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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I’m a little light in my voodoo knowledge and I happen to love my abundant owl decor....question....am I conjuring the devils and the evils?? And the real owls that are outside in the trees....are they more voodoo than woowoo?
  2. I don’t get the Danielle and Mo vibe from them, other than being overexposed. I’m bored by their story and I didn’t see their first go around. He’s going to get to America and we will see the same things....whining poor behavior and lots of fries.
  3. Just ick. Chris is terrible too. And that picture is one big LOL. I’m surprised they didn’t go with the romance book cover with her naked and him with wind blown hair.
  4. You guys are all hilarious. I think I'm going to move to Arizona! I've travelled there about 30 times and it looks far less methy and billy as a tourist!
  5. nicely done! My dress had sleeves :) I would totally choose a more modern dress today but HELLFAKTODANOOO on the stipper pnina gown. I don't want the gown wearing me. Don't lose all hope, a lovely friend got married a year ago and she (also a volleyball player LOL) chose a beautiful strapless gown with an a line shape...a little blingy stuff on the train. Very bridal and elegant. They don't all choose the revealing option LOL.
  6. I don't think men go to clubs (except in club areas like miami etc) unless it's a strip club for a bachelor party or some businessmen insist that it's the only way to "entertain" their clients. I personally would have a convo with the hubby if he thought going to strip clubs for fun was going to be a "thing" just as I'm sure he would wonder why exactly the girls needed to hang out at the Male Revue for a girls night out. But here's the point....if poker night or meeting at the lodge for beers somehow turned into some weird traveling thing that the guys ended up at a strip club etc. I'm perfectly secure in knowing my husband will conduct himself as a married man. For us that would be no touching and lap dances etc. ....for other people that might be ok. It's all about your expectations and boundaries as a couple. I know that if the situation is reversed and I found myself in the same situation I can have fun and roll with things and still act like an adult. I'd be more likely to keep an eye on my friends anyway to make sure everyone was safe and having a good time. . YMMV Same if the groups found themselves at one of the local party clubs, mostly frequented by singles, tourists and couples/groups who like to dress up and get energy from being in places like that....there are just simple ways of staying in control and having fun IMO. Plus have you seen a group of guys? Sheesh.....married guys are pretty awkward when they aren't high energy "clubbin" kind of guys. They always look like they would rather be home on the couch with the dog instead of listening to the pounding music....doesn't matter how nice the girls look in their small clothing. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Luis is immature and gross. But shrieking Molly is just as bad. And why she went through with this marriage is really questionable. I look forward to seeing their marriage progress.....will we get more followup???!
  8. wow that's pretty covered up for her! Is she loosing her touch? LOL Her style got knocked off a lot from when she was first introduced. A lot of brides want their assets to be shown...far more than you would think. I thought maybe the trend had died down since Pnina really specialized in that corset bodice that was see through. But my niece recently got married and she was essentially in a low cut gown that hugged her body from head to toe. She's a volleyball player....tall and blond and looked the part. Yet I felt a pang of sadness that she didn't wear something more "bridal." You only have once chance to wear something that is bridal.....her gown in a different color could be worn at any time to any fancy gala. Plus a lot of her pictures seem to just feature her breasts almost hanging out of every shot, for better or worse (in her eyes). At least she didn't look like a stripper.
  9. I go out with my girlfriends all of the time. We also go out as couples, as singles, we meet up at bars, occasional dance clubs. I'm Andreiiii's worst nightmare as I also have friends who are guys and yes, we go out to bars for drinks and food without our spouses as well. Clutch your pearls Andreeiii and tell me to stay home under your thumb LOL!!! Gosh Andreiiii how did I ever function in the world without my spouse??? Even if I felt that Andreiii's old fashioned safety talk was warranted and welcomed, I certainly wouldn't pit my family against him to make my point. That's so passive aggressive which is what she really is, not independent and strong. She needs to tell Andreiiii the way it is.....her expectations on her social freedom and they need to come to an understanding here. Or walk away. Which is why this feels so producer manipulated....if Andreeiiii really was an ogre or she really felt strongly about her independence they would have already had this come to a head. It's a serious thing if your spouse "requires" you to basically socialize on very limited terms. It needs to be hashed out.
  10. I find the storyline manipulated as you state. While Andreiiiii might have a theoretical issue with her safety, going to mainstream clubs with her sisters or friends (if she has any) isn't unsafe. The fact that her sisters somehow think they are on the edge of wild by going to a club with dick whistles and schlong balloons is rather....pathetic. Woo woo
  11. I hated to snip any of your post which had me rolling but this one really was hilarious.
  12. I think it's TLC just finding more screen time for nice bodies on TV. The girls have obviously invested in brazilian blowouts and crop tops so they can get some innocuous screen time by just taking the "is my sister going to be controlled by Andreeiiii?" storyline to some absurd fake level. I'm surprised they didn't craft some conflict with Andreeiii going after the unmarried sister.
