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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Well, to be fair, Lala just said that he couldn't fit in Magnums. Now, a small penis could still fit in a Magnum, so maybe she meant he is so HUGE that he can't fit into a Magnum...or her.

    Ya think? I have the feeling that Lala wouldn't have a problem with anyone fitting. Too grand for a Magnum?  Nah.


    I don't understand why Lisa fired James back in November for allegedly stealing drinks from SUR and drinking on the job when Jax openly stole a good bottle of vodka in this episode and admitted to having stolen other bottles of liquor from Lisa's restaurant?

    • Love 2
  2. From the time Kylie was a pre-teen there's been a good sized segment of the internet who took glee in calling her ugly or "not knowing" her name. I've watched this show from the get go and also posted on TWoP from the start of the show. Pretty much from day one, there were comments she wasn't as pretty as Kendall or her sisters and while people could magically remember every other name, she was called "the other one" because it was apparently cute or funny to imply a 12, 13, 14 year old was so forgettable or not worth the time to "learn" her name when you know her name was damn well known. I know, I know, that's what happens when you put your kid on a reality show, her parents should have thought of that, never put her on the show, blah, blah, blah and it's not anyone's responsibility to keep her off the internet or from reading the comments. But let's be honest, the repeated implications or out right stating that she's not as attractive as her sisters or worth being called by her name would be a crushing mind fuck for anyone, let alone for a kid growing up with sisters the world can't go 12 seconds without mentioning. So is it really all that surprising her entire self worth is now completely tied up in a warped sense of artificial beauty? Imagine how your average 14 year old on the street would cope with such a thing, let alone one growing up in this family. Her sister is famous for a sex tape, growing more catty and cruel towards her sisters every second of the day and lets not even mention the treatment of her brother, her closest sibling is seen as everything she's not, her mother sees them all as a 10% check, and her father is now a vapid 66 year old woman trying to pretend she's a carefree 30 year old. By all intents and purposes, Kylie should be a raging maniac by now. What she's doing to her face and body is just plain sad, be it real changes or painted on, and I just feel sad for her. Her mother sold her future to TV to capitalize on her favored child literally getting pissed on, what the hell chances did she have for a normal healthy sense of being? 

    The price of fame does extract a price eventually, for all.

  3. Yes, Max has a history of drug abuse. They talked about it a little in the first season of RHOBH--Ken and Lisa sent him to a private school with a music program so he could focus on his talents (guitar, if I recall correctly) and be in a drug free environment. This was six years ago so he must have been 17 or so. 

    All of Lisa and Ken's money that was spent to send Max to a private school really paid off we see. Six years later and he's been able to pull himself together enough to bus and waiting tables in their restaurant. Who can really say what would have become of Max if they hadn't sent him to a private music school? Who knows, he might have been busing and waiting tables in someone else's restaurant. But the burning question remains in my mind as to why Lisa and Ken as concerned about the reason he 'fainted' and smashed his mouth into something instead of being concerned that he might drink and do drugs in Hawaii?


    I've got a replacement roll of toilet paper for Jax 'Gross-man', that and something to make the bathroom smell nice




    • Love 5
  4. There's been a lot of Youtube videos called 'Kiley Jenner lip challenge' and it goes to show how social media is taking the fluffed up lips of Kiley as a sort of running joke. No, I haven't tried the challenge personally because I'm too old and afraid that I'll do permanent damage and really don't need to be more grotesque looking than I already am. But the videos are good for a laugh. Here's one.



  5. Did I just see Jax taking a dump on TV?

    Yes you did and seriously Jax, the girl drove all the way from Kentucky with stars in her eyes over you and you sit on the toilet with the door open taking your daily crap? I've been married for a kabillion years and nobody, not even my husband, has been allowed in the bathroom when I'm doing my business. It just cements my convictions that Jax is a sleazebag, STD-riddled, piece of low-life. He's about as attractive as that lump he just flushed.


