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Everything posted by NoirDetective

  1. I don't know. Maybe it's just my personal experience, but generally I've found it to be true that if it looks like a duck, there's a high probability that it is a duck. And Mitch looks like a duck to me. Unless it was the editing somehow, his friends non-reply told the tale. You would expect an easy and quick, "Oh, no." Like, "is he a serial killer?" "Oh, no." And the meltdown to production after? The signs point one way for me. "To acquit him you would have to ignore all that Simpson DNA evidence. And that would be just crazy."
  2. Tyler and Cate are a train wreck. She is in her early twenties, a whale, who claims debilitating anxiety whenever the dust blows the wrong way. She should be insecure! What positives does she bring to this relationship? She is banking HARD on their history... ...and Tyler is a flat out idiot and loser. He's living a "show" life and not an actual life. I remember there was some speculation on here that he's a closet case, which tracks for me and makes the whole thing even more sad. Their lives are fragile shells being sustained by a disinterested camera crew and "fans" who won't buy his shitty book, as if such a thing will ever exist in the first place. Rundown on the others: a T-shirt with a pocket! Now I've heard everything! Farrah is just a whore, right? I know it was reported she got millions for that sex tape, but there is NO WAY that's true. The porn industry is in shambles, and they over report to entice other stupid women like Farrah into selling sex tapes. I can't imagine her being good to any client, though. What a nightmare. Amber. I was rooting for her a few years ago, but she's heading right back to where she started. Sad.
  3. Aneesa is clearly trying to set herself up for future seasons with all these bullshit conflicts (KellyAnne, Cara) and relationships (Cory) she instigates. And I thought she was actually a stripper? That doesn't matter to me, but why deny it when you can Google and see pictures of her topless in the club? <br /><br />Cara is tiresome to me, and I find the accent to be a bit much and attention-seeking. The others always seem sick of her at this point in the competition, so I think her head case demeanor grates. <br /><br />Mitch and Cory are just gross to me and seem to have little going for themselves. Guess we'll be seeing them the next 5 years on these things. <br /><br />I'm rooting for Jenna/Bri. The ladies need better taste in boyfriends, but they're happy and I like the counterpoint to the misery that radiates from the others.<br /><br />Aside: do we know why Jenna's dad is in jail?
  4. I don't know if Jenna/Bri made the wrong choice. If any of the remaining girls get CM in the Pit they're toast. If she went out with Jamie, the next female elimination day would be either Jenna vs. Aneesa or Bri vs. Ri. Much better for them than Bri vs. CM, especially now that CM definitely doesn't have the numbers on either side of the equation. Hope we see Mike again.<br /><br />Zach can fuck off. I'm sure he sheared his hair to be less recognizable after he embarrassed himself on the last one. John/Vince just make this whole thing not fun. Having Abram back reminded me when he was on the Inferno how people went after the money, but didn't completely lose their minds if they lost and seemed to get along better. Theresa even said last season once BanNany went out everyone could be friends. <br /><br />I guess the show doesn't think it can work without John, but I'm just not convinced of that.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  5. Tyra using this show to promote an Amway-style pyramid scheme is amazingly crazy. That Vegas hotel was beat! No wonder I've never heard of it. And so much for the Vegas fashion industry. Did they vacant pool party count? Nyle is too much of a grinning, sunny side dope for me to get into. I stand by my initial assessment that there's something off about him. Tyra's shots of herself in the video had enough Vaseline on the lens to make me think I had wandered into a soap opera dream sequence.
  6. Fuck you, Dr. Drew, and I'm gonna tweet that at his Sad Panda ass, too. Leah is a garbage human being, but Drew is worse for protecting his paycheck at the expense of kids with druggie tart for a mother. Both he and Leah need to get off my screen ASAP.
  7. Leah has sucked on every level, start to finish, for years, with or without drugs. She probably turned to drugs in large part due to the poor decisions she's made and the dead end life she's left with at this young age (though in that hellhole holler 20 appears like 40 to me). She has no education, no goals, is a cheater, multiple failed marriages and children's (childrenses?) fathers. I'd be depressed, too, but I don't think a medal is warranted for her getting help (whatever that means on this show) after driving her life off a cliff, especially with all the subterfuge and lies she/he show work overtime to jam down our throats Though this girl was never going to have a big future, this show has ensured she will never achieve even that, not drugs. Delta Dawn should be kept in a glass cage for children to gasp at as they pass. Disgusting.
