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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. WOW! Really? Lol. How did you find that out?
  2. More like Chris is there and around for me! I bet if he agreed to play house from the beginning, she would gladly foot the bill for everything! Pathetic! Leah: As a parent of a child with a disabilty, stop talking to the producer and get on the phone with a lawyer and an advocacy group! Schools always try to see what they can get away with and count on you not being informed and feeling defeated.
  3. Please tell me Jenelle didn't leave her 9 year old in a car alone with a loaded weapon? Does Roxanne read Previously TV forums because I felt like she said everything we've all said about Javi's thirsty, famewhoring ass! Lol at Kail being upset Chris cheated o her. Seriously, Kail, if aliens came to earth and demanded you be faithful or they would destroy the planet,well...bye-bye planet Earth!
  4. You know you have royally fucked up when your low IQ, gun-loving, hair-trigger temper husband calls you out for following a stranger to his home in order to confront him!
  5. Long read but great insight from a CPS worker about Kai's situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/teenmom/comments/8vkojy/thoughts_on_kaisers_current_situation_from_a/
  6. https://m.eonline.com/news/953672/ryan-and-mackenzie-edwards-leave-teen-mom-all-the-details All of MacKenzie's hard work down the tube! Lol
  7. When you left the house for a Walmart run but decided to go skydiving instead!
  8. * Shallow, petty thought of the day* In a perfect world, Javi would never have a plan, A,B or C. IMO, he isn't attractive( how are we a heterosexual couple and both of us have labias?) and no woman, not even Kail should be subjected to his possessiveness.
  9. I knows laws differ by state but Nathan needs to look into filing a no contact against David. If Macy could obtain one based off of threatening text, hopefully, Nathan can obtain one too. I say this because if Nathan is serious about getting Kai out if there, he needs to play it smart. If he can't get a no contact, he needs to go back to court and have it specified that David not be present at pick ups or drop-offs, only the parents. He has to legally force their hand and give them enough rope to hang themselves. He also needs to follow Barb's advice and document everything.
  10. My favorite moments from that tea spilling session between Barb and Nathan: Nathan calling Jenelle out on the fact that she is human tofu. When she was with him, she was a gym rat now she is with Lurch, it's guns and country living. Barb's calendars detailing Jenelle's neglect. I wonder if they were the deciding factor in Jenelle's lawyer advising her to settle with Barb because she has non-existent case. Lol Kail and her friend just looked dirty this whole trip. Like they reek of patchouli and funk! I know it's mean but I got a kick out of how Chris goes out of his way to avoid having to speak to Kail. So did Kail's trip and Bri's surgery occur around the same time because that would explain why Javi was so hellbent on playing Nurse Sceentime. Couldn't film with Kail so he forces himself into Briana's segments. I doubt that video Paisley made was her idea. That poor horse!
  11. Isn't it Nathan's weekend again? So what happens now with Kaiser and visitation? It's court-ordered and must be supervised by Doris so what happens if Jenelle refuses to hand him over?
  12. I can't imagine Lurch sharing his wife with anyone.
  13. The only appropriate reaction: Barb has custody so she is the one who signs off on whether Jace can be filmed or not. I agree they should just keep up with J ace and Barb soley because it would drive Jenelle and Lurch batshit!
  14. Legally, she isn't currently employed with MTV at the moment, correct? Haven't the other girls started filming? IMO, time for MTV to cease all communication with Jenelle or whoever is representing her. Just let her sit in limbo and let the money run out.
  15. And today's Internet winner is....
  16. It's crazy how Soapy simultaneously looks like a toddler and a middle aged man suffering from dwarfism brought on by an endocrine disorder.
  17. Someone should inform Kail that constant mean-mugging is a known side-effect of being a failed trap baby!
  18. Nice try, Jenelle! Everyone knows that had Lurch not been given his walking papers, your scenes would consist of you two bitching about Nathan, Barb or your sinking trailer with the kids wandering aimlessly in the background. Javi isn't stalking you Bri, he is stalking camera time.
  19. And most likely her followers are also pieces of shit.
  20. They spelled Putasaurus wrong but damn if that isn't funny as hell. I think we should call her Putasaurus Rex from now on. Lol
  21. Bone, you were the help and now you're services are no longer needed, you've been dismissed. Kail doesn't have friends, she has people who are useful to her at the moment.
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