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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. The pairing of Neil Bowlus and Samantha Role was just about the most horrendous mismatch of any couple since this show began. Neil also came from parents who divorced when he was very young. His mother remarried a man that was able to give Neil a healthy upbringing and instilled traditional values in him. His grandparents had an arranged marriage that was a good marriage. Neil is more serious minded and very well educated. He has a master's degree in biology which is no small feat.  Neil is a marathon runner and has run successfully in several marathons. He also enjoy skydiving, snowboarding and hiking. Who knew?  I don't remember Sam even being vaguely interested in finding out what Neil's interests or passions are. Neil is the type of man that would be a solid, supportive partner to a woman. He's serious but at times came be just a little too serious and a woman like Samantha could possible be the yin to his yang if she knew how to bring that out and enjoy things together.

    • Love 15
  2. Sam: "I don't have a spare key to give you, so we're gonna have to work out when you come home, versus when I come come, versus when Sammie comes home"...or you could go to Wal Mart or a hardware store and get a spare kid made for 3 dollars.

    "And while you're at it Neil, pay no attention to that woman standing in our kitchen who's still wearing the shorts and shirt she slept in. You know the one I mean, the one hogging up the coffee pot. Just pretend she's not there."

    If this was Survivor Island, I'd vote off all of the professional matchmakers from this show and replace them with people who actually vet the applicants and match them up according to appearance, personality and lack of baggage from childhood. The only one that I have any respect for is Dr. Pepper.

    • Love 13
  3. I take issue with comments like this one. The insinuation is that only someone who is a ten has the right to want to be physically attracted to their partner, if you're not a ten you have to take what you can get.

    The point is as she said herself, she was usually physically attracted to people she dated. David doesn't look like a movie star but he's not bad either. She makes it seem like he actually repulses her and I find that extremely shallow and even a bit narcissistic. Ashley is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. She's definitely not a '10' by most standards and shouldn't be as critical and repulsed by David as much as she obviously is.


    Ashley has sabotaged just about everything the 'experts' asked them to do, including sharing feelings. If she didn't like David's looks and he didn't appeal to her, she should have told him exactly that, just get it out there. She even refused to attempt to answer the questions given to them and chosen randomly out of the fishbowl. She doesn't even try a little bit, that's the problem. Even being nearly three hours later than expected the night David went out of his way to cook a nice dinner and set a nice table for her. She blew it off so casually like 'yeah well my exams took longer than I thought'.  She could have called, she could have apologized a little more and she could have helped him clean up. I think he was the one that washed the dirty dishes afterwards.

    • Love 12
  4. I'm sorry, Ashley is not just physically not interested, she just can't stand being in the same room as David.  She is just counting the days until 6 weeks is over.  Based on the previews from the wedding episode, David moves on before the six weeks is over.  Even though I don't agree with cheating, I can't get all that upset if that is what he does. 

    If Ashley thinks that David isn't physically attractive enough, she should check her bathroom mirror more closely and realize that she has no lips, a mustache and a dent in her forehead between her eyes. "ya ain't all that girl".

    • Love 13
  5. I was curious as to exactly what Scott Disick had done prior to meeting Kourtney and getting involved in the Kardashian brand and television fame. This is all he's done so far.....



    Aside from his reality T.V. career, Disick has sought out many business endeavors. Disick was a partner in Ryu, an NYC Meatpacking District restaurant, that opened on April 23, 2012. Ryu shuttered after 191 days in business.

    Disick has worked in numerous private businesses. He is quoted as saying, “I have done a lot of private label manufacturing in the nutrition biz and have raised money for startup companies. I tend to invest money into nightlife businesses for the friends of mine that are involved in nightclubs and what not.”  Disick endorsed Amidren High T pill, a supplement aimed at men ages 20–40.

    It was also discovered that Disick was a cover model for Heartland, a young-adult book series, in 2001.


    Essentially, none of the above was possible if it weren't for the Kardashians. Scott really never had any significant education or training. He was born an only child to wealthy parents. He's been an alcoholic at least since 2001 and his first DUI. He has a history of anger management. All of this adds up to a guy that is pretty worthless on his own. If he threatens suicide it's for attention. He's been offered help many times and has wasted all his opportunities to change his life around.

  6. These people are horrible human beings. Kylie was actually on her phone while the rest of the family was trying to manage the Scott-in-duress situation. And then Kim criticizing Reign's shirt? Wtf? Who cares what a baby is wearing around the house.


