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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I sort of miss seeing Frank back in England and what he's been going through. This series is so focused on Claire and Jamie and completely diminishes her life with Frank before her trip through time into 1760's Scotland.
  2. I only have one thing to say to both Bethenny and Luann (but more for Bethenny) for destroying the happy non-birthday pre-Christmas celebration at Dorinda's beautiful home when she COOKED and made everything NICE!
  3. I totally agree that there's just some things that should be left to the imagination and not filmed. Having vaginal laser rejuvenation is probably more common than we know or even want to know. This procedure does have some practical physical implications such as a problem stress incontinence, which many women have. Or, to tighten vaginal muscles after having multiple vaginal deliveries. Of course, neither are the reasons Sonja had the procedure, clearly it's to enhance sexual experiences.
  4. From the Jezebel website;http://jezebel.com/put-last-nights-real-housewives-of-new-york-episode-in-1780102849 There's a very good reason why Luann tolerated the verbal assault from Bethenny, it's because she got the opportunity to mention her own dress line at least twice and also the 'song' that she recorded. The main reason that the majority of these women put up with this nastiness is because they all have something to pander to the public. Luann has the garment line, Ramona has her Pinot Grigio, Carole has her books, Bethenny has her line of Skinny Girl products, Sonja has her toaster ovens, clothing, mixers, Tipsy Girl wine and who knows what else, and Dorinda and Jules are just there for the giggles and camera time. Being in the same house and following up the verbal altercations with texting just kills me. Luann even apologized to Carole for calling her a "pedafile". LMAO
  5. What a bombastic shit-storm of overwrought hysteria. Bethenny needs to get a grip on herself or she's going to have a mental breakdown. Luann should cut down on the cancer sticks before she ends up either sounding like Louis Armstrong or getting lung and throat cancer. Jules dear.....you will absolutely not get any attention from any of these women, even if your dad was on his deathbed phoning in to say 'bye-bye'. You knew he was in the hospital with pneumonia before you got driven up to the place that you can't find on a map, so why didn't you just go be with your father instead? You should know better by now that sitting outside on a concrete slab in the back of Dorinda's house with Luann is not going to get you any sympathetic back pats, hugs or kind words. You dummy, you will never learn. Did you seriously question about which is more important, Luann or Dad? For most normal people, the choice would be very simple, GO TO DAD! I do feel badly for Dorinda because she really went out of her way to make it a nice overnight with the 'girls'. But, next time she shouldn't be so stupid as to invite Luann. Just let her hang out with Sonja and keep herself busy screwing all kinds of men in the upstairs bedroom at Sonja's chilly townhouse. I would have worked for free as Dorinda's housekeeper/cook/cleaner for two days just to be hidden in the recesses of the kitchen during the fracas and laugh at all those hysterical women. What's up with that bedroom with the shiny red walls? Ew, not my style but she must have been going for some kind of look. A person could get murdered in there and it would take police a week to find the bloody body. Carole should have just stayed home and babysat for Ramona's dog. At least the poor dog would have been walked outside for a daily poop and not mess up the entire first floor of Dorinda's home with smeared feces. All Carole did was put on her mopey face, not that anyone could tell much of a difference between that and her normal face. And Sonja, dear thing she is. She had nothing else to do since she wasn't invited for the nice pre-Christmas party at Dorinda's so she gets her vagina lasered. Maybe she and Kim Kardashian can get together some day with their mirrors in hand and compare the beauty of their labia minora and majora. What's next, ovarian waxing?
  6. The bottom line here is that they're all shitty people but Caitlyn in particular is a selfish, narcissistic, down to the core nasty human being. There's only one person in her life she's truly concerned about, herself.
  7. Oh goodie, Rob and Chyna are going to have their own reality show. So that's why Rob finally decided to crawl out of his cocoon from media attention. He needs to show his fat self now that he scored his own reality show. http://www.mtv.com/news/2887646/rob-kardashian-blac-chyna-reality-show/ I'm sorry, but if I was the mother of either Rob or Chyna, I'd be heartbroken if my son or my daughter brought home that 'thing' to have babies with. Sorry, but I don't find either of them attractive in the least. But, to each his own.
  8. the next 'family vay-cay' is going to be a blast.
