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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Welcome lurker! Would you like your Rice a Roni served on the bias or would you like to eat some Olive Garden alone? Plenty of choices here
  2. When C-Salad was talking to his producer planted friend while packing, didn't he show her the ring and say something like "look at those diamonds!?" The friend seemed aghast like it was the real thing LOL I was just cruising ebay for some buttons and the same store from China has beautiful cut white sapphire rings in engagements styles that C-Salad should have looked into. Yep buttons, panties and fake engagement rings all in the same store....ain't ebay grand? A paypal account could have yielded him a great looking engagement ring for $2.71. Xie Xie
  3. Is the hospital really an hour away with that one girl? That seems like they should be planning for a home birth. Get a pool
  4. I don't know their backstories so i'm only going on what I see per episode. Chloe's mom seems like a raging bitch. I get that she has boundaries but her level of delusion is off the charts. There needs to be some compromise. I don't like Matthew or Hailey. And Hailey's mom with her goofy laugh and Oh Well attitude is grating. You move him into the house and know they are having sex and all you offer is Use Condoms and Go back to your rooms? Good grief. How old is Hailey 2? She already has 9 tats and a titty tat? I thought these were 16 year olds. Cripes these kids do shit nowadays without any thought. Get off my lawn. And I'm not even that old. Idiots!
  5. She will need new makeup and fancy dress. Plz send money
  6. How can someone be that insecure? I'd be thrilled in my own space...time to myself and can get ready for our dates. And if for some reason he didn't want me or it didn't work out....no problem. Other fish in the sea. Thanks for the nice place and vacation dates. Life goes on.
  7. That's so classy for her to act indignant about him getting her own room. Sheesh I'd be happy that he didn't take liberties. Thirsty ho
  8. That outfit is just so thirsty for a nice hotel in the afternoon. Why does she have to try so hard?
  9. Didn't he just get in a car and some woman's mouth fell on his penis? That's some crazy neighborhood.
  10. Then just tell her. If she says you won't be able to marry her then it's not even worth going. This isn't that hard.
  11. sheesh checks and travelers checks???????? When was the last time this dude flew somewhere?
  12. He seems unbalanced when it come to other men/jealousy. Rebecca was just "sharing" a story....and frankly didn't he start it with his views on his ex?
  13. Well apparently he's bagged a lot of ass so there isn't any data that refutes their thoughts unfortunately. Quality of ass? I dunno...but quantity is apparently there. Like when you got to the fruit stand and can get a couple of pecks of dented tomatoes or peppers for a dollar.
  14. Angela JUST SAID "he better tell me what I want to hear" ….and just 2 minutes ago complained when he tells her what she wants to hear. Good grief woman!
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