    Lala deserves Jax and more, she's the female version of Jax. Oversexed and probably a walking STD package.


    Judging from this pack of meaningless, dingleberries, our country is doomed. Are these idiots the future of our country?  omg.....God help us.

    • Love 16
  6. I just watched a repeat of the St. Barth's episode and it was very transparent that they were all making a big deal of Kourtney and how hot and awesome she is. I can understand giving her a compliment but they started getting ridiculous about her looks. I don't think she looked any better than she ever did but their mission was to build her up in front of the cameras to make Scott sorry he acted like a jerk and to stop the gossipers from putting her down. Arranging a photo shoot while on a family vacation? Come On!! What a bunch of phonies.

    • Love 2
  7. It's difficult coming up with the perfect word other than narcissistic for Kylie. She surpasses the definition. There hasn't been a single word that's created yet that defines Kylie. There can't possibly be a more self-obsessed, rude, conceited, self-centered, vain, stuck-up, and dull-witted Jenner/Kardashian than Kylie. I wondered a few years ago if being the only girl that was sort of plain and 'normal' looking would propel her into doing something better with her life than morph through plastic surgery into a sex bomb. Who knows what she could have been if her only ambition in life was not to be more beautiful than any of her sisters.  I can't even imagine what a catastrophic train-wreck her life is going to be in a few years. Inevitably, Kylie will end up on a psychiatrist couch and be given prescription medications to control her anxiety and paranoia. The way that Kris has produced, directed and managed just about every situation in every episode speaks a lot about gullible society is. We not only allowed this bunch of wealthy, spoiled humans into our homes and lives and allowed them to take our focus away from where it should be, but we strongly encouraged and supported them by demanding to see more. Life is short and the Kardashians are not on television to teach us what should be important in life. One day people will realize how many minutes, hours, days and years of their lives have been spent intrigued and fascinated by this family of shallow narcissists. There are no moral lessons to be learned by involving ourselves through our focus on a family that cares about nothing in life but themselves.


    The five words that actually impacted me the most came out of Kourtney's mouth. It was an old episode shown a few days ago. Khloe and Rob were driving through the slums of Skid Row in Los Angeles. The street was littered with people and their shopping carts and boxes of belongings living on the sidewalks. Khloe was visibly distressed by it all and went to one of the shelters to talk with some of the homeless there. Later on, she was telling Kourtney all about the day, and expressing concern and bewilderment at how people can get to such dire situations in their lives. Kourtney, with her usual bored expression and monotone voice stared at Khloe as she was speaking and when she was finished she calmly said "why do you even care?"  There you go, Kourtney wrapped up the Kardashian ideology in five little words. These are disgusting creatures and I'm embarrassed to say that I feel ignorant for ever watching or caring one iota about the lives of the Kardashians and Jenners.


    If this is the face of an eighteen year old female, I can't even imagine what she's going to look like at 28.



    • Love 17
  8. Kourt doesnt seem to get that she has or had any part in her own unhapiness. The fault isnt all on Scott. She forgot her pill, this she got Mason. She shouldnt have even slept with him in Miami after they broke up. But she did and then dragged two more kids after that into this mess. Oh, and the last was unplanned? Ahe is thirthy something and knows where babies come from. She is either stupid or really got preggo on purpose.

    I completely agree with everything you've said about Kourtney. I honestly think she suffers from some biological process that has created a deep longing in Kourtney to have babies. When a woman says with feeling that she craves being pregnant and giving birth, she's putting biological language to what is psychological. Although I don't particularly like Scott because I have always seen him as an ambitious fame-seeker that didn't care much about his parents or what they were doing until after they both died, that he had been treated by Kourtney as nothing more than her baby-maker. Having children is a big responsibility, and Scott is certainly not the poster child for responsibility. Kourtney's announcement to Scott that she was pregnant a third time literally knocked the wind out of Scott and I think that's when he emotionally just checked out of the relationship.


