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Everything posted by FiveByFive

  1. They really did not do enough to establish Heather as Bill's one and only. To me it seemed like they knew each other for basically a few moments quite a while ago and then she decided, "Okay! I'm gonna run off with you despite the fact I haven't mentioned you at all in eons!" However, Heather implied what she did was take what was left of Bill, rearrange it to be like her and she could totally put it back into human form whenever Bill wants because she can rearrange molecules. I think it was an intentionally open ending for Bill's character should Chibnall decide to pick her back up on the show. Bill knows about regeneration, isn't sure the Doctor is going to do it, doesn't entirely believe he might be dead and leaves him her tears so she can find him again. Her, "back in time for tea" seemed to imply that she would be back at some point but for now she was going to travel with Heather and show her around.
  2. They had this discussion before going on this adventure. Bill: She [Missy] scares me. Like, she really scares me. Okay? Just promise me one thing, yeah? Just promise you won't get me killed. The Doctor: I can't promise you that. Bill: Thanks. The Doctor: I mean, look, you're human and humans are so boring. Bill: Cheers. The Doctor: I mean, you pop like balloons. I mean, one heart, it's your most important organ and you have no backup. It's like a budget cut. Bill: Will you try & keep me alive? The Doctor: Within reason. Bill: Thanks, mate. So she can't very well go on and be truly upset with him when he warned her this could happen. She always had the power to say, "no." This isn't a job and she isn't being paid. Martha Jones remains one of the only new series companions that said no to going on an adventure & stuck with it. First, she did when she left the series to resume her normal life. The second time was when she came back to the series as a professional on Earth and was annoyed that she got dragged on an adventure by the Tardis when she didn't want to go again. (I'd add in passing she seemed to be happy with her life BEFORE the Doctor arrived which made her different from Rose and everyone else after her.) Also the Doctor was moving as fast as he could. Unfortunately the time at the bottom of the ship moved much faster. The interesting part is, while Bill was watching him "slowly" try to find her upstairs, she didn't seem upset with him. Very Amelia Pond 2.0. My ending for Bill has always been her finishing University then becoming a teacher herself. That, to me, would be full circle for her. Hopefully she'll be around after Moffat with Chibnall to be able to do that. (Although I still have no clue how she'll survive this.)
  3. Missy/The Master is clearly faking this. Of all of the random things that I've always hated about the Doctor is that in the end the Master/Missy always lives to fight another day because, IMHO, part of him still thinks she can change. At some point you have to realize that she can't! Also they expect us to believe the Monks just "ran away" when they can shoot lightning bolts from their hands? Sure, okay. That makes no sense -- unless they "saw" the future and knew without the control over the population they'd eventually be defeated. That would make sense. Of course they didn't say that so it doesn't make sense. I absolutely loved that: The Doctor made it clear that this was Bill's fault. Bill owned that this was her fault. She was willing to take out the Doctor when she thought he turned "bad." I don't think she got off easily because: She actively tried to sacrifice herself. I mean, she still was willingly ready to die. They made her live without them for six months instead of informing her earlier while fighting the influence of the Monks. I thought the constructed memory of her mom helping her save the world was sweet but I wasn't as moved by it as I thought I would be - probably because it didn't make any sense at all without some fanwanking. "Oh this memory, fake or not, is the most important memory to Bill because her mother means more to her than anything in the world and gives her strength!" See, they didn't say that so ... yeah. Finally my favorite Bill line: "Why do you have a woman locked in a vault? Because even I think that’s weird – and I’ve been attacked by a puddle.” True Bill, very true!
  4. Moffat nonsense strikes again! I'll be happy to see him go. You nailed everything that bothered me about this episode. 1. The Doctor didn't tell Bill that he was blind from jump which was incredibly stupid. I can see him not telling the "World Leaders" but that's about it. 2. Bill acting incredibly selfishly. We'll get back to this one. 3. The Doctor never explaining to Bill that if he dies he should "regenerate" into a new version of himself. 2. (Continued) You know I get that maybe she thought the Doctor could fix everything if she simply consented so that he could escape the lab. I get that once before he has pointed out to her and he has made a point of noting this season that he's just the guy that helps out humanity and doesn't consider himself part of it or able to make decisions on behalf of it. However, Bill was the last person I'd think would say, "Okay well I want you alive so everyone else can totally possibly die because you MIGHT be able to fix things later!" That is some kind of Clara Oswald type thinking which ended up getting her "killed" in the end. "Oh yes, Doctor! I'm sure you can fix this incredibly brave thing I did which wasn't as much brave as it was me being cocky! Oh wait, you can't? Forget about me I'm going to fly around space now trapped in the moment before my death!" So what if Bill let him die? He, more than likely, would have just come back anyway! However, she didn't know that since he never explained regeneration to her at any point. It's just an incredible loop of stupidity but that's what I expect from Moffat. One thing I did like .... I liked the fact that, Erica, the woman that helped him blow up the bacteria was a little person and that they didn't make point of it. She just was capable and smart.
