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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I really wanted to see more of Eric but he did seem like he's been circling the drain for the last few episodes. I guess I'm just more interested on his bend on food than Chinese inspired southern food. But the finale was perfectly pleasant. Kind of boring but the foodies should be happy. I have to say that the Padma and Tom seem neutered. It's like Project Runway.....time to replace Heidi and Make it Work. Nothing against them but we need to keep it fresh. Graham's jacket was horrible. Both of them.
  2. I think they love to pump the angle of how playing Survivor is life altering. And while it can be eye opening for a certain demographic of person who needs to discover self reliance, for the most part this is casting salad for famewhores. I mean it's not The Bachelor or anything but let's not pretend this is anything more than vapid entertainment.
  3. I’m irked at Reem’s constant use of the word “bro.” I would totally tell her to not Bro me because we have established no level of bro-ness. It’s almost as if she has picked up but has no concept of how to use it. In her case I don’t think she should be using it all.
  4. Reem sure talks tough for someone who greedily accepts fish. If she felt that way then it should be every man for himself on Dumpster Fire Island. No passive aggressive crap to the camera but then seeking solace and food etc from her fellow strandies. Jeff should drop on by and turn it into Naked and Afraid and make it really interesting.
  5. Reem is sure acting tough and territorial but a part of me feels like they have the same sound bites being played over and over for each booted visitor. How can either of them feel that compelled to harbor ill will of being outplayed when they weren’t there that long?? theyve only been out there 11 days at this point. I did roll my eyes when that girl was weepy and wanting her parents. She may have been division 1 athletics but she snivels like a kid who hasn’t traveled the country playing div 1 athletics. Surprise boot for me. I enjoyed the anchorman segments!
  6. Both ladies at the end were meh. The dumb model routine wore thin. The skittish buck toothed act was also tiresome. The only episode I enjoy is where they have to describe a dish to the mentors to cook. I absolutely did not recognize Michael Psilakis. I think I’m out on this one. Too campy. Too fake. Feels like actors playing roles.
  7. New to this show but enjoying it so far. Cut away to judges is making me stabby. I like Ne Yo and all the judges are doing a nice job of articulating their point of view. It’s weird how they can speak of the nuances here but were relegated to dumb comments on AI or DWTS. I like the dance teams the best. The kid who needs 2 hip replacements at 21 is dance tragic. Guess you aren’t supposed to be training that hard. He had a slightly hiptastic shaped body but was light as a feather. Magical. girl power groups at the end was a little much. 2 groups were meh to me and I no the tap duo deserved to get through. I’m looking forward to the duels or whatever they are.
  8. You guys crack me up. I'm still wondering how Wendy has any of that color in her hair. It's fading fast but it's also messy dye....surprised she doesn't have it streaking her skin. Come to think of it her swimsuit is shades of blue. Smart.
  9. Unpopular Opinion: I understand where Wendy is coming from. It's totally different for me to see a chicken and have to kill it and I have more than a pang of anxiety over it. But at the same time I'm equally as crabby at the beef/chicken/pork/lamb etc slaughtered in the USA mainly because I feel it is quite affordable compared to other countries and goes to waste (as are fruits and vegetables TBH). If it were more expensive people would treat it as such....then at least the animals are killed for our consumption. The resources are astounding to raise, kill and package for the waste that happens. But maybe I'm just crabby about the food chain in general. I would happily label myself as a hypocrite just so I could voice my opinion. I'd secretly hope I was on a tribe where we thought we could get to the end without killing the chickens. If not then well.....so be it. I'll take a thigh. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAA
  10. Count me in at #3 but if I may be so bold to add at least a corollary to it.... 3a. Don't remember them at all for some reason! She must be in my blind spot because I have no recollection of her. And she supposedly played twice before and is popular enough to go by her last name? I'd have to go to the wiki to find out the other cast of characters on her season to even attempt to jar any memories of her. Weird.
  11. Are durians like plantains or jackfruit in that it tastes different based on how ripe it is? The fresh durian I had tasted like straight up rotten trash and onion vomit. Inedible IMO. Durian candy was sugary treat with an aftertaste of rotten food. That’s my only experience.
  12. Like MTV The Gauntlet? EOE feels more like Last Chance Kitchen to me. Where my Top Chef peeps at? LOL
  13. Michelle didn’t get the message that it’s Top Broth. Fatal flaw calling something cioppino without the broth that everyone loves in a cioppino. Sara did a Jewish broth. Kelsey did a Chinese inspired broth with 37 ingredients. And Eric did a gritty broth that no one could dispute LOL. Loved all the cheftestants reactions when they were asked to dine on their own meals. Clever and cute twist. Thought all the loved ones were utilized in a way that made sense.
