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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. No worries 4leafclover. I was glad to see that you heard the same "sugar momma" comment that I did - I almost thought I didn't hear it right, though shouldn't have been surprised as it was Cal talking. :) They are eating dinner, and they are having stuff in tortillas yet again. Every time I see them eat dinner (with the exception of pizza night) it's stuff in tortillas. These guys have got to be so sick of them by now. I can't understand why they can't make a bigger variety of dishes when there are so many easy things to do for a group that size (soups, pasta dishes, etc.). The Utopians are so classy - they are talking about having a "fart off" while they are eating dinner. They say it wouldn't be the same without Mike there though.
  2. Cal is telling Rob that he still plans on leaving. He said that his big issue is that they aren't really a collective and they have no vision and no idea what they are supposed to be. He really wants a Mission Statement, and without one he says they will continue to fail. Rob is basically agreeing and saying that he's frustrated that they don't have goal. Cal is saying he wants Bella to be a "sugar mamma" for the group and that they should just let her keep paying all the bills for the next few months and then the rest of them can focus on other things. He thinks Bella would go for it since it would make her feel so appreciated and needed. This guy is such a douche bag it's ridiculous. I really hope he leaves like he says he will if the group can't come up with a Mission Statement (which I doubt they'll be able to - at least not one they can agree on). He said "Mission Statement" about 50 times in a 2 minute conversation with Rob - shut up Cal.
  3. I read on another site that Cal told people that he is working directly with Production to save the show. He apparently said that basically everything he does is perfect and that he is saving the other Utopians lives, not just the show. He really lacks self awareness, and if Production thinks he's capable of saving the show they are even more delusional than I thought. He would be one of the three up for replacement if he were eligible. He is also claiming to have brought sexuality into Utopia. What does this guy know about sexuality? Does he think constantly answering questions with "It's 9 inches" and thinking that he's sexy and irresistible when he's running around wearing smelly, untreated deer skin and refusing to shower for weeks on end has helped bring sexuality into Utopia?
  4. I was just wondering if they would let him come back after the issue with his Mom/family was resolved (if it's even something that could be resolved) since technically, you could say that his leaving wasn't completely voluntary.
  5. EEEWWW! Zahdii, I usually love reading your posts but this news is just icky - how could you put this image into my head? :-) I like Josh overall and I think he is far and away one of the best ones in there and the one that contributes the most (he got my vote for that today), but I'm not a fan of his sexual hijinks with the Utopia visitors. And don't even get me started on what type of person would come to a party in Utopia and agree to give a "tag team" blowjob? To just give someone a BJ by yourself in this setting is bad enough, but agreeing to tag team one? Just... so gross!
  6. I was just checking out some of the things that the Utopians have up for sale and I agree that the majority of it is complete crap. Hex's jewelry looks really cheap to me and she uses copper wire in a lot of it so, in addition to wearing a tacky piece of jewelry, you're also likely to get a green mark on your skin. Also, these people need to learn their Roman Numerals - at least up to 10 would be good. One of Hex's pieces is called "Amethyst IIII" and it comes right after amethyst I, II and III so I'm inclined to think this was done out of stupidity rather than it just being a typo - especially as the majority of them don't have more than 2 brain cells in their heads.
  7. One of the tweets from the Producers says that since Bri left willingly she won't be let back in. Am I to understand that the million times Red walked out the gate, none of those times were done so "willingly?" Red's walkouts always seemed to be most definitely done willingly. No one was dragging him kicking and screaming to the gate to throw him out - though that's what I would have done if he kept threatening to leave every day. Is this yet another rule change by Production or it just more of their picking and choosing when and to whom the rules apply to? Also, did Mike actually physically go out through the gate the other day when he was whining about leaving? ETA: I forgot about Dave - didn't he actually go out the gate and sit on his box one of the first times he threatened to quit and then they let him back in only to have him walk out again?
