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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. We had to wait until the second to the last episode of this season to find out that Alison is a scatterbrained, thoughtless wrench? Suddenly she's completely irresponsible and non-communicative to Noah about dropping out of college six weeks ago and she impulsively ran to Montauk to get into a deal to buy the Lobster Roll after getting a call from him just one day before? This episode was way far out of the realm of reality that I'm starting to really hate the writers for grasping desperately at last minute straws with this story line.


    Alison has a little girl and she's in a committed relationship with Noah. Does she think that spending her million bucks to buy the Lobster Roll is all she needs to invest? That place is a total dump and needs a few hundred thousand dollars in renovations to be able to reopen it to the public. Where is she planning to live while all that is being done. 'Splitting time between Montauk and Manhattan' ?   WTF Alison, even I'm pissed off at you. How could she possibly think there could be amicable living arrangements made with Noah on this one? It's like she suddenly lost her mind and any sensibility. I hope the hell the writers aren't going to have Alison and Cole reconciliate because that would make me absolutely hate both her and Cole for leaving poor Luisa behind in their dust. Did Cole even talk to Luisa about this and if he did, how could she possibly think that arrangement with Cole's ex-wife be okay with her?


    I'm beginning to wish they were all run over by a car on a foggy morning on a desolate road in Montauk and be done with them all.

  2. I had ventured a guess several episodes ago that Max was the one responsible for Scotty's death. It was the episode where Cole was at Scotty's boat and Scotty told Cole about his wish to purchase the Lobster Roll. Cole asked him where he'd get so much money and Scotty told him that he had an investor, 'a hedge fund guy'. Max is a hedge fund guy and now Max has a lavish home in Montauk. Max has also gone downhill from the suave, dapper, Wall Street financier to a slovenly, depressed broken-looking man. Many people had opportunity and motive to snuff Scotty but I think that a hedge fund guy that may have hit the skids financially just might have more motive than others to do the deed.


    I thought it was really ridiculous in this episode that Noah was relegated to using the bathroom as his office considering that fancy apartment has about 2500 square feet to spread out in. The living and dining rooms were massive so couldn't they find a corner in one of those rooms for a small desk? I don't think Noah would tolerate this and I don't think Alison would expect him to use the bathroom for an office. I found that really hard to believe that even Alison would expect Noah to use the bathroom as his office to write his new best seller in.

    • Love 13
  3. I think that Andrea Merkel was the only logical candidate from all of them. She's a brilliant German chancellor in addition to being a former President of the European Council and chairing the G8, the second woman to do so. She holds a doctorate in physical chemistry and she's a former research scientist. How could anyone in their right mind even consider Caitlyn Jenner in the running for TImes person of the year?  How embarrassing for humanity if that ever happened.

    • Love 2
  4. I'm watching old re-runs of the Kardashians from years ago since I never cared anything about their lives before and now I'm curious about the dynamics of the three sisters, Khloe, Kim and Kourtney, when they were younger. I have to preface this by saying that they are for the most part, victims of their circumstances and upbringing. Being privileged and wealthy since birth influences values and personalities to a great extent. Having an ambitious, narcissistic mother like Kris has given them the same values as Kris has, which is pretty loose and marginal.


    Saying all that, I have noticed from the earliest episodes right up to the current 2015 version of the Kardashians that Khloe appears to have had the most common sense and logic of all of them while growing up, including Bruce. Khloe seems to be the rational voice of reason and sees problems in a more logical manner than any of the others. She's blunt and to the point and sometimes that bluntness carries over into just being outspoken and outrageous. She still carries that privileged air and sense of entitlement as the others do, but Khloe seems to be more grounded when it comes to important issues. I actually hate admitting to liking any of the Kardashians, but I can at least tolerate Khloe and I'd bet she'd be a great friend to have.

    • Love 2
  5. Then there's Kris who is not taking old age lying down. Oh no, she's going to fight it tooth and nail, and that's great really. She's still attractive and has a good figure for a mature woman but.....


