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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. So on Red's speech, when he was chalking a lot of their problems up to nutrition, yes, there are definitely nutritional/dietary concerns there, but when he said that "I know I broke away from the group, purchased my own food. I'm not apologizing for it. I had to do it for my health." That's where I have a hard time with Red and his 'food issues...' Because we all know that Oreos, Ramen, hot dogs and hamburger paties (purchased before they had a fridge and continued to eat after being left out for way too long) are really good for your health. Not to mention all gluten free for gluten intolerant Red. I believe he may have some food issues, but I think a part of it has to do with not being able to eat a bit better due to his missing teeth. If he actually, as some suspect, has dentures then he needs to wear them regardless of what kind of a ‘character’ he is trying to play. Again, I do give Red a pass on a lot his behavior because he is good with the animals, but more and more it seems something is going on with Production and that he has some special arrangements and keeps angling for more. Also, If he just had surgery and had a bad infection that was spreading to the bone ,why the Hell did they allow him to come back to this shit hole? He is not going to be able to keep it properly wrapped, clean and dry. I guess he also said he would be going back to the hospital, but for how long? Just once a day or for several days until it heals more? Is Aaron a shitty chef? Absolutely. Does he care about other's needs? Absolutely not. Are they all able to order their own food? Yes they are. As much as I hate Aaron and he needs to go for a whole host of reasons, these people have some responsibility for what their eating. They ordered 4lbs of sour patch kits for goodness sake. I know there may be issues with kitchen time and fridge space so it makes it more difficult but if they are all unhappy about it and think it is causing issues for at least some of them, do something about it. They just look the other way when any issues come up, including theft, animal abuse, improper use of community items, etc. This group is so damn lazy and afraid of conflict that they are never going to improve their situation at all. They are even backing down from voting out the nastiest people in the group because it's like they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or get them angry at them. More and more it's getting to the point where it's clear that none of these people is a leader and the majority of them don't want to do anything other than collect $52k for sitting around on their lazy asses doing nothing but complaining.
  2. Dede and Mike are lying in bed talking. They are whispering and it isn’t easy to hear what they are saying. Dede says that Mike is the ‘voice of critical thinking’ which is ‘huge.’ Critical thinking? He clearly is completely incapable of mustering up the energy to do basic math to keep their ‘ledger’ and I think some days he may even forget to embezzle. He appears to be so lazy that he can barely manage to get out of bed to screw Dede every day. They are saying something about how much of the group doesn’t like Kristen’s plan for her rule and that it just can’t work right now. Mike mentions something about how they need to try to make back all the money that they lost and people are bothered about that since they are still trying to get something regular going as a group and they do not have the ability to branch out individually. Not sure exactly what he means about the money they ‘lost.’ I think the majority of it was spent by these asshats on stupid, frivolous shit (like the 4lbs of sour patch kids they ordered today) or embezzled by others in the group including Mike, who in addition to doing whatever he is doing with the ledger and ignoring what he knows is theft by the others based on receipts (or lack thereof), has been shoving a lot of the entrance fees for the ‘Utopian Experience’ into his pants. As much as I want Red to stick around for the animals, he had his share in the mistreatment of funds as well with Dave when they broke into the safe and each took over $400 shortly after they had been given their $5k startup funds to order their junk food for 'Utopia State of Freedom' – most of which contained gluten which Red supposedly cannot have and is his main reason for pulling his funds out of the group as he said Aaron and others were ‘forcing’ him to eat gluten. Somehow Red and Dave felt they were each entitled to around $450 as their share of the $5k, however if they had bothered to do the math correctly they would have realized that it was more like $330. Red has been fabulous with the animals and the new calf, so I'm willing to overlook a lot of his missteps but can he at least please stop threatening to self evict every day? Mike says he needs to get to sleep as he has to get up in 5 hours so he isn’t berated and needs to ‘put his money where his mouth is’ about doing work and taking care of the cows. This is completely shocking and I'm willing to bet he doesn't manage to get off his lazy ass to do anything more than usual - which is basically nothing. Dede said she made a list with two columns – one was ‘Still Romantic’ and one was ‘Not Romantic.’ She said that she had having churned butter as ‘Still Romantic’ but that it was no longer ‘Romantic’ to have to be ‘milking the fucking cow.’ Dede really dropped in my estimation. Her choice of Mike wasn’t all that stellar and she wasn’t at the top of my list based partially on that but I thought she valued other living things a bit more and respected the animals. Given her statement about having to milk ‘the fucking cow’ I guess that’s not the case. She’s nowhere near Bri levels of despicable, certainly, but I guess I thought she had a better attitude/outlook than she does.
