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Everything posted by sunflowers83823

  1. Tori seriously makes me want to stab myself in the eyeball with a grapefruit spoon! Whenever I hear her whine I just can't. All I have to say is I feel bad for her kids! She is so narcissistic and toxic. She actually make me feel kind of bad for Dean. What a hot fucking mess...like dirty diaper filled with indian food hot mess. Why do I watch?
  2. Ok, because I am a glutton for punishment, I just finished rewatching season 4. I have to say that from what I saw, Brandi decided to throw away her relationship with Lisa in a big way, she just flipped midseason and started gunning for people. She was a major shit stirrer and then tried to play victim about it! It will be interesting to she how she tries to spin it this year!
  3. What kind of fresh hell just assaulted by freaking eyeballs?!? "I get it, I'm rude"...really dude rude does not even begin to describe the deplorable, disgusting, sleazy, attention whoring behavior you displayed since walking onto my screen. You are delusional if think that the Character and Ethics Board is not going to have several interns scour social media, and every blog and blurb that has been written by you, about you, your professional history/practices past and present. In the word of Gandolf the Grey "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"! He makes me want to wretch with his smug face. Amber is living on delusional island defending his shit behavior, painting him as a misunderstood man. I have to ask myself what kind of insecurity allows someone to laugh off this kind of behavior by her husband. She is a special kind of stupid. I will never watch this show again if these people come back.
  4. This whole episode reeked of desperation! Jim with his "evidence", which only proved that Bobby is a housewives fan of teenage girl proportions. The twins and their "what you said about my mom" (which I would be furious about, but once I addressed it either through screaming and yelling at offending party...or if necessary, a thorough ass kicking of offending party, I would be done talking about it). Teresa with her "oh my God my daughters, Joe is a drunk, I don't understand english, I am being strong, next question Andy". Jim and Amber, what is there to say besides pull your head out of each others asses....they are not hats! Dina is desperate for praise and for someone to actually care about her existence. Lastly, Andy is desperate to save the sinking ship that is RHONJ. You cannot give us 4 seasons of Teresa and Joe Fraudice literally fucking over family, friends, the government and all the taxpayers, and expect us to say thank you. We are not amused, enough is enough. I started watching RHONJ because of the real relationships these women had. It was funny and lighthearted. Now it's a dark and twisty telenovella, but with worse acting. Not cute Andy!
  5. I remember B saying that she did have an eating disorder when she was younger and tgat she developed the "Skinnygirl" philosophy to cope with those tendancies in a "healthy" way. I read the first book and walked away thinking that B doesn't actually eat food. Her taste everything, but eat nothing thought process is in fact eating disorder oriented. Monitoring food intake, and subsequent output are big eating disorder flags to me. She is too thin! I am a small person, and a few years ago I stopped eating grain and lost about 20 lbs as a result. I had everyone telling me how thin I was and how frail I looked. I have since figured out how much good fat to eat to put 8 lbs back on and am at a good, healthy looking weight. B looks really frail to me. There is such a thing as being too thin!
  6. For some reason my reply isn't attached to my quote...so here goes. You should get a crockpot, then you can put dinner on in the morning, it cooks itself and then you are free to snark at will!
  7. Amber makes me want to heave! NO ONE LIKES ELANA! She takes freaky to a whole new level. My dogs are giving me the side eye right now, it's what happens when I am yelling at the TV.
  8. As long as Alex and Simon don't come back, I'll be fine. I don't think I could tolerate seeing those two smug assholes on my tv ever again!
  9. What a dud. This whole season has seemed forced and contrived. Everything has ultimately wound up being about Teresa and Joe, their plea, and their sentance. The other ladies were insignificant this season. This whole season has been about Juicy and Tre, everyone else.was window dressing. Jim Marchese obviously looking for attention, searches under every rock and shrub for it. I have never seen such an attention whore. He is disgusting garbage. Amber is Just as nasty as Jim, she just has shorter horns!
  10. I thought it was Caroline, but I wasn't certain, so thanks! My initial dislike of Teresa came in season 1 with all of the careless spending, shopping sprees, marble this, onyx that. All I could think about when I saw that was what in the hell is this woman teaching her kids. I have a huge problem with parents that don't teach their kids respect and values. I grew up poor, youngest of 5, my dad was a phone man, my mom was a hairdresser. They both worked 60 hour weeks to provide for us. When I say poor, I mean that we had necessities like food (although it was mostly beans, rice and tortillas with occasional meat), but there was very little left for frivolous stuff. I never had designer stuff, most of my toys and clothes were homemade. We canned everything out of the garden, kept chickens and we were all thrifty. Being thrifty is a great skill to have. Being thankful for what we had was something that my parents taught us. Working hard for the things you wanted was a lesson we all learned. I am very fortunate to have learned these things and these skills have served me well. These Guidice girls will not be prepared for the difficulties coming their way. No is an unfamiliar word to them. Teresa keeps talking about their activities and maintaining busy schedules, but who is going to pay for all of this stuff? Her detachment from her reality is mind boggling. Personally, I think that the scenes with Gia expressing her fears and concerns and her emotions are genuine. She is the only one of those girls that has any understanding of what is going on and what is coming. I really feel for her, she is going to have to grow up fast. Shame on Teresa and Joe for putting them in this situation. The unbelievable part is that they feel like this just happened to them because they are on tv and are "scrutinized". They live on delusional island. I cannot imagine putting my kids in that situation.