    In the upcoming episode Kris is actually going to pull a couple of tampons from her purse and try to convince everyone that she's still getting her period every month. She's even going to have the nerve to imply that she had a pregnancy scare? Just saying it won't make it so Kris. I'm going on record as being the very first snarker to call 'total bullshit' on this one.


    Come on Kris, we know how envious you are of your daughters but time marches on for every woman, you're no exception. You've had your days of wild sex, extramarital affairs and baby popping, now it's their turns. You haven't had to use a tampon in probably fifteen years. You're more likely carrying around mini-pads for your leaky bladder problem than you are for menstruation accidents. Having six kids does tend to sag a healthy uterus putting pressure on your poor bladder, that's why you pee your boy shorts all the time. Just remember to keep doing those kegels every day Kris. It's alright. Poise will always need you as a spokesperson, so incontinence isn't always that bad.

    • Love 6
  6. I don't understand why after Lisa and Ken had a discussion about how often Kyle wears Muu-muus even though she has a great figure but then Lisa strolls the greens at the Italian villa with Kyle wearing a muu-muu too. And it's a hotter than Hades day in Italy. I think that if they both knew how fat and dumpy they both look wearing muu-muus that they'd switch the attire for a pair of 'daisy dukes' and a crop top. How many times did they complain about bugs? It's the real world girlies, it's not arid California and insects flourish there in Italy where all green things grow, yes even mosquitoes!! Gawd help us. Since I'm getting out all my snark for the day, I will add that I think that extremely long, voluminous, obviously colored hair starts to look silly on a woman over a certain age. Even Khloe Kardashian got some length taken off her long hair and it looks so much better. Hair that long encourages them to touch, push back and smooth over their hair incessantly and it's annoying to watch.

    • Love 2
  7. All the stuff about Nicky's wedding...wtf??? Here I thought my family had issues. So Kyle was invited, uninvited and then re-invited again with Mauricio & some of her kids not going? Kyle gurl...I would tell Nicky and Kathy to eff off. 


    Ken is such a salty old man. I mean he always kinda was, but my god old man. Shut up.


    Yolanda's vitamin closet...whatever that thing was. Holy crap.


    Oh and I love Eileen Davidson. 

    If Kyle had any loyalty in her body it would be for her own family and not for the Hiltons or Richards families. We don't know the story about why she was invited then dis-invited then re-invited but if my family did that to me, I'd tell them to stick it up their ass. The family unit should exactly that, 'one for all and all for one'. To purposely single out one or two members of the family to invite and intentionally exclude the others is insulting and I would never tolerate that. But Kyle desperately wants to be at that wedding. Not for her sisters, or nieces but for herself. A wedding taking place Kensington Gardens is probably one of the most renowned parks in England and Kyle HAD to be a part of that. Kyle wants that more than she cares about the feelings of her husband and other daughters. Kyle has very little pride when it comes to making important choices that will affect others. Status, prestige and prominence comes before anything else with Kyle.


    This is Kathy Hilton's comment on a shared photo on Instagram;


    “There is no sibling war between Kyle and I over Kim. We are all a family and love each other very much, no one is fighting over anyone. The reason I wasn’t at Kim’s birthday celebration on the 19th [of September] if you must know is because one of my friends, since I was six years old, died of brain cancer the night before.”


    Now, I'm honestly very curious as to why Kyle was uninvited and reinvited without two of her daughters, 19 year old Alexia and 15 year old Sophia.and her husband Mauricio. Kyle's oldest daughter Farrah was a bridesmaid. Kyle said the girls weren't included because 'no kids will be at the wedding'. Seriously, a 19 year old and a 15 year old aren't kids. Daily Mail reports that one supposed reason behind the drama may have been an alleged feud between Mauricio and Kyle's brother-in-law Rick Hilton - Nicky's father.


    Blah, rich people can be very stupid.