  3. Kristen is now saying that she is so comfortable with Aaron that she will start farting in front of him. I just can't with these people. This is supposed to be some kind of 'social experiment' where many different types of people come together to try to determine what the 'ideal society' might look like. Instead, Aaron just now told Chris how Kristen farted in front of him last night and how raunchy it was. This is just so disgusting. Kristen has now just told Aaron and Chris that she may have a thing for Mike. Aaron says he needs to party with Mike - Mike doesn't drink, he makes a lot of money, he has multiple foursomes and he's the only guy involved in those foursomes, etc. Kristen is trying to cope with the fact that either she or Aaron is going to leave long before the other. Aaron can't believe she would even say that. Chris says it will happen unless they both stay until the end (I really hope not given the current discussion). Aaron thinks Mike will stay until the end unless he wants to go. Chris will as well. Amanda may unless she decides she wants to go because of the baby. Kristen just said she wants someone there to get pregnant while in Utopia. Chris asks her if she would get pregnant with their 'collective baby.' Kristen says she would. Chris says "are you serious? I was kidding." or something along those lines and she quickly says no she wouldn't. Watching and hearing her initial response, I think she was likely serious with her first response (or at least definitely considering it). Just more Yuck with these people. Send them all (or at least most of them) home and give us a new batch.
  4. Kristen, Aaron and Chris are now talking about who to vote out. Aaron quickly says that based on Red's behavior today, he is voting for Red. Even though he originally said Bella today, he's fed up with Red and that's who he's voting for and he will be shocked if the vote is not unanimous for Red. Kristen, being Aaron's complete lackey, says that she will also vote out Red. I didn't hear whether or not Chris had a choice, but these asshats need to consider who is going to care for the animals if Red goes. I know Red acts as though he wants to go and basically says he's going to self evict about once a day but I don't think he's really serious about it. I think, regardless of how wasteful he thinks they may be, the stipend may be more than he makes outside. Also, Production does seem to be catering to him a bit. I don't even want to think about what would happen to the animals if he left. Yuck - Kristen is telling Chris and Aaron how she has had 'wet dreams' while in Utopia. Apparently perhaps involving other Utopians. This is so disgusting. She is clearly trying to flirt with both of them and is looking pretty desperate with her approach.
  5. Bri is talking to Ernesto, and she again says that her family has money and that it’s trivial to her. She says that they’re not in Utopia to pick money or other material things. It’s not about power or wealth. It’s about peace and love and blah blah blah... She said her family is very strict Vietnamese Catholic and they wanted her to conform to their rules. Her family is very money driven and she chose to leave that all behind and that is not why she’s here. She said that Chris has his glass blowing thing and she can do ceramics. She said that she and Chris are going to get a kiln. She also said she makes great coffee – the “Bri-chinos” - and that everyone loves them and they are going to sell those at the events and that those are gold. She said she’s offended that Ernesto seems to think that she can’t contribute and when he said that at the vote it disappointed her. She said she didn’t think he was money hungry, so she was really upset that he said what he did at the vote. Ernesto is saying that she shouldn’t think about it that way. He’s not money hungry. He had to make a choice and he made a business decision. It wasn’t emotional. She said “but I’m all about peace and love and everything…” blah blah blah. This is the same girl who said she could ‘break Bella’ and get her to leave and that she wanted to see Bella dead. Where is the peace and love there?
