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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. If anyone is interested. 3 part podcast with the creators of the show. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07z63xz
  2. Who wants to ring in the New Year with Troutmouth?
  3. I wonder how much processed garbage she feeds her kids? Vaccines are bad but Red no.40 , high fructose corn syrup and ramen noodles aren't? She's worried about vaccines, but not GMO's, pesticides, food additives, etc?!
  4. Chris Lopez must have announced to her that he is moving further away or the cost upkeep on the house are starting to interfere with her lifestyle.
  5. Yep! Allegedly, it was the Disney incident that led to Lauren calling Kail a C U Next Tuesday in text messages to Javi that Kail later discovered while snooping through his phone.
  6. Lauren and Javi aren't married. They were engaged until Bathroomgate. They're back together but looks likenthe engagement is off for now.
  7. The Afro-Costa Rican population is too small for her to prey on. Lol
  8. How does someone so hideous-looking make such cute kids? I think they're basically glorified roommates at this point. Whatever love she had for Javi is gone, IMO @Mkay he is dehydrated at this point. Lol
  9. CL doesn't film because he wants to control his own narrative sort to speak. Filming means his interactions with Kail are at the mercy of the MTV producers and editors. He isn't nor ever has been in a committed relationship with her and doesn't want to give off the appearance of one on TV.
  10. Or vaccinated kids only! Lol
  11. So this is the hill you want to die on, Kail?
  12. So according to Kail, Jo/Vee and Javi/Lauren linked up on Halloween so the boys could go trick-or-treating together. She only found out about because they boys told her when she got them back for her custody time. Apparently, she was bummed out that she and Lux weren't invited. Lol Seriously???? I love how she just felt they should include her and Lux when she openly despises Lauren and has shown no interest in Eli.
  13. So one of Corey's family members attends if he isn't able to?
  14. A proper bath and not being regularly dosed with Benadryl does wonders:
  15. From Reddit : Article took me four tries to read so I'll save the rest of y'all the trouble of clicking the link: Jenelle Evans has obtained a temporary restraining order against her estranged husband David Eason. In documents obtained exclusively by E! News, the former Teen Mom star documents several incidents of David's alleged abuse and says she is concerned for her and her children's safety. The temporary order of protection is issued on behalf of Jenelle and her three kids, 10-year-old Jace Evans, 5-year-old Kaiser Griffith and 2-year-old Ensley Eason. Jenelle states in the Nov. 4 filing that David's threats have "escalated" over the past few days, adding, "Because of his recent threats, his history of violence, his erratic behavior and his large stockpile of weapons, I am scared for my life and my children's well-being." The reality TV personality then details 11 alleged incidents involving David over the past two years. Jenelle accuses David of both physical and verbal abuse, in addition to destroying her property and killing their dog, which he's previously admitted to. She temporarily lost custody of her kids when David killed the French bulldog in April, which also led to her firing from Teen Mom 2. Photos Jenelle Evans and David Eason's Rocky Romance During one alleged incident Jenelle claims took place on February 17, 2019, David told her, "You can die for all I care. You're a piece of s--t. Biggest piece of s--t I've ever seen." Jenelle claims that she recorded David saying this, who then allegedly locked Kaiser in their running vehicle. "While Kaiser was trying to unlock it, David continuously locked it again with my spare key, scaring both me and Kaiser," Jenelle states in the documents. Late last month, Jenelle states that she arranged for childcare and traveled out of town for business meetings without telling David. In response, David allegedly accused Jenelle of cheating on him and sent her a picture of an unidentified man and wrote, "This is your new boyfriend. I'm going to break his neck and feed you his head." David then allegedly texted her, "My goal in life is to make sure you regret leaving me like this." According to Jenelle, she then asked David to stop sending her "threatening texts" and confirmed that Ensley was going to remain in her care. "Given his actions," she writes in the filing, "and knowing his temperament, I believe he was implying that he would kill himself if I do not come back to him... For all of these reasons, I'm afraid that David will harm me or my children, and that he will continue to threaten me using text messages, phone calls, or on the internet." Jenelle Evans, David Eason Instagram The protection order awards temporary custody to Jenelle, mandates that David will have no contact with Jenelle or the children and will not post about Jenelle on social media or the internet. Jenelle has also requested that David pay for attorney's fees as the case continues. As for Jenelle's whereabouts, she states in the documents that her and the kids have left North Carolina and are currently living in Tennessee. David has not responded publicly to Jenelle's legal action against him, but days ago called his ex "stupid" on Instagram. Jenelle first announced her decision to leave David on Oct. 31. A court date has been set for later this month. *Originally from Eonline but apparently there is trouble with accessing the article.
  16. Oh, so now she has proof that David abused her? How convenient?
  17. Kail bought those Jordan's. Lol He is just so basic! I doubt it's the fast lane he is in.
  18. Exactly! David is too calm about all of this. Jenelle leaving in the middle of the night, seen on social media chilling with Jeremy of all people, just enjoying herself without Lurch stuck on her like flies to shit? No way he wouldn't have tried to choke the life out of her the minute she returned to the Land to collect little Emphysema.
  19. She expects us to believe that he actually paid money via plane ticket to be around her?
  20. Or that not every single thought or action needs to be posted on social media! No one needed to learn about her next potentially deadly excursion for Lux or what her plans are this weekend or what basic bitch ass decor she bought for her mega mansion.
  21. Speaking of measles. Just saw this on FB and of course, Kail and her 2/3rd's vaccinated brood came to mind. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-10-22/measles-disneyland-infectious-exposure-october-2019
  22. Says the girl who injects toxins into her face for vanity.
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