    • Love 6
  8. Just a few random thoughts that popped into my head last night:


    - we traded in The Glass Fridge for the CVS Closet?  That is definitely trading down Bravo. :-(


    - Mr. Ken should re-evaluate the criteria for his Best Dressed List.  Some of Kyle's "mumus" (especially in later seasons - I'm thinking of the one she wore when she had Kim out to her Palm Springs house (You Stole My Goddamn House Part II) as particularly lovely) are a lot nicer and more flattering than Lisa's skin tight shiny satin numbers.


    - I am losing all patience with Yolanda.  I don't believe that your body needs colonics at all but to have one every week must be putting your body through hell.  I used to be in a hiking club with a biochemist (I have no science background at all so forgive me) who was studying the effects of the "bad" gut bacteria shutting out the "good" gut bacteria and it's effects on the body.  His main emphasis was on autism.  He developed a cocktail of drugs that had to be taken for almost a year (to kill the bad bugs in all stages of their lives) and did have success with it.  When I last saw him, he had just finished filing patents for this treatment.  So your gut bacteria can affect your brain, Yolanda.  (and Shannon Beador.)


    - David's visit with Yolanda was just painful.  As usual.  Remember when it was fun to watch the Bickersons (aka Paul and Adrienne)?  Then we found out that it wasn't being playful but that they really didn't even like each other very much.  It seems that the cold, loveless displays that we have seen between Yo and David are the real deal.  It's no wonder Yo is depressed; the King has left the building.

    I totally agree with this regarding weekly colonics. People think that fecal material inside their bowel is a bad thing, but it's not. Once a person starts to manipulate the normal and natural body flora and fauna by taking unnecessary drugs, or by doing weekly colonics, they're setting themselves up for possible side effects which will actually be detrimental to health. There's absolutely no scientific studies to support the theory that colon cleansing on a regular basis has any beneficial effect. The underlying problem with colon cleaning is that toxins don't build up in the colon and thus there is nothing to cleanse. But what you do wash away can make you sick.

    • Love 14
  9. Yolanda had make up on the Reunion which filmed in late February-so yeah she wears make-up. She had make up on in her sleeping selfie on the plane. She color her hair as well. She also had make up on at the Victoria Secret fashion show last month. I counted about 12 on her Google images from 2015. So once again he is making stuff up.

    She has said she had her teeth pulled. Much like no wearing make up he says whatever, whenever. At this point she is starting to make Brooks Ayers credible.

    Yolanda didn't actually had any teeth extracted, she only had 9 white gold crowns or fillings removed and replaced with porcelain ones. The original amalgam fillings that she had in those teeth (composed of approx.50% mercury) had already been replaced with the white-gold crowns many years ago. It was those white-gold crowns that she had removed in this episode and replaced with a composite resin or porcelain ones. She left the dentist office with temporary crowns because the permanent ones were going to take a couple of weeks to make. Having her teeth 'removed' was misleading, she didn't have any teeth removed, only the fillings or crowns.


    It seems to me that replacing the original silver-metal fillings was a smart decision since they are an amalgam of several metals, including mercury. Like the silver-metal fillings or crowns, white-gold metal crowns also have an amalgam of metals, they aren't pure gold because gold is soft and wouldn't be durable enough for crowns. The metals added to white-gold crowns may contain several metals including, zinc, copper and mercury. I think it's very doubtful that the small amounts of mercury could cause toxicity or it wouldn't be FDA approved, but Yolanda is reaching for answers and can well afford to have porcelain or composite resins made to replace all the other fillings or crowns.

    • Love 5
  10. Gwyneth Paltrow named her children Moses and Apple, Chris Browns daughter is Royalty, Kate Winslets son is named Bear. I don't think Saint is any more weird than any of those.

    The only reason that people will have a negative reaction to someone naming their child 'Saint' is because it clearly defines the parents as people that have an unrealistic sense of superiority and a sustained view of themselves as being better than others. Who can be of higher regard and esteem than a 'saint'? Clearly they feel nobody can. A saint is a person who is recognized as possessing a high degree of holiness or likeliness to God. What Kim and Kanye fail to recognize is that many people's names are inspired by real Christian saints.