  6. Chris, Kristen and Bri are down feeding the calf. Kristen is holding the bottle and the calf is going to town. Bri isn't even attempting to touch or interact with the calf - I have a feeling she's only there because Chris is as apparently she hasn't really accepted the whole break up thing. Chris has told others he wishes she wasn't always hanging around him especially as they broke up, but there she is. I hope he leads the charge to vote her out if for no other reason than that she won't be following him around anymore.
  7. Kristen and Bella are talking and Kristen is saying that she worked in a lot of "cut throat" environments, including a job at a bank, and she couldn't deal with it so that's why she decided to be an 'entrepreneur.' She has yet to define what that means exactly and I haven't heard her talk about any business ventures that she's started up in the real world. Given her horrid math skills, I have a hard time believing she ever worked at a bank or that she's an actual 'entrepreneur.' Her poor math ability may cause her rule in Utopia to fail - she'll have no idea what percentage anyone is actually keeping vs. giving to the group.
  8. Bri and Red were just talking out on the dock. I was kind of shocked as they seemed to get along and given that Red likes to call out those that don't really work and has had to pick up a lot of Bri's slack with the animals, none of it seemed to be mentioned. Red is all about how much he can't stand Aaron and how he wants him out. Unfortunately he can't see past his Aaron hate to realize that anyone else is doing something wrong - especially since the Vets flat out told him they didn't want Bri feeding the calf after they saw her trying to force feed it. Red is so hung up on Aaron and what he cooks when he cooks it and also mentioned to Bri that Aaron 'stole' some of the deer meat. There are definite issues with Aaron and no way is he a real, trained Chef (again I just have to mention the treatment of the cast iron cookware - a piece of which he brought in) and he can't seem to manage equal portion sizes for everyone and Taylor and Kristen, along with himself, seem to get the lion's share of the food and he's also taken advantage of funds that should have been for 'communal meals' to order frozen pizzas and other snacks for he and Kristen to eat between communal meals. However, given that Red seems to have real affection for the animals and is concerned about their care - including wanting to ensure that the cows are milked fully and on time so they aren't uncomfortable - and he was told first hand by the Vets that they didn't want Bri near that calf as they saw the force feeding incident (after he himself told her not to go feed the calf and to let her get hungry for the 4pm feeding - Bri went down there at 1pm to put what basically amounted to a choke hold on the calf to try to force feed her), why is he even considering keeping her around? So much so that he volunteered to take her place as one of the two selected by the group to be voted out? His hate for Aaron has to be off the charts. Since he knows now that Aaron isn't one of the three up for eviction, maybe he'll start to change his thinking about Bri? I have my doubts though as the conversation he had with her on the dock came after the three were determined and he seemed pretty positive towards her.
  9. Bella just told Dede that she really wanted Bri to stay. She wants Red to go as she feels they need to get 'rid of the big tempers' and that Red likes to argue. She does know, however, that Bri and Chris were trying to cause issues with her and get her voted out. I just can't understand why, when she knows that, she would want Bri to stay. That almost makes me want Bella to go - though still not more than Bri, but maybe before Aaron. Bella is a bit eccentric and she has some issues but she needs to try to use her friggin brain and see who is causing the real problems.
  10. Yep - Bri is on about how money, greed, etc. are the problems in the world. She says she came from money so she knows all about it and that it can cause issues. Chris just asked her how she felt about the "America" thing. She is now changing her tune and saying she pretty much expected it. She knows she can be a bitch. Does she also know that she is and comes across as a sadistic, animal abusing, piece of shit? She might be a little shocked about that since that's a big part of the reason America wants her out. Ugh- now even Dede is telling Bri that 'she's expected to' behave a certain way as 'she's 20.' This is just insulting to every 20 year old or to everyone who's ever been 20 and wasn't a sociopath.
