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Everything posted by NoNeinNyet

  1. Almost every change that they've made so far has worked well within the universe of the show so I have faith that they'll handle the change with the ring well until they show me otherwise.
  2. It all depends on how they handle it. If Jamie still goes off to collect his share of the quarterly rent then they better come up with a good reason to need to go get that money as soon as they get back to Leoch. I'm fine with things being done differently as long as something pointless or untrue to the characters isn't slotted in as a replacement.
  3. I always thought that her getting married at the same church was a little too coincidental. Also, in this week's podcast, Ron pointed out that they had already done something similar by having her visit Leoch and having sexytimes with Frank before she went back. A quick wedding with no family there actually felt like Frank being incredibly considerate of Claire's feelings since she pretty much had no family and also probably hadn't stayed in one place long enough to gather a bunch of friends around her. Their wedding guests would have mostly have been his family and friends. I thought it was a really great decision.
  4. Yes. It should be either Jamie Fraser or James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser.
  5. That's why it was so good. These are flawed people that are so interesting to watch. We at least have this one perfect season but I could watch them for 10.
  6. Unless that gift is the broach. There is no reason to change the pearls to the broach.
  7. It's why I'm interested to see how they handle the beating and the aftermath of that. I've been listening to the audiobook in short spurts and they finally just got back to Leoch. Jamie tells Claire so much about himself while he's trying to get back in her good graces/give her enough information so that she might understand where he is coming from. It's also why I'm concerned about how much they have to fit into the second half of the season. I'm fine with less Jamie pre-wedding but I'm so concerned about how much of the stuff that defines his character will have to be compressed in order to fit the actual plot of the rest of the book into the last eight episodes. I do love the idea of the first half of the season mostly being about Claire and how she fits into this world and the second half being more about Jamie and how Claire finds her place now that she's with him. That may very well be why they've divided the season in the way they did.
  8. I could already tell that his arse is probably pretty fine just by how his kilt hangs off of it. Of course, I do still want to see it in all of its uncovered glory. For reasons.
  9. Also, ratings aren't the end all and be all for premium cable networks. What Starz is really concerned about is whether Outlander was the reason why they got a bunch of new subscribers. It's why the released the first episode online a week early. Then you had two weeks to decide whether you wanted to subscribe in time to see episode 2. Ratings can be convoluted in the first place but they're also mostly meaningless for a network that doesn't need to use them to set ad rates.
  10. Ever since it was clear that we would continue to flashforwardback to Frank in episode 2, I've been hoping that we'd get to see some of Claire and Frank's wedding. It just works out too well for them not to do it.
  11. He's wearing a Minnesota Twins hat! I have no idea why he's wearing a Twins cap but I'm just going to pretend that he's a fellow fan.
  12. Specifically, honeymoon originally came from the groom getting a month's supply of mead (made from honey) as a wedding gift.
  13. At first, I was a little put off by the scene with the general because it was just so different from the book but it really served to make Black Jack look that much more dangerous by comparison. Also, by endearing Claire to the MacKenzies during the previous episode, it took away a lot of the work needed for Dougal and Claire to discuss what happened to Jamie allowing them to hand that story over to Black Jack and just leave Dougal finally being convinced that Claire is not a spy just by drinking from the spring and saying as much without being burnt from the inside. Looking forward to a rewatch now that I now how the episode goes. Also, I'm so glad that everybody knows that Jamie is a virgin now. Wedding, wedding, wedding!
  14. I kind of wonder if the word existed yet wouldn't quite mean the same as it would to 20th century Claire. Either way, it's probably understood as the time period immediately following a wedding so the innuendo would be understood. Speaking of 20th century Claire, she was drop dead gorgeous in the scene where she was shaving Frank. She's still beautiful even with the messy hair from traveling by horseback for days and days but it was quite a contrast to see her with such glossy, tamed curls. I have to go back and watch that again because of course my focus was more on Tobias Menzies's two very different performances. This episode was so wonderful.
  15. This was way too good. Maybe it's good that the ratings seem to indicate that this show won't get a second season. If the next episode is as good as this one and last week's, then at least we'll have one perfect season.
  16. The problem isn't finding the podcast, it's not getting it in my preferred delivery method. I am capable of going to site and downloading or streaming it from there. I'd rather not have to.
  17. They seem to be really inconsistent about putting the episodes in the RSS feed. I use Downcast and I'll get the same episode more than once and then the new one won't come out until several days after it came out.
  18. All of the characters had a really good episode. Edgar continues to be my favorite and Jimmy and Gretchen are so wonderful. That breakup was a punch in the gut. I also like that they're continuing to have Becca show up because she explains a lot about Lindsay. Lindsay a lot more like her sister than she'd like to admit but the fact that they're not exactly the same also explains how Lindsay came to cheat on Paul.
  19. They can't be too far ahead because Ron did mention on this week's podcast that they were now to a point where episodes are airing. I hope that they can at least make a change for the second half of the season.
  20. Spanking a child is a lot different than spanking a grown woman, though. I'm 30. I was spanked as a child and should I have children of my own, I might spank them depending on what my spouse and I agree on for discipline. I understand why Jamie spanked her in that situation but the joy that he took from it still seems out of character for me and I hope that they downplay or leave that part out.
  21. But Dougal needed Claire married at that time in order to make her Scottish to protect her from Randall. Sure, he'd have some of the same problem of Jamie if he married a sassenach but Dougal doesn't have the price on his head as an additional disadvantage plus war chieftain and brother of the current laird and son of the previous one probably outranks a nephew of the current laird/grandson who came from the previous laird's daughter and another laird's bastard. He might have been able to overcome marrying Claire more than Jamie could.
  22. Ooo, Rose Leslie does do fiesty pretty well. Google says that she's 5'6", though, so not really tall enough. There's also the question of whether she can do an American accent. Her voice always sounds so Scottish to me that it would be weird to hear another accent coming out of her.
  23. That was a darn cute cute capelet. It's convinced me that maybe I need a little garter stitch in my life.
  24. Holy shit, that was Jeanine Mason!
  25. The Honourable Woman is a miniseries, not a movie. It's still airing in the US.
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