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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I nearly fainted when I saw the commercial for 'Counting On'. First thought was that TLC is just absolutely determined to shove this family down our throats AGAIN.


    I've had enough of anything remotely connected to the Duggars.

    • Love 3
  2. Dear Mean Contractors:


    My house still isn't finished.  This is literally so not fair.  I am so annoyed.  When I tell you which lights to install, and Kanye tells you something completely different, I expect you to figure it out on your own.  Now, all the walls have to come down because you installed the wrong lights.  Literally, this is my worst nightmare.  I am 14 months pregnant and need my own Italian marble countertops upon which to consume my very own boxes of Fruit Roll-Ups from my very own kitchen.  I have been living in my mother's house for the past 2 years and it's all your fault.  Kanye and I are literally, like, so annoyed.  Hurry up and finish our house so we can move in together with our children and be a family for the first time since we were married.  Seriously, like, hurry up.




    Kim Kardashian West


    P.S. Don't tell Kanye that it was me who re-ordered all the light fixtures in order to delay moving in.  Seriously, if you tell, I will get my best friend Jonathan to deny you a table at Nobu for the rest of your lives.  Destroy this letter immediately.  Seriously, I mean, literally destroy it.  Autumn of 2019 will be our new target move-in date.  Yeah.

    You forgot to add 'Bible'

    And I hope Khloe has to live with this bizarre, twisted smile FOR-EV_ER!  I wondered if it's a result of one too many BJ's, so many vulgar, foul words coming out if it, or nerve damage from botox injections.



    "I really don't care about getting fucked up because I deserved every glass of champagne.

    I don't remember 80% of that night but I do know I looked great in my dress".

    • Love 1
  3. Kevin Lee is a very well-known event planner. I doubt very seriously Lisa's use of his services is based on how his sexuality might affect her.

    I just very seriously doubt that any other celebrity that has used Kevin Lee has paraded him so visibly on camera. Oprah Winfrey has used his planning services but I don't recall ever seeing him as a guest on her show. Maybe he's giving Lisa Vanderpump a kickback or discount for the exposure on RHoBH.

  4. In the event that Shiva becomes momo's wife, what would happen with the last names?

    Would Yoyo have to relinquish her precious Hadid name?

    Would Shiva allow another woman to share the name?

    If momo and Shiva have kids, what would happen then?

    The kids might all change their last names to 'Kardashian'

    • Love 5
  5. I had a couple of issues with the carnival or barbecue or whatever it was that Erika set up. Lisa Rinna hit a bulls-eye with a pop gun, isn't that amazing? Well it would be if the target was more than 10 inches away from her toy gun. But, whatever....


    Joe 'the Boss' Girardi conveniently couldn't make it, he had a 'thing' in San Antonio. I'll bet my last dollar that Joe Girardi will never be present at any event where Erika's 'boys' are all in attendance.


    My biggest problem is and has been in the past that Bravo chooses to portray the gay men in Beverly Hills as nothing more than silly little guys acting intensely flamboyant. Yes, I know, they're gay. But gay men aren't all giggly twits in speedos bouncing around on inflated animals in a pool or shaking their butts for the straight ladies to gawk at.. It seems demeaning to me. I'm sure these guys have intelligence and like to retain their dignity too. Doesn't Erika have ANY other female friends or relatives to invite besides her 'boys'?  I saw Ken and Donny sitting together at a little table, eating alone. Mauricio showed up and we saw him for about 5 seconds, then no more, why didn't they mingle with the boys?. LisaV is another one that seems to want to parade her gay party planner to the world as a statement for herself, "look how accepting I am,of gays, I must be a wonderful person". 


    I just wish Bravo and RHoBH would just stop parading the gay men as a cliche. To portray them all in a blanket sort of stereotypical way just isn't right. People are all individuals and to shouldn't be pigeon-holed. These thoughts or beliefs don't accurately reflect reality.

