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Everything posted by princelina

  1. Yeah that's what they said - but I never believed it πŸ˜ƒ
  2. I'm out - I watched the cast intros and hated them all - I don't have room for any more reality peeps πŸ˜„. Then Jax and Brittany's and Kristen's news and I'm done. I'm irritated with Kristen for selling that lovely house. I'll be following along in the forums to make sure I'm not missing anything good though! πŸ˜„
  3. What I learned from this episode is that Jax was indeed fired for calling it "his show" πŸ˜‚
  4. Haha I'll probably peek in but won't last very long - I don't have the temperament for this sort of thing when kids are involved. But I'll appreciate your reports!!
  5. Apparently the same people who are interested in watching Kristen attempt to procreate with a "boyfriend" who can't even decide if he wants to live in the same state as her πŸ™„
  6. Whatever - I still think her problem was with the lying, not the vaping. And yes - he was lying to keep the peace because she's a pain in the ass and he didn't want to be with her but didn't want to say so. Just like he was surprised she said yeas on decision day after they had decided otherwise, but went along with it to keep the peace there. I feel like she could keep saying yes for a year and he'd just hang out in the bathroom vaping, waiting to be let off the hook πŸ˜‚Also - I think she has a beef with Christianity, and of course the fact that he clearly doesn't want her physically. But as you say - they live in Colorado - exposing him as a vaper or pot smoker shouldn't be that damaging to him! I bet it starts with the fact that she's a good fucking person!!! πŸ˜ƒ Bingo! The proper question they should be asking is, "Why are they still filming us when we're all broken up?"
  7. Of the wife or the implants? πŸ˜„
  8. Yes I'm far more likely to turn against Sandy for last season's mustache, and this year's wearing of girl clothes and his disgusting manicure! Make it stop! πŸ˜‚
  9. He is gentle and kind, but he's also a giant man-baby who can't handle conflict in the least so he tries to take a weasley way out. That's his problem - I think he could be a fun date but a lousy partner/husband.
  10. Even that crazy Sam of the wax melts found a husband, and said she was ashamed of her behavior on this show - so there's hope for everyone πŸ˜„ Or she said something like, "What's that smell?" "What smell?" "It smells like _____ in the bathroom." "I don't smell anything." "How can you not? Were you vaping?" "No". "Then what's that smell?" "I don't smell anything" and on and on. The lie is the offense, not the original action which you never thought you were making a big deal about when you started. I agree with you on the first two, but Cam started lying during the post-ceremony champagne toast, so Clare was lucky to be a cold bitch. Becca should take some lessons!
  11. Haha thanks for using the quote marks! He's like a RH - should have tested the look sitting down before wearing it in public πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  12. I don't know if this is true though - being a victim is cool in certain circles these days, and I'm willing to bet Becca belongs to one of those circles. Austin is definitely a liar, but Becca has been ridiculously stupid for most of their marriage. And I already know that you are a kinder person than me and more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for being messed with when she was trying to make the marriage work, etc., but I'm still not buying it - she met him on a tv show; if it were me the biggest fear I'd have is that the guy wouldn't like me and I'd be prepared for it. If she wasn't prepared for that at all and just kept on making erotic terrariums and begging for sex then she's just kind of an idiot πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  13. I think she was throwing him under the bus for lying πŸ˜„. I don't necessarily believe everything the women say, but Cam is a known liar and Austin is an admitted one.If his decision was to lie about it until he could escape on decision day that's just further proof that he was not trying to make this work, IMO. It's his dressy look! πŸ˜‚ Also: Austin said that when he went out with the gang and the producer, he had asked Becca about going out but she didn't want to because "she doesn't go out" - I know on the wedding day she told him that she didn't drink but was fine with him doing it, but if he enjoys nights out having a few beers and she doesn't want to go out at all - probably not something he wants to sign up for life with either. And I am not blaming him or her for this: it's another "expert" fail.
  14. Becca is an idiot; that is clear. But I fail to see how she "made him lie" about vaping?
  15. Yikes! I don't really know who Harry Styles is but pictures of him on the covers of magazines at Barnes & Noble give me the creeps! Sandy - you are too old for that crap - I can at least excuse Harry for being young and stupid!
