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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I hope Sumit is married. That would be exciting
  2. Evilyn is going on a "break." But she will show retribution by picking him up on the way back and not making him take the stank bus
  3. Why did she say she can't go back? Are there no return flights from Korea to the United States? Is it like Hotel California?
  4. Hang in there mamadrama….healing vibes! Hi everyone....
  5. Sheesh you can't get a guy to sleep with you? This is embarrassing.
  6. Darcey isn't good at this. WELL SAID ENGLISH DUDE!
  7. Benjamin....you are going to have to kill that ex wife dude - Scary Fidel
  8. Let's let her go to Syria. What the hell. I'm ok with it
  9. Dude you should worry you might not see her again no matter what! She looks like she might wander down the road looking for Starbucks Syria Drive.
  10. Hi Yall…..I'm LATE!!!! I left my undereye bag patches at home too wah
  11. PREACH. The comforter that gets washed once a week is a solid pass. Even at high end hotels they put out that runner at the bottom supposedly for people who lie with their shoes on the bed. That thing can go in the closet and stay there thanks, Housekeeping. I can’t even tell you how much suspended belief I have to have (alcohol) to ignore the soft surface couches and chairs as fluid dens. And if y’all think we are crazzzzzuh do yourselves a favor and Lysol the hotel remote and don’t use the bathroom glasses LOL. and yet I’d swim in the Amazon without a body condom so go figure....at least I won’t set your house on fire or run like my pelvis was installed upside down.
  12. Darcy had yellow eye bags. Tom is unattractive, uncoordinated, uncool. I was embarrassed watching him cricket. And his ass. Oh lord. I must be the only person who is squoinked at putting dirty luggage on a clean hotel bed. This happens in all of these shows. Filth y’all!
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