    • Love 8
  6. I have a television channel called REELZ and they are having a docudrama tonight at 10:00 EST about the auto accident of Caitlyn Jenner that caused the death of Kim Howe. I'm wondering if the Kardashians will be watching, I doubt it was filmed with their approval. From the previews I've seen of it, it doesn't portray Caitlyn in a good way.

  7. How old is Scott now? Most people get to an age where it looks pathetic to be out at clubs and the club scene gets old, fast.

    Scott is 32 and apparently still has a forgiving liver. A few more years at the rate he's going and his kidneys and liver are going to let him know that he's fucking up big time.

    • Love 1
  8. I think the fashion looks good...if the year was 1997. Goth was popular then. I don't know why designers feel the need to bring 90s fashion trends back.

    The fashion is 90's goth, the shoes are 80's Young Frankenstein, the makeup is 1960's Addam's family, the finger-waves are 1920's flapper. There's a very good reason that those trends faded in popularity, it's because they were not attractive. Will we be flung back into Little House on the Prairie next?

    • Love 2
  9. Maybe it's just me but I thought that Kris looked creepy at her birthday party. The 'costume' was alright, it was in keeping with the Gatsby theme with the fur but the hair and makeup were way too severe. To me she looked like a man in drag.




    I guess it was too much excitement or maybe too much booze, but she passed out in the car on the ride home.







    • Love 2
  10. I don't know who this model is, but she "won" the show.


    I just have to comment (while shaking my head) at this 'high fashion' look that I find it very weird, bizarre, unflattering and just ugly looking. I'm too old to find it 'cool' or beautiful, but I think I would think the same if I was 18. Is this how some women might actually want to look and emulate that style? If someone gave me that last outfit that won the show and paid me to wear it outside of the privacy of my own home, I'd be certain I stepped outside on a moon-less night at 4 a.m. when nobody is around. I think I'd get thrown in the crazy house if anyone saw me.

    • Love 5
  11. Sad to say I'm actually expecting it. I understand addiction is a horrible thing and can be very hard to kick but he's been given every chance to get clean. When he was going around the first month out of rehab with that sobriety coach I really thought he was on a good path.  He keeps putting these club appearances and this partying shit over his children. Really sad. I think that New Years Eve gig is what probably threw him off the wagon.

    Scott wants to live a grand life as a celebrity and his 'friends' are the precise reason he's continually falling off the wagon. His buddy Scott Sartiano is one friend he should keep his distance from if he's serious about keeping sobriety. Scott owns the lounge 1Oak in Las Vegas and New York. If someone is a diabetic, they don't want to work in a doughnut factory. If someone suffers with high cholesterol, they shouldn't manage a KFC. If a person is an alcoholic they should never step a foot inside a trendy lounge where there's alcohol and drugs galore. But Scott is so self-indulgent and hedonistic that he's not going to forego the friendship of his party friends just to maintain sobriety. Scott isn't going to be successful until the day comes when his brush with death is so close that it will scare him into really trying to maintain his sobriety by staying out of those clubs and giving up the harmful friendships. I really don't see that happening with Scott, I just think that the alcohol will be the winner, one way or another.

    • Love 2
  12. Scott and Tyga hang around together, party buddies I guess. If I were Kris, I wouldn't be happy at all about Kylie being obsessed with Tyga. As far as Scott goes, I don't care if he lives or dies honestly. He's had the best doctors and most expensive glamorous rehab hospitals available to him. If he doesn't care about his children enough to make an effort for them, then he deserves all he gets. Who would be shocked if we read one day that Scott was found face down in a hotel room dead with a hooker next to him, or floating in a bathtub like Whitney Houston? Nobody. I can't feel sorry for anyone that dies from 'affluenza'.

    • Love 1
  13. I think that most of us don't view Tres negatively but we feel that maybe he is not ready for marriage at this time in his life and certainly not in this type of scenario.  Plus I believe that early on we mostly saw Vanessa as a well put together girl completely ready for marriage and a great candidate for this 'experiment' while Tres was while being honest with his past, someone who may have been convinced to do this rather than really wanting to do this.  Over the course of the series, I think we are mostly seeing that Vanessa has a lot of larger issues that therapy would cure a whole lot better than an instant marriage to someone she expects to be her ideal of perfect. Tres may have made some missteps, for the most part he seems as if he can learn from them and grow as a person.