    Nothing was more apt than a plastic surgeon giving them their genetic testing results. I bet plastic surgeons handle all their medical needs. Dr. Nassif should have taken a look at whatever is happening under Kris's eyes.


    Kris's face and the strange 'pulling' lines look to me like a thread facelift. Kris is getting scary looking even though she was made up 'goth' she's still scary without makeup.


    Unless Kris's mother had breast cancer, which she didn't and if Kris herself had breast cancer, which she didn't, then I would say that getting a genetic test for the BRCA mutation would be a smart thing to do. But, a positive test for a cancer-associated BRCA variant will not tell you if you are going to get breast or ovarian cancer. It simply means that you have one of many possible factors which may increase your likelihood of getting cancer, and therefore may have a higher than "average" risk of developing this condition.

    A negative test for a BRCA variant does not mean that you will not get breast or ovarian cancer. It means that your risk is approximately the "average" lifetime risk for breast cancer. One out of every nine women in the United States will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. The best test is routine self-examination, annual mammograms and ultrasounds of the breast for people with dense breast tissue.

    • Love 1
  7. Yea, I don't think the girl who has 10 foot wedding pictures of herself all over the apartment is one to comment on who is self obsessed and who is not. 





    But not everyone is as sexual as everyone else. Some people have naturally low sex drives, and it's not an indication of anything being wrong with the relationship. The problem here is, IMO, they don't seem to be on the same page. Tom seems to be unsatisfied with the amount of sex he's getting. Maybe he'd never be truly "satisfied", we don't really know just how much sex they're having. 

    Maybe it was just her time of the month and that's why she didn't go on the hike to the waterfall.

  8. How many more episodes n this season. Gawd, I hate this show. No, I don't watch it, but it takes up too much valuable timeslottinng on Bravo between WWHL and Monday Night. Ugh, then there will be the endless reunion.

    I'm with you here. This mockery of a reality show is produced by Todd and Lisa so all the extravagant trips they take to Vegas or Hawaii are bought and paid for by the rich Vanderpumps in order to have SOME sort of story. There just couldn't be a more immature group of 29+ people anywhere else. Individually, they might not stand out in a crowd as idiotics but the antics of all of them combined as a group makes it seem as though all people in L.A. are shallow, coke-snorting, oversexed, narcissists. It's a horrible show that should never have been produced. But now that it is, it will take a lot of scripted drama to pull it over into another season. They could all take a lesson from this six year old child.



  9. Ah, yes, I can just picture Scheana's next career move -- addiction counselor to the stars.

    But first Sheana would actually have to memorize the spelling of the word 'counselor' for her business card. Sheana has limits, grammar and spelling are both beyond hers.

    • Love 1
  10. Jax and James both knew that Lala is a huge flirt and will whip her clothes off at the drop of a hat. Everyone else knew that about her too. Sheana, Katie and Ariana should just suck it up when Lala takes off her clothes in front of their boyfriends or husband. They couldn't prevent Lala from going since she was invited by Jax for his birthday but if they knew they couldn't deal with her nudity then maybe they should have stayed the hell home.

  11. Speaking of Schemer, why did she feel the need to sneak that tequila to the beach a la It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I am surprised she didn't pull out a rum ham next! Isn't that a sign of being an alcoholic? Yeah, I understand you're not sppsd to have booze on the beach, but why not put it in a thermos or normal soft drink container? That would be a LOT less suspicious than seeing them sucking on suntan lotion tubes. Is Shay an alcoholic or pill-popper?


    Am I the only one who saw Tom had pulled out his penis and was stroking when he joked about watching his girlfriend thru the blinds in their room?


    To quote an article written in November, 2015 in the People magazine website;


    "When asked by Vanderpump what the problems have been, Marie (Sheana), 30, replies, "It all just started kind of around like (2014) Christmas time. I noticed, just a few months in, I noticed his drinking increased a lot – just more than drinking."

    In addition to drinking, Marie reveals to Vanderpump, 55, that Shay started to mix prescription drugs with alcohol – sometimes taking as many as five pills a day."


    Sheana knows that one addiction generally accompanies another. She has lectured Shay in previous episodes about his drinking and has even encouraged him to 'get a buzz' on from alcohol but not to drink enough to fall down drunk or pass out. So his drunk and alcohol abuse began in 2014 and was only revealed to the public via the show in Nov. 2015 after he disappeared and ran to his parents house. It's evident that Sheana doesn't make any connection between alcohol and drug abuse and even if she did, she's not going to stop drinking with the rest of the crew just to save Shay.