  9. And Brody and Brandon Jenner are half-brothers to Kylie and Kendall but Brandon and Brody were also step-brothers to Bella, Anwar and Gigi Hadid because their mother Linda Thompson (former girlfriend of Elvis) was married to David Foster before he divorced her and married Yolanda Hadid. I've come to the conclusion that that's only four major families in the entire State of California. The Jenners, Kardashians, Hadids and Fosters, and they're all related in some way. AND.........Rob and Chyna get their own reality show! http://www.mtv.com/news/2887646/rob-kardashian-blac-chyna-reality-show/
  10. This has to be the most stupid thing I've ever seen, heard or read about in my entire life. Human people are actually walking a red carpet for the release of a line of emoji's? Muaaaaaaaaaahahahaha unfriggenbelievable!! RUN! We're all doomed!
  11. http://www.people.com/people/package/arti I've thought for years that Khloe's 'joking around' with Rob was way out of line for a sister-brother relationship. I happened to be watching an episode this afternoon from a few seasons ago and Rob was standing against a stair railing as Khloe was following Kris and as she passed Rob she made a motion as if she was grabbing his crotch. But she's made so many sexual remarks to Rob even saying something to the effect of marrying his sister and wouldn't he want to 'F' her. He responded with 'I can't even look at you right now'. I think that Khloe likes to appear sexy, funny and uncensored for the cameras so she goes overboard with her outrageous comments but it makes me very uncomfortable for Rob to watch him become very uncomfortable with her dirty remarks and sexual innuendo with him. The first time I noticed that behavior coming from Khloe to Rob I was repulsed and thought then that this is going to mess up his head. Even the so-called cooking segment with Kylie when Kylie was making sliders in her kitchen, Khloe was trying to talk dirty about everything, even the hamburg rolls. I think Khloe is really messed up in the head and did a good job of making Rob a psychotic mess too. I also noticed one other small detail. It was an old video taken by Robert, Sr. when Rob was about 4 years old and Khloe around 7 years old. The video started with Khloe and Rob standing outside and Robert Sr. calling Rob closer to the camera. Khloe stood in back of Rob and was pulling and tugging on him, in an aggressive way trying to keep him from walking away. Truthfully, to my eyes it seemed to be in a more aggressive way, or possessive way, as though he was her possession to do with what she wanted to do. It's a bizarre and almost unnatural brother-sister relationship and I don't know who needs a shrink more, Rob or Khloe, or maybe both.
  12. I think that Ramsey's treatment of Sansa had to play out as it did in order for Sansa to be able to find some resolve and inner strength that she didn't have before. Ramsey couldn't be shown turning over a new leaf of sentimental feelings because it would make him appear normal and he's definitely not, he's a psychotic maniac. Prior to Sansa being given to Ramsey to wed, she was pretty much an immature, delicate little flower. She was totally ignorant and extremely gullible. If nothing else, her treatment at the hand of Ramsey made her grow a backbone and some street smarts.
  13. I can't believe that Arya could ever really carry out any killings that she's hired to do without questioning the reason for the 'gift' of death. But that's exactly the purpose of the 'Faceless Men'..... to murder in return for payment. I'm not even sure why Arya chose to commit herself to becoming one of the Faceless Men at all? She has a list of those she wants to have murdered or to murder herself, but can she really kill just because she's been paid to kill? A Faceless Man has no agenda or control over who they murder if they are indeed true Faceless Men.
  14. I have thought through the years that although Kourtney seems to be a great mother and loves caring for her children that there's just something not right about her intense desire to be pregnant and have babies. There is psychological disorder recognized by psychiatrists where a woman is addicted to being pregnant for several reasons. They have the need to continuously get pregnant because of deep emotional and psychological issues, whether it is dependency needs, the need for attention and adoration, and to avoid certain problems that they have. Certainly it could be said that Kourtney qualifies under this criteria. She and Scott were having serious relationship issues going way back before Mason was born. Kourtney surely knew that Scott was an alcoholic all those years they were together. Why would any logical woman feel it's a smart thing to keep getting pregnant by a man such as Scott? Not only that, but the last pregnancy was a total shock to Scott and from his reaction when she told him, it cast him even deeper into his well of self-pity and depression. I know that Kourtney has deep-seated resentments towards Kris for the cheating Kris did on Robert Sr. Kourtney was the oldest daughter and probably felt that hurt against her father more deeply than Kris ever realized. She stayed in a destructive relationship all those years with Scott and that was her choice. If Kourtney wasn't selfish she would have talked with Scott about more children before she became pregnant. Scott isn't a responsible person but Kourtney could have used birth control. I'm posting the video of the moment Kourtney told Scott that she's expecting their 3rd child. If you notice, Kourtney has a smile on her face. Did she think Scott would jump up and down with joy? Obviously Scott was devastated and I agree with him when he said that Kourtney was not honest. In my opinion that was the moment that Scott physically, mentally and emotionally checked out.