    In the end, I think that Tres may be better off in learning about himself and what it takes to be married after this.  And I do believe that one day he does have the ability to make a great husband.  While Vanessa is going to look at this as yet another betrayal and that all men will fail her...and that's sad.

    Because of this show, Tres is most likely a superstar and getting a lot of attention from females all over the world. Heck, I'd be tempted to add him to Facebook if I wasn't already an old married woman. I really like everything about Tres. If he and Vanessa don't stay together, I hope she understand that there's a line waiting outside his door. It may be the missed opportunity of a lifetime just because she couldn't rise above her hormonal slumps.

    Sounds like an episode of Big Bang Theory when Leonard asks Penny out and she thinks it's a group outing when it was a date.  Leonard didn't make it clear that it was just the 2 of them and was a date in her mind.  Penny didn't think of a date because she had zero interest in dating any of them and they had always done things as a group.  WRT this show, this acquaintance that David reached out to wasn't in his (or their) immediate social circle and wasn't used to being asked to join in group activities by him. 

    From what I understand, this 'acquaintance' is just a woman that he added to his Facebook. I don't think she had any knowledge about Ashley or about any of Ashley's friends. That sort of changed the scenario for me and I feel David just made up a convoluted story of pure bullshit so he wouldn't look like a jerk.

    • Love 2
  14. I also wondered if anyone else heard "Kendalls dream of a LIFETIME"...and wondered how incredibly fucking vapid one must be to think modeling lingerie should even be in that category?

    I might come off as an old bag but i would be horrified if any daughter of mine thought that was something to aspire to. Then again, my kids all work in the non-profit industry and have no real money. .haha


    Thank you! I was shocked to hear that. What kind of a lifelong dream is that??? Pathetic and sad.

    Like everything else the Kardashians and Jenners do, a 'lifelong dream' of walking as a VS model is just another sign of how temporary and shallow their needs are. It's a big thing to be a high fashion top model and I guess VS is a big one if you're in that business. If Kendall has achieved her lifelong dream at the tender age of 20, what will her future lifelong dreams be? How much higher can she aspire to in the career of fashion modeling besides walking the runways for high fashion designers in New York, Milan, and Paris?  Truthfully, it's just a little scary to think that Kendall has probably hit the apex of her career at such a young age. She has talent for modeling, that's for sure. Would that talent have been discovered if she wasn't the daughter of rich celebrities that were instrumental in making her lifelong dream a reality?  I wonder if Kendall has thought about what she'll do once she gets older and isn't getting the jobs and attention anymore. These women plan for tomorrow, not for 20 years down the road, and that road comes up really fast.




    There's a video here worth watching. Apparently it's one day after the big birthday party and Khloe and Kourtney talk about it while having their makeup done. Three things I heard coming out of Khloe about the way she acted, "Listen, Kanye said I was a great emcee and that's a compliment." "I definitely don't remember a good 80% of my mom's birthday. I do know I looked really good in my dress." "I needed to blow off some steam and I just don't feel guilty about getting that fucked up because I deserved every glass of champagne."  (feeling entitled much Khloe?)


    That was a $2 million dollar party that Khloe threw the giant wet blanket over. Rob took the high road and stayed away, good for him.

    • Love 2
  15. I totally get what you are saying here. But I think we are also being very dismissive of the fact that Lisa Rinna was trapped in that limo with Kim for 2hours, and she can only really discuss what the audience saw of that 2 hour interaction. I think that would stick with anyone for a very long time especially if they are obligated to only discuss the 4 minutes of that 2 hour ride that the audience was shown. It is easy for us to say get over it, so she went crazy in a limo. But, since we have no idea what the worst moment of that 2 hours was we can't really say if this is something that she should just get over because it's so insignificant that it doesn't require closure for her to move forward. 


