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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I really want to watch football but I cant quit you LOL
  2. The cat toy is more interesting than colt or mother colt
  3. She's testing him. I get it. But these methods are raw.
  4. Seriously unless they trot out the chick who she banged up on you can pretty much make up anything to say something scandalous on a show to keep yourself relevant. She had relations with a goat (halal) she had relations with a woman she had relations with a priest....I mean whatever
  5. If Rebecca is going to get a divorce, the technicality of her marriage isn't a big reveal. Just keep it to yourself.
  6. Darcey is one messed up woman. I mean she is straight up crazy ass broken.
  7. Wow I've never seen sexual frustrations manifested in neon green post it notes before
  8. Just a few days ago I realized that limu was short for Liberty Mutual. LOL I'm as smart as these numbskulls on this show
  9. The baby pickles are "oh so beautiful." Zied makes me giggle. I wish Rebecca would not pick stuff up at the market, smell it and then put it back down.
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