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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. I just saw something that said that the ratings for last night's show were up over 5% from the previous show. Dammit - I hope this doesn't make Production think that what they are doing is successful - especially as what happened on the feeds last night with Red getting ousted and what aired on the show last night are quite different. The TV show is, of course, several days behind the feeds, not to mention horribly edited.
  2. This is my worry as well. The other thing to keep in mind is that they will be getting another calf any day now. Isn't Betsy pretty close to being due? So what happens then? Unless one of the NewTopians is great with animal care and has a good work ethic, these lazy asses are likely to resent having to do the additional work for another animal. They really just need to give up on the whole farm concept and remove those poor animals before it can get bad again - or even get worse. These people buy all the food they eat except for eggs anyway.
  3. When Jury went into the house to find the two murdered men, there was a shot of him holding one of them in his arms and looking at the kid's dog tags. Jury is a Vet as well, so those two may have been quite close and bonded through their Vet status and Jury maybe very much viewed him as a son. That was just my take on it anyway. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if Jury rated them out given his reaction to the kid's death. I'm not sure who else would have done it except for maybe Taylor?Tyler? whatever the name is of the guy that's the head of the 19ers. I can't remember how much he knew about what Jax and the club were doing to harm Lin and the Chinese but I thought he knew something about the guns?
  4. Maybe they are trying to get the show cancelled, especially if there is something in the contracts with these asshats that they get nothing if the show is cancelled. Or maybe at least if it gets cancelled they'd only have to pay them for the weeks the show lasted and they want to cut their losses. I know, this is probably unlikely and it's far more likely that Production is just unbelievably stupid and somehow thinks that is something worth continuing and that this 'drama' they are trying so hard to manufacture will increase viewership.
  5. Someone please stop Aaron from using the word "utilize" repeatedly. He uses it all the time when he could just say 'use.' Just in the last minute he said he didn't put something away because he 'wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to utilize it first.' And now about the food shelves, he asks the group to 'keep the area clean and put things back when you utilize' them. It could be a bloody drinking game - you'd be on the floor in no time. So sick of him.
  6. The worst thing about all of this is that unless Production does the right thing and yanks Bri, for the shit with the animals in particular, we're stuck with her for another friggin' month. I don't think I can deal with her whiny, disgusting, stupid, psychotic, lazy, manipulative bull shit for another minute let alone another month. When she was giving her 'please let me stay' speech, she was half crying the whole time and said that she wanted to 'share her Bri-chinos' with the world and do ceramics and then she said 'umm... I don't know where I'm going with this...." and then really couldn't think of anything else to say after that 'what I can bring to Utopia' portion of her speech at all. These asshats deserve to be stuck with her but thankfully I don't have to be. I think I'm out.
  7. 9 votes for Red, 2 for Bella, 1 for Bri - Red is out. I have a 'play by play,' and who voted for whom, but the damn feeds kept cutting out so much it was ridiculous and hard to get all the reasons. They are bringing Red, Bella and Bri in now to tell them the result. Red says very exuberantly "Thank YOU BROTHER!" to Rob when he announces that he is out. He seems glad to be going, or maybe he just wants them to think that - I don't know. Either way, he's out. Now he's telling Nikki that this is just 'not his project.' This came out of a conversation he had with Nikki, Amanda and Ernesto earlier and they all gave their versions of what this was supposed to be and theirs were very different from his. This is why Nikki voted him out. Red is saying he wanted out. He couldn't 'set up his own demise' to get out of this (not sure what that means - wonder if he couldn't go on his own because of stipend or something), now feeds are cutting out too much to understand what is being said.
  8. The audio on the two guests doesn't seem to be the greatest some of the time (and admit I'm in and out as far as paying attention as I'm half watching a TV show that the husband has on), but I think I caught that they might be now currently somewhere more in Northern CA. It sounded like one of them mentioned starting to study something at Fresno State soon.
  9. Thanks 4leafclover. I missed most of the day when Kristen was setting up those businesses and her whole 'capitalism' crap. I think you're right and that they are a couple. They seem to be from Utah - or at least one of them maybe lived or visited there - they were talking to Josh about some club in Provo. Josh prepared the fish and put it in the oven. At least he seemed to season it fairly well. He's cooking it in a foil packet in the oven - not sure what kind of fish it is. Josh seems to be treating them well - trying to make small talk now. I just know that the two guests have to be dying to talk about some of what goes on in there and some of what they've seen in the feeds. I know I would be. I hope they find a way to spill some of the secrets to Josh before the night is over, though at least Josh seems more aware than the others as to what everyone is really up to.
  10. So why does Josh have two guests this evening? Did these guys win (or actually I guess lose) some contest or something? They seem to have caught that fish pretty quickly, but I can't believe these guys are actually going to eat something made in that dump. At least Aaron isn't cooking it.
  11. He said on the show that he wants to be DA in the future.
  12. Yes, I'm aware of this as well. However, Mike did have a job at a Manhattan firm which he admitted he quit to do this show. Even if he were a first year associate of some kind he may not have made six figures but given the cost of living in the area alone he likely made more than $52k. Even if he didn't, he's ruining his chances of practicing law anywhere in the future, which is really the point.