  14. I can't stand Reem's voice and whining either. My eyes rolled pretty far back in my head when she went blathering about being a mother figure (I thought she didn't want that role??????????????????????????????????) so that was her reason to participate now instead of just sitting around and starving while wrapped in a sail for 3 days and not finding food for herself. She's an idiot. I wish she had swiped left. Chris seems properly motivated to be on the deserted island. He's going to be bored out of his skull with the 2 low energy cannonballs strapped to his leg but hopefully his revenge will carry him through. Not a lot of tension and drama yet. I don't mind David but Aubrey seems too calculated and Kelly is obnoxious. Joe is pretty but I'm kind of over him....not completely though because there doesn't seem to be much to root for otherwise yet. I mean when 2 people can't see Joe 6 feet away from them in open water I'm not sure what to say. And the one guy was facing him. How did he sneak up on them?
  15. I'm embarrassed to be discussing Survivor and using the name "Wardog" with a straight face. However David DID tell Chris not to talk to Wardog (sigh) so Chris has himself to blame for assessing that he had a stronger connection with Wardog (sigh) than Kelly had with Wardog (sigh.) I'm happy to see the pravana rapidly falling out of Wendy's hair. Real life.
  16. It's not. It's the "crowd mentality" that overrides the political correctness. These people wouldn't dream of supporting making fun of people with the antics that Demi displayed on their own. All of a sudden they get on a TV show and they go along....
  17. I'm always amazed with the overwrought political correctness that exists now that the crowd mentality can still choose to root for being mean, as long as others are there with you clapping along. These are the same people that jump on the shaming/bullying bandwagon anytime someone has an opinion other than their own or what is considered the most sympathetic point of view. Demi is obvs Demi and all the baggage that goes with it. She's going to be the loudest in the room and the most "what-everrrrrr" in the room because she doesn't articulate her point of view very well so she goes for style points. I get it. It works on TV and if she gets some fame and money out of this it's a good thing for her. This is a famewhoring show. Speaking of famewhoring when they were showing all of the old breakup clips montage I was shocked to see how normal and messed up people looked in the past LOL. I've only seen a few seasons so I only know this heavily scripted version of the show. Old shows looked like people spent no time in hair and makeup, frizzy hair, blah clothing etc. I'll bet the show was a lot better then.....even a little less scripting would be nice? Last night there was so much body oil and double sided tape and women poured into dresses with hours of H and M that I'm sure people who went to the Oscars last week spent less time getting ready. It's so fake.
  18. Cracking me up! But so true....once he disclosed he’s done “pretty much everything else” the story gets even more muddy in my head. So he will let a girl blow him and he will go down on her so they both get off....but actual penetration never happens? Um.....why? It’s not religion etc or elevated sense of personal morality. Frankly his story never made sense to me anyway but at least I could see if he never got to a real intimate physical state with a woman. But to say he’s Pretty Much Done Everything else is odd for him in his context. These chicks need to run. For the fifth time in this bachelor forum I write...Something Is Missing Here!!!
  19. If Colton is the least bit lactose intolerant he sure eats a lot of ice cream and chocolate and desserts on dates. And no, lactaid products rarely "cure" the issue....at best it staves off the reaction LOL
  20. What a waste of time. I was literally cringing during the blathering cat fight. Oh please STFU already! Demi is pretty damaged. She's perfect for Paradise. Feel bad for her but maybe she can become BFF with Corinne. Not sure why Nicole got a group session plus a segment on the couch. She wasn't even interesting on the show.
  21. I also think it’s really important that Cassie thinks that if she hasn’t felt it by now he’s not the right guy. That’s what her father told her and that’s what she believes. While many people will side with Colton saying the right things in the context of the show and that he would give her space and they don’t have to get engaged, she is looking for instant spark. Cuz daddy said that’s how it will happen. Shes ridiculously immature. Reminds me of grade school kids when they ask “ do you like him or do you like him like him?”
  22. The most honest moment in the show was when Colton realized Cassie was about to leave the show. He shoots a look into the far camera of fear because even though he’s been willing to play the role of pawn for the show he realized in that moment that Fleiss and ABC would not hesitate to blindside and humiliate him on national TV if it meant ratings. I kind of felt bad for him in that moment. Because you think you are part of the fam and then realize it is going off the rails and you’ve lost all control of it. Doesn’t mean this show isn’t scripted to all hell but doesn’t mean they are showing you all of the pages ya know?!
  23. I didn’t realize Sara made a ham hock broth. They were complaining that it was salt forward. Hee She’s going to her well for sure. Guess next episode we recycle pot beans. Agree with others that Tom seems muted and disinterested. At least that’s how he’s being edited. He doesn’t say anything with much passion. He’s almost there for the snotty one liners. And way too much Padma talking. She’s the least qualified person there. Maybe the show has run it’s course? Or maybe they can sense they about to crown the essence of Hosea 2.0 as top chef and they are bummed?
  24. So my takeaway from this is that the initial alliances you make are far more important than actual skill? There have been plenty of unathletic players in the first couple of episodes of every season who are shielded by the alliances they make. The really skinny girls who can't do anything, the older people who aren't as fast, the ones that aren't great in the water etc. etc. Keith's flaw was going off with the misfits instead of staying with the main group. His choice of alliance partners was not strong. As a young, male he should have been able to skate by several episodes just based on his gender. That and apparently you can live on an island by yourself for 3 days on a piece of coconut and a water well somewhere?
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