    Oh, and yes I also saw the imitation of masturbation that Tom did through the louvers into the bathroom. These people act like 14 year old hormonal teenagers, but have the mental sharpness and agility of a 9 year old. They're all borderline mentally challenged. Can any of us actually see something of any intellectual value of any of these people? Pick out just one if you can that you could imagine finishing college, getting a Master's degree and pursuing a career in medicine, philosophy or engineering.


    For example, paraphrasing something Sheana said, "Tom and Ariana put themselves up on this pedestool"

    • Love 2
  12. I always thought that Sheana was light on brain cells but what is she thinking by giving instructions to Shay about how many shots of tequila he should or shouldn't be doing?  And, giving him a shot of well-disguised tequila on the beach? Then Katie joins them and the three of them are sipping tequila out of suntan lotion tubes? Does Sheana understand that alcoholism is a real disease? Her telling him to do one beer bong instead of 3 is not going to help him overcome his disease. I'm convinced there's something really wrong with her brain. Shay is an alcoholic and if his drug of choice happened to be cocaine she certainly wouldn't instruct him to just do a couple of lines of cocaine and no more, would she?  Sheana is playing with fire and with Shay's sobriety and it's going to bite her in the ass and destroy their marriage. Sheana has to learn that she just can't control everything. She's a freak and thinks that by controlling what Shay says and does that everything will be just fine. She's going to have a big surprise coming.

    • Love 8
  13. In spite of all the rumination regarding whether Yolanda was indeed ill or not, I have to say that I'm totally convinced that she has felt ill since marrying David and not due to Lyme Disease. I've had Lyme Disease and know others personally that have had it and not one person hasn't completely recovered with the right antibiotic regimen. So that leaves one thing left that caused the symptoms that Yolanda has been complaining of and that's the leaking of silicone into her tissues and lymph glands.


    There had been so many well documented cases of women who have had silicone implants leaking into surrounding tissues and glands that the FDA looked into the issue and, in 1992, restricted the use of silicone breast implants to women having reconstruction after surgery for breast cancer. For the next 14 years, women who wanted breast augmentation had to use saline breast implants. Many people claimed there was a link between ruptured silicone gel implants and a greater risk of immunological disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. Then In 2006, after reviewing research and finding no connection between silicone implants and disease, the FDA approved the sale of certain silicone breast implants.


    Whether the connection between leaking silicone material can lead to other symptoms or diseases isn't crystal clear since the FDA has resumed the approval of 'certain' silicone breast implants. Truthfully, I don't understand why any woman would put herself at risk if there's any question at all about the safety of silicone. Water implants are easier to spot, perhaps that's why women choose silicone over water. But water implants are filled after they're inserted making the surgery incision smaller and the overall procedure easier to tolerate for the patient.


    It all adds up to one question; 'At what price beauty?'  From what I've read, Yolanda's symptoms have subsided and she's feeling much improved. The other women doubted her illness and maybe they were only partially correct to doubt that it was all attributed to Lyme Disease. Even Yolanda would prefer to blame Lyme Disease rather than admit that having silicone implants were simply a vanity thing that turned out to be nearly life-threatening. In other words, it turned out to be a very stupid mistake on her part. Oh yes, she was ill, I have no doubt about it, but not from Lyme. Her silicone leakage wasn't something that could be taken lightly, it was massive and devastating to her immune system. The lymphatic system is the very first and most vital part of our immune system. If the lymph nodes are compromised in any way, so is our health. Hers were incredibly compromised.


    Just a footnote to add that Yolanda's implants were 20 years old at the time of removal. I'm at a loss as to why Yolanda's doctors didn't investigate the possibility of silicone rupture sooner.

    • Love 9
  14. Both David and Yolanda are two peas that used to occupy the same pod for a few years, that's all. They're the same. They're failures at marriage, they're both ambitious and greedy and this certainly won't be the last marriage for either of them. They're both soulless, spoiled wealthy humans. They're deceitful, dishonest, unfaithful and had no intention whatsoever of keeping any marriage vows. They each deserve whatever bad fate falls on them.