  13. I agree with this completely. I am an attorney myself (please don't throw things at me - I think I'm one of the good ones as are pretty much all of the other ones I know), and yes, there are some smarmy ones out there for sure but with information on people being so easy to get these days it's a lot harder to get a job and/or keep a job if you're doing something unethical, inappropriate, distasteful, etc. Mike's behavior just baffles me. He left his job as a Manhattan attorney of some kind to be on this show. He left a job where he most certainly makes more than $52k per year and comes here and steals what basically amounts to near peanuts out in the real world. He has stated he has political aspirations and wants to be DA at some point. He is ruining his reputation, his career, and his future for less money than he was already making outside of Utopia. It just seems asinine to me. I hire people for my team on occasion and I always check their social media accounts. These things have privacy settings - so at a bare minimum any potential job seeker should use them. I can't believe the things that I've come across on social media sites from people out looking for a job. Going on a reality TV show and making a complete asshat out of yourself isn't so easy to hide with just privacy settings, however. These people, if they're not all just paid actors, are going to have a hell of a time out in the real world. I don't care how they try to excuse their behavior or fob it off on "Production told me to do it," particularly as they are not playing for a big prize on this show like they are on BB or some others. Why risk ruining any future career prospects for a lousy stipend? This show is not going to make them famous and pretty much no employer is going to want them anywhere near their reputation or their brand.
  14. Yes, particularly all the filthy add-ins that it may contain that were added in just by being in that environment. Or, knowing Bri and her tendency to harm the animals, she could end up being like another one of those 'Tylenol Killers,' or whatever that person who spiked Tylenol in drug stores with cyanide or some kind of poison was called, back in the early 80s, I think it was. I wouldn't trust anything she gave me to eat or drink, and nothing that these asshats turn out in that pig sty should be considered saleable for human or animal consumption. Production should put a stop to that, but they likely won't. It would be hilarious if Aaron got his Cottage A and B licenses yanked if he lets her use them for this though.
  15. Bri and Chris are outside talking about her inviting Aaron for a 'sleepover' or 'threesome' that caused their little spat. I tuned in a bit late, but one of the first things I heard Chris say is that he was upset about it because it affected 'his dick.' Whoever said earlier that Chris was like two people is right. He's one way with Bri but then another thing when he's with that baby calf feeding her and playing with her getting her to run a bit and hop and things. I also seriously question him as a person given that he picked Bri to begin with. If he would stay broken up with her maybe I could cut him a little more slack. He is saying he doesn't know what to do right now regarding her. Bri said she says and does things impulsively and laying her head in Aaron's lap and saying what she did didn't seem like a big deal to her at all. Oh for crying out loud - Bri was talking about suicide in front of the cameras and what not at one point and Chris said that was something that really concerned him. She said she's not sure, but it was something that popped into her mind. Chris said "Well why would you tell other people though?" Then of course they cut sound. Maybe he's getting a clue about her being all for show/drama and her constant need for attention.
  16. I just heard a "Big Brother" like voice come over the loudspeaker. It said Taylor's name and then the sound cut. I've never heard "Big Brother" before.
  17. I'm right there with you Andyourlittledog2! I can't take the sounds of Aaron's voice anymore and his constant need to sound so pissed off and having to punctuate everything with obscenities. Okay, Hex just asked Taylor to please remind her to take a shower tomorrow. Like a full shower with shaving and everything. Why does someone have to remind her to keep herself clean and groomed? How lazy are these people?
  18. Aaron and Kristen are so money obsessed. I know Red had his hang ups about money as well but these two would fight over a nickel in the street. Kristen said money/things is what motivates her. If she saw that Aaron was able to buy himself a mattress or something, she would want that to so she would go out and work to get it. She said that she refuses to live of off $30/week and she will hide her money and get thrown out for hiding money before she will go without. She said that if she was up for eviction, she would spend all of her money in her account. Kristen asked Aaron if we think that the other people in Utopia look stupid. Aaron says Yes, definitely. Kristen is going to be shocked how many people are going to have the same thoughts. He says that he's sure at least 60% of people will say that they never liked Nikki. They are going to be in for a bit of a shock. Well, all of the Utopians are - especially when they pull the plug on the show sooner rather than later. I would love to see the look on their faces when the announcement is made.
  19. Aaron and Kristen continue to talk about who will go home. He says everyone wants to keep him as he's the one in the kitchen everyday. He said he has 3 people kind of against him but 3 people who like him. Kristen adds that those 12 are really solid with him and love him. Aaron says there are the "Big 3" there that no one will fuck with. Those people are Mike, Dede and Amanda. He said that he's really good with 2 of them so he should be fine. Now talking about the fact that Nikki just lied about all his behavior at the vote this past weekend. Kristen says it was really out of line saying that Aaron was bullying and lying, etc. These two are so full of their own shit. They need to go pretty quickly on the heals of Bri - Aaron in particular as I think Kristen will be a lot easier to deal with once Aaron is gone - she won't really have any friends.