  8. I so wish we could vote to have more than one of these asshats sent packing. At this point the show pretty much needs a complete reset - just purging one isn't enough. I do like that they are having a vote for the biggest contributor as well, however. I think I'll cast my vote for Josh as the most useful - he's set up and/or been involved in pretty much all of the key infrastructure/conveniences that they have and he hasn't bitched about working nor has he treated anyone badly (save for his drunken faux pas on the first night which he has apologized for and hasn't repeated the behavior). As far as who I will vote to go, there are so many that need to be sent on their way so this is a tough decision. I think I'm leaning towards Mike at the moment, though I keep going back and forth between him and Aaron. Rob is an ass, but it seems he may leave on his own so I don't want to waste my vote on him. I'm leaning towards Mike over Aaron at the moment because, though all of Aaron's food is shitty and he clearly has no clue how to cook, how to run a kitchen or any knowledge about basic hygiene, at least he has done some work. Mike hasn't really done or contributed anything at all (except embezzle and try to come up with various ways to scheme his fellow Udopians) and he is such an instigator. Also, I think he's a definite embarrassment to my profession so it may be a bit personal for me.
  9. Mike and Taylor are with the Cows this morning and, after trying to create some sort of weird comedy routine which had Taylor playing some kind of hick that took a cow to Prom, Mike makes sure to point out that Honey "really slimmed down" after having the calf. Nevermind the fact that Bri and others were completely under feeding the cows anyway and were told as much by the Vets. If Honey still managed to "slim down" after being starved that says even more about their lack of care regarding the animals. Taylor then goes on to mention that its hard to be in bed with one "chick" when you're dreaming about being in bed with "another chick." He tells Mike that he wants to break up with Hex (I thought they already had broken up?) as he doesn't really want to be in a relationship while in Utopia. These guys need to realize that they are no prize - they should be grateful that any woman would want to have anything to do with them. Unfortunately, even though the options in Utopia are limited, most of them don't appear to have very good judgment when it comes to deciding who to partner with.
  10. For some reason, there seems to have been a good amount of Josh hate within the group, even after his first night drunken faux pas (which he apologized for and accepted the 'probation' that they instilled upon him without any objection) which the parties involved, as well as the rest of the group, have stated that they have forgiven him for. There have been far greater offenses committed by other Udopians, none of which have been called to account. A lot of the Dopes have been discussing when they should get rid of him and it sounds like he would be much closer to the top of the list except for the fact that they still need him to build things. I would be curious to see what would happen if they changed the rules yet again (they seem to be pretty fluid as to what the "rules" are and TPTB do whatever seems to suit them at the time) so that when someone was voted out, anything that they contributed would go with them. I would love to see them struggle to get electricity and plumbing back in place if Josh weren't around.
  11. My thoughts exactly. A lot of us have called out how very different this show is from how it was advertised, though given that they've brought in at least 4 new people (Taylor, Ernesto, Kristen, Cal - I feel like I may be missing someone?) that weren't in the original "start-up" group, Production has had a chance to shift the direction the show has been headed in (which currently is straight down the toilet). Ernesto is the only one that was brought in that seems to be a decent person. Production has opted not to bring in people who could possibly shift things to be more in line with what the majority of us were expecting before any episodes had aired or to do a kind of "purge" as has been suggested by others here and offer retention of their stipend or some other kind of incentive for some to leave and then keep those who really wanted to stay and to do something along the lines of what was supposed to be the original premise of the show. If TPTB really wanted something different than what we've been given, they've had several opportunities to change the dynamic. I can't help but feel that we were all mislead and that they really intended to have a kind of "out door Big Brother" all along. If this wasn't their intent, they could have shifted things. They still could change things if they wanted to, but they seem happy with the bunch of psychotic narcissists that they currently have, saving a few that appear to be at least mostly decent (Josh, Amanda, Nikki, Ernesto...).
  12. Yeah, I tend to agree about Mike's behavior. Mike is a complete embarrassment to my profession. If he ever does decide to try to stay in CA and run for DA somewhere in this state, I would be tempted to try to run against him (even though I have absolutely zero political aspirations and am very happy where I am and with the type of law I practice) just to rain on his parade and try to knock him out early on. Anyone running against him anywhere could use clips showing his shenanigans in Utopia and the fact that he pretty much has no desire to separate right from wrong and actually encourages, facilitates and participates in, what would pretty much be considered in the outside world as, criminal behavior.