  5. Honestly, Tracy made HR enjoyable for me tonight. I didn't care either way before but now the two are kind of adorable. I recall thinking, "I hope she sticks around for a little while." This is very tricky and I'm not sure how they're going to wiggle their way out of it. Future Barry is Savitar and knows everything current Barry knows right down to the words used in discussions between characters -- how is he ever going to do anything "different" that wasn't done before? Everything that has happened has apparently already happened despite the fact that they've tried to change things. I mentioned this a while ago because it simply doesn't make sense that they know when Iris will die, they know where Iris will die, they know what she's wearing when she does die and they know who will kill her but they're doing nothing proactive to stop that by removing her from the situation entirely. Destroy the outfit! Go to Earth 3 where we know you don't die! Do something other than wandering around with the group going, "Gee, Barry I hope you guys figure it out! Now I'm gonna go type on a computer or something! Bye!" It'd be one thing if she said, "I don't think I can change this no matter what I do!" but all they were doing the middle part of the season is trying to change it. The simple solution would be to send her as far away from where she dies as possible: another Earth entirely.
  6. As other people have pointed out, other companions have done that. This is the first time she has seen someone killed before her eyes. I'd be more concerned if she just shrugged it off. Instead of talking about the history of the situation, I'll only point out that the bad guy was the only one treating Bill like that. The people at the fair had no problem talking to her, selling her things, etc. The guy working at the shipping yard had no problem seeing her as the Doctor's partner. I'd just say the bad guy was exceptionally racist. Also, once again, Bill is just amazing. I am continuing to enjoy the dynamic she has with the Doctor. She asks good questions like pointing out that the sonic screwdriver doesn't exactly look like a screwdriver. She points out important things including the idea that asking if a man was around a dock with a ship tattoo may not be garner the best answer. One thing I noticed is: he's not just traveling with her to show her the world he's also teaching her to think critically and make decisions. None of it is an after thought. It's a very pointed decision to do so -- specifically asking her what does she think, what should he do ... it seems like it's all going to lead to something. Since he's clearly putting himself into the position of teacher this time around, my guess is, eventually Bill is going to "graduate" and go on to some wonderful things. I could see her going back to school and becoming a Professor herself or something even more important. It just feels like he's preparing her for something. This is just pure speculation. It's still refreshing that she's not, the "most important woman in the universe," "the girl who waited" or "impossible girl" from jump.
  7. It was kind of brilliant in a way. Pilots of aircraft generally have seats to sit in while they're piloting. Since she was talking to him about flying the Tardis, the simple issue was, if you're flying around space why are you standing up while doing it? You've got a chair but it's too far back against the rail. Why not have the chair be next to the controls like any other drive/pilot of any vehicle? Upon looking back there has been some kind of seat in several iterations of it. No one ever really uses it so they're not something you notice. Ecc/Tennant's doctor had a chair which was closer to the controls that made more sense. Matt Smith's doctor had a chair against the rail. This Doctor has one but it's further back from the Tardis controls. I literally never paid attention before her comment.
  8. Exactly. I completely and totally adore Bill. I love her questions right down to, why not just move the chair? She simply just makes "sense." She's so eager to learn new things. There's no indication that she's the "most special companion ever!" She's just a girl, that makes chips who truly enjoys hanging with the Doctor. I also like that how he defers to her as if he's "teaching" her. He's leading her on to making her own decisions. Maybe her journey will be as simple as her realizing that she should go university officially. It's just a beautiful dynamic and so far I love her more than Amy and Clara. (Both of whom I hated or was annoyed by at this point already.) As someone else said, nothing has been confirmed yet. I get that they would want a fresh slate for the new creative team. I do really think it will be up to them to decide what they want to do with her. Hopefully they will love her as much as the audience seems to and keep her around for the transition. It always annoyed me that "Martha Jones" got one season and Catherine Tate didn't want to do another since they were my favorite companions. Amy and Clara just never seemed to go soon enough. Bill, I really like and I would love to see more of.