    I know that the Kardashian girls grew up having whatever they want, and Kourtney really had no concept of the fact that having a third child with Scott is something she should have discussed with him before getting pregnant a third time. If he was against the idea of a 3rd child, she should have respected his wishes and took means to avoid pregnancy. Knowing full well that he would object, Kourtney made the decision on her own to get pregnant because it was what she wanted, and the heck with what Scott wanted.  Kourtney should never have been surprised that Scott wasn't able to 'tow the line' and stop his partying ways and do something about his alcohol dependency. Once again, I have to say 'you reap what you sow'.

    • Love 3
  9. From what I've seen so far,Tres and Vanessa are the only couple that might survive. They're both attractive, rational, sensible and seem to make a great couple together. I like them both a lot. The other two couples don't stand a chance in Hell at lasting three months. Sam and Neil look like they both want to throw up just being in the same area together. Sam seems sort of 'butch' to me, and Neil is just a tad effeminate. David is trying but Ashley isn't going to even try. Is it the lighting or does Ashley have a depression on her forehead right between her eyes? I think David may also have a short fuse but he's hiding it so far.

    • Love 1
  10. But back to Yo and Her King. Yo strikes me as incredibly stubborn, as stubborn as David Foster probably is, and with all of her fawning over him I imagine she is equally as demanding. 

    I think that both David and Yolanda are quintessential examples of what brings two very high profile, wealthy, and ambitious people together. David wanted a showpiece to have hanging on his arm for public appearances and Yolanda wanted a successful, rich, fairly good looking older man to take care of her. The trophy wife and trophy husband are just status symbols when it comes down to it.


    Straight from Wikipedia and the description suits what the marriage between David and Yolanda essentially was from the start.


    "Referring to a spouse as a trophy wife usually reflects negatively on the character or personality of the husband and has a connotation of narcissism and desire to impress others, and that the husband would not be able to attract the sexual interest of the attractive woman but for his wealth or position. It can also be used to imply that the trophy wife in question has little personal merit besides her physical attractiveness, does very little of substance beyond remaining attractive, requires substantial expense for maintaining her appearance and is in some ways synonymous with the term "gold digger"."

    • Love 2
  11. When over the years and many episodes 'in the can' and are now only vague memories, a rich woman like Lisa Vanderpump becomes bored. What has she NOT shown to the public? We've seen her mansion, two of her many restaurants, her clothes closet, her makeup table, a dog with alopecia and her six swans a swimming, seven geese a laying.... oh wait, that's the 12 days of Christmas song and I got carried away.  But anyway, once there's no more to display or divulge then maybe it is time to take whatever poker chips are left at the table and push away from the game. I have a sneaky feeling that Lisa Vanderpump may feel she's met her superior with Erika Girardi. I don't think even Lisa V can hold a candle to the wealth, social standing and influential friends of Erika and Thomas Girardi.


    I had just watched an HBO documentary about corruption in the NYPD called "The Seven FIve". Maybe that's the reason I got chills down my spine when the Los Angeles Chief of Police, Charles Beck casually walked over to Erika and Thomas as they were dining in The Palm, a very exclusive restaurant. He quickly explained that he was there for lunch, but in uniform?  I found that just a little bit difficult to swallow. The Chief and Thomas looked very comfortable with each other. My strange suspicious mind immediately jumped to a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" situation between them. I realize that Thomas Girardi is a successful L.A. attorney and he's known as the 'king of the class action lawsuit'. I am a cynic by nature and the cozy relationship between a police chief and a litigation attorney is always suspect in my mind.


    I think that if Lisa Vanderpump stays, which I think she will because she's just another rich narcissistic that can't see enough of her own face, that she and Erika will either be great friends or deadly foes. Lisa V may just have to surrender her crown being the richest woman in the group over to Erika who could make or break Lisa V in many ways. There has to be an intimidation factor when engaging in a 'show off contest' with Erika Girardi. I don't think Lisa Vanderpump wants to ruffle any feathers in that camp.