  16. If one could make money for being a professional liar, my brother would be a millionaire. And one tip he has told me that liars do: Deny til you die. That's Cam in a nutshell - I want to see those texts. I'd also like to see proof that he was in the hospital with a heart condition. He's a Lie Til You Die kind of guy. Although can't you all totally see Clare telling him, "You can kiss me, but I won't like it" - I'll believe him on that one! πŸ˜‚ I think Austin is just a regular guy with a regular guys lies - he admitted it really quickly and knows he biffed it with the "hanging out with the producer" lie. And his lies about vaping and other things were him just not wanting to "get in trouble" while he waited out the marriage. He's still full of shit about wishing he had done better, etc. - all he had to do was start sleeping with his wife and nothing else would have mattered as far as she was concerned πŸ˜‚ So no matter how much stupid old Becca "regrets her decisions" or whatever she's going to do, it won't even matter because in the end he doesn't want her and will just hang around until she finally gets a clue. Also - he mentioned that Becca wanted to bring up the religion talk with the experts, and Becca made a snide remark during the episode (not afterparty) about his next wife being a Christian and praying, so I think she was carrying a grudge about that the whole time - from the first mention it was obviously her problem and not his. Fault on that: the "experts" Emily making out with an Australian? First of all - hee hee πŸ˜„. Second of all - she looked like an idiot "hoping for more" all these weeks with a Brennan who clearly disliked her - I wished all season she'd just be honest with the experts, and if she knew it was over enough to make out with the Australian she could have given us a little better on the show! 😑 Lauren: give Orion an angry set-down or get off my tv! Chloe: maybe she wants to make her "dream" so ridiculous that Michael will have to be the bad guy and dump her; maybe she wants to make herself sound good - both options have been offered here and I don't know which to choose! What I do know is that she has no actual plans to run an animal sanctuary or adopt "kiddos" - I call bullshit on her entire act.
  17. Alright WHAT is Sandy wearing in this photo? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  18. Yeah I don't hate Allie - she didn't move in with James that quickly after his very public breakup for love, no matter what his crazy mother thinks. But they all have their issues and she doesn't bother me for that.
  19. I haven't even watched yet, but I remember when one of the female "experts" (I think Pia) went to her home - I'm pretty sure it was an apartment, and when she was asked where her nightstand was she explained that she's a "minimalist" - which she also told Michael on their honeymoon. I call BS on her entire thing. (Although at the time I suspected she had moved her nightstand to the storage room to keep the "expert" out of it πŸ˜‚)
  20. She went from Kentucky to meet him in Vegas, had sex with him, visited him in LA twice and then packed up her car and "changed mah whole LAHF for him"!!! So I've never questioned her intentions - they were pretty obvious from the start! πŸ˜„ I think everyone liked her because she was nicer than all of the rest of them. As for thinking of the child - Jax went on House of Villains because he needed "college money" for his kid! πŸ˜„
  21. I think they're all just waiting for this cash cow to end so that they can all peace out. That's why it's both boring and uncomfortable to watch. Meanwhile, if Ariana doesn't get somewhat on board with the Sandy redemption then she will be left out. But we can see from the upcoming scenes that she does, if she goes to the beach with them all when Sandy is there.
  22. She may be perfect for Schwartz, but that's about all I'll say for her, and it's not exactly a compliment after the last couple years. She's just too much - and I attribute it to her being "on" for the cameras, which is annoying. If it's how she really acts in real life I can see why nobody except Schwartz and Kristen like her! Just when I was starting to think I might be softening a little bit towards old "Lala" she reverted to type and started aggressively telling Katie that Katie can't act the way she ("Lala") is acting at the same time. Scheana's gonna Scheana - whatever πŸ˜„. I hope her little girl's accident in front of her will have the effect of making her relax! And I hope she and Brock stay together - they're both ridiculous but I like them together πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Allie's astrology charts are supposed to make them understand each other? I have no idea what she was talking about for any of them! πŸ˜„ The most amusing bit for me was the gossipy tidbit about Jax still cheating on Brit - gee, Lisa, I guess now I'll HAVE to watch your crappy new show! πŸ™„πŸ˜‚. And then the "coming up this season" includes that Jax is "hosting a brunch" there - hahahahahahahaha! Also: this whole Sandoval/Raquel story seems so scripted to me - like it's just what they came up with after she refused to come back. I had a sleeveless sweater very similar to the one Sandy wore tonight - it was the summer of 1985 and I was a 17-year-old (female) high school graduate. I did not have the pretty necklace though - pity! πŸ˜„
  23. Yes! And both Becca and Cameron had pretty strong feelings about religion which were not considered. This was terrible matching all around. Screw Austin - she started with "what did you do last night?" "Oh Brennan and I went out for drinks and ran into some of the producers in the bar" - done. Giving one word answers to each question just so you can say "I didn't say that exactly" is the move of at least a sneak, at worst a liar. That's when it becomes a crime πŸ˜„
  24. Maybe so, but he started lying to her before they even had a chance to make an agreement. He is a liar liar, not just a "liar by arrangement".
  25. Since this is all based on the word of Known Liar Cameron I'll take it with a grain or 2 of salt πŸ™„
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