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Everything posted by truthtalk2014

  1. Worst kiss ever. I'm surprised he impregnated her ten days later. He had a lot to learn.
  2. If anyone can do a freeze frame just after the guy pronounces them man and wife- you will be quite frightened to see MEchelle's attempt at crying ( a napkin on her eye) and Mr. Sewald looking as wild eyed as MEchelle. They both look like serial killers - either that or they are auditioning for Deliverance. Edit- I meant just before.
  3. Yea that was a dumb move - giving Josie something to sit still with. I think from MEchelle's eyes, she was ready to whip out the ruler and do some blanket training. Sorry lady- you let your Miracle run wild 24/7 - you can't expect her to sit still for a wedding. Instead of concentrating on Jill, MEchelle was smiling at Josie as she licked her finger- as if it were cute. Josie is such a brat. OH wow- Just saw that Miracle had to come off the stage! I'm sure MEchelle will whisper to her what a miracle she is during the final part of the ceremony. She should have used some of that duct tape to secure Miracle to that stage.
  4. I saw the same thing. Touching it to get it off the scooper with bare hands. Gross. And did anyone notice that they put about 3 times as much ice cream in the second bunch as the first that supposedly melted? I'll bet that was all for the show and never really happened.
  5. Did anyone notice that when MEchelle sent Jill and Derrickdillard to get food first at the rehearsal dinner, she said "Help yourselves. Get the little ones some food." Apparently, she still thinks Jill is a JSlave.
  6. Seriously, is MEchelle wearing that orange shirt and denim skirt to the rehearsal???
  7. Can you believe that room full of volunteers??? OMG- they probably had a sign up sheet to clean the Duggar compound.
  8. Okay, this calls for a drinking game for sure. Words: (please add your own) Challenge sweet precious Derrickdillard Saved our first kiss As the poster mentioned last week, this is a two hour episode. Please drink responsibly. I've got my TTC ready to come out of the oven.
  9. MEchelle talking about how much she wants grand babies and yet when they went to DC for a week for that holiday dinner, I never saw MEchelle pick up a grand baby or interact with Mackenzie. The only one I saw her doing anything for was Miracle. I did she Jim Boob holding Marcus and Jim Bob sitting in a chair with Jennifer. I think he interacts a lot more than MEchelle. At the end of this show, I found it hilarious that they had Mackenzie, Josie and Jordyn in a row. Mackenzie reaches over to Jordyn (reaching past Miracle Josie) and says "Jordyn please stay forever and ever and ever with us." I really don't think any of the girls like Josie. Can't say I blame them. She is quite bratty.
  10. My son absolutely hated reading. I tried everything- until he discovered the Harry Potter books. It was his turning point. You never know what will do it for your child- but whatever it takes to turn them on to reading- you better do it. I know the Dumbgers don't subscribe to this way of thinking. This might be the reason their favorite book is the stupid whatever it's called prince charming book by the tall girl that doesn't even have a boyfriend.
  11. They know that if they don't get there on time, the show will kick their butts off the show and never invite them back again. Everything else, they are late for and feel that they are better than and feel it's okay to live on that stupid "Duggar time". I really wish a big hand would come out and slap them when they use that excuse or even say that term.
  12. lol- Love it. I hope we get a new thread in time to come up with a new drinking game for this week.
  13. THanks for posting this picture. I'm glad I finally got to see the duct tape dress MEchelle wore. I've heard people talking, but had never seen it its full glory. WOW- OMG. Where oh where did she find that??? I think it was screaming out "You will be the center of attention. You will be noticed MECHELLE! PICK ME!" Yea, she is noticed but everyone wonders if a serial killer created it. Looking at the photo, I couldn't help but wonder why Derrickdillard didn't have any friends as his groomsmen. It seems kind of sad that he only has his brother. I mean, come on, the guy went to college. He has to have some friends. I think it's greedy for all the Duggar boys to take up the spotlight.
  14. I'm sure Boob has a tiller in one of those storage barns. He's got one of everything else.
  15. This is true. I went there for one year- the same year he asked for so many millions of dollars or God would take him home. He got it BTW. I am so happy I gave that crap up and went to a state school, partied and never looked back. They did indeed make us go through a horrible ordeal when we were freshmen. We had to have our body fat taken, weight, etc. If your body fat was over a certain amount, you had to be monitored. You had to also be able to swim and run 3 miles in a certain time period every semester or year (can't remember which one at this point). Seems so crazy now. It makes me think of Jana and the family taking her to weight watchers when she was a teen. I can see that completely creating an eating disorder with the complete need to be thin. With all the girls, honestly just with normal statistics, at least one or two has to have an eating disorder.
  16. I totally agree that a great homeschooling adventure would be to do a lesson on square foot gardening or making earth boxes and growing your own veggies. It's such an awesome thing to learn and experience at any age. And, when you taste your own organic veggies and learn how much better they are for you (than genetically modified crap) it makes it all the more exciting. I can see all the kids being really excited about learning about growing their own food.
  17. It hardly seems like a place of solace to me. All the littles in and out for nap time, jumping and crawling on the bed like monkeys, no sheets, the whole horse and pony show for Boob's bible time… Poor Jana! I think I would run to Grandma Duggar's room and nail the door shut behind me if I were in that house.
  18. That's the difference. Jessa has no couth. Erin Bates probably knows how to cook a hundred times better than Jessa Blessa- but would probably be embarrassed to ask people to buy crazy crap like robes for her or expensive kitchen items.
  19. Wow- you really hit the nail on the head with this. Think about it. You have no one to talk to but your siblings and parents. You can't tell your future spouse that you don't want to have 20 kids. And more importantly, he can't talk to you about the way he really feels. I can't see Derrickdillard wanting 19 kids- no way.
  20. Even if you don't fast forward through the new stuff, you still must spend half your time forwarding. At the end of every clip, they spend time talking about what is coming up after the commercial. And then, half of the show is show is clips we have seen twice before. And so, my deduction is that about 8 minutes is new stuff. I can only assume that the crew is tired of the crap and refuse to work too much in the house of horrors. In their defense, they have howlers and littles crawling all over them- smearing tater tot casserole on their mics and cameras. They constantly have to deal with sickness and grossness. I can only imagine that the crew needs a barf cup most of the time as well.
  21. Yes. I am sure she does. Seeing a forty something mother of 18 children deliver a preemie and sit at a hospital with Miracle for six months (ignoring the other 18) would sure make me want to deliver babies (said with a sweet precious voice of course).
  22. No wonder she is crying her eyes out. Jessa doesn't do anything for anyone except Jessa. IMO Jordyn has been the most neglected one. I'm sure Jill gave her more attention than her slave mother and we know where the crazy breeder was for most of the poor girls life. Jordyn was left with a dirty baby doll to drag around and hope the boy (can't remember which one) gave her a cup of oatmeal (not cooked) every now and then.
  23. Very funny moment on "Duggar sick day". The woman and her two children come over for lunch (didn't mind that they might contract strep throat) and brings lunch. She brought a pretty nice lunch - BBQ meats, buns, beans, corn a salad from her Dad's garden (I'm sure that was the first time the Duggars have ever experienced that treat) and banana pudding that she made. When Boob was going through the line, he is beside MEchelle and obviously really impressed and says "THIS IS GREAT!" and MEchelle looks at him and pokes out her bottom lip as if she is insulted and hurt. Sorry MEchelle, your dinners and lunches suck and your family is so happy to have a real meal. The only thing I've seen MEchelle prepare was for a few of the howlers- maybe 6 kids- was boxed macaroni and cheese, boxed stuffing and frozen broccoli. No wonder they were all so excited.
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