    • Love 4
  12. I've seen plenty deer in my lifetime, but I would still stop and stare at one in a neighborhood setting. And if it were unmoving, I would ask if it were real. I've also seen many deer statues that closely resemble the real thing. So this doesn't seem like unusual behavior to me. But YMMV.

    I guess it just seemed logical to my brain to assume that a deer standing alongside a creek leading to the Atlantic Ocean would be real since there's no hunting allowed within 100 miles of that area and who would put a fake deer statue on the banks of an estuary where nobody would ever see it? I think that location, time, logic and circumstances come into play when the mind decides real or fake.

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  13. Isn't Vince a professional gambler or works on a gambling show of some sort?  I often wonder why rich people gamble.  To get more rich?  Inquiring paycheck to paycheck minds like me want to know.  lol 

    At one time, Vince was a professional tennis player. He learned poker from his father Dick and he finished in the money at the 2010 World Series of Poker main event. Now, he commentates for the World Poker Tour along with Mike Sexton. I'm a poker player and have heard him commentating many times for poker. He's a so-so commentator. I'm a poker player too, I just enjoy it and I'm pretty good at it. But, of course gambling isn't a pastime that only rich enjoy. It's a form of entertainment for millions of people, but for some it can become an addiction. Like the saying goes, 'Las Vegas wasn't built from winners".

    • Love 9
  14. Yolanda's showed the cover of her manila folder when she met with Gigi, Bella and Anwar about her wishes if she dies from surgery. Their names, along with hearts in descending size, were on the cover of the folder. It was pretty straightforward who Yolanda prefers. I think she favors Gigi because she sees herself in Gigi, in looks and career. She's living vicariously through Gigi now because she's all done as far as her own career as a hot, sexy model.


    Here's the pecking order;



    • Love 15
  15. Wasn't Giggy part of the magazine cover Lisa was promoting. I thought she referred to him as the star or some such statement. I was under the impression the mag wanted him. Correct me if I am wrong please.

    Yes, I think that Bella magazine really wanted to do a cover of Giggy but it would be weird to have a dog on their cover so they threw Lisa in with him. I get very uncomfortable watching the way Ken and Lisa dote on Giggy. The poor dog can't even walk anymore because his leg muscles have atrophied because he's carried around everywhere. What will happen on the day Giggy bites the dust and goes up to the big rose-colored cloud in doggie heaven? I know that there are people who treat their pets better than they treat their own children, but the excessive pandering to and doting on an animal just seems so wrong when there are people there in Los Angeles living on Skid Row and eating garbage out of dumpsters. Oh yes, Lisa and Ken are benevolent to the gay community and support it with their Gay Pride float every year. They even had a bunch of those ex-homeless young people to eat for FREE in SUR.  Woohoo!  But really, donate the money you'd spend on Giggy's next diamond collar over to one of the many homeless shelters in L.A. instead. I didn't even like seeing Giggy in the limousine with his tongue hanging out and resting right on the leather limo seat. Lisa Rinna would have had a fit if she saw that and whipped out her box of Handi-Wipes and sanitizer to clean it.

    • Love 3
  16. It definitely felt like he was trying to lighten the mood a bit at first, and I even chuckled. But then he just wouldn't let go! It went on so long that I began to get the impression that he was really going to miss those boobs.

    David Foster was insulting, rude and borderline disgusting when he held onto her breast like that. David devalued her as a person and made her nothing more than a sexual object. It was as though he was saying "I'm sorry you're on your way to major 4 hour surgery, but oh Hell I'm sure going to miss your breasts."  On the way to the hospital, Yolanda says "I'm going to be a toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder." Then David repeats it saying "toothless, boob-less, brainless wonder. Ah,that's exactly what I married." Come on David, did you think that would make her less tense and more relaxed?