    • Love 8
  11. In Noah's perspective, he said that Alison was always watching him with the baby. He thought it was because she was still angry with him, but I definitely thought they were hinting that Alison was trying to see if she could tell if Noah was the father. Was I the only one who thought that. I Also Thought When Cole said something to Alison along the lines of, "is that the only reason you wanted to meet with me?" That he was expecting her to tell him that the baby was his. Anyone else?

    I think that if Cole had any inkling that the baby might be his that he'd push that as far back into his head as he could, otherwise it would send his relationship and engagement to Luisa into turmoil. It looks as though Luisa has helped Cole change his perspective about life around for the better. I hate to see Cole slip back into the tormented, and sloppy Montauk person he was before the 'fire-cleansing'.

    • Love 1
  12. I'm fine with Cole deciding to buy the Lobster Roll even if Scotty supposedly wanted to to do it because if Alison's image of him was accurate, Scotty wasn't going to buy anything but drugs with that money. Who in their right mind would give an obvious strung out junkie a million dollars for anything?

    Who is their right mind would be willing to commit a million dollars to build a nightclub in Montauk to a junkie? The nightclub would have tourist business for 3 months of the year, so what about the other 9 months, turn it into a bowling alley maybe?  In last year's season, Oscar Hodges wanted to build a bowling alley and needed the town's approval. There was a town hall meeting regarding approval of the bowling alley and at the meeting, Cole launched into a dissertation about his desire to "fight to my last breath to keep Montauk local."  Plans for the bowling alley were denied unanimously by the board, much to the chagrin of Oscar.  In what world would the tidy community of Montauk approve plans for a nightclub?  'Pish-tosh' I say, ain't never gonna happen.

    • Love 2
  13. So Noah believes he has the greatness potential (nope, Noah, you don't).  What a jackass.  First of all, his first novel failed and even he is referring to his huge hit, Descent, dismissively (he said to the therapist something like "well I can do something more important than "that" book") and his third sounds like a yawn.  Besides, neither Picasso nor Hemingway were "great men" - one was a great (not in my opinion) writer and the other was a great painter, but in their personal lives they were both assholes.  So I guess when Noah says he's torn between being a good man and a great man, that's a flawed theory but it fits perfectly with his stunted idea of what great actually means.   And it's still utter Noah-as-the-center-of-the universe crap.  


    Noah's novel Descent was successful because he used his own personal experiences with infidelity and sexuality which fascinated readers but all of that came from a very personal place of which he was very familiar with.  Noah believes it was his talent and brilliance as a writer and trusts that will carry over to any future novels. Doing an in-depth biography about the strategical military mind and marital infidelities of General Omar Bradley may seem like a best selling novel to Noah but in reality it may sit on the publishers warehouse shelves gathering dust for decades. How many people are willing to pay $16.00 to read about a man that hardly anyone knows about or cares about anymore? It might appeal to some historians of WW2 or some retired military veterans in their 90's living in a retirement home, but that's about it.


    Noah wants to believe that his perceived brilliance should entitle him to 'living the life' as Hemingway, Tennessee Williams or Picasso had. These were egocentric, egomaniacal, self-absorbed men that lived their lives with depression, substance abuse and alcoholism. How romantic is that? Noah is really wondering if it's possible to have his cake and eat it too. He got what he wanted, he got Alison. Now, he doesn't know if he really wants her because by making her his wife, it will put him in a position where he'll struggle with guilt the rest of his life because he feels his 'art' entitles him to take whatever he wants and screw everyone else. I'll say it again. Noah should spontaneously combust in my opinion.

    • Love 6
  14. Baby Joanie is super cute but I wish Alison had a little more imagination and named her Alice after the 'hurricane' going on when she was born.


