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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I think Kim will bail soon. She has her boy and girl she wanted. She's far too appearance and media aware to put up with this bullshit if it affects her financial future. Also not in possession of any loyalty to anyone but herself and in this scenario,I wouldn't even blame her.

    Unlike the type of narcissistic personality that Kanye has, Kim's is a little different. While Kanye requires attention whether it's positive or negative, it works for him. Kim on the other hand needs only positive reinforcement. Kim virtually subsists on praise. She will discard the negative comments and focus only on the positive ones because she requires those. I think that the negativity that Kanye is generating will be extremely difficult, if not impossible for Kim to deal with.

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  2. I saw this article that might explain the debt,and if this is true he's truly a moron. Some people really dont deserve to have money. You hear stories all the time about these stars who were filthy rich at one time and end up bankrupt. And yeah totally agree that the never ending renovations is also contributing to debt.


    The article was extremely interesting. It was written by a professional psychologist, Professor Geoff Beattie and carries a lot of credence for me. Rather than 'arm-chair-quarterbacking' the psyche of Kanye West, Geoff Beattie's professional opinion matters. It appears that Kanye West isn't a rare creature as far as narcissism and delusional behavior goes but Kanye West is very public figure and therefore is a great public example of emotional dysfunction. We don't very often get to witness first hand this type of abnormal behavior. The signs of narcissistic personality disorder are really quite easy to recognize once you know what to look for.


    I don't see how his marriage to Kim or any woman can survive in the long term. She, of course, also has similar delusions of grandeur and very narcissistic. But Kanye West's narcissistic personality goes much deeper and more disturbing. Kanye will eventually go off the rails in both his personal life and career. What we're witnessing currently is disturbing, but what we're seeing is a mentally disturbed person starting to come apart at the seams. In a way, it's very sad that someone could possibly be that emotionally dysfunctional. On one hand people are concerned for Kanye West and his well-being, and on the other hand many people are cheering on the sidelines for him to be sacked.

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  3. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kanye-west-longtime-co-writer-quits-says-rapper-needs-mental-help/ One of Kanye's friends and co-writers Rhymefest is speaking out and asking him to get some help and stay away from the "Yesmen" in his life .

    “My brother needs help, in the form of counseling,” he wrote on Twitter. “Spiritual & mental. He should step away from the public & yesmen & heal.”  The Chicago-based songwriter, who helped West, 38, pen songs like “New Slaves” and “Jesus Walks,” also tweeted that Yeezy’s “mind and spirit isn’t right.”        


    Like we didn't know all that?

  4. In case someone hasn't already seen a little of what Kanye's new video game will be, here's an excerpt from the end of the video game. It's Kanye's mother going up to heaven. That's the big payoff for the player, the objective....getting his mother up to the clouds in heaven.




    “My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live” How would a psychologist diagnose that personality?

  5. Kanye West lost $50 million because he's feeding his ego, not talent. He believes he has a golden touch and whatever he does will be successful. To be a clothing designer, you need to have some talent for designing. If you hire real designers it's going to cost a lot of money. Thankfully, there are people out there who have benefited from his overwhelming need to do whatever he wants to do whether it's the wrong or right thing. Those people are happy and paying their bills and supporting their families because Kanye believes he can't fail. Well, he's wrong, he can and has failed. He will continue to fail at things he's not prepared or talented enough to do. He should stick to the one thing that made him a superstar, rap, auto-tune and picking out his rich wife's clothes.

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  6. This article covers the Taylor Swift lyrics, plus Kanye's tweets on the matter, and the list of instructions for the models. The model instructions seem to contradict each other throughout.


    Watching the video was fun, I got to see his mother flying up to heaven. She was riding a big white horse then dismounted I guess and rocketed straight up to the heavenly gates. He's delusional.  I'm praying that I live another 12 years or so to see how North grows up.