  11. So what happened to the hard ass girl who's been in Compton and seen violence and could totally deal with it? Now Mike is trying to comfort her. He's also saying that her lack of work and sleeping in late is probably the reason she was chosen but what 20 year old doesn't behave the way that she has? It's completely normal - she likes to sleep in and likes to stay up late. She should maybe try to change that, per Mike. When I was 20 I may have liked to sleep late, but I had responsibilities and couldn't afford to. I was a full time university student with a double major who also worked around 30 hours a week. Her age is absolutely no excuse for her laziness and it definitely isn't an excuse for her sadistic, cruel behavior particularly related to the animals. Now Nikki is saying that they should just make sure her chores are all scheduled for the afternoon and evening. Bri says that would be great and she could definitely make that work. Mike mentioned that that might not solve the problem. They're trying to get her to make whatever they are calling "Bri-chinos" the night before so they could have them in the morning and that would be awesome. Mike is saying that maybe it's the fault of the other Utopians as they didn't take her 'under their wing' and try to help her succeed there. This is such bullshit. The girl is a spoiled, self-centered, lazy, sociopathic, bitchy, piece of shit who doesn't care about anyone or any thing else.
  12. It sounds like Nikki may be trying make Bri feel better since I think she feels bad about being selected by America. Even though she's somehow managed to make this group of idiots feel sorry for her or whatever and for some reason tried to save her she can't avoid the fact that the whole country thinks she's a piece of shit.
  13. What the Hell? Apparently Bri ended up being one of the two up for replacement, however Red offered to take her place? ETA: Ok, thank goodness America voted for Bri so she is one of the three up for replacement. The three are Red, Bella, and Bri. Why on Earth would Red volunteer though? If Bri were one of the original two selected by the Utopians, then does that mean that America's second choice would have been the third? Rob is telling the group that they'll have to take another vote (to vote out one of the three, I believe), so I guess that's how they've amended the rules at least for the time being. If Red ends up being voted out they need to remove the cows along with him. There is no way they will be properly cared for if left to the remainder of the asshats. Red is currently asking the group if anyone else wants to 'learn the animals' as I think he knows if he gets voted out someone will have to step up and no one really knows how. Unfortunately it's not just a lack of knowledge that is the problem - no one wants to or is capable of getting off of their lazy ass and doing it right.
  14. I could be wrong, but when this whole train wreck of a show started I thought that the original plan was for the Utopians to put up the two for elimination and then for the viewers to vote out which of the two would go. I could also possibly have that reversed - viewers put up the two for elimination and then the Utopians voted which of the two would leave. The 'rules' have just been so fluid and changed so often that I have no idea how any of this is supposed to work anymore. Yes - excellent point Rahul! I really feel for anyone related to her or that even remotely knows her...
  15. The feeds are still cut, but at least now instead of showing the entrance gate, they are showing the new, little Mootopian sleeping in her bed of hay. She really is adorable. Every time I see her though I'm reminded of how much I loathe Bri and that they need to get her out of there. If she's not voted out (and looks like she probably won't be this go round) they could simply say there was a family/personal situation or emergency that she needed to tend to and get her out of there without stating the real cause or causing her or her family any embarrassment or whatever.