    • Love 3
  15. I realize there's a lot being said about Kourtney's dramatic weight loss since dumping Scott. Some will say that she's focused on 'body revenge' by dieting and working out intensely. Okay, we don't want to body shame anyone here, but truthfully when a woman begins to look like a bobblehead, then something is going seriously wrong inside her brain. I watched old episodes when Kourtney and Scott were living in Miami with their then infant son Mason. Scott opened up MIA nightclub while Kourtney oversaw her new Dash store. Both Khloe and Kim had been there and tried warning Kourtney about Scott and his drinking and staying out until 1:00 a.m. going out all night with three of his friends to other clubs all night. Kourtney got indignant and basically told them both to mind their own business, she was okay with it.


    I saw Kourtney as a woman in total denial about the fact that there was a huge problem. She just couldn't face the fact that Scott had a serious problem and that's possibly the reason his problems escalated. Kourtney wanted a perfect life with her new baby and her extravagant life. Rocking the boat would mean that things would change for her, and she doesn't like change. So she took the abuse in her relationship with Scott instead of facing what would inevitably have to happen. Fast forward five years and two more children, the last blow is finally struck and the relationship crumbles beyond repair.


    Subsequent to the breakup of Scott and Kourtney, she begins a regime of dieting and exercise for several reasons. Of course there's the intense scrutiny that any of the Kardashians undergo on a continual basis. Being the eldest Kardashian child and approaching her 37th birthday in August plus being a single parent has put an intense emotional strain on Kourtney. I think that she, more than any of the Kardashian women, hides her weakness and vulnerability but she's probably the most vulnerable at this time. Hopefully Kourtney can overcome the body issues that she has and be able to accept what her destiny is, whatever that may be.

  16. I am not gonna say that Erika is all that interesting and I am not enthralled and enamored of her alter ego Erika Jayne. Frankly, I don't see why she would have such an alleged gay following. Her over-sexualized routine/clothing choices, Barbie blondness, lack of dance skills seem a bit basic too me. I thought you had to be little more than that to appeal to that demographic but maybe her dance tunes are just that good, however, Cher, Britney or Gaga she ain't. She is basically blonde Melissa Gorga if you ask me but with actual wealth to back it up so maybe she can afford better 'people.' But I digress, I don't find her all that fascinating but I think she handles her self great in the situations she finds herself in on the show. Most of all, she seems to know and be true to herself. She is a very rich bitch and she ain't afraid to show it but it doesn't come off as braggy per say.


    You've brought up something that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Why does Erika Jayne have such a tremendous gay following? I'm not prepared with any answers, just some assumptions as to the reasons. If anyone else can offer their opinions regarding the genuine attraction that some gays have to female performers that dance scantily clad on a stage, I'd like to hear it.


    Cher, Beyonce, Madonna, and Liza have been iconic in the gay community for many  years. When I go to Youtube to watch a parody of Beyonce's 'All the Single Ladies' I find that most of them are performed by gay men. I think that the unabashed dancing half naked on a stage like Erika Jayne's act is true stereotypical representation of exaggerated female sexuality. Since male femininity doesn't exist in the cultural imagery except as being gay, perhaps the gays that enjoy watching Erika Jayne perform are actually enjoying her projection of unapologetic freedom and fearlessness to which many gay men aspire. Maybe it's simply the fact that these female performers are representative of freedom to those that are artistically inclined. Youth, beauty, un-apologizing sexuality are things that many people admire, not only lesbians or gays. I think that Erika has found a great niche with her act and if her body and youthful looks hold up, she'll be able to perform for many years, like Cher. One of the greatest appeals about Cher are the messages in her songs and the strengths of them, that and her seemingly unending youthful looks.

    • Love 5
  17. I'm glad you mentioned Lisa walking Ken around like a dog and him dragging around a real dog - that's exactly how I've been seeing those three lately. As I've said before, imo Lisa is a true narcissist, and they often have escorts/enablers by their side to play assigned roles. In this case, if anyone ever actually dared to ask Lisa "anything" Ken would swoop in like those flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz to protect the queen/witch. (We've seen him do that before.)

    Lisa coos to the dog ("Oh you little sex monster. You sexy boy.") in a way Ken could only wish she'd speak to him - and he totes Giggy around like a child's security blanket. Both Lisa and Ken anthropomorphize their animals - their interest seems to be in how the animals make them feel, not the other way around.

    Interesting couple to watch - but I would never trust them.

    Well ha-ha on Lisa because Bella magazine meant to showcase Giggy on their cover and came out with another redacted version the very next week. Sorry Lisa, we know the news might have been a little 'ruff ruff' to take.