    I mean I get it that it doesn't make Rinna look good to keep discussing what happened - I honestly don't see her as "going after Kim" or "shaming Kim" I see her has rehashing something that happened last year because Kyle refuses to address it openly - which is Kyle's prerogative. I do think that if she needs to get closure for any or all of the things that went down between her and Kim, she should do it off camera, but I doubt that Kim would ever go for that either. 


    I guess I just see both sides. 

    We forget (or never knew) that Lisa Rinna was the darling of soaps and Melrose Place LONG ago. But Lisa is accustomed to being the darling, sparkly, bubbly girl that nobody could possibly dislike. I'm sure that limo ride really did traumatize her and she's still not over it. She wants vindication for that trauma and I really believe that if Lisa Rinna could totally destroy Kim Richards entirely, she'd do it in a heartbeat. No matter where Kim is with her sobriety doesn't matter to Lisa because she was insulted and made to be afraid of a crazy drugged up Kim two years ago. She wants revenge for Kim suggesting that Harry had affairs too. Lisa Rinna is not at all what she appears to be. I don't like her one bit, she's even a bigger phony that any of the other phonies.


    And as far as Joe Girardi goes, I think Erika puts up with a lot from him in exchange for a lavish lifestyle. Let's face it, other than money what does this guy have to offer a young woman like Erika? What does Erika have to offer an old rich guy like Joe Girardi? The answers are obvious. In the episode when Erika and Joe were eating in that fancy restaurant and the Chief of the LAPD just happened to be there for lunch in uniform and he came over to shake Girardi's hand and kiss Erika, I had an instant flash of something going on politically between them, it's more than a business friendship between prestigious wealthy attorney and police chief. One hand usually washes the other in most cities and especially in L.A.  Bottom line, I don't trust Joe Girardi, I believe he's a control freak. Erika sat straight as a board in her chair in their home waiting for Lisa to arrive, but when she's with 'her boys' she's relaxed and sitting with her legs spread and on the edge of her seat laughing. It's quite a contrast of her demeanor with Joe Girardi. I have a feeling there may even be a 'red room' somewhere in their mansion. I don't like the guy and wouldn't trust him.

    • Love 6
  16. I wonder if KenDULL ever gets so upset about Kimmy and Princess Kanye showing up at her shows/events?

    I thought Kendull had a different manager, not Kris.

    It just shows that Kendull is just as crass and disrespectful as her sisters. I can't imagine EVER speaking that way to either of my parents, no matter what they did. Her words reflect her character, or lack thereof.

    I find that the increasingly uncensored way that they speak to each other is a symptom of something happened deep inside the Kardashian ranks. In the beginning there was Kim who took center stage. Everything revolved around Kim, Kanye and North. Other than the drunken escapades of Scott, their show was predictable. Now that all the women have really grown and come to age, there's a very apparent rivalry towards each other for attention. Caitlyn jumped into the struggle for attention and publicity after transitioning and she got the only thing she ever wanted, attention.  Now the personalities are starting to step on each others foot to get to center stage. They'll do or say anything in order to get the attention. This time Khloe went too far. I feel that what Khloe did at Kris's birthday party was simply disgusting. Yes, she was drunk but that's not an excuse for being rude, vulgar and downright unpleasant. To step up to center stage with a microphone in your hand and say the things she said in front of all those famous people was truly a low point in this series and in television in general. After saying "shut the fuck up" to her mother, she goes on to say "oh you're about to get your panties moist girl. 60 and your panties still get moist, you go girl" Did anyone else notice the embarrassed silence of the entire crowd?  I was embarrassed for her, for them, for everyone.


    I think this episode put the final dagger into the Kardashians for me. If I watch these nauseating type of disgusting low-down behavior, I feel it hurts my very soul. Respect from others is one of the hardest things to get and it's also one of the easiest things to lose.

    • Love 8
  17. I think most of you must be sadomasochistic to keep watching this crap. I can come on here and find out in 5 minutes or less I made a wise choice to abandon this show.