    This series has always seemed to me as though Treem and her team of co-writers have written each episode as though they're lost travelers driving to a unknown destination. They forgot to set the GPS before leaving so they wander around aimlessly and eventually get to their destination by trial and error. They throw in blind alleys and dead ends to perplex the viewers because we'll see in the end that the destination just really isn't that interesting.


    When did Alison suddenly become 'Ali' to both Noah and Cole? That's not important to the story other than the nickname tends to bring a less hostile and more comfortable air to Alison. Basically, I consider Noah to be about the same as millions of average men. They admire other women, they may even fantasize for a brief moment about having sex with them, but if they're married or in a relationship, they're able to resist any real contact or involvement with those women because they know it's just plain wrong to do. For some reason, Noah wants to feel as though he's not like other men, special in some way by resisting temptation or not acting on his basic instinct. Noah has a grandiose opinion of himself. Baby Joanie said 'da da' at the end so that's the game changer for Noah I guess.


    It was a little odd seeing all the familiar cast members faces in one place in the courtroom. When murder has been committed, even the most unseasoned detective would first search for the people that would have had a motive to kill Scotty Lockhart.  Neither Noah, Cole, Alison, Whitney, or the man-in-the moon had a real motive to commit murder. The only 3 that plausibly would have a motive for killing Scotty would be either Oscar Hodges, Max or drug dealers. I think that Oscar is the more likely candidate since he's the one that's been screwed over by Scotty and life in general. I think Max may be the 'hedge fund guy' business partner to Scotty since Max and Scotty already knew each other through the cocaine connection. Logically speaking, where else would Scotty find a 'hedge fund guy' living in Montaug? Noah will be found innocent, and I don't even know why he was the primary suspect in the first place.

    • Love 1
  15. All the couples give me the shudders but no other couple creeps me out like Nikki and Mark. My son is in Colombia, S. America and he told me that a girl is considered 'of legal age' at twelve. He has had mothers stop him on the street trying to sell their daughter to him to bring back to the U.S. Sometime truth is stranger than fiction and we should thank our lucky stars we live in more civilized countries.

    • Love 5
  16. You're welcome. Ha!



    And I thought, and I thought and said to myself 'no you can't do that' so I thought some more and thought 'oh yeah, I could, my bad' so ....



    So I did it and I apologize, but it is what it is.


    *my first choice was worse, but I decided to go with something more in good taste.

    • Love 9
  17. Yolanda was just another Hollywood trophy wife for David Foster. Maybe she realized that quickly after marrying him.


    David Foster wants a sexy, young (healthy) woman on his arm at social functions and to show off. He doesn't want, or need a wife. David needs a beautiful woman to exhibit to others, one that stays home and entertains her rich friends while he's off traveling most of his time. He doesn't want his wife to question him about where he is or what he's doing.  He will always have a wife to conceal his philandering lifestyle and to feed his narcissistic needs. I don't think David Foster will be a bachelor for very long.

    • Love 9
  18. Lisa Rinna and Jax Taylor from Vanderpump Rules are the 2 reality stars I have a hard time looking at directly. It's not that I think they're unattractive, but they each have features that remind me of something unpleasant. Rinna's lips = a shiny butthole.  Jax's hairy jawline = a set of greasy, hairy, low hanging balls.  Sorry.


    I have to watch both of them with my head turned to the side and I frequently catch myself grimacing. LOL.

    this is the first time I actually got a good laugh about this episode. I agree about Lisa R's heavily supplemented lips and yes, they're similar to a shiny butt-hole, but even more like the back end of a female chimp in estrus. I like Lisa R when I'm only hearing her voice and not watching her.