  8. It really does make me uncomfortable to see these foolish morons take direction from an obvious and raging drug addict like You Sigh week after week. Seriously, his eyes look like road maps. It's time to replace Kelly. The Hills was a long time ago and her hag wit has long run thin. Devian and Mike have bonded over being assholes! How charming. Ashley looks like she smokes the rock. I know we're supposed to root for Nyle, but there's something off about him. This is like a season of Fugrondas.
  9. That Jenelle/Nipples/Jace scene was so horrible on every level. Watching that, I know with certainty that Jace will be physically abused by Nipps if he lives in that house. Nipps' affection for Jace is obviously fake, but his fits of rage are all too real. And the way Jenelle was staring dreamily at this picture, like this is the perfect life...I hope these two end up with a long prison stretch somehow to keep them away from Jace and society. Liked the Chelsea story. Hard to know what the best thing to do would be if the visitation center was horrible (which I'm sure it was). Does talking to Adumb's parents ever yield any results? Maybe get Adumb to agree to some type of fine system if he takes Aubree alone, since maybe he cares about his wallet? And how did his litany of charges get dismissed?! That blonde lawyer must've graduated from Hogwarts. Adumb's friend in the gym looked like a vagrant they lured into doing the scene using a box of wine on a string. Kail is done with Javi, clearly, and that scene with Kail bitching about his lack of foresight was gold. Play that for her at the IHOP reception for shotgun wedding number 3 in 8 months. I also loved: "The first six months I wanted you around, but now I don't and just want to hang out with my friends while you watch the kids." Presented by Kail as if that's Javi's problem to fix! Lunacy. Leah sucks and is on drugs. Corey and Miranda rock. Every week I pray we get Nipps sobbing in the cop car as promised by the commercials. Please come soon!
  10. I caught this episode after skipping all of last season. What a fall off a cliff a season makes! I've always hated Leah the most, but she now looks like a person on "Intervention," pre-intervention. That poor blue-faced cat! That poor Corey! That poor everybody in her and her dimwit mothers orbit! Except Germy, who also sucks. Chelsea has really gotten her shit together, I have to say. Kail seems to have changed not one inch since I last watched. Still living in misery, in perpetuity. Jenelle is an insufficient human being in many ways that are apparent and need not be listed here. Nathan is disgusting.
  11. I didn't know the turtle was endangered. The show didn't inform me of that. So yes, I did want an explanation. As to the rest: NOPE! If honora is dumb enough to lie in the shade its on her. And asking for her item back to throw it in the fire/lake in a deranged fit is...not something I'm even going to bother responding to. The guys acted inappropriately by not berating her to leave.
  12. Wish those bitches would lay off Shane. When that one gave the interview that he was obviously trying to be cool when it wasn't his personality...isn't that a good thing?! What do you want from him? I was shocked they didn't eat the turtle. Like, it doesn't make sense at all if they haven't eaten in seven days. Honora. I really think I would have hurt her. Were the cameras/producers not around, she'd be at the bottom of that lake along with the supplies. I wonder she would be around another woman in this situation. She seems to think she is always the victim when it comes to men. I can't remember. Was she the one whose roommate was murdered or something?
  13. I don't find Joe very attractive, but to each her own.<br /><br />If Carolyn couldn't get voted in with this ultra weak field of second chancers, while her own season was airing, we are never going to see her again, which makes me happy. There's been someone like her in literally every office I've had the misfortune of working in. If people aren't being paid to be around her, no one wants to be. <br /><br />Last season was awful, this season was awful, and the next season promises to be awful. Show is done, I think.<br /><br />Won't there already be a bunch of alliances set up now, before the game starts, since they know who's going to be there. Tina/Aras/Gervase tried to do that on BvW and I'm not a fan.<br /><br />No Brad! Yea! I'm sure Monica needs help recovering from her latest cosmetic surgery, anyway...