    • Love 3
  18. Info on husbands is rather hard to confirm. Google still says Ken is a former soccer player, and Mohamed is the ghost of an Iraqi politician born in 1907 and died in 1999.

    Mohamed Hadid is a real estate developer, former husband to Yolanda of course and father to her three children. He's wealthy, so I get it. The other guy that Ken Todd is 'supposedly' guy-friends with, Martin Genis is somewhat of a mystery. Apparently he's connected to the well-to-do Beverly Hills rich in some way. To me he always seems to be a 'hanger-on-r' that magically appears at all the housewives social functions holding a glass. He was even in the limo when Kim and Kyle had their huge fight and the reveal of Kim's alcoholism. So, who the heck is he really? He did a five second cameo (holding a drink of course) in an Indy movie called The Madame.So now my brain goes to the dark side wondering if Martin is the local boy-whore servicing all the lonely and unhappy rich Beverly Hills wives. Or, maybe he's the local cocaine connection. It's better than we don't know more about Martin or Mohammed because they don't mean anything to anyone here and nobody cares.  LOL!

    • Love 6
  19. Here's the thing with Lisa and her "Ask me anything" and "I'm an open book".  I like Lisa, mostly because she is smart.  She is quick-thinking.  Not in the way Bethenny is, who has a quick mouth with a snarky reply, but she's quick-thinking and thoughtful in her responses.


    So, if someone were to ask Lisa something that she may not want to reveal everything about, she will give the questioner just enough of a response to satisfy them, without really telling them everything.


    Eileen sometimes seems to be put off her guard about things and then may say something she wished she could have said differently, or not answered at all.

    Lisa V isn't exactly going to boast about the 'little vixen' type she played in a couple of music videos from the 1980's. The band was called Naked Eyes, the song was 'What In The Name of Love' There's another by a group called ABC titled 'Poison Arrow'. I suppose Lisa's acting skills weren't wanted so she went to the dark side of being music video eye-candy. She also won't boast about her role in a 1973 movie as a child actress in 'A Touch of Class'. It seems that even as a 9 year old actress she was drawn to class in some way or another. Has she ever compared credentials and acting training with Kyle or Kim?  Um, newp. She doesn't mention too much how she was 21 when she married Ken who was 37 at the time, and they married just six weeks after meeting. I wonder if Lisa would mind if Eileen brought up the fact that Ken was briefly married to a model from the 60's, a former Bond girl, Pamela and how he basically handed over full custody of his only son to Pamela when they divorced.


    Yes. that's really child star wannabe, Lisa on the right



    • Love 11
  20. Did anyone else think that Bethenny actually farted instead of splitting her pants?  That's what I thought, at first!  ;-)


    And, I don't think she was the first one to come up with the "bar shed" idea - I've been seeing that on the internet for about a year now....people are doing it all over the place (and better than hers, imo.).  People are creating "man sheds", "girl sheds", "bar sheds" - anything except what a shed should be!!  

    She quickly exited to go change them, so if she farted she wouldn't need to change those ugly pants, unless of course she 'sharted', then she'd have to get some clean undies.


    And about the shed craze, maybe all these super wealthy, mansion residing, people have a serious need deep inside to live in a simple cottage with barn siding? Something small and intimate, somewhere where they don't get a resounding echo when they call the maid for their afternoon cocktails. In other words, homes more like what normal people live in.

    • Love 7
  21. When Bethenny and Kyle were alone and looking at Erika's pictures on the phone--Bethenny was sitting like an old man! Legs wide apart, hunched over the phone. She looked rough!

    If you read into the body language, which I usually do because body language is very telling and it's all done unconsciously. For instance, when Eileen brought Lisa V into the other room to have 'the talk' with her, Lisa V sat on an open armed chair but facing sideways, like she was ready to block off whatever Eileen was about to say. She really didn't begin the talk with an open mind. Now Bethenny and Kyle are good friends and I'm certain had talked about Erika beforehand so Bethenny was already in the mindset that she was not going to like Erika or what she does in nightclubs. The stance with the squared off open knees and hunched forward body was telling. She was armed and ready to tear Erika apart. Yes, she looked rough and ready to throw some arrows. Her body posture didn't say 'oh she looks amazing, what a beauty', instead it said 'I'm going to examine this video and photos and pick this broad apart piece by piece'. And she had a friend sitting close to her to validate her opinions.

