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Everything posted by clod

  1. somehow Emily will show up with some new dredging equipment it will be explained by saying she has some "investors".
  2. I thought the daytona remodel was too fancy for the racing theme.
  3. everybody loves a good wedding. :) https://twitter.com/hippykid/status/521085153611755520 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also, I think this makes it official. Cal wears hats too much. man, you've lost hair. accept it and get over it. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BztEU1rIgAAtABW.jpg
  4. listening to small talk at the wedding table. "It's so nice to have steak in Utopia." {{ I don't know if they did have steak or not }} someone then makes a comment about having some veal available. that get's a laugh, and the person says, "Too soon?" :) at one point Jess whispers to Rob........."I'm a wife." -------------------------------------------------------- Rob gets Jess a glass of water. the couple
  5. anyone else think there will be leftover cake?
  6. really wish they would bring back the live streams on youtube. would youtube charge Fox for that?
  7. thanks for the warning. I did a more general search, and the top result was by "orkin.com". maybe they think they know stuff like that? ;) "House fly eggs are laid in almost any warm, moist material that will supply suitable food for the larvae. The female may lay a total of five to six batches of 75 to 100 eggs. In warm weather, eggs hatch in 12 to 24 hours." wow. I didn't know it was that fast. oh, my dear Utes! hahahaha
  8. I think she was there to tell people that her animal ways were the only animal ways. she lectured the Utes, read her manifesto, and left.
  9. hahaha! nice. hmmmm..........now the analytical part of me needs to know how long it would take for something to hatch in cake frosting. maybe there will be a post-ceremony group skinny-dip to welcome him back.
  10. I am not getting into the "call the police" discussion,................. but Josh and Aaron are living together. :)
  11. Here are my wedding predictions: 1) departed Utes return. maybe even one that could perform the ceremony. {remember Rob getting emotional when Jon left?} 2) more than ten people come in for the wedding (friends or family or paying guests) - {with the hassle of planning a wedding, might as well let more people in} wouldn't it be neat if production surprised the other Utes with a special guest of their own? ......to make the day more special.
  12. I mentioned the show to a friend, and he said he watched it once, and did not find it interesting. that's the only person I know who has seen it. I agree with the limited resources premise. wrt being apart from the rest of the world, there was no way to grow enough food (in a hurry, too!) on five acres of land in a dry climate. so they *had* to interact with the outside world.
  13. How's that fine Puck fellow doing? ;) spoiler is about why I stopped watching road rules. (about the time I stopped watching RW)
  14. thanks for reminding me. so there I was with my date, and we walked up to the theater and looked at our choices (what was playing). hey, a Woody Allen movie. "Interiors" haven't heard anything about it. want to see that one? movie starts. half hour goes by.... sure. ok. hmmmmm. awkward. people leaving during the film. "do you want to stay till the end?"
  15. wow. if the group accepts that, the door for future violence is wide open. since it sounds like aaron will not be punished, josh needs to make his own food arrangements. maybe josh and amanda and nikki can team up for cooking.
  16. is the kitchen sink the only sink in the building? is anyone there thinking of a way to stay warm when the temps reach into the 30s? are they going to have to buy firewood? are amanda and nikki cooking separately from the group? if so, more Utes should join them
  17. it would be interesting if they voted off Cal. because they expect Katie to leave anyway. both gone. next! hahaha
  18. what's the excuse for this emergency vote?
  19. is that taxes for the real GOV, or utopia taxes, where the taxes are collected and spent by the utopian leaders?
  20. thanks for reminding me of this old Cheers bit.
  21. as soon as that workshop starts looking like a cabin, someone will want to live in it. Josh might as well add some insulation and an electric heater. Maybe Taylor is cranky because he's getting less "action" than he is used to. The father must be totally absent, if he isn't suing for full custody because the mother left the kids for a year.
  22. IMO, this is partially the result of the cook intentionally underfeeding them, so they lose energy and strength, which makes them weaker physically and mentally.
  23. "She-who-must-not-be-named" (Harry Potter reference) my money is on....... (drum roll please)...............they charge $20 for visitors to watch the wedding. he might be a real saint after six months of being away from his new bride. that's a good line. aaron is exerting control through food, and wants to keep the others weak by limiting their food intake. call me mr. obvious. aaron needs more food to maintain his weight? so do the others. Nikki knows if she is losing weight, and she was not overweight when she got there. she surely notices the weight loss in the others. she knows the solution is to eat more food. if there is enough money to buy food, the "portions" should be adequate for them to maintain their weight. think many Utes would be surprised that aaron is getting extra food from the community supply? (while they are losing weight) ----------------- the Utes need to shake up the work assignments. have a new "cooking team" of three people. different people for the barn work and the garden work.
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