  14. Lock her up, throw away the key for this deranged teacher. 10 years seems light, and won't fix her problems. She should be on the sex registry for life, as she is clearly so broken, twisted, and/or stupid that I definitely see a recidivism potential for her. - She's not a predator, yet she followed the family 650 miles on vacation. Did she strap herself to the chassis of the car like Max Cady? - I also couldn't believe she said she'd be ok with her son sleeping with a teacher. If some dizzy sleaze did that to my son and gave me the pathetic reasoning that she felt unwanted in her marriage, I would put her under the jail. Maybe her marriage wasn't working because she's an insane, narcissistic pedophile. Her husband shouldn't have wanted her. No one should. - isn't 15 old for 8th grade? - I have to admit, before this show I had dismissed these "sex" teachers you see in the news as some form of Pom pom slut trying to stay maintain youthful popularity into her 30s. This episode made me think we need psychiatrists evaluating all educators semi-annually. - she demeans all women by demanding this double standard. If the genders were reversed... I hated her SO much. Please send her away. She can find love with her fellow sickos in prison.
  15. Well, this got gross fast. My Republican mind couldn't help but smirk that Dave and Red were the types who nearly immediately established themselves as a welfare state. They have no education, and have been rejected by real society for fair reasons. There's no sense arguing with them since they're so stupid. Dave is mental, and will always be in the gutter/jail. Possibly from this show, since they are calling 911, apparently, which is weird. All this "in MY utopia..." Is bullshit. Don't you want to get along with the other utopians in your utopia and not live in constant conflict? And, there are a dozen other utopian visions floating about. Are you really not prepare to bend at all? It occurred to me to set up some type of harsh regime to get the undesirables to quit. Not PC, but in MY utopia (heh) we wouldn't be PC. The only way to be happy in this environment is to be in power, I think.
  16. Oh, and put me down to end Team America. These asshats don't deserve another dime, and I think the final Team America vote should be whether they can keep their money. Not that it matters. After that "vote Janelle, Boogie, Brit, Dan into the game" garbage, I know the choice has already been chosen. Or maybe I'd like a Bachelor Pad finale where they can keep or split the money, and hopefully both leave with nothing due to one another's greed.
  17. There is no good end to this season, and I hate them all passionately and equally. This rewind is yet another transparent fix by the show, so they can stack the challenges during the live rewind so it will go the way they want. There are many reasons I can't fathom anyone doing this show, but the obvious rigging and tilting of the game is the primary one. It's like a Carnival game scam-style show. As a mostly show only watcher, I didn't think Christine earned the boos. I didn't see anything that reached Aaryn-levels, and I think I would be much more apt to boo, I don't know, ALL of the losers left than her. After Andy, I thought this notoriously homophobic show (see badly-aging Jeff and his dimwit "legend" girlfriend's return) couldn't sink any lower, yet here we are with Frankie. Short of him pledging his allegiance to the Taliban, I'm not sure he could be any less awful on every level. Moral decay of society and most of what's wrong with America is right there. Caleb is a pathological liar, "dadgum" wimp mode loser stalker PTSD, military honor-stealer. Chief Wiggum is an asshole (somebody staple his hands to the floor during his DRs, please!) who once again, after Survivor, shows the police in this nation are a real sad, compensating breed. Victoria and Cody are just shells of people. I wish the other networks could find something to air in the summer so I didn't get sucked into this ugly mess year after year, but every year like clockwork I hit my limit, and I'm there. Done for this year. Have at it, housemonsters.
  18. I never thought much of Asia on AUDC, but this whole situation makes me very uncomfortable. Billy is pretty much the picture definition of a Hollywood sleaze, there only to use the marginal "talent." His songs are terrible and dated, not that Asia's awful vocals help. The choreographer needs to relax. I get odd vibes from nearly every interaction on this show. What was that scene with he and Shawn sharing a dinner over red wine? Very strange. And the there's the whole Kristi/Shawn trainwreck. Shawn never misses an opportunity to tell Asia how Kristi is impeding his (conveniently-timed) love for her, and Kristi is just a mess, start to finish. Super controlling, irrational, and unable to have anyone control her an ounce. It's okay for hew, but not for anyone else. Even if Asia did have Beyonce talent, which she does NOT, this team would grind her to dust with poor management. I liked how they show the sister going to school. I guess Asia gets no education whatsoever. That, and this cultivated "diva" attitude that is ridiculous on a child...they damn well better hope she makes it. Otherwise, what options does she have?
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