  16. Hee! Love this description Ellery Anne! :-)
  17. They have this huge chalkboard separated into 15 squares with each of their names written in one. Rob is currently standing next to the board, but the voting has not yet begun. Rob is stating that Ernesto asked to lead a prayer before they started voting and that is what they are doing now. I'm not really religious, but I thought Ernesto's prayer was brief and on point. **I was adding the votes and updating this post as they came in, so I was making lots of edits/updates until the feeds cut.** Rob is now saying that he hopes they give the process the respect that it deserves. Rob has nominated Red. Not a surprise at all given the animosity between the two of them. Rob has said that things have been hard for Red given his food and family situation. He does acknowledge that Red has done more ‘in the last few days’ and he applauds that. He wishes he saw more of that Red. He can’t relate to the ‘angry’ Red and says that it brings the group down which is why he is voting for him. Josh is next. Josh says he made his decision on economics and he has selected Bri (Yeah!). Nikki is now up and she says that, when she considers how the group has been negatively impacted, she looked at three things – abuse of power, lies and failure to provide transparency. The group has benefited from his talents though they shouldn’t have placed their trust in him to keep them healthy. She has voted for Aaron. Taylor is up – He says that someone has given up, and he is voting for Bella. She has not been herself the last few days and is bringing the group down. Bella – this has not been her ‘Utopia’ and she says that in the beginning she was one of the hardest workers there. She has focused on painting now to make the group money. The group is brought down as there are hurtful comments made – she wants to build each other up. She compliments Josh on his work and ideas. She agrees with Taylor that she has been depressed recently. She says the group must come together and make money and there are a few that aren’t working as hard. She loves the person she is choosing, but they are not working as hard to make money for the group. She picks Bri (Yeah!) Hex – she’s written a damn speech which she is reading. She says that the group is ‘mimicking’ the same structures that they were supposed to leave behind. They are not experimenting. Some are focused on self-preservation. She votes for Red. Chris – upset that they seem to keep having same conflicts over and over. Votes for Bella. Bri – She has gone back and forth, can’t believe one of them will leave. She says this should be about unity and love and peace. She always hears conflict with the person she wants to go and always hears fighting with this person and can’t work with them and it divides the group. She votes for Bella. Dede – Says that this place is pretty weird and focuses on the individual. In the past, societies have come together as groups. She feels there is someone that doesn’t really want to be part of the group therefore it can’t function properly. She votes for Red. Says it is difficult for her especially as she’s never had an issue with him – it’s purely due to the group. Red – he is against the wasteful spending which is why he has broken away from the group. They shouldn’t set that example for America. Aaron is a wonderful Chef but they need a Cook rather than a Chef. Cook should be up before others to make food. He votes for Aaron. Kristen – person she is voting for doesn’t feel like this is her Utopia and not fair for her to be there anymore. Votes for Bella. Ernesto – deciding based on business. Votes for Bri. (Yeah!) Amanda – person pulling their weight the least is who she is voting for. Not a personal decision. She is voting for Bri. (Yeah!) Mike – All of them entered into an 'implicit contract' at the start. Everyone needs to come together to succeed. He is fan of rebellion as it has done great things in the past. Needs to be done with thought and not just impulsiveness, however. Needs to be more thoughtful/deliberate. He thinks many things have been wasteful, especially by this person. He is voting for Red. Aaron – Has enjoyed the last month there. Arguments and bickering are an issue for him and they affect the group. Some people are pressuring the group to do things. He did pros vs. cons, nothing personal, but everyday two people argued and appeared to not want to be there anymore. He votes for Bella. My feeds have now cut - all 4 are just showing the front gate and nothing else.
  18. I guess Rob loaned Bri his hoodie. He was pissed as he saw her smoking in it. He told Chris that he told her not to do that as he doesn't smoke and didn't want it to smell like smoke. Bri came up onto the deck where Rob and Chris were and Rob told her to do him a favor and not smoke in his hoodie. She said "Why not?" He said because he doesn't smoke and the smell makes him nauseous. She said "Oh." Just another example of how little she cares for anyone else's feelings. They keep muting parts of this conversation, but it sounds like Chris told Rob that he broke up with Bri. He said she was really sad and that she apparently said that all she wanted was him and he said that she had him but that just made her more sad. That was pretty much it - Rob said "it is what it is, right?" They moved on to talking about chalk and other fascinating things. Clearly Bri really made an impact on Chris...
