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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. Michelle Trachtenberg did a decent job of bringing the crazy as Georgina Sparks on Gossip Girl.
  2. Sounds like it may be time for Clare to have a miscarriage.
  3. It wasn't while she was sick. She was in remission by the end of the summer, and the thing with Lenore happened a couple of months later, around Thanksgiving I think. Also, right after Clare found out she made out with Drew and never told Eli about it. Regardless, Eli's rant was way over the top (and way out of character unless they're going to reveal he's been off his meds recently) and I don't see how they can come back from that. I'm glad Zoe finally realized she's been doing to other girls what was done to her. I'm curious to see how the girls will get punished for the photos, and whether Zoe will play it off as related to PTSD from her assault.
  4. This is already Imogen's second try at grade 12, so I just assumed she was done this year.
  5. MIT was non-deferrable. The scholarship offer was based on a specific position available in a research group and she would have had to graduate a year early to accept it. She asked about deferring when she thought she might be pregnant and was told that was not an option. She did accept, but presumably she later changed her mind after the incident with the drugs she got from Dallas because she couldn't keep up with the workload to graduate early. I don't think they explicitly addressed that, but she wouldn't still be on the show this "school year" if she hadn't backed out of the MIT offer. Of course, that wouldn't stop her from being able to apply again this year, and I thought she was still hoping to go there during the whole Leo fiasco, so who knows.
  6. Dave was also a terrible singer when he formed The Three Tenners with Connor and Wesley, but then the writers completely forgot about that and made him the lead in the Romeo and Jules musical the next year. I kind of like the band story lines as long as the bands seem like real high school kid bands, i.e., not that great, but bless their hearts, they're really trying. The thing with Studs doing a movie in LA got kind of ridiculous.
  7. I think Zoey made the right decision. Gunnar was foisting a lot of responsibility for Micah onto her without noticing that she wasn't happy about it. Yeah, she could have just had a conversation about that with him, but the bottom line is that she simply doesn't want a kid at this point in her life. It's far better for everyone involved for her to walk away than to stay and keep acting out like she had been, complaining constantly about how they shouldn't have to be responsible for this kid. They'd been together what, not even a year? I think it's totally fair at that stage to decide that this isn't what she signed up for. Oh, Teddy. I can see why he's developing feelings for the prostitute - she's available when he wants her to be, goes away when he wants her to, and keeps things fun, uncomplicated, and entirely focused on his needs. Teddy is exactly the sort of guy who would get drawn in by that and think it's something more than it is. Of course it doesn't occur to him that having an actual relationship with this woman, in which she has physical and emotional needs too and isn't going to just go away whenever her presence isn't convenient for him, would be very different from what's happening now. I get why some people are annoyed that Rayna won all the awards, but I'm hopeful that there's going to be a payoff soon. I think Rayna is on the verge of some big realizations about the way she's handling her career right now (Ruke, the extent to which she's letting the press into her personal life, campaigning for awards, etc.). I think it's going to be much more satisfying if she rejects that way (Luke's way) of doing things because it's just not her and it's not good for her family rather than simply because it didn't achieve the expected results in terms of career success. I really like this version of Will and Layla's relationship. I'm glad we got to fast-forward through more of crazy Layla getting drunk and acting out, to get to a place where they're able to lean on each other to try and get through the lie they're stuck living. They've given Layla some depth, so she doesn't feel like a cartoon character anymore.
  8. I don't know, Whisperhug had a certain dorky charm.
  9. The absence of Jenna, or even any mention of her, is becoming increasingly bizarre. Clare wasn't really friends with Jenna when she was pregnant but Alli was, so even if Jenna is for some reason completely unavailable to talk to Clare herself right now, you'd think Alli might have some points to raise based on what she saw Jenna go through. They're acting like Jenna and her pregnancy simply never existed. Adam is apparently also joining the list of people that never existed, seeing as Drew's mother had somehow never heard of Eli despite him being Adam's best friend. I don't particularly like Miles or Tristan, individually or as a couple, but I'm impressed with the way the show is handling Miles' fluid sexuality. There's no rush to put a label on him, and he's not agonizing about what it all means. It's a nice contrast to some of the previous LGBT stories, like Riley.