  7. I can't help but feel just a teeny tiny bit sorry for Caitlyn Jenner, her two girls and the Kardashian women. The end to the feeding of their narcissism won't be a good thing for any of them. The supply they need will eventually dry up and go away and they'll be left frustrated, desperate and very unhappy. Being deprived of narcissistic supply will feel to them as if they're being hollowed out, mentally. It is terrifying and a narcissist will do anything to avoid it. There comes a day in everyone's life, yes even theirs, when it's not possible to have that need filled anymore. Age will catch up with all of them, it will take time but it's a certainty. How they deal with the disappointments of not being in the public eye anymore or adored by fans is something nobody knows. I just know it's not going to be a good experience for any of them. Aging sucks in general for everyone but normal people adapt and adjust to aging. But aging for them is a whole different thing and it's the one thing that will bring to an end a lifetime supply of fame and attention. That's going to be entirely devastating to most, if not all of them.

    • Love 5
  8. I have low expectations.

    What's with Kim and the braids lately? Khloe too. I can't believe the glam squad is in on this. They ass ugly.

    The braids pull the skin around the face up and back giving the face a more youthful appearance. The braids are ugly, I agree but both Kim, Khloe and Kourtney have used the trick for a more youthful looking face.

    The actual lyrics:


    I wanna fuck you hard on the sink

    After that, give you something to drink

    Step back, can't get spunk on the mink

    I mean damn, what would Jeromey Romey Romey Rome think?

    Hey, you remember where we first met?

    Okay, I don't remember where we first met

    But hey, admitting is the first step

    And hey, you know ain't nobody perfect

    And I know, with the hoes I got the worst rep

    But hey, their backstroke I'm tryna perfect

    And hey, ayo, we made it, Thanksgiving

    So hey, maybe we can make it to Christmas

    She asked me what I wished for on my wishlist

    Have you ever asked your bitch for other bitches?

    Maybe we could still make it to the church steps

    But first, you gon' remember how to forget

    After all these long-ass verses

    I'm tired, you tired, Jesus wept



    Those have to be in the running for the top ten nonsensical lyrics ever written, since man learned to pick up a pen and write words, including the last line, "I'm tired, you tired, Jesus wept".

    How many times did he say 'hey' ?  Six times, but 'hey' who's counting?

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  9. If I was someone (living in outer space) who had no idea who the Kardashians were and saw this photo, I'd think they might be the cast of a Broadway show all in costume, La Cage aux Folles maybe. I noticed that Kris, Kourtney and Kylie all have their boobs out in plain view, Kourtney barely hid her crotch. If it wasn't so damned funny I'd say that Kanye needs a shrink to deal with some deep seated issues. "Perhaps the strangest moment of the show came when the rapper decided he wanted to debut a promo for a video game he is working on."

    “The idea of the video game is my mom traveling through the gates of heaven,” he explained to the crowd."

    I can see it now, 15 year old gamers running out the buy a video game where Kanye's mother finds her way through the clouds and storms to find the gates of Heaven. ....ain't gonna happen.




    On the Today Show, they were showing photos from Kanye's big night and they all exclaimed what a remarkable recovery Lamar seems to have made. They noted, as many have, that it was reported that Lamar Odom was in such dire shape, near death. He had 12 strokes and in kidney failure. Well, well..... it seems that Lamar has made a nearly miraculous recovery. I feel stupid for believing anything the Kardashians put out to the public. They're all liars and will do anything for publicity. It's a sickness with them.


  10. Lamar looks pretty good. I wonder if TMZ is right and he's going to the release party or if he's just going to visit home to NY since she's going. 





    Lamar Odom's miraculous recovery is going so well ... he was able to board a private jet with still-wife Khloe Kardashian.

    The estranged, yet super close couple boarded their flight at Van Nuys Airport in L.A. just before 9 PM. We're pretty sure they were bound for NYC, where most of the Kardashians are gathering for Kanye West's big album release concert at MSG Thursday night.

    This is the best look we've gotten of the ex-basketball star in public since he was at death's door just a few months ago. As we first reported, Khloe moved Lamar into a house near to her and has vowed to continue nursing him back to health.