  19. It sounds like Aaron and Kristen are trying to assign some kind of monetary value to the duties that are done around the compound and then try to negotiate terms for those duties and how much they should be paid for them (how much of the group funds they may be entitled to). As part of this, Aaron is trying to give Kristen a math lesson. Unfortunately, he thinks that 21 times 10 is 220. They are trying to figure out what to charge for the ‘chores’ and how to structure revenue and splitting profits for them or some such thing from what I can tell - I just switched to this feed so not entirely sure what is all being discussed. Kristen proves that she is also horrible at math (how can a so-called 'entrepreneur' be bad at math?). She doesn’t even know what Aaron means when he says that a portion ‘goes into the kitty’ and also somehow thinks that 15 times 21 is 200. She just seems completely dense about running any kind of business and I haven’t seen her do anything that has added any value yet. She also mentioned that she doesn’t give a shit about milking Honey or any of the Cows since she’s not getting paid to do so. Bitch (sorry, I just had to add that in since anyone who doesn't 'give a shit' about animals that have done nothing to harm them or their situation just falls into that category for me). They are also discussing the taxes that they would be charged on various business opportunities - Aaron says that the 'accountant' like Mike or Dede would figure out the taxes and take that off of the top, and they would maybe pay them something or they could negotiate that they do it for free. However, Aaron claims he doesn’t need an accountant since he knows how to do it himself (okay – how much is 21 times 10 again Aaron?) so he shouldn’t have to pay them any kind of fee. Aaron is telling Kristen that the harder she works, the better the group does though they seem to think this is not fair and they should be able to keep more ‘personal’ funds out of any business ‘ideals’ they put out there (Aaron keeps calling them business ‘ideals’). Kristen is saying that marketing, along with accounting, should generate a fee which would be payable to them as it’s part of the ‘infrastructure.’
  20. Wow. Production clearly knew Bri had issues when they cast her since, as many of us have mentioned before, they definitely do all kinds of testing on these people - including psychological. Even if, for some strange reason, they didn't know quite the extent of her issues, they definitely know after she had this conversation with Ernesto. Given everything we've seen and heard her say related to harming the animals and to harming other Utopians, particularly Bella - she had all that talk about 'breaking her' to force Bella to evict herself and mentioned the whole 'Compton' thing and that she was no stranger to physical violence - but this conversation and stating that she wanted to see Bella dead takes things to a whole new level. Production needs to yank her. It seems as though the show is likely to be cancelled shortly anyway given the horrible ratings, but Fox and TPTB need to show that they can at least pretend to give a damn and yank her immediately. She is a true sociopath and needs to spend this year in intensive therapy rather than on some 'social experiment' piece of shit TV show that has gone terribly awry.
  21. They got their grocery delivery, which apparently includes 4 pounds of sour patch kids. I guess Aaron is a little miffed at Red since they came all bundled together rather than separated out into smaller batches. He also tried to tell Red that he said he wanted 32 ounces of them and not 4 pounds. Red insists he told him 4 pounds and Aaron basically backs off and drops it and it seems he did ask for 4lbs. Aaron is such a dipshit that he probably can't convert ounces to pounds properly anyway. What a great thing to spend their communal funds on.
  22. Nikki and Red are now talking about all the issues with Aaron as Nikki continues to make her list of reasons to vote Aaron out. Red says that Aaron doesn't keep to a consistent schedule and needs to keep the kitchen open longer especially given the chore schedule. Red also says that they need a cook and not a chef. They need someone who can adapt to what the needs of the group are and the schedule. I think we all know that Aaron is most definitely not a 'Chef' no matter how much he proclaims himself so (I still can't get past the treatment of the cast iron cook wear - people often bring cast iron camping as it does well over a campfire/direct flame and they aren't Chef's but still know how to care for it). I have a hard time even calling him a 'cook' given his lack of knowledge and some of the slop he puts out. I've seen better cooking come out of a hospital cafeteria than what he feeds the group.
