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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. What's he supposed to do with that extra 2 minutes?
  2. Everyone seems to get those benefits. Like an employer plan or sumthin
  3. Evelyn's "Huh" was soooooooo telling LOL That was awesome.
  4. Don't worry Yoda. Sephora will still be here when you come back.
  5. This show is so predictable. Except for the lesbians. So cool.
  6. Can't she just bust open a jar of Taste of India chicken tikka masala sauce? AND WASH YOUR SNEEZY HANDS
  7. Haven't they already met her? They are already technically married.
  8. I guess that 29 year old dick isn't that magical. Food for thought
  9. You guys are good. Just a lot of the same recycled storylines from the past. Someone throw Jinny some Kleenex though.
  10. She's a tester for Urban Decay Candy color line.
  11. Anyone a Hamilton fan? "Uh oh, you made the wrong sucker a cuckold So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled And hey, you can keep seein' my whore wife If the price is right, if not I'm telling your wife"
  12. It's the same thing The Friend said in Spanish. Dude who's wife is cheating on him
  13. Lesson learned for lazy Karinny I hope. She is better off without Paul. No harvesting American Dollars for her. She wanted to trap him with a baby so bad that she didn't bother asking the right questions with that translator app.
  14. Why does it matter if he banged her before she met Corey?
  15. Ah the friend. Spill it dude who speaks English....
  16. The bar is so low. A meaningless ring and she's in tears.
  17. I just caught this too. A couple hun for security system? That's ridiculous. But if it's true then they won't have enough money. What they should do is have a baby. That will help all of this IMO
  18. It's unsafe for Jinnnnny to be out at night....camera crew definitely helps. There are a lot of people working to get her that video chat from a computer that looked like it was sitting in a bag....ready to be wrapped up on a moment's notice and transported to the next location. They should fly someone in so she has someone to talk to. The reality is that she has to talk to SOMEONE for this to be TV. They can't pawn off a "this is Jinny's friend who lives in India" card LOL Isn't it amazing that Tiffany and Ronald never discussed money at any point? Even going to see rentals...they never said "How much can we afford?" That seems ridiculous. He makes zero money.....he hopes to make a little money. She can't make any money. So that's a pretty small budget. Oh wait, let's have kids too!
  19. How does Jinnny keep her hair roots from showing? There can't be a box dye there in Delusional American 8.3 is there?
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