    When I saw this photo, I immediately thought of a quote by Mark Twain; "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". Lamar had reportedly suffered 12 strokes, on kidney dialysis and was partially paralyzed requiring a wheelchair. Here they are in Van Nuys boarding a private jet. Van Nuys, was warm enough (50 degrees) to go outside with a light jacket. But they're both bundled up as though they were in the East where it's 24 degrees and windy making it feel like 9 above zero. Khloe has long hair, extensions I'm assuming because she had a short bob on her show just last week.


    I feel duped into being led to believe by TMZ and other erroneous reports that Lamar Odom was a near-vegetable and would probably be in a nursing home for the rest of his life. HA! Shame on me for believing anything in the press. It's all sensationalized for public interest.


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  11. Someone needs to tell yoyo about Gwen Paltrow steaming her ladybits. I want to see the housewives go for that treatment, "Steem your peepee to take all zee tach-zins out of you your-ree-thra, weer all dem sphiro-keets lib!"

    I'll bet Yo has already had her ladybits, steamed, cleaned, creamed and gleemed.  Yo is ahead of the curve for being the first to jump on the wagon for the newest, latest and greatest of all the Beverly Hills va-jay pampering, preening. bedazzling and decorating.

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  12. Rather than Yolanda feeding hope to people stricken with the worse cases of Lyme Disease, she made a choice to make it her entire identity. She could have done more good by being positive and not moping around on camera wearing a white bathrobe and no makeup. People have suffered more terrible illnesses with grace and without self-pity. She could be a shining example and a positive force for others with her particular type of Lyme disease but instead, as I've said she created an identity of a suffering, complaining, miserable person.

    • Love 10
  13. I wonder if that movie would ever have gotten made, or received that much attention, if the Ks hadn't become famous.

    If the O.J. Simpson murder case never happened, Keeping Up With The Kardashians probably would have never happened either. The low-speed Bronco chase and the subsequent live broadcasting of the trial was the beginning of the experiencing of pop culture called 'reality television'. It was the very inception of our unquenchable thirst for celebrity gossip. Nobody would ever have known about any of the Kardashians if it wasn't for the murder of Nicole Simpson.


    That's what I call taking the circumstances of a very tragic event and manipulating it into a pop culture phenomenon.


    I just want to add that Kris Jenner is a liar, no surprise to anyone but she proved that when she claims not to have known anything about O.J. and his abuse. In 2012, she gave an interview stating that Nicole lived in intense fear of O.J. Simpson. Kris and Nicole were very good friends and I'm sure Kris knew about the beatings and the 8 different police reports made by Nicole against Simpson. I'm also sure she saw the bruises. Kris just doesn't want anyone to think she was aware of the danger that Nicole was in so people don't point a finger of blame to her for not being more involved at trying to stop that monster before he went too far and butchered her.

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    When Neil was describing how they hug now I felt so sad and embarrassed.  Also I noticed that Sam said she only brought one wax melt to the new place which makes me think they weren't really "moving in" to the new place.


    Even a Fundamentalist Christian 'side-hug' like a Duggar counts I guess.

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  15. He was waiting, as usual, for Sam to throw him scraps.

    That was just one example of not really trying. Samantha seems to treat Neil like a block of wood, even though his personality sometimes resembles one. But really, how about a nice gesture by offering to either order food to be delivered, go out to eat some fast food or pizza, or what the heck....COOK something, how about that!? People generally respond to kindness, and I really haven't seen anything kind about Samantha.

    • Love 8
  16. The thought has occurred to me that none of these couples have ever, on camera at least, asked their partner about their career or job. Neil Bowlus is a Compliance Specialist at QualTex Laboratories. That's interesting but if I was Samantha I'd ask him about more details about his career. The same goes for Samantha, Ashley, David, Vanessa and Tres. These people all have careers that take at least 40 hours of their lives every day not including traveling to and from work. Does everyone only talk about communicating without really communicating? I mean, isn't showing an interest in their careers and former lives something that communicates interest and develops a relationship? Two strangers that meet at a bar would share an interest in each others careers or jobs. Ashley is a nursing student but she's 30 years old and must have done something else before nursing school. Does David even know what that was?


