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Everything posted by nikita

  1. sorrynotsorrycouldn'tresistsadbutyaknowjenelle
  2. Thanks for making me feel less "out there." I definitely understand children raised by others due to their parents' careers. But, man, it seems so bizarre to me to focus so far on a child's future (college fund) at the expense of the here and now.
  3. "Real celebrity news"? WTF? D-lister eclipsed by a faux B-lister maybe. (I still get ya, though ;)) Imagine if Kylie had followed in her parent's footsteps and gone into sports, perhaps at an Olympic level. And never had plastic surgery. She'd have been the most successful, famous, and beloved Karjenner (I'd wager).
  4. I thought this was a poem, "Ode to a Jenelley."
  5. Yes, that sorta bothered me that he put making money for Addie's college over actually consistently being in her life...although that opinion sounds a lil' cray.
  6. BXD, I think you're right. Looks like it's still on WE tv. And that network doesn't seem to be affiliated with MTV. Objection sustained!
  7. Regarding that last Tweet, I guess she doesn't read here :( bwahaha
  8. And "birthing custody" after losing custody of their other kids.
  9. VH1 and MTV are sister networks, I believe. (H/t to @MissMel for reminding me what network Bootcamp is on...used to be WETV!)
  10. I took the last shot as the detective is now reevaluating whether he needs and deserves "punishment" for the things he felt were his fault (even though he knows they weren't), especially after Cora got some kind of absolution.
  11. I loved the bee coming out of the flower ?
  12. I forgot about this! Jenelle: Jace, I'm taking you and Maryssa to St. Thomas! Jace: Is David going? !!!!! Poor kid.
  13. Because (I believe), like Nathan when dating Jenelle, he is projecting his own child custody woes/battle onto Barb/Jenelle and taking out his own frustrations and anger with his kids' mothers on Barb. Jenelle barely made a peep about seeking custody of Jace until she started dating Nathan, a guy who lost custody of his kid and seemed to have a problem with that fact. Always looked to me like both Nathan and David take their rage about their custody situations out on Barb and then instigate Jenelle to try and get Jace back.
  14. If Jenelle had ever truly cared about getting custody of Jace, she could've asked Barb if she could move back in and take care of Jace. Let Barb work, live her life, and show her she was willing to lovingly do the work of looking after and raising her son. She never cared. It's not about Jace or being his mother, loving him, meeting his needs, getting to know him, or just spending time with him. It was always about her image and sticking it to Barb. What a GD shame.
  15. Jenelle has GOT to be kidding me with gloating that dropoffs now have a designated location. She's the one on film multiple times altering the exchange plans and then proceeding to rip Barb a new ahole from two counties away for balking at the last minute changes. David, take your disgusting diatribe and aim it at your babe, babe. Because everything you said about supreme selfishness is true of your swampmate, not her mom.
  16. For those of us who ff through commercials, there will be another new ep aired Wednesday.
  17. I wish Jenelle could realize she is the only reason her mom "won" custody of Jace. She wanted to live her life a certain way and was happy to have Barb take care of Jace while she did so. How did she not realize that after an appreciable amount of time, Barb & Jace would be bonded so that Barb effectively became his mother? Your mom didn't "win" Jenelle. It was all your own doing. It [evidence against Jenelle] must've been really bad for Jenelle to actually settle. Then again, she's not fighting for custody for Jace's sake but to stick it to Barb. "Have a good Father's Day if we don't see you"? Sheeit, Chelsea, is the day only for Coley now?
  18. It was before the basement, on the drive to the Beverwyck club. It wasn't Maddie in reality but actually Phoebe who said Cora wanted her to die. The shots were the guys goofing off/telling Cora to hurry while she washed Phoebe's dress in the river/creek.
  19. I found the Beverwyck scene kinda clichéd. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll nouveau New Wave? Meh. After this ep, I shot my TV Elvis-style.
  20. ??? I used to sort of feel for Briana and her fam, but they kind of lost me when her mom was saying Luis and the camera was "sooo disrepsectful!" Er, no. There's so much worse he could've done. I wonder if Roxanne and/or Briana have depression or vitamin deficiency (or both) because those conditions can make it difficult to cope with any complication -- small, perceived, or otherwise. I think that speaks to how terrible David is and how much he's alienated Jenelle from Barb. And that's saying a *lot* IMO because it's not like Barb and Nathan were bosom buddies.
  21. I've seen some talk that Barb is just Jenelle Originelle, but this ep should put that to rest: Barb is worried about Jenelle's state of mind, emotions, etc. wrt court. Wow. I've never seen Jenelle give a shite about anyone like that, especially in relation to an event in which she has a vested interest. Why do Jo's throw pillows match She-Hulk's curtains?
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