  15. I have a bunch of leftovers in my frig. The chicken still looks good enough to eat, it's still moist. The milk smells alright, not sour yet. But the pizza is sort of old and shriveled up looking and the cheese on top has a rancid aroma. I would eat anything but that pizza. Without being graphic I like to be discerning about which leftovers I'd eat and which I'd toss in the trash. Personally, I wouldn't want any of Ramona or Luann's leftovers. Since I'm already talking about gross stuff, I tried to push that 'moist' comment that John made to the deeper recesses of my mind. But now I'm ready to bring it forward and address that. When he asked if the telephone was 'moist' when Tom was speaking to Luann on the phone, did he mean moist from her hot breath or from Luann's special talent? Everyone got suddenly very quiet, Dorinda made a scrunched up repulsed face so I thought maybe it was the latter that he meant. If that's the image that the minds of men like John conjure up when thinking about Luann then I'd suggest to Luann that she cut down on fluids at least two hours before intimacy and start using the bathroom just prior to sex. It might help.
  16. I had to freeze the 'foaming at the mouth' moment during her argument with Luann. I swear her eyeballs rolled back into her head as if she was transitioning into Satan's Spawn right at that moment. Talk about ferocious!
  17. She said she doesn't like the word 'moist'. She said it's the #1 worst word that any girl wants to hear. "Moist, ointment, grundle, It's a most disgusting word". For those of us who don't know the word 'grundle' I had to google it. The most humorous definition comes from the Urban Dictionary. " The prime piece of real estate located conveniently between Scrotumburg and Anusville. One of these days, I'm going to move to the grundle." So I thought, okay that's the same thing as the 'taint'.
  18. I don't think it matters to Luann that she's having sex with a guy that once 'dated' Ramona. Yeah, yeah so they say 'only a date, not romance' but we know better. We're talking about Ramona Singer here. The newly divorced, hot pants, horny, semi-alcoholic, extension wearing spoiled and bored rich NY socialite here. Everyone knows that Ramona wouldn't get through one entire date without having (some kind of) sex with the guy. And eww, just imagining having sex with a guy that had sex with Ramona is just sort of, well....repulsive, yeah that's it, repulsive and nauseating.
  19. Wow, so many insightful and great comments here and I agree with ALL of them. I felt like I had to really work hard to come up with some comments about some tiny details that either nobody noticed and nobody cares about. First 'nit' of the picking is Sonja. I have to say that she's just a walking, talking personification of the stereotypical dumb blonde. She's sweet really.... and funny too. She can be trashy and doesn't have a lot of gray matter between her two ears but I have to hand it to her, she does come up with some funny one-liners. For instance when she and Luann were in her bathroom and she was showing off her dental floss underwear to Luann she commented about the previous night they had at the bar by saying "what a waste last night, hunt & fish? That was more of a clam bar than a sausage fest." (referring to all the women at the bar, and no men). I have to point out a few little things said and done by Jules. Her licking of the top of the blini after Ramona had licked off the caviar, then putting it back on Ramona's plate was just so disgusting. Then to make it even more disgusting Ramona picked up the same blini off the plate and licked it again! Not only was that gross but immediately I thought that's exactly what someone with anorexia would do, lick off a few caviar and leave the pancake. In the Empire Steak house, after John made the 'moist' remark. She said she doesn't like the word 'moist'. She said it's the #1 worst word that any girl wants to hear. "Moist, ointment, grundle, It's a most disgusting word". For those of us who don't know the word 'grundle' I had to google it. The most humorous definition comes from the Urban Dictionary. " The prime piece of real estate located conveniently between Scrotumburg and Anusville. One of these days, I'm going to move to the grundle." So I thought, okay that's the same thing as the 'taint'. Now, the necklace Jules wore at Empire Steak House. I have noticed many times that Jules and Michael are very into each other, which is great. They always look at each other as though they're sharing a secret. Well, perhaps the silver necklace that