    I think that anyone would feel pleased that someone would be interested in their jobs, careers, former relationships, family, interests, likes and dislikes. Isn't finding all that out about someone simply working at creating that relationship? It seems that the past five weeks has been all about, 'she's non-communicative' or 'he's not attractive' and even 'It's difficult for me to get close to anyone'.  I mean geeze, can't they go outside of themselves and their own needs long enough to show some genuine interest about the other person instead?

    • Love 7
  17. I feel so annoyed with Vanessa. Tres buys her a perfume gift box filled with scents, cheesecake, chocolates and a M&M cookie, PLUS a bouquet of exquisite flowers and she seemed to be a little underwhelmed. Holy crap, could he BE any more thoughtful and sweet? He brought home cold pills, flowers and sushi when she wasn't feeling well too. I feel she could have been just a little more enthusiastic and appreciation for his thoughtfulness. Tres doesn't need to see that frowning pout on her face when he's been trying so hard to please her. Vanessa is one of those selfish little girls that thinks it's all about her. She'd better start giving Tres a little TLC as well so he knows that he's appreciated or he's going to give up.


    I have a problem with David asking a girl that 'follows' him on Facebook out for a drink. I mean, what was that supposed to accomplish? Is David trying to say that he asked a stranger out on a date just to get this stranger's insight about Ashley? I'm not buying that one and I'm pretty naive. And Ashley (sigh)....... she really believes that she doesn't shut down and leave the conversations and while David was trying to have the conversation, she turned and walked out FIVE separate times!  Ashley girl, your dog just might be the deepest relationship of your life.


    Samantha and Neil are severely mismatched. Neil has a Master's degree in biology and has a very cerebral personality, he'll never be a drama queen. He's more refined and delicate and probably a lot more sensitive than Samantha. She is more spontaneous and lives in the moment, and I can see her getting bored quickly with someone like Neil.

    • Love 5
  18. This is a message board about a reality show. Why can't we state the truth? She is frigid. She's the ice queen.

    Ashley may come off as 'frigid' to you, or stand-offish to some, but maybe Ashley needs a little break here. I think the problem lies with the so-called 'experts' that vetted all the candidates for the show and ended up pairing Ashley and David. They were totally off base matching these two personalities, which are as different as day and night. Perhaps they really believed that opposites attract and in this case, they couldn't be more wrong. Ashley is the type of person that needs a different approach to warm her up than the approach David is using. If someone comes at her fiercely as he has, she automatically deflects. If he had taken a different approach, one of more indifference then I think that Ashley wouldn't have been so afraid to reveal her true personality. She needs patience, which David doesn't have. He pushes too hard and with a woman like Ashley, if she's pushed she'll either retreat entirely or push back hard.

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  19. She is pathetic and her behaviour on Twitter is proof that her portrayal on the show was pretty on point, she's a bully. That said, Mrs. Ott is deserving what comes to her. It's cruel to blame Sam for her grandma's death.

    The simple fact is that Samantha has no class whatsoever. I can't believe she's manager of any bank, she's just too crass and classless. It's obvious in everything she says and does. Neil has way too much class for her. She's immature and has a big attitude problem. Someone needs to knock that chip off her shoulder.

    • Love 8
  20. This is going to come off as very shallow and maybe it is but I think that when these couples were chosen to marry a stranger and live with them for six weeks, I would probably try to put on my best face and my best physical appearance not only for the cameras and viewers but for the person that I'm marrying.