    • Love 3
  19. My brother-in-law's uncle contracted Lyme Disease in the late 1980's. He lived in Norwich, Ct. which is less than 20 miles from Lyme, Ct. At that time, there was absolutely nothing known of the disease and it didn't even have a name yet. He had multiple symptoms including increasing memory loss and dementia. A few years after becoming ill, he had to be placed in a nursing home. He was one of the first cases of Lyme disease. After more cases in the Northeast appeared and doctors started treating it as a pathogenic transmitted by ticks, he was treated with a host of different antibiotics and slowly recovered. He was released from the nursing home eventually and returned home to his family. He's in his 90's today and mentally sharp.


    This disease can be very difficult to diagnose and there are more than 16 different strains of Lyme disease. Many people with Lyme Disease are using both conventional and holistic means in order to achieve remission.  In doing so, many forget, underestimate, or simply brush off the true power of holistic medicine. This carelessness can really cost a person on a holistic and conventional treatment both time and patience simply because some holistic medicine such as herbs have the ability to interfere with the effectiveness of conventional antibiotics.

    Antibiotics are the main catalyst for remission and if a person in any way is unknowingly obstructing their effectiveness, this could hinder critical recovery time or lead doctors to believe that you simply don't have Lyme Disease.


    I believe Yolanda and the symptoms that she's presenting with. I think her leaking silicone may have complicated her treatment to a great extent.


    This is an article that I would recommend anyone interested in the comparison of Yolanda's complaints with those of another woman, should read. The two stories are nearly identical.  https://www.amytan.net/lyme-disease.html

    • Love 10
  20. We have no way of knowing that it was David that asked for a divorce, Yolanda could have asked for it.

    No, Yolanda HAD to go to the dinner, she signed up for yet another season on the show despite her claims of NOT being able to leave her apartment.

    Would Bravo ship her in a hospital bed if she was that ill?  Bravo execs actually have hearts (I think) and would definitely give Yolanda a pass on that dinner and not insist she drag herself out of a sick bed to be there just to fulfill a contractual obligation.

  21.  I wasn't defending Lisa's comments. I didn't think Kyle's were bad at all and still don't.  It IS borderline shocking for BH, and Kyle did say Yo looked beautiful at the dinner party when Ken was going on about how rough she looked. Twitter is irrelevant to me, there are thousands of people who defend Brandi on the daily there. Anyway, agree to disagree I guess. 

    When a person feels sick, looks sick and acts sick, they're are usually sick and they are very aware of how they look. Giving a backhanded 'compliment' about how beautiful Yo looked was Kyle's attempt of doing damage control. Ken, on the other hand was totally honest. Isn't it just a little disingenuous to tell someone they look beautiful when they know they look absolutely horrible? It's insincere and insulting to their intelligence. Yes, agree to disagree I guess.

    • Love 5
  22. Kyle said she looked beautiful and just noted that it's extremely rare for women in BH not to wear makeup, so it's a cause for concern. I don't see what there is to hate on about that. 

    Well, apparently a lot of people took her comment in a negative way because she's on Twitter defending herself. Her comment "In Beverly Hills, a woman going out to a birthday dinner without putting ONE drop of makeup on, is borderline shocking." was taken by others as a sign of being more concerned with appearances and beauty than about Yolanda's illness.  And Lisa's comment, "I mean she's got nothing on her face, at all. Not even a little bit of under eye cover-up or anything. Maybe just take 10 seconds to do that." It's obvious that neither Lisa or Kyle has felt so desperately sick that they could give a shit about going without under eye cover-up or a single drop of makeup. I have, and let me tell you, being that sick you really couldn't care about how you look or what others think. It would have been more gracious of them to commend Yolanda for pulling up her strength and energy enough to be there for Lisa's birthday party. She could easily have taken a pass on that affair.

    • Love 7
  23. I didn't sign up for "The Days of Our Lymes" either, does this mean Yo and I have to get a divorce..........

    David Foster is 66 years old and he might believe he's immune to illness or disease but one day he might get up 3 or 6 times during the night to pee and he'll think 'oh yes, I forgot all about the prostate gland' and suddenly he'll be the one looking down the barrel of a long scope. Who's going to take care of you when you get sick Davie? huh, huh?

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