    • Love 15
  22. On the brief clip for the upcoming episode next week, it showed the newest addition to the housewives, Katherine Edwards. Lisa Rinna said to her 'O.J. comes to mind'. So, I did a little poking and found this article regarding Katherine Edwards, Faye Resnick and the late Nicole Simpson Brown connection. I've paraphrased some of the article


    "According to a recently released episode synopsis, Edwards will confront Faye Resnick, a longtime friend of Kyle Richards (and Kris Jenner), about a 20-year-old grudge.

    it was Resnick's controversial book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary Of A Life Interupted, which led to their feud.

    In the book, Resnick mentioned Edwards' former husband, Kansas City Chiefs running back Marcus Allen, and accused Allen of having an affair with Nicole after she had separated from O.J. Simpson, who was reportedly one of Allen's close friends. Resnick went on to claim the alleged affair took place during Allen's engagement to Edwards, and continued after the couple wed at the Simpson's home."  



    The photo of Katherine Edwards in the article reminds me of Aviva Drescher of RHoNY.

    • Love 6
  23. Oh Erica -  I had my doubts about you in the beginning, but welcome to the party! 


    She held her own with Bethanny (and is there anything even remotely likable about Bethanny to begin with?).  Erica makes no apologies or excuses for who she is and what she does - and she was great tonight.  What clinched it for me was "anyone can make a Margarita".   The only thing I would have loved more was if she had showed up in her ripped up jeans.


    Add me to the list of people who thought Bethenny's outfit was hideous.  Ugh - just awful.


    Are we done with Bethenny now?  Can she go back to RHONY and stop messing up RHOBH?  I know Andy loves her, but I think he's in a very small minority.  Every time she opens her mouth, I get a headache.


    Re: Eileen and Lisa - Lisa was wrong to have the conversation where she had it -at a dinner table in front of other guests and she should have picked up on Eileen's discomfort, or at the very least asked Eileen if she was comfortable discussing it.  On the other hand, Eileen should have shut it down. But when they had the conversation at the end, would it have been too much for Lisa to offer "I'm sorry".  I didn't hear that, did I miss it?


    (Edited to add that she did say she apologized.  I must have missed it. Thanks WireWrap!)


    Anyone besides me think that the "buddy" Ken was having dinner with that night was Giggy?


    And because it can't be said too often - enough of Yolanda!  Please!

    I tried to put a description on that thing that Bethenny was wearing. I assume she thought it was chic and trendy but to me it looked like capri yoga pants combined with a bat cape/ maternity top. It only emphasized her stick-like legs. But when she ripped the ass of her skinny pants trying to 'do the Erika moves' I thought, 'sit down bitch and stop making a fool of yourself'.


    When Ken left to 'have dinner with a friend' I for SURE assumed it was Giggy. I don't really recall seeing Ken with any guy friends in all these years on TV. An another thing about the Capri Motel in Southampton (with one 'H'), it was paid for by Bella magazine and Lisa and Ken really couldn't trash the place on camera. All they did was ooze about 'how lovely' it was. Well, it isn't. Many people have reviewed this hotel and complained about the exact same thing Eileen and Kyle have complained about, the noise and party after dark atmosphere. Here are the pros and cons as reviewed on the Oyster.com website:


        Large outdoor pool, landscaped lounge areas and fire pits

        Live DJ on Friday and Saturday nights

        High-end restaurant BLT Steak

        Rooms have high-end linens, iPod docks, and free beverages

        Free local pastries and Keurig coffee in the morning

        Free Wi-Fi and parking


        Not walking distance to the beach

        Not walking distance to sites in the Hamptons

        No television or telephones

        No mini-fridges

        Noisy until late hours during weekends

        Hotel is only open seasonally from May - September


    Clearly this motel/hotel is not quite what Lisa and Ken are accustomed to staying in while out of town. I remember Lisa complaining in one episode in Puerto Rico that she and Ken were being made to share the same bathroom in their hotel room. Well, I never! They're used to 5 Diamond hotels and the creme de la creme. The Capri hotel is not.


    More than 'enough of Yolanda' I'm more about enough of jerky David.

    • Love 7
  24. David, you're an ass, I hate you.

    Bethenny was like Bitchzilla to Erika. 'yap yap yap' non-stop. 


    Oh hell, I like Erika, she's REAL unlike the rest of them.


    Wow Lisa Rinna, thank goodness for under-eye concealer, eh?


    Lisa V.....Erika can buy you and Ken both ten times over, deal.

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