  13. The comments have been removed from Kristen's site, but they are still on an archive if anyone wants to read them: https://web.archive.org/web/20141017231451/http://kristencrazywild.com/sample-page/ I've been out of the country on a business trip so I haven't been able to watch the feeds for a while, but I have still been keeping up with the posts here. The activity seems to have died down a bit, and I can't say that I'm surprised as I was pretty glad to be away from the feeds for a while since it seems to just be the same behaviors repeating themselves over and over and they aren't bringing in anyone to make an improvement. It sounds like Cal is just as bad as most of the rest. I'm glad that they saw the comments on Kristen's site - nothing has gotten through to them yet and clearly they are already trying to play these off as yet again just a couple of 'haters' or whatever, but Kristen seemed pretty upset and yes, some of the comments were pretty personal and directed at her appearance, and I don't particularly agree with that approach/those types of comments but somehow I wish she would realize the affect her behavior is having on others. She is making them feel just as bad with her actions as she is feeling when she reads some of those comments. It's not a good feeling and anyone who has had it would really try to avoid inflicting it onto another. She needs a wake up call and I hope some of this sinks in with her and she can change her behavior or just decide this isn't right for her and being around some of these people isn't a good thing for her or her image and she just needs to leave that environment. Others in there are just as bad or worse than Kristen. The only reason I'm writing mainly about Kristen is because I think that there's a chance the comments may impact her and possibly make her think a bit about her behavior. The other asshats won't even acknowledge it or let it sink in that there is even a possibility that they aren't coming across in the best light. Glad I missed Rob's wedding as well. Sounds like he is becoming more of an ass and he was saying he wanted to get the e-mail addresses and names of people that left the comments on the site so they could get back at them or whatever. He is such an angry, hateful little man.
  14. Correct - you can't sign away your right to file criminal charges against someone. I was trying to explain that in the last part of my post when I mentioned that they had to abide by local laws. I hadn't had my coffee yet so maybe didn't make it quite clear enough. :-) Even if there was something in his contract that alluded to having to allow Production to resolve any issues, it would likely not be enforceable when it comes to criminal matters. The purpose/object of any contract must be legal in order for it to be considered valid and enforceable. While the state would technically bring the charges and decide which charges were warranted, they still need a complaint to act on in order to do so, especially as this is a "reality show" and no one knows what's real and what is staged/scripted.
  15. Yes, but Josh would still need to file an official complaint. Without that, it could be played off as 'part of the script' or that Josh really didn't feel too threatened by Aaron's actions. I am an attorney but I'm not a prosecutor nor do I practice criminal law, but I do believe that Josh has standing to make an official complaint about Aaron getting physical with him. The only thing I wonder about is that perhaps the contracts they all had to sign include something along the lines of allowing Production to resolve any dispute - kind of like mediation. However, they did mention from the beginning of the show that they did have to abide by local laws, so something that could be considered criminal in nature should still be handled in accordance with California law but Josh would still need to file a complaint to kick off some kind of investigation.
  16. They made it clear from the start of this whole ridiculous soap opera that was supposed to be a social experiment that, even though the Utopians were supposed to "create their own society," they had to abide by local laws. It would be completely within Josh's right to call the Santa Clarita PD and file charges against Aaron and to also ask for a restraining order. The petition for the restraining order would have to be signed off on by a judge and likely need to be heard in court, but given that this is all on tape that would help Josh's cause. Production, of course, will never allow Josh to call the Police. I have seen people kicked off of reality shows for less. On Top Chef Season 2, one of the contestants physically tried to hold another contestant down so they could shave his head. They never shaved his head and claimed it was all a "prank" but moments after that incident the Top Chef head judge came in and told the person who instigated everything and physically attacked the other contestant that he had to leave the show. They had a zero tolerance policy for that kind of thing. This show needs to have the same. Aaron is a problem and he is going to continue to escalate his bullying. Production needs to give him the boot ASAP or there could be potential for legal consequences.