    Samantha doesn't have a physical attraction for Neil just as Ashley doesn't have the physical attraction to David. That's alright because there doesn't have to be an instant physical attraction in order for love to grow between couples. It's been proven thousands of times with marriages that have been arranged marriages, like Neil's parents, and yet really do work in the long run. I only think that Neil could have maybe taken the grade 4 motor oil out of his hair and had it washed and styled professionally to look softer and less severe. In some of his photos he looks intimidating and yet he's such a meek and mellow guy. Appearances ARE important to attraction of course! Samantha could comb her hair once in a while or wear it tied back like it was in the gym. She always looks like she just doesn't give two craps about what she looks like on the outside. People are attracted first with their eyes and if someone is totally turned off by someone's appearance they'll turn them out like a cheesy television show.


    I'm sorry Neil but a bride doesn't want humor on the first night they share a bed. Oh I know, you thought that wearing the 'onesie' would make her laugh and break the ice, but I think all it did was make you look like a crazy man. Samantha is the kind of woman that wants a man that's more masculine than she is. Neil and Samantha could have benefited a lot by hiring a personal consultant before the wedding day.


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  21. I've been seeing a lot of your posts relate to African American men don't find some black women attractive and I completely see what you're saying cause it's sadly true sometimes. But as an African American female myself, you cannot catagorize all black men in the same boat. I highly doubt that the situation had anything to do with Jenna being white (Vanessa has said she dated white men so I don't see what the problem would be). It's just kind of offensive that you keep bringing this race thing up.

    I haven't personally read any comments here regarding race. I've been watching this from the start with both eyes only seeing one color in these couples. I don't see any of them as white or black, I only see the chemistry or lack of it. I thought last night that Tres and Jenna would really make an amazing couple. Jenna didn't seem as judgmental and shallow as Vanessa came off. They both have a 'love' for each other to begin with and it wouldn't take a whole lot of effort on either part to get that feeling to go much deeper and stronger I never even thought about whether Jenna was white or black and it wouldn't matter either way. The three of them are all attractive, articulate and sincere people in my book. By the way, I'm a (very) old white woman and I think Tres is hotter than fire and it's not only his 'cuteness' that I find attractive it's his maturity, sincerity and intelligence.

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  22. I couldn't help thinking while watching this episode as to why these people were matched together. Tres and Vanessa would be almost a perfect match if it wasn't for the fact that Vanessa seems to have a bipolar personality at times. She was hugging, rubbing up on and kissing Tres in front of their friends and especially Jenna then the next day she puts on her mopey face and leaves Tres because he didn't show enough concern for her dog Lola? She turned out to be much more high maintenance than I thought she was. She has abandonment issues, we get it. But Tres had a mother that abandoned him not once, but twice. Having Vanessa just leave so casually saying she wanted to stay at her apartment was selfish and petty. It crossed my mind that Tres and his best friend Jenna would probably make a much better couple


    What can I say about Ashley that hasn't been said? She's another diva and needs attention all the time. I see Ashley as a symbol of the perception that some people might have of her generation. She's self-absorbed, needy, and selfish. She said she felt "just like any other guest" at their party, "not like a wife". Ashley was cooking, mixing, frosting, washing bowls, fixing drinks, cleaning off counter tops and at the same time acting as hostess by entertaining guests in the kitchen. She may not have realized it, but she was being treated exactly like a wife, that's what a wife does. David said that none of her friends came to their party, but I honestly don't think Ashley has any friends. I think If David asked someone out for a drink that I really can't blame him. The only thing I would have done differently in that case is tell Ashley that he's going out with someone for a drink and some laughs. He's sure not getting them with her. I can see Ashley being the type of woman that wants people to come to her, to work hard at getting her acceptance and into a comfort zone. I can also see Ashley as the type that when someone gives up on her and stops even trying, that she's going to be a much different person once she realizes that she makes it too hard for people and to put that much work into her. After a while they give up because they don't care anymore. After five weeks of marriage she won't let him kiss her and says she's not attracted to him. Why would she be jealous that another woman does?


    I have nothing to say about Samantha and Neil. They won't make it as a married couple but they might be able to remain friends.

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