    I can't blame David entirely for the way their marriage was. Yolanda was a prize after-all. She had been a top model and sexy as all Hell. She was the blonde trophy wife with a killer body. David was her prize because he's a wealthy, famous composer. She posed naked for him for a special calendar for his birthday. So reality check, the core foundation of the marriage was sex. Like the saying goes, 'you reap what you sow'. Her illness and loss of her sexy implants killed that foundation for David Douche.... I mean Foster.

    • Love 14
  17. Speaking of mental illness, Rinna says she has OCD. Do you think she really does or is that just her hilarious (/sarcasm) way of saying she likes things really clean?

    I believe it when she says she's OCD, but Lisa also strongly projects all the characteristics of a micro-manager and control freak. Lisa Rinna demands attention no matter what situation she's in, she has and exceptional need to have the spotlight on her. As we saw on QVC, she did an excellent job selling her clothes because she's the shining star of the moment and she's making tons of money. She actually glows like the sun when people are focused on her. Of course it's not unusual for celebrities to like being in the spotlight and the center of focus, but it seems that the older Lisa Rinna gets, the more intense her need for attention becomes. All the housewives in all the franchises love attention but I see that need in Lisa almost more than any other housewife.  Lisa will change who she is or what she believes so that someone who she really needs to be on her side will accept her rather than just be herself. She'll seek the acceptance of others by managing their impression of her. I saw that trait in Lisa in the episode where she was at Lisa V's house with Kyle and Lisa spellbound with her impressions of Yolanda's illness. She was very cunning the way she planted the dark seed of doubt in Lisa V and Eileen saying that Yolanda might possibly have Munchausen disorder but that she 'heard it said by someone else' and she felt guilty that she was even part of that conversation.  If Lisa Rinna was really sincere and honest about it she would have come right out and said "I think Yolanda is faking her illness, but I don't want anyone to think I'm a horrible person believing that so I'll make up a story saying it was someone else that brought that belief up and I feel guilty buying into that."  (Is that 'guilt by proxy' by any chance?) Lisa Rinna MUST be liked, it's not as though she wants to be, she really HAS to be.

    • Love 5
  18. This episode made me want to reach my hand through the television screen and slap those bitches enough to knock off all their plaster makeup. Erika has more money than God and Putin put together (or, are they the same?), and she's not going to be intimidated by Lisa Vanderpump. Lisa V has met her match. Lisa to Ken in the helicopter "Ken? Is Giggy okay darling? Is it too noisy for him or is he alright?"  DUH Lisa, it's a damned helipcopter. What if it was too noisy for Giggy, what's the alternative? I got it.... open the door and drop him out on the tarmack, there you go.

    Erika stands out from any of them because she's honest about who and what she is and she could buy and sell the Vanderpumps ten times over. When I first saw Erika, I rolled my eyes and thought, 'oh no, more naked, self-absorbed, egocentric wealthy women'.  I questioned if we already have enough of those. Then I thought, 'no we don't have enough of those'. 

    Lisa Rinna is getting on my nerves so much that I record the episodes then fast forward past Lisa. Note to Lisa, we don't all think that Harry Hamlin is hot. Oh, maybe he was attractive to some women back in his heyday, and I mean WAY back, like 1981 Clash of the Titans. Even then, I was 'meh'.  I always felt a gayish vibe coming from Harry Hamlin which is okay with me but he seems like the kind that would live in the closet rather than be open and honest about it. Even his acting sucks. He's been fortunate to be able to still get some roles and earn a living from acting.


    Kyle and Eileen in the Hampton mansion...'Is that a real deer or a fake deer?' It's not Disneyland girls, it's Long Island, there's actually real deer there, nobody planted a fake one for your enjoyment.