  17. When I was watching the feeds earlier today, Kristen mentioned that they no longer had PayPal access. It seemed as though she then left to speak to Production about it. I hope they really restrict the internet access for these people - they should absolutely prevent them from being able to delete or alter e-mails as I definitely want them to be able to read e-mails/comments from the viewers. If Production choses to delete an e-mail before it reaches the asshats, I don't necessarily agree with that at all, but I am completely against the Utopians being able to delete e-mails for any reason. They should stay out there for any of them to read at any time. Also, earlier it sounded as though Dede was working on placing the personal food orders and she mentioned that Ernesto only has $4.80 in his account and Aaron then mentions that Ernesto owes him five dollars. I think they were planning to talk to Ernesto about it. Also, they mentioned that Ernesto doesn’t have enough to cover what he wants to order. Aaron has about $28 in his account, which will be $33 when Ernesto pays him back. Aaron said he really wants to buy his air mattress with his funds. It also seems kind of off to me that so many of the Utopians are losing weight (and some a bit too quickly) but Aaron seems to be at least maintaining his weight (he has a good amount of muscle so he likely needs to eat a fair amount to maintain that) and Kristen seems to be gaining a little bit of weight. This just continues to point out the inequity of the community food distribution. Yes, they can all order personal food, but the whole 'capitalist' bullshit system Kristen introduced really constricts the amount of money each person gets to be able to do this. Coupled with Aaron's nearly sadistic attempt at portion control, these people may start to get ill or not be able to help as much around the compound if they aren't being fed adequately. It is really interesting to me that Aaron seems to be having a slight change in tune since the e-mail with the hidden text made it through to him. He tried to play it off in the beginning, but I think the e-mail combined with whatever it was he was called into Production to discuss may have made him at least pretend to take it more seriously and to be a bit more self aware (more likely for no other reason than self preservation) and now he is trying to put on a better front (and I believe it is most definitely a front as I think his true intentions and opinions have already come out and most of them are despicable). I think it may be too little too late for Aaron to start treating people better and working more with the group rather than being completely selfish. I have a feeling this small moment of self awareness based on the e-mail will be very short lived and Aaron will likely end up reverting to his old douchebag behaviors after a couple of days when the topic isn't in the forefront anymore. This seems to be kind of what is happening with the Bri situation. I haven't read about her or her actions too much as of late so it seems like her deplorable actions may perhaps be less in the spotlight for the time being. However, I really hope that they haven't completely forgotten the deplorable and despicable things that she has done, particularly when it comes to the animals. She also seems completely lazy and doesn't seem to help out at all so there is no way she should be let off the hook for her actions (or lack thereof) and her misdeeds need to be remembered when the next vote to nominate people for replacement comes up.
  18. Thanks for filling in the details Andyourlittledog2! So Kristen, the one who stated that she didn't care what anyone thought of her when Aaron shared the e-mail with the hidden message in it and who has already bawled her eyes out at least once for being criticized by the group, is now worried and afraid that he group will blame her for the complete inequity within the group. She needs to own up to this and admit that her idea wasn't the right thing to do given their circumstances. Of course she won't do this and neither will Aaron. Aaron is just as much at fault as Kristen is for this and he's been the one reaping the rewards. I cannot stand him - and every time I see him ranting and raving, trying to intimidate someone, bullying people, being completely disrespectful and just being all around sleazy while wearing his Army outfit I want to drop my computer down the stairs. Did he bring any other clothes with him? I think I've seen him in a pair of sweats a handful of times, but he's pretty much always in his Army gear. Someone should "prank" Aaron and try to "rattle his cage" by hiding his Army outfit. I really hope they do accelerate the voting and replacement process. I can't wait another 30 days for another asshat to be voted out. I wish they would turn the voting over to the viewers instead of just letting us pick the third nominee - or at least let us choose the three that will be up for replacement. That would be interesting as the group would then have a pretty good idea that the viewers cannot stand the majority of the people there and the first batch selected would know that they are pretty much the least liked.
  19. I think I missed this discussion on the feeds. What is the change in payout that they are proposing?
  20. I was checking out the Utopians' wish list on Amazon, and one of the sub-lists is for Aaron. He wants to order a $50 standing floor mirror, some kind of "rib vest" (kind of looks like the bullet proof vests that cops/law enforcement wear on the outside of their uniforms, though this seems much lighter weight and of course is not bullet proof - not sure what this could be used for), and "Mens Casual Dress Slim Fit Stylish two button Fashion Suit Blazer Jackets," among other things. What on earth would he need suit jackets for in Utopia? I think that, as DeLurker mentioned above, and given that we've seen Kristen and Aaron plotting to order things not just with personal money but group funds as well to be sent home, some of these items definitely have to be going straight to Aaron's house. The only thing on Mike's wish list is a 5lb bag of watermelon sour patch kids, which costs around $21. With their limited funds 5lbs of sour patch kids is one of the last things they should think about buying.