  10. I suspect the thing with Hunter was foreshadowing of how the girls will end up getting caught. They showed Zoe explicitly telling the girls not to include any identifiable background in the pics. Frankie took the pic in her bedroom, and her brother would obviously recognize his sister's bedroom if he sees one of her pics. Considering what Zoe has been through recently, I thought it was pretty awful of her to pressure other girls into sending nude pics if they didn't want to. It was clear that Frankie didn't want to participate, but Zoe pulled that "it has to be unanimous and everyone else is on board" crap. She should have allowed girls that didn't want to participate to opt out. And I don't really buy Jack being so into the idea. She seems to have more sense than that. Grace too - she's basically being a child porn pimp, setting up the system and taking a cut. None of this is going to end well for anyone. I'm so glad they're addressing Maya's lingering issues resulting from Cam's suicide. And she was practicing the cello! I really don't care about Becky and Drew. But wow, Drew and Adam really had the same taste in women. Adam briefly had crushes on both Bianca and Katie before Drew dated them, they fought over Fiona, and now they've both dated Becky.
  11. I'm partway through re-watching season 10. I had forgotten about Wesley, Connor and Dave trying to be a band, foiled by Dave's terrible singing. Funny how the next school year he was suddenly a strong enough singer to play the lead in the school musical.
  12. I rolled my eyes when I read about Layla's "very unexpected" hookup, which will probably be Jeff. She doesn't interact with anyone else. What would actually be unexpected would be if it was with a woman. In her drunken raging against Will, I could almost see her hooking up with a woman out of some ill-conceived notion of spite.
  13. The previews for next week's episode suggest that you're onto something here. I'm already tired of the pregnancy storyline. And seriously, where's Jenna and why isn't Clare asking her for advice? Has she disappeared to wherever Dave went last season? I liked Maya's chat with Miles in the boys' locker room. It felt like a return to the relatively level-headed Maya who doesn't care what people think of her. Remember the Maya who threw the chicken cutlet thingy at Owen's head? I liked that girl.
  14. As far as Rayna talking to Luke about letting Deacon out of his contract goes, it's not clear that she actually knows that Deacon wants out and Luke won't let him go. She's barely spoken to Deacon since she turned down his proposal, and I doubt Luke tells her much about how he's getting along with Deacon on the road. Unless Deacon asks for her help with the situation, I don't think it's her place to make assumptions about how he feels or what he wants and advocate on his behalf.
  15. From the description of her stumbling across the prenup documents, it's also a possibility that the problem is not so much the idea of a prenup but more the fact that he just went ahead and had the documents drawn up without discussing it with her first and is presumably planning to present it for her to sign as a fait accompli. It's manipulative, and it comes across like an ultimatum. Plus, it completely ignores the fact that she has sizable assets of her own and would probably want input into the terms of the prenup if she were willing to consider signing one.
  16. I'm so annoyed they backed away from Clare having an abortion. There hasn't been an abortion storyline since Manny, right? So one abortion vs. four going through with the pregnancy (Liberty, Jenna, Mia, Clare). I don't know what the actual statistics are on teen pregnancy outcomes, but that seems really off. I hope the show's plan is for Clare to miscarry and have to come to terms with possibly being infertile, because at least that would be a new and interesting storyline. And yeah, it makes no sense that she didn't include Jenna in her conversations with Alli about the pregnancy. What Becky said to Zoe was horrible, but I only had a second to feel bad for Zoe before she did something equally horrible. No one to root for there, really. I like that the show is exploring Miles and Tristan and there's no hurry to put a label on Miles' orientation. I don't really like either of them much at this point though. Miles' poor little rich boy thing is getting tired, and Tristan is apparently still being a jerk to Maya for trying to protect him from a sexual predator. At least Maya has Zoe and Zig now. Any guesses on the tragic event this season is building to, based on the brief glimpse at the start of the episode? I hope they don't burn down Degrassi! Didn't they already do that in the original show?