  13. I'll volunteer. Can you wait until I take my contact lenses out? Can I use a spoon?
  14. Is that related to a vasectomizer?
  15. "I think my dad is looking for someone to clean his house, fuck him for free, wash his clothes and MAKE HIM THAI FOOD....." omg burn
  16. Does this show have free crayons and eyebrow stencils in the makeup room for the participants to play with? Why do so many of these women have these stupid drawn on cartoon eyebrows? I couldn't even concentrate on David's daughter with her snooki makeup yapping at Annie, whose eyebrows were shedding powder LOL.
  17. Other than manipulated storyline, why are these 2 dumbheads deciding that who is to blame for their lack of fertility is the most important thing? That was a stupid conversation. And they both fight dumb. Bad sign. He should have left her and she should load Uber on her phone if she is going to be that mouthy and immature.
  18. I hate it when men blame "she hass da period!" = crazy. That being said, Molly was batshit crazy down to her exposed bra, lace leggings and OMG WHY did the camera her up the stairs with it pointed on her ass?? My eyes. And rude.
  19. Cheftestants doing some outdoor challenge and in the scrum for ingredients a few female chefs take a tumble in the nearby hedge. Cut to Tom Colicchio "It's been a long time since I've been face to face with full bush too!" "I personally enjoy a face full of bush in the morning!" Cheftestant cuts chicken breast too large on the amuse bouche challenge. Cut to Tom trying to one bite it "I normally like a big breast but I guess breasts really can be too big!" "Man this big breast is really tasty. Nothing better than tasty breast." Chef's talking head "Tom couldn't fit my balls in his......(collapses laughing because he's so funny).....he couldn't fit my balls in his mouth!!!!" "Tom liked my balls so much. My nuts were....finger licking good." Can you imagine the outcry to Bravo? Or maybe not...maybe everything goes on Bravo, cooking shows or otherwise.
  20. But then Padma would have no use on the show. Episode one and there were already 2 obvious remarks about dicks in her mouth, the one was repeated 3 times as previews as well. She seems to relish “going there” as though she is clever. I thought Tom looked appropriately embarrassed and moved her along....if he said something that crude the internet would have gone nuts.
  21. There is no Whole Foods in Alaska? How do these people live???!! LOL Were there 2 beef tartares? Seems like an odd choice. Truth be told I don’t find their meat fresh enough to eat raw. Lamb or beef to be honest. i wanted to try Tyler’s winning potatoes that he hand popped. They sounded awesome.
  22. The lady who got eliminated had almost colorless roasted veg for her seafood stock that had no fish or shrimp shells on the roasting pan. That was just weird. When she said she was an underdog who never competed on a show before they should have just made her wear a red shirt. Tu and Fatima’s food looked great. tyler, the abrasive condescending “ain’t gonna make nothin I’ve made before on top chef.” Is good TV. Another chef from the spaggio tree. Where did we see Brother Luck before? Mormon Denver lady seems delightfully naive. She made bruschetta...and then lemon cheese, fried potato chip and short ribs. Hmmmm not exactly pushing the envelope there. Alaska lady would work my last nerve in the house. i like that the cheftestants voted each other up and down.
  23. Hosea looks like he ate some past contestants. Yeesh
  24. I'd have to go back and watch again. When she said it my brain registered it as "before" but I can't say explicitly that the conversation was fully disclosed as one they had before she came over. I just thought that she seemed pretty flippant and sure that it could be reversed so it didn't seem to concern her. Her concern now is that he won't go through with it or it's not an immediate priority. She seems hell bent on "actions speak louder than words." As a total aside, I can't stand her gooey looking lips. LOL
  25. I'm going to lightly disagree here LOL or blame editing. She definitely was calm and encouraging. Yes. However she didn't offer anything useful and if any of that conversation was a shred truthful, Evelyn's question was that she thought getting naked was awkward and weird and that she was wondering what happened if she didn't like it? Her mom had the perfect opening to launch into Expectations of 2 Virgins for their wedding night. Saying "well a penis is made to fit into a vagina so I'm not worried about you enjoying it" is not a good answer in itself. She may have wanted to mitigate her expectations on that night, going forward etc. etc. Also a good opening to talk about birth control and a whole host of issues. If she doesn't want to get pregnant on her wedding night, regardless of her "experience" that night, there are just things that need to be addressed or live with the consequences.
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