  11. I read an article one time that had an interview from a reality tv personality, I can't remember who it was, but it was a housewife of some city...anyway, they said that the editors choose the best, most dramatic material and they use that. They also said that reality tv doesn't create something that isn't already there, and that the cameras can't catch something if you don't put it out there. I just don't buy that Teresa was "portrayed" as a villain, she WAS a villain. She was caught on film calling her sister-in-law a stripper, she was caught on film saying her sister-in-law was a gold digger. She straight up called Kathy a bitch, and told Rosie on camera that Kathy was ashamed of her for being gay. She called Caroline an old hag, she insinuated herself into the Manzo drama going on between the sisters and purposely created heartache and pain. Everything she has done has been carefully calculated and well thought out in terms of creating drama for ratings. She is a master manipulator, she is just pissed she got caught. I don't believe for one minute that she was unaware of the fraud, or that she had no idea about the finances, she is way to calculating to be ignorant if these things. I am not buying that she didn't understand the terms of the plea, partly because I know the lengths attorneys must go to to ensure that you do understand, and partly because I don't think that she is that stupid. It is essential to her story that we believe that she doesn't understand or that she can't comprehend, it is all part of her "character". I think what she really doesn't understand is why she got caught, whyJoe taking the wrap wasn't enough to keep her out of prison.
  12. The problem with Joe serving his time first is his probable deportation following his release. If he goes first and then gets deported, Teresa would not have anyone to keep the girls while she serves her time. Felonious people problems, we should come up with an app for that.
  13. She clearly stated that she got into yachting in order to meet a wealthy man that she could spend the rest of her life with. She apparently missed the memo that says "Hey Kate you don't live in a well written, warm and fuzzy romance movie". In the eyes of most of the people that have the money to charter a yacht, you are no more important to them than the champagne glass that they are drinking from. You are part of the yacht, you are not their peer.
  14. She is so unbelievably stupid. If you really care about your kids, you do not discuss your custody issues with their dad on facebook! She is such a narcissist. Between her, Simon and Toofies, those kids don't have a chance. Eddie could not show that he was not into kids more if he tried. He blatantly said ON CAMERA "I don't want kids". All I could think to myself is you already HAVE kids asshole, they came as a package deal when you married Tamra. That's how this shit works! I hope she doesn't come back for another season. I don't know if I can stand seeing her whiny crybaby crap for another whole season...and I love my RHOC.
  15. I can't imagine the court letting the 200k slide. I feel like if the court gives you a hoop to jump through in order to get less time then you should jump through the fucking hoop, or you should go to jail. Period.
  16. In order to clarify, I will need the help of my fellow legal eagle posters...if the 200,000 payment was part of the plea agreement and they don't pay it, does that mean that the judge can rescind the plea agreement and sentence them according to the regular sentencing guidelines? I.e. 10 yrs max per count?
  17. At this point when either of them say something all I hear is "wah wa wah wa wa" like Charlie Brown's teacher from the cartoons.
  18. I hope the high ratings were because of piggy backing with RHNJ. I can't imagine that the ratings were actually from the show.
  19. Nah, Jim is just such an asshat he makes Joe seem normal...seem being the key word there.
  20. Lying liars! Teresa's pants were literally on fire! I believe now more than ever that her hands are filthy. Joe clearly does not give a damn anymore, and I actually think he is looking forward to being deported to Italy. I think he believes that they would get a clean start there. Maybe he is right. I don't think that Teresa is ready to step out of the limelight yet. I think that she will try to film right up until the day she leaves for "college", because as Joe said, why stop now. She is pathetic, he is a sad shell of a man. This farewell tour need to stop, there is nothing that they could possibly say at this point that I would believe. Go to prison already! On a side note, what color do you think Teresa's hair will be when she gets out? I am betting she will be sporting some serious grey/white roots. Do they have haircolor in prison? I am sure she will be coming out pale, freckled and grey. Purely speculation, but a fitting end to such a vain person. I almost (ALMOST) feel bad for Joe, he seems like a guy that has been hit by a Mack truck....named Teresa.
  21. I think it is ironic that she is wearing a thin diamond wedding band, and GIGANTIC diamond stud earrings...oh yeah the Fraudices said she only has costume jewelry. Whoever let her wear those earrings on national tv after claiming that she has no fine jewelry should "pay attention". The balls these people have.
  22. How much do you think my suit is Andy? Really Joe? Who cares! It's not like you EARNED the money to pay for it! Teresa...I always pay my taxes...um that's not what the IRS says! Ok I just saw a trailer for Teresa and Joe part two...really? We have to break this up into two parts...wtf!
  23. Holy schnikes Batman! This describes both Joe and Teresa to a tee. The total disregard for others is shocking to me. I really believe that they thought the would never be caught, and that when they were caught, that they genuinely believed that they were victims of unreasonable prosecution ( I don't know what the actual term is, but I am sure you know what I am trying to say). I think that the STILL feel like they did nothing wrong. Joe's citizenship, or lack thereof, makes me think that he really thought maybe I don't have to pay taxes because I am not a citizen, as stupid as that sounds. I do think that Joe has a "rainy day fund" tucked away for when he goes on his permanent "vacation". The article about his probable deportation was fascinating. It was great to get a professional perspective on all of this speculation. When Joe is deported, I wonder if Teresa would be allowed to immigrate to Italy since she is a convicted felon. I have the WWHL special set to record tonight, it will be interesting to see if either of them have really thought that far ahead. I doubt it, I mean they never thought ahead to the possiblity of getting caught and going to jail. It makes me wonder how long they could have gone on with the fraud? Would lenders have continued to give them mortgages? Just how far down the rabbit hole were.they willing to go?
  24. Lydia and Andrea are quite possibly the worst, they are poster children for narcissistic personality disorder
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