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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Ear tube surgery is fairly common. I doubt it took many doctor's appointments and test, more like Jenelle blowing the doctor off.
  2. Of course not. I wouldn't put it past him to have prayed Barb would perish in the storm.
  3. It's better than a clothing line. Lol
  4. Someone tweet Lurch that the happiest place on earth has designated Gay Days. Lol It will be miracle if Lurch behaves on this trip. I feel for any staff that have to engage with him since he can't go a day without being rude to someone.
  5. In a perfect world: Kail: can you babysit Lux for me so I can attend Jo and Vee's wedding? Ms. Marroquin: Didn't you receive an advance for that book you wrote where you trash my son? You should take some of the money you received and use it to hire a babysitter. Now you have a blessed day.
  6. Only Kail thinks it's ok to trash Javi in a book yet still want to retain his mother's babysitting services.
  7. This is what a wedding looks like when you don't marry for military benefits amd fame.
  8. So apparently, Chris moved an hour away. Hmmmmm, he moves an hour away and Kail is now house-hunting? Lol Did Javi say something about Chris because why is he concerned about Javi talking to Grace? Kail is about to come out an trash Javi to the detriment of their son. He has a right to be pissed and tell his side of the story. You think Chris would be more sympathetic given how Kail spent all last season trashing him, exposing his financial situation and such because he rejected her.
  9. Word is that Jo and Vee tied the knot today.
  10. A Letter of Love: Let Me Explain That All Three of You Exist Due to Bad Decision-making By Kail Lowry
  11. Why is she house-hunting? What's wrong with her current house? Let me guess, Chris said it was too small or something? Oh, wait...Lauren and Javi just bought a new home, have to one up them!
  12. I guess Sesame Street is banned in the Eason household now that Bert & Ernie are a confirmed gay couple. Lol ETA: it just dawned on me that there is a good chance Jace has gone without his meds since Barb dropped him off.
  13. Being a bigot, homophobe and child abuser takes a toll on your looks.
  14. How I imagine Kim wanted to react upon hearing that Cate is pregnant again.
  15. I am little shocked they managed to conceive another child. Lol
  16. She looks like a My Little Pony if MLP were a human. ......I am so going to hell for that!
  17. I can't like this post enough. Lurch has always been pro-controlling women.
  18. Why do I get the feeling that Lurch is the type of person who believes dinosaurs co-existed with humans? Lol
  19. Found the actual tweets regarding Javi.
  20. That's a lie. I remember when she first admitted that he targeted her. She said it was early in their relationship and that she continued with the relationship because she was desperate. I would furious if my hubby tried to cash a check that was directly addressed to me without discussing it with me first !
  21. Wait...what???? I didn't watch. When did he do this? IMO, Kail's been dead to Suzi since the day she blocked Kail's number. So Kail knew early on that Javi specifically targeted her because of her TM fame but continued a relationship with him, let her son bond with him and procreated with him! Am I supposed to see her as a victim in all of this?
  22. Nathan's girlfriend. Apparently, she is referring to Kai not being potty trained and having issues with boils and MRSA on his buttock area.
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