    Thank you for you insight, time spent watching this show and your comments giving me affirmation that I'm not missing a freaking thing.


    Nothing to see here.

    I think it's wrong for you to call anyone here 'sadomasochistic' or put anyone down because they choose to follow any particular show. It's fine if you don't like it and don't watch it, but don't come around just to lay down a sarcastic remark about everyone here that enjoys the show and enjoy expressing their opinion about each episode.

    • Love 6
  18. If by some miracle, the so-called experts matched people together that were instantly attracted to each other physically, there would still be issues. Even if those people were genuinely kind, humble, patient, loving, giving and everything else...there would STILL be problems. The fact is, people that sign up for this show aren't really looking for the best in the other person, they're looking for the worst. The initial first-sight reaction is whether they are physically attractive. But humans tend to look for the cracks and imperfections of another person rather than appreciating the best of them. Of course those imperfections are easy to spot if you're looking for them, because of course nobody is perfect. But how they deal with and accept negative traits in deference to appreciating the positive and great things about that other person is a good beginning for a long lasting relationship.Think of all the not so nice things about any one of your friends. They might do things that are irritating and you don't like it but they're your friend and you accept them for it. It's different with a marriage, people tend to want to change and modify the others personality.

    • Love 1
  19. I still can't get over the fact that Samantha is a branch manager of Sun Trust Bank. Her entire look and demeanor says 'non-professional' to me. She just doesn't fit the role of a polished white-collar who interacts with the public on a financial basis. Neil is just the opposite, he always appears to be professional and competent. I wish she would take a little time with her looks, maybe go to a real salon and get a professionally styled hairdo. I think Neil would benefit by using less product in his hair and maybe get a professional style as well. I would have never guessed these two would end up staying together but sometime I think the producers do that intentionally to make us believe there's no way that'll happen, then at the end they suddenly meld and come together as a couple.


    I used to like Vanessa for the most part but she has a lot of flaws, including the flaw she has of wanting people to see her as insecure and needy. She never gives what she receives from Tres. She always seems like she's hormonal and can't get over herself. I saw the frustration and the implication of some anger and disgust from Tres when they were sitting in the living room and Tres was trying to be open and communicate with her. She hung her head down, her legs were crossed, she barely looked at him. Once in a while her hand covered her eyes. Tres told her "you get frustrated so easily. When I'm talking to you you're looking down or shaking your head, it's hard to communicate with someone like that." She protested in her little spoiled girl voice "I'm listening to you!". 


    Tres is such a good guy and he's been putting in 100% of his efforts to please Vanessa. If he has a couple too many drinks, or enjoy the company of his long time friend, Vanessa gets very immature and sulks or just leaves. If Vanessa has seriously dated a lot, then she should know that Tres is just about the most patient, honest and trustworthy man she'll ever come across. She received a real gift when she was matched with Tres, and as the old saying goes 'you should never look a gift horse in the mouth', meaning when receiving a gift be grateful for what it is; don't imply you wished for more by assessing its value.

    • Love 13
  20. I think North is a bright, adorable child who looks like … herself. I hope that she is never influenced by the beauty and sexiness obsession that all the female members of her mother’s family fall prey to. I also hope that as a biracial child, she is able to grow up proud of both aspects of her heritage and all of her ancestors and not brainwashed into believing that any resemblance to one side or the other is an insult or unfortuumstance that she has been burdened with.



    Once upon a time, there lived a very lovely Princess from the North. The little Princess was adored, almost worshiped by her devoted parents. They bought her ponies and mermaids, clothes that sparkle with real fur collars and even a Rolls Royce. The little Princess got just a little spoiled over time and started throwing temper tantrums and giving pout faces to people. It was cute for a while the way she slammed her little designer shoe down on the ground when she couldn't get her way. But twenty-two years later, the little Princess was receiving her Masters Degree in Biology. Her parents were so proud that their Princess wasn't spoiled by attention, success, money or fame and just followed her dream to be a Biology Professor at UCLA.



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