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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I agree that you can predict the group winner now by the song. However Group Corn did have way too much going on and I couldn't figure out why Lindsey was dressed like that. And Group Boring did a very "steppy" group number but it's simplicity was probably caused by the fact that Drew was traveling the whole week and needed extra simple choreo and group choreo to integrate. It seemed like a few of the pairs just did "throw girl in big skirt on shoulder. Set her down." The first time I watched the Phantom number I was like Meh. Then the judges did their swooning so I rewound it and watched it again. Better but totally out of sync in parts. One was probably because that one lady can't feel her legs. One was Maks. One was Vanessa. One was Val. One seemed like all of the lady pro dancers. Shugs. I don't know. Then I watched it again and just tried to enjoy it....at least I didn't have to watch a lot of corn parts moving around. They won with simplicity but it wasn't the best group dance EVAH...not by a long shot. Sorry
  3. Sean needs to go to Philippino Cupid. Abby is not appreciative. He should skip Thai Cupid as well.
  4. She said she lost weight when they were arguing about her being an alcoholic. She said she didn't drink (per his mandate and her acceptance) *except* the weekend with her sister and then they got loud and shouty and I lost the point again. So if she does have a problem with alcohol there's that. They didn't go with that angle other than highlighting the controlling nature of Jesse. I'm going to "assume" that she must have enough of a problem for this to be an issue...or at least most importantly it's an issue for Jesse.
  5. What was the word that was beeped from Jesse's mouth?
  6. I'm not sure it matters. Even with any kind of edit, we saw Abby under interrogation tonight and she is a horrible liar. She was still playing both sides and making excuses. Chris has a variety of um...."options" in DR...he doesn't need Abby anymore. His ego will tell him he can get younger and hotter... Sean's faux bravado was laughable. I believe he loathes him but that whole "i'm going to punch that motherfucker in the face" thing was a big eye roll. Nice try.
  7. I was ready to scream at my TV during Sean's portion. She is only coming around because CHRIS IS THE ONE THAT TOLD HER THAT HE WAS DONE. Chris pulled the plug you stupids!!! Chris was probably like "I cut off your clothing. I stopped giving you money. I can't believe you still are at my condo you stupid whore. GET OUT OF MY CONDO AND BYE!!" And we get Abby hmmmming through the questions of when she stopped taking money from Chris, seeing Chris etc. HE DUMPED YOU.
  8. "Unfortunately Pole couldn't be in studio with us tonight...." <flash to picture of Pole in a drab shirt and blue lighting> "Joining us from...." Did anyone else think "house arrest?"
  9. Darcey "It's been a worldwind." Darcey "Like Like Like like like like like I feel like like I feel like like like like" Nope Nope Nope like Nope
  10. Agreed. The food refunders love eating sugary things. Tastes good coming back through. Fun fact. There's a Waffle House? That's the winner then!!! I didn't see the preview for next week as the DVR cut it off but maybe it's tricky TLC editing that makes him look nasty. I reserve judgement until I see the heavily edited episode. It seems so petty to go after one of her friends..I wouldn't bother no matter what the argument especially if it had to do with what she thought of me marrying her friends. I can see him getting snarky at the whole wedding thing tuxedo thing though. I'm happy that in the end though he can just get a divorce and his life will go on (cue Titanic music) but ol Evelyn is going to be in a world of hurt from the not nice things that happened to her during her brief marriage. The good news is that she can always move back home and sing with the FundieBand at Cafe Falling Leaves to get her confidence back up. Used gum though and all that.
  11. Man that is so.....sad. A level below an appreciation ring. Sheesh I've gotten more meaningful gifts from secret santa gift exchange at work. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  12. The dude teared up upon the greeting of "the villagers" who came out for the "foreigner." He has serious emotional baggage and is willing to give them anything they want for the love of his wallet I mean life. Watching Pole and David and Larry has made me realize that certain men just feel like they have their best shot at love and marriage with a women who they think are devoted to them. If rescuing them from poverty is one form of loyalty then they will take it. "Back home" the wimmins have way too many options.
  13. European guys have nice suits. Why doesn't she just ask if that's what they are bringing and what general color they are etc? She can tie them all together with a nice lapel flower. And then have the bridesmaids wear dresses in the same color family but different styles to make it all seem coherent yet not matchy matchy. Quite frankly unless this is the most made up fake argument ever, he should just tell her don't worry about what everyone else is wearing and just worry about ALL EYES ON YOU MY VIRGIN BRIDE and she should eat that shit up. I know she cares about her instagram wedding and pinterest board but she's marrying her dream imported guy so she needs to get a grip. LOL Agree. If it's that important to him then he needs to find another target for the green card. She's not going to change.
  14. I thought that was the house he was flipping (in progress?!) It had tons of weird construction material everywhere. hahaha! Azan needs to hook up with Jesse for a serious bro session.
  15. I thought she knows his financial situation now? That's why she was yelling at him on the boat about being 48 and still not having anything or emergency money and he was yammering that he used to have all that stuff but the divorce took it all or whatever. I mean if she knows he only had 1500 USD to give to the family (which is about 1300 too much IMO) from the 15K that they wanted....why are they looking at the XXL premium water buffalos at the farm instead of the scratch n dent, open box, refurbished buffalos in the shed for 1/10 of the price?
  16. LOL that's for sure! Although if Sean is a house flipper I'm going to assume that he has pretty good knowledge of cost of goods sold. She should hang onto him though because he lives near 2 big outlet malls so he can have her in cheap crap to resale for ages. She probably does have a bunch of men providing inventory. When she said her relationship with Chris changed and then whispered "because of Sean" I got the absolute creeps. Only Abby could find a way to make 2 men who prey on ridiculously younger women somehow the tragic figure in this story.
  17. I agree, mainly because by the looks of him he clearly values eating healthy. I would say it's obvious he should find himself someone who shares these same values as opposed to trying to change someone with obvious weight issues. Seems logical but this is a TV show so that would be no fun. I also thought that David was getting the raw end of the deal as well. He doesn't have money and she keeps putting him in a position that exposes this. Girl, he loves your old ass....give the money thing a rest. WYSIWYG I get that she's probably thinking she is milking the TV show on behalf of her family but still. The whole thing seems way out of wack from a financial perspective IMO They looked like scrubs to me, which was an odd choice...and also odd that he picked that color. For a trip. To thailand.
  18. But hey she's May's mom. Do NOT and I mean do NOT tell her how to parent her kid. She tries. It's hard. End of story. Cue talking head of her talking about how she doesn't want to live in a world where people tell you what is healthy and what you should feed your kids. She has freedom you know! I can take it. PM me please. I'll remember I asked for it!
  19. I want to know what filter app Elizabeth is using on her phone. She looks completely different on her phone videos and pictures than she does in the talking heads and on camera. It's driving me bananas!!!
  20. Thank you. Plus Amazon has some bitchin gift wrapping.
  21. He should have just done Amazon Prime to Thailand. Online water buffalos are less expensive and reality TV friendly.
  22. I love how mothers like Nicole parrot all the right words in defense of their children. They manage to say the right things for the camera (and public) but completely don't do anything they are saying. Self righteous hypocrite.
  23. Not a fan of the cemetery proposal. Abby is a 37 year old genius. Shifty.
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