that's why she was so upset when she handed over the pacifier; she knows that she will lose Noah forever, even as a friend, through that act but she's desperate.

    I can't even fathom the fact that Noah took the baby with him to the wrestling match. He's not the type of man who looks like he'd be agreeable to playing Mister Mom, even for a few hours and especially with a very small baby.

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  14. Since we're nearing the end of this season and I doubt there can be a third, I'll put out my predictions for the final episode now.


    Whitney becomes a successful model OR a cheap hooker suckering in out-of-towners in Times Square.


    Noah and Alison split up since they aren't married anyway and it's proven that Cole is the father of her baby. Alison and Cole move back in together in Montauk with their son who they never bring swimming until he's 18.


    Noah and Helen get back together but don't remarry and their relationship is stronger than it ever was.


    Noah writes a second book and it's so successful that he can afford to buy Bruce's house in the Hamptons since Bruce doesn't need it anymore, he's living in California with his mistress.


    That's all.

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  15. HumblePi, I assumed the attorney told Helen about the paternity question when she visited him in the first scene and asked her to try to get a DNA sample.

    Thank you for explaining that. I missed the first five minutes of the show tonight.

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  16. For all those who think Noah is a good guy and given him the benefit of the doubt...........




    told ya so


    I didn't get it why Helen picked up the pacifier and took it. Why would Helen question if Alison's baby was Noah's or not?  What reason would she have not to believe it was?

    • Love 5
  17. At the hospital where I work, they do gown and gloves for mrsa and isolation patient's but I've never ever seen family or friends that visit wear the PPE well there was this one time and the nurse made them. STAFF infections are easy to get sadly.

    Truthfully, not to require that any person enters an isolation room without PPE (including family members) is just bad infection control protocol. These ineffective infection control practices are precisely why we have so much MRSA and VRSA infections in our communities.

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  18. Oh look!  It's November 22nd and there hasn't been a comment on Scott Disick in this section since November 15th!  This is cause for celebration. Scott is fading into the nether lands of Nobodysville.  Ya gotta love it.



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  19. I feel really bad for Khloe if she does have this. She had to have an open cut and touch Lamar to get infected. If she's been out of sight it's because the antibiotics they treat you with are very intense, and if they don't work they will have to hospitalize you and treat you with an IV.

    There's over 30 different types of staph infections and the one most feared is MRSA. It's alarming at the spiraling of MRSA infections in our hospitals over the past few years. A MRSA staph infection is difficult to treat because of the simple fact that it is resistant to most antibiotics. My husband contracted a MRSA infection after surgery last June and it took until December to resolve. After a lengthy hospitalization during last summer, he was discharged home with an I/V port in his arm. I had to connect this to antibiotics and run it for an hour every six hours. It's a real bummer to have to deal with. Luckily the MRSA didn't settle and colonize in his heart or kidney stents that he had put in years before or he would probably have died.


    I just had a total knee replacement which is major surgery and before I planned the surgery I did my research on hospitals and doctors within my State and chose to drive an hour further to be admitted to a hospital with the lowest infection rates in the State. This is nothing to mess around with and can be life threatening. It sounds as thought Khloe had a MRSA infection and not a staph infection which is more common and more easily treated but MRSA staph infections are highly resistant to most antibiotics. If Lamar Odom was positive for a MRSA infection he most certainly would have been put on isolation precautions which means that Khloe would have had to put on a gown, mask and gloves while in his room. It's more likely that she received a MRSA or staph infection after an open wound procedure of her own.

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  20. This is my honest opinion and it's not going to be popular because whether we realize or not, we want to believe shows like Below Deck. We want to see it as truth. I see Below Deck to be like any other, it's scripted and rehearsed. When I see Eddie angrily walking towards the locked cabin door of Rocky and can see the reflection of 2 men, one a sound man and the other carrying a camera then I know it wasn't just an impulse of Eddie. It was planned. He gets to the 'locked' door and suddenly he's got a pair of scissors to pry the lock open. Where did he get those, did he bring them with him, did he ask Emile to get him a pair, or maybe the cameraman had them in his pocket?


    The bottom line is that I honestly don't believe that Eddie and Rocky ever had sex. I truly believe that Eddie threw himself under the bus in order to add interest and controversy to the series. Up to this season, Eddie has been the poster child for the perfect crew member and gentleman.   I think that both of them were fully cooperative with Bravo in creating the drama and to have it all conveniently come to a head during the filming of the season conclusion. I believe that Eddie forewarned his girlfriend that this was part of the contrived drama and that's why she really has no problem with it. I also think that the 'cheating' that his girlfriend was accused of was contrived as well just to give Eddie some justification for boning Rocky. The minds of Bravo viewers want to believe the story so it's very easy for Bravo to pull it off. It's more difficult for someone who wants to believe the script to have to adjust their thinking and rationalize it and grasp the concept of being deceived for ratings.


    This is a tweet from Rocky yesterday. Despite the way she left, as if she was never going to be part of the cast ever again, it appears that she's already thinking about next season and plans to be there.


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  21. It looks like there will be a few vacancies left for Bravo to fill since it looks like Rocky or Emile aren't coming back and unclear if Ben will return. A newspaper help wanted ad might look something like this if they want to fill the cast before filming next season.



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