  20. Aaron is talking to someone outside (I think Kristen, but of as usual the feeds are fucked up and showing a different view than who is actually speaking) and talking about the animal abuse. Aaron says that it's not true and Bella and Josh blow it way out of proportion. He said if it were true Production would have reamed her or removed her or the Vets would have, especially if she were putting the little calf in a head lock. Complete morons. When the show is over in a week or two, hope they feel like assholes though that is unlikely given their personalities. Aaron says the scales are still even with Bri as far as going home and that everything it tipping towards Red right now. That's hope this is not the case, but as I mentioned earlier the hospital thing doesn't bode well for Red as they will look at it as him not having to do work.
  21. Yeah, I think the closest he's gotten to working in a restaurant kitchen was maybe as a dishwasher at one of those lower-end chain restaurants where everything comes out of cans or is frozen. It's not so much cooking as defrosting and heating. Or at a lot of those places even microwaving. He's probably really at a loss without a microwave. That may be why he's so afraid of the oven. He doesn't even know what those dials do and how long it takes to cook anything.
  22. This is a good point Andyourlittledog2. They could freeze pasta dishes - making a baked ziti or something (something you can also make vegetarian easily) is so super easy and they could make a couple of them at a time and keep them frozen for like a month and just throw them in the oven for dinner so Aaron wouldn't have to do whatever he calls "making a bunch of crap incorrectly on the stove" every night. I seem to hardly ever see them use the oven - it's like they only have the burners and are afraid of the oven.
  23. They're having dinner. Looks like Aaron made the kind of 'build your own' burritos again. Everytime I seem to see them eating dinner it's always burritos - or stuff that gets made directly into burritos. Aaron was pissed since Nikki only ordered like 1 or 2 packs of ground beef (I think they were 2lbs each) so they have very little beef for their burritos. He was telling Mike and Rob outside that she ordered a ton of chicken breasts that were already cut and then so little beef. I kind of get some of the irritation if she's ordering chicken breasts that are already cut. That's really not the best use of their funds - they should be buying whole birds and cutting them up - then whoever wants what part can have it (if they don't know how to cut them up then order them already cut as I don't think the price difference is too huge), but a whole bird saves a lot of money over just getting pre-cut breasts and they can use all parts of it, including the neck and carcass, and make soups and broths. These people should be cooking more soups/stews. They can make 2 batches - one vegetarian and one regular for most types pretty easily. Instead it's a rice and bean burrito fest there nearly every night. ETA: I hadn't watched the feeds at all yesterday and today this is the first time I turned them on. When I first saw Mike from a distance I thought they had gotten a new female Utopian or that Kristen's hair was getting darker. He needs a haircut. Still massive cleanliness issues from these guys. Nikki was cleaning the fridge, but she was using one of those grubby sponges that they use for a million other things. Amanda was meanwhile washing plates by just using her hand and water.
  24. I think unless Production gives Red immunity due to his medical issue this week or severely tries to manipulate things he might be done for. Even if they give him immunity this week, they'll just get him on the next vote if they feel he's not contributing - they don't care what the reason is, they just don't want to have to do the work either. And Aaron and Rob will be leading the charge and no one seems able to stand up to Aaron in particular, so we might be stuck with that sociopathic, stupid, animal abusing wench Bri for another friggin' month. In which case, I don't think I can hang in with this anymore.
  25. Yeah, and the 'surgery' I'm guessing was some deep cleaning with maybe having to remove some of the infected tissue and some stitches. Likely all done with a local anesthetic and/or maybe some pain killers/conscious sedation. I had a pretty bad infection once which started in wound that was healing, and, because I have a whole host of allergies, the only antibiotic they could use to treat me was IV only. They had to start a midline me (can stay in a lot longer than an IV can) and give me IV antibiotics 3 times a day. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and even after I was released I had to have a home care nurse come by to check on me and show me how to continue to give myself the antibiotics 3 times a day for 2 weeks after that. I had to cancel a business trip to Europe because they didn't want me on a plane with the midline in and while on IV meds (completely understandable - nor did I want to make a trip in that condition), but I wasn't even allowed to return to my office for several weeks after that. I had to stay home as they didn't want to risk further infection so I can't imagine they would have allowed me to return to a shit hole like Utopia for even a couple of hours. I do believe Red did/does have an infection of some sort (and I'm actually surprised more of them haven't had issues given the petrie dish that place is - I just hope they had to have physicals first and then that Production had enough sense to make sure the doctor gave them all tetanus shots), but I think he is dramatizing it in typical Red fashion but this might hurt his chances in the vote with the Utopians. They may feel he has to go especially if they're being told by Production, as Amanda mentioned, to vote for who contributes the least. He's not going to be able to do many chores while he has to keep that bandaged, clean and dry even if he's allowed to stay at the compound for part of the day and if he has to stay in the hospital for a few days he can't help with anything at Utopia it's only going to cause more of an issue with the other Utopians.
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