she had on was their little secret. It looked almost like an animal shape but then I wondered why in the world Jules would wear a silver animal-shaped necklace? Then I took some freeze frames looks at the necklace and I'm convinced it's 'pearl necklace' designed by Leah Piepgras. It's a seemingly amorphous cast silver shape. Her silver 'pearl necklaces' are all custom made and sell for upwards of $600 each. According to the jewelry designer's website this Necklace "Is an Accurate Representation of Semen"... meaning male ejaculate... (don't ask me how I knew this). It made sense to me since Michael once had a career in the adult porn industry as a producer. http://basslinerumble.com/style-fashion/ladies-designer-leah-piepgras-creates-accurate-pearl-necklace-3/ Tom and Luann entering Empire Steak House, "I love that jacket on you." Tom, "My mom bought it for me, she would be happy with the fact that you like it." (side-eye here. Mom still buying his coats at age 58) Ramona's dog Coco when they arrive at Dorinda's Berkshire home 'go, sniff around. but you can't make any mistakes on the floors'. Then after she steps in Coco's poop herself she says "well how did I know there's poop in your backyard". Dogs are like kids, if they mess up it's the parents fault, not the dog. Ramona is very inconsiderate. That home of Dorinda's is absolutely stunning, even the guest rooms were immaculate and pristine. I have to say that I do understand her anger at the end. She really did go out of her way decorating and making certain that everything was perfect. Then these bozos come in and create drama and negativity. Who needs that? And Jules not knowing where the Berkshires were and thought it was in New York. She said she wouldn't know where she is on a map.
  20. This is an old article and who knows whether this is truth or rumor, but this article in 'Hollywood Life' website says... "Although Scott Disick, 32, and Kourtney Kardashian, 36, are no longer together, he may have pulled the ultimate betrayal on his ex-partner while they were still together. A shocking new report has surfaced that says Scott not only cheated on Kourtney, but he did so with her own sisters Khloe Kardashian, 31, and Kylie Jenner, 18. Get more details below!" I have to say that I feel so badly for Kourtney (sometimes) because she was at a very vulnerable age when Kris was married to Robert Sr. and had an affair. The girls found out about it and it affected Kourtney in such a negative way that I think to this day that she holds that against Kris. So dumping Scott was the right thing to do but it's unfortunate that she continued to have two more children with this drunken louse before finally shoving him out the door. Kourtney said something very telling in one episode about Kris. "Her solution is to buy our affection". http://hollywoodlife.com/2015/11/11/scott-disick-slept-with-kourtney-kardashian-sisters-sex-confession/
  21. This photo was taken just weeks before the murder of Nicole Simpson.
  22. Nobody realizes this but Kris was every bit as obsessed with her body and as narcissistic as Kim at one time. She just wasn't given the same opportunities as she's given to Kim. The trauma of not having a body that matches the bodies of her hot daughters hit Kris really hard on the episode in Bora Bora when they all went together for a family vacation. Bruce wanted to have a vow renewal at the beach and Kris was deeply upset and embarrassed because her body had changed so dramatically from when she and Bruce got married. But this is the moment in time when the realization hits that they aren't the #1 hottie anymore. This moment will hit Kim too, and it may take 20 years as it did for Kris, but it will. She may look at a 18 year old North wearing a bikini and suddenly realize it's no longer about Kim and how Kim looks and that nobody cares anymore. Aging is going to be more difficult for Kim than just about anyone else since she's been such a high profile social media icon for so long, but her age will catch up with her sooner or later. Keeping up with the Kardashians is easy for us compared to how difficult it is for Kris to keep up with her own Kardashians.
  23. lol sorry I messed it up so many times and can't delete
  24. I really wish they hadn't shown a closeup of baby Faiths toes when Clare was holding her. It was one large rubber piece with no separation of toes. The face looked good, but those toes killed the imagery for me and spoke to the reality that this show does use props sometimes that aren't altogether believable.
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