  21. It is interesting to me that they only person they ever actually disciplined in Utopia was Josh for his drunken debacle the first night. They got together to see if they wanted to vote him out and then ultimately decided that he was to be put on probation for 90 days with no alcohol. Josh owned up to his behavior, apologized profusely and accepted the probation terms stipulated by the group without any argument and he has not repeated his behavior. It was one mistake after having too much alcohol - I think most of us have done something stupid, something that we regretted and/or were embarrassed by while drinking. I think Red and Dave's behavior was almost worse than Josh's and there were no repercussions for them whatsoever even though they broke into the safe and stole nearly $500 each from the community start up funds and then proceed to destroy community food while ranting and raving and stomping around. Dave also went after Aaron the same night of the incident with Josh. He jumped on Aaron from behind and tried to put him in a head lock, yet he wasn't held accountable and wasn't put on probation. These people are idiots but they do know people are stealing funds, stealing food and threatening and bullying people. No one wants to hold anyone accountable for anything. I wonder if part of it is that since so many of them are doing really shady things they worry that if they make an example out of one of them then they will be found out somehow and also end up being "punished" in some way. When I first heard about this show, I thought that one of the first things they would do would be to decide on some basic guiding principles/rules that needed to be followed and what the repercussions would be if they didn't. Instead, many of them have clearly mentioned that they don't want any rules in their Utopia - they will do what they think is right for them and that's all that matters. This is not forming a new community.
  22. I love that someone was able to hide a message in an e-mail to sneak it past Production - especially as it called out Aaron and Kristen out on their incredibly stupid, selfish, delusional, devious, thieving intentions as well as their bullying behavior. These kinds of e-mails need to get sent to these idiots more often. However, now Production is wise to the trick so people might not be able to get them through anymore. On the other hand, Production has demonstrated that they are not particularly "wise" in any regard so I really hope people can still find ways to send these types of messages. This should really be a wake up call for Aaron and Kristen to change their behavior as they now should at least have a pretty good idea that all the viewers hate them. Ignoring this message would be stupid unless they want to continue to damage their reputations and embarrass their families. However, we know that they both are, in fact, stupid (actually even beyond stupid) and Kristen can't even seem to comprehend that they did anything wrong so their behavior is unlikely to change. I never thought Taylor would be one of the smarter ones, but he seems to understand at least some of the implications of the e-mail. It's complete bullshit that Kristen says she doesn't care what anyone else thinks about her. She most certainly does or she wouldn't work so hard to try to hide her misdeeds with Aaron. Somehow she thinks she can use this to her advantage and it may still help her overall famewhore tendencies. Could she be any more delusional? Any attention she gets from this will be the kind of attention she does not want, despite her thinking even bad publicity is good publicity - and let's not forget that she was bawling her eyes out when someone in Utopia was criticizing her just a couple of days ago. The criticism is only going to get worse once she gets out.
  23. Utopia is the last place on earth I would get married. Especially as these asshats would be my wedding party and wedding guests. I wonder if they'll be able to bring in a couple of friends to be best man and maid of honor or if they'll be stuck picking Utopians to do it. I would rather get married at the most tacky, obnoxious, Chapel of Elvis (with a horrible Elvis impersonator conducting the service) in Vegas complete with my groom wearing one of those hideous light blue tuxedos with a white ruffled shirt and white patent loafers than get married in that putrid, fly infested, disgusting pig sty called Utopia and eating food cooked by the most disgusting non-chef that would probably give me and hubby diarrhea on our wedding night. Wonder what Production is offering them (especially Jess) for them to agree to this.
  24. If I remember correctly, I think Aaron wanted Costco pizzas, which aren't necessarily frozen but in the deli/refrigerator case and just need to be heated up in the oven for a bit to get the crust fully cooked and the cheese melted.
  25. It seems Production has put some limits on what food they can and can't order. If they can't order any prepared meals (which would be way too expensive to do regularly anyway, especially for that many people), that means they are forcing them to cook, which is a good thing except that Aaron can't cook. So glad Production squashed his frozen pizza order. At least they did one thing right (and the fact that was against Aaron makes it even better), but I won't hold my breath for them to do anything else they should be doing.
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