  23. Nikki is now saying that Aaron is committing an abuse of power as he is not portioning food evenly and he and Taylor seem to get much more. She's also upset that he is failing to provide vegetarian/gluten free options, which apparently he agreed to given the needs of the group. She basically says that Aaron and his cooking account for why Red pulled his funds out of the group. There is also mention that he gave Chris 'extra funds' to get alcohol. Also, when the orders come in he is secretive. Amanda says that Aaron's rebuttal to that will be that he wants to 'surprise' the group. Same thing with the fact that he refuses to put out a menu even though, as a group, they agreed this is something he would do so people would know if they had to make something separate or use their 'personal food' for a communal meal. Bella now passes by Amanda and Nikki and they ask Bella who she will be voting for. Bella says she doesn't know. Amanda says they will likely vote for her (Amanda) as she used bleach on something and she also voted against the paints for the group. Nikki is continuing to make her written list of reasons to vote Aaron out and she asks Amanda if she should actually list the specific lies he told/was caught in. Amanda says yes as he will most likely ask for that. Aaron is a definite problem and I do not care for him but I think Bri is the more immediate danger, especially after watching her practically strangle the calf yesterday trying to force feed it when she was told not to go feed it, and she needs to go first. I really hope they don't end up sending Red home (a lot have mentioned voting for him) as he is helping safe-guard and care for the animals. As back and forth as I am on him and dislike some of his behavior, the way he cares for the animals makes up for that and he needs to stay. He may throw inappropriate temper tantrums from time to time, in addition to having a tendency to be stubborn and difficult on occasion, but he's not endangering the livelihood of another living creature. Amanda again brings up that they don't know who the replacement will be, and she is leaning towards keeping Aaron since he is doing work that she knows she doesn't want to do. She also says that Aaron will likely be up every time so they can always get rid of them. She's basically trying to keep Aaron until someone else joins that doesn't mind doing the cooking. Nikki says that Bella would be the easy vote out so she's wondering if she's shouldn't even bother to put Aaron up at all since she won't have any support for it. Amanda tends to agree that Bella has issues and would be an easy vote out. Bella apparently made a 'big fuss' to get paints in and then was playing chess rather than painting anything to sell. Nikki really seems to be having a hard time deciding who to vote for - I think she really wants Aaron gone the most, but she seems to also be considering who she would have support to get out and who they really don't need.
  24. Nikki is talking with Amanda now about who to vote out. Nikki is trying to make a case for Aaron but Amanda is saying that they don't know who they would get as a replacement and Aaron is doing the cooking that no one else wants to do. Amanda says that Bri would not be missed and she's completely replaceable. Ideally, Amanda would like both Bri and Aaron gone, but clearly Bri isn't contributing and she needs to go. Amanda says the only person that might miss Bri is Chris. Amanda now brought up that Bri mistreats the Cows - thank goodness one of the other Utopians sees this!! Nikki wasn't aware of this apparently, and Amanda mentions that the food that she ordered to feed the cows has now gone bad either because she ordered wrong or was not feeding the cows correctly. Amanda also brings up that Bri, who was supposed to be the animal expert, didn't have proper preparations for the calf, which they all knew was coming. Now they are talking about Aaron and that he has let food go bad. Nikki mentions that other people do want to cook even if Amanda doesn't. She says other people would be happy to cook and she doesn't trust Aaron at all. Amanda doesn't trust him either. Nikki says that she has tried to talk to Aaron more than once, but he didn't want anything to do with it. He kept putting her off and never got back to her. Amanda says that Aaron is not going to come to Nikki to talk about it. Nikki talks about the meal last night and says he could have put the béchamel sauce on the side in order to better accommodate the group. I saw that béchamel sauce, and I'm sure most of them would have preferred it on the side so they didn't have to eat it - it looked horrible. They are talking about some kind of 'prank' that Aaron said he pulled that wasted food but Amanda and Nikki think it was something deliberate and that he made some kind of error and tried to cover by saying it was a 'prank.' Was anyone watching the feeds at this time or have any knowledge of what he did?
  25. Josh and Amanda are talking about who should be voted out. Josh admitted that initially he thought Red should go, but he's seen that he's needed and that he steps up to help in the barn and with the animals. Now Josh wants to vote out Bri as he sees she doesn't contribute. Amanda seemed to go along with him to some extent, but she is now bringing up Aaron and the fact that he lies and may put the group in jeopardy. However, she doesn't want to cook nor does anyone else, so they are not inclined to vote him out. They both seem to think that Bri is contributing the least and they both plan to vote her out. I hope others are like minded - she does not belong there and cannot contribute anything worthwhile. Anyone else that would be brought in would be better than her and would most likely also not endanger the animals. I still can't overlook Bri trying to force feed the calf today when she was even told not to feed her. Her choke hold on the calf while trying to force feed her was really disturbing and she shouldn't have anything at all to do with the animals especially given her past treatment of them.
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