  17. Has it been established that a year on tour means she'll be completely away from home during that year? I just assumed that a year was the total length of the tour but that within that year she'd have opportunities to come home here and there and would find opportunities to bring the girls out or meet them in places, like she did this week. Not that that makes her mother of the year, but it does seem like she's trying. I think it might be somewhere in between. My prediction is that she'll want to fire her but before she gets a chance Zoe will get a bit of attention as the plucky back-up singer who stepped in and saved the day, and Juliette will have to play along to avoid the negative optics of firing the "hero". Not that I think any of that is realistic, but this show left realism in the dust a long time ago.
  18. Maddie and Luke's son, I assume? Yawn. Does anyone else suspect that the reason we haven't seen Luke's daughter yet is because she's basically Rayna's worst nightmare of what her fame might do to her daughters and will be rolled out to initiate conflict between Luke and Rayna shortly after Rayna begins to seriously worry about Daphne and Maddie's behavior?
  19. Juliette and Avery's situation is in no way comparable to Rayna and Deacon or Gunnar and his ex. Juliette isn't even showing yet and she's only known she's pregnant for what, maybe a month now? It took her a few tries to tell him, and she ultimately told him very badly, because pretty much every time she saw him since she found out she was pregnant, he was drunk and yelling at her. She considered not telling him and just giving the baby up for adoption, but she didn't end up doing that. Having a hard time telling the father that she's pregnant isn't even remotely the same situation as hiding a child or lying about it's paternity for a decade or more. That said, I agree that it's lazy storytelling at this point. I hated the convenient timing of Gunnar and Avery realizing they might be dads at the same time. I'm holding out hope that the kid might turn out not to be Gunnar's after all.
  20. I think it's a Plan A/Plan B situation. Plan A is to try to cajole Teddy into letting the girls have a record contract to be the cool parent. When that inevitably fails, because Teddy understands the vast difference between letting Daphne get her ears pierced and signing the girls to a record contract without consulting Rayna first, Plan B is to blackmail him with the prostitute.
  21. The sneak peek for this week's episode confirms that it's indeed Juliette who sends Avery the "I'm pregnant, it's yours" text message, not Glenn or Emily sending it to force her to tell him as some have speculated. http://tvline.com/2014/10/21/nashville-season-3-video-juliette-texts-avery-she-is-pregnant/
  22. That black and white dress Mary was wearing early in the episode was gorgeous.
  23. I don't see how saying that Deacon hasn't always demonstrated flawless relationship ethics is denying the women he dated agency or putting extra responsibility on him because he's a man. I have the same issues with Rayna. I think her relationships with both Teddy and Luke are comparable in a lot of ways to Deacon's relationship with Megan, in that there was knowledge there about Rayna and Deacon's history but something less than honesty about the extent to which their feelings for each other were still alive and flourishing. Megan, Teddy and Luke all willingly chose to be in those relationships knowing there was potentially something to be concerned about with respect to Rayna and Deacon. That doesn't negate the fact that Deacon and Rayna were not behaving entirely honorably in those relationships. Stacy chose to date Deacon with the information she had at the time, and chose not to date him when she acquired new information about him. That's part of dating. Still, I suspect that in the 15 years or so since Rayna married Teddy, Deacon has had enough short-lived relationships that didn't get off the ground because of his feelings for Rayna to know full well that a lot of people don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's in love with someone else. Yes, it happens all the time that people choose to withhold information that they know would probably make someone decide not to sleep with them or date them. That doesn't make it not at least a little bit ethically questionable. I get that people on this forum love Deacon, and I like him too, but he's not perfect. It doesn't empower women to give men a pass just because they're dreamy, when people here have been tearing Rayna to shreds for similar behavior. His dynamic with Rayna is kind of toxic at this point, and they're both hurting other people on their long and inevitable journey back to each other. I think part of the reason I want to see them back together is so they can stop dragging everyone else into their drama.
  24. They were all willing participants, but some of his past relationships had an air of false pretenses about them. Deacon being upfront with women about being in love with someone else before he sleeps with them is a very recent development. Certainly the veterinarian had no clue about Rayna at first, and the lawyer last season knew about their history but was under the impression that it was just that, history. I think Pam is the first woman he's been involved with where he's honest from the start that there's very little potential for the relationship to go anywhere because he's in love with Rayna.
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