    And David Foster, oh man.... where do I begin with this douchebag?  Fondling Yolanda's breast in the limo was just sickening. What an ugly, old, unattractive human being he is. I wondered as I watched Dr. Feng extract that heaving blood mass of exploded silicone from Yolanda's breast as to how much of what she believed to be Lyme Disease will suddenly disappear?  I also tried to mentally calculate the money she's thrown away trying to treat a problem that was laying right there under her clavicle all the time? It was a small fortune.

    • Love 19
  19. YES!! I'm so glad that Kendall hasn't clowned herself up. I truly hope that someday very soon Kylie decides to do the natural look and really be a role model for young girls. Right now, she looks like a blow-up doll. It's so sad.

    It truly is sad to imagine what's going to become of Kylie later in her life. It's unfortunate that Kris wasn't a real mother who raised her children with a good education first, and the emphasis on looks and social popularity second. At least with a solid education, they'd have something to fall back on once their looks fade away and nobody cares about them anymore. Khloe isn't exactly a member of Mensa but compared to Kylie, she seems like a rocket scientist. Kylie just doesn't have the desire or the need to be knowledgeable about anything other than superficial looks.

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  20. To me to, and even though Scott agreed to be filmed I think it's pretty low of the family to take part in it. I wonder if Khloe would expect Lamar to grovel at her mom and Kim's feet on camera in a like situation. I give Scott credit for even wanting to apologize when the family has pretty much made it clear over the years that they don't think he's good enough for Kourtney.  Even his parents dying was sort of an "oh too bad, too sad" to the Kardashians. But he's expected  to attend every family function and spend every vacation with them regardless of whether or not it's what he is comfortable with.  I come from a large family but we don't do everything enmass  and we don't expect in laws to fall in step with what our habits and customs are.

    I don't give Scott credit for anything except for riding on the coattails of the Kardashian family's fame and fortune. He willingly left the fold because he didn't want to change for them or for anyone, and he failed. So now he's tucking his tail between his legs and trying to sob-story his way back into their good graces for one reason only, his own self preservation and media fame. Anything Scott has done with the family in the past included him in the spotlight. How many people would jam into 1 Oak club in Vegas to see Scot Disick if it wasn't for Keeping Up With The Kardashians?  "Scott WHO?"

    • Love 3
  21. I think we all (including the Kardashians) need to be aware that the torch of 'hotness' has passed hands between the Kardashian sisters, step-sisters and mom Kris. There's usually one shining star at any one time. First it was Kim, then it became Kendall who rose to fame in warp speed. Then once Kim's light dimmed because of her two pregnancies, Khloe became the shining star. Kourtney never was the big kahuna of the family mainly because she doesn't have the stature (she's 5' tall) or the looks. Oh yes, she can be made to look 'absolutely fabulous dahling' by experienced photographers but basically she just isn't all that. We've always had mama Kim hovering on the periphery trying to inject her own brand of sexy cuteness but she's out of the running for stardom because she's too old for it now. So now it's Kylie's turn to step up and take over the position of Jenner-Kardashian super star. She's only 18 so she has many years to promote herself before someone newer and fresher comes along to replace her too.


    As far as Scott Disick goes, I feel just a little sorry for him only because he cames off as being a pathetic little mixed up party-boy. His parents were in Long Island going through illnesses while Scott partied hearty at 1 Oak in Las Vegas. Suddenly they both die within months of each other and this is a devastating blow to Scott who really was never there in the first place? He's a drunk and bathed in the fame of the Kardashians. If it wasn't for Kourtney Kardashian, nobody in the world would ever have heard of 'the Lord' Scott. He was stunned breathless at the news Kourtney dumped on him that she was expecting their third baby. Kourtney has 'baby fever' which is a bona fide physical and emotional phenomenon. I think that getting pregnant without Scott agreeing to it first was wrong. It shows me that Kourtney is just a selfish woman who will get what she wants and his wishes weren't even a consideration. 


    I just think that the Kardashian-Jenner clan is a train-wreck that's inevitable and may take a few more years but I can see derailments in their future.

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