  9. To Mellie's credit she didn't want to win it "that way." It's one thing to fight for the presidency. It's another thing to accept the help of evil, corrupt murderers. She knew what was going down and she wanted out. While everyone on the show has done pretty bad things, ultimately she is the least corrupt of the bunch. I felt pretty bad about Liz North because, whether I liked her character or not, she did NOT deserve to go out like that. She was always a tough cookie and being clubbed to death wasn't something she deserved. I figured she was going to get it since she hasn't been around much at all. If she had to die, I'd of rather had her go down fighting. One thing I don't like about the series is how everyone keeps forgetting how evil the other people are. Cyrus is far from a good man. Olivia's father is far from a good man. However you have had Abby fighting for Cyrus all season and Olivia crying over her father's fake arrest? Cyrus' husband is right to keep Ella away from him. Both of them are killers but then again so are Olivia, Fitz, Huck and Quinn. Also where the hell was Susan Ross this season?
  10. Well, who needs alarms when the air is full of magical radiation? Sealed with a magical lock. In a fountain in another dimension which would normally take people months to locate .... unless you're a Traveler and can pop around to each! And there are so few Travelers thanks to the Beast! Besides it doesn't matter anyway because you wouldn't even know any of this unless you worked at the library! And here comes Penny and Sylvia to satisfy all of these things. Also, I'm of the party that does not think Sylvia is gone for good. She was hell bent on reading her book for a purpose. For her to say, "Penny this is where my book ends!" is one thing but her saying "Oh, BTW you can't save me or else you gonna' die too! Go! Go! Shu! Let me die now ... alone where you can't see!" How would she know the second thing? This part bugged me but it's not completely uncommon in stories about Gods and Goddesses 'n such. They could care less about humans but they're super into protecting each other. "Yeah, ... he did some really bad stuff to you humans! Oh well! Me and the kid are going home! Bye gurl! Oh and here's your shade just because you didn't murder him when I asked you to! Have a nice life! Peace!" I was shocked Julia didn't turn around and shoot Persephone. After all, she's not supposed to have a "shade" but she has been acting pretty darn normal since she set those trees on fire in Fillory. Also none of this would have happened had Persephone just taken care of her son.
  11. I didn't think of this either but probably because within the context of the universe/situation Olivia being angry made sense. The first thing Abby should have done was get word to Olivia what was going on when the organization threatened her. Olivia is a fixer, Jake could have helped, her father could have helped, they all could have helped. Instead, she kept it to herself. She ended up helping Olivia's father kill the Pres. She got their witness killed and nearly got Huck killed, a person who Abby has known and worked with for years. Abby's stupidity helped land her in this situation and possibly, getting herself off that high chair they established she's been on for the past season plus could have saved lives and prevented all of this. She should have known better. I can forgive Huck not trying another door only because he drowning, running out of air, shot multiple times etc. Of course, I agree he should be dead. Finally the best part of this episode is of course Olivia's black jacket. That thing was bad ass.
  12. Everyone has come such a long way since season one and not in a good way. Quentin: fell in love with Alice, lost her after she became a niffin, found out she bonded with him, lied to his friends about it and then set her free rather than box her which will allow her to possibly cause more damage. Alice: died / became a niffin and now she's off to learn new magic in order to possibly cause more havoc. Julia: was raped by a god after it killed all her friends, became pregnant, lost her "shade" in the process of getting rid of the child, wanted for kidnapping on Earth & is supposed to be in jail in Fillory (after murdering a ton of trees) & she nearly got Quentin killed. While at least Kady knows it's not entirely Julia's fault since she no longer has a "soul" (because of something she had no control over) there's currently no way to fix things Eliot: trapped in marriage and in a world he doesn't even want to be on and now he's going to lose his child Margo: brokered a deal to lose said child Penny: lost his magic then signed a lifetime+ contract as a librarian's assistant to get it back and then there's Kady who lost her mother but ... she's still doing better than her other classmates. I was never the biggest Quentin fan because he has always come off as a bit awkward and weak unlike someone like Margo who is strong willed and has no problem making hard decisions. However, both of their positions have or will land them in hot water with everyone else. Also I totally called Reynard's son as probably growing up to be a decent guy. Hopefully he won't be corrupted by Reynard but I'm hoping the little bit of "good" in him will prevail and he'll turn against him once he learns how evil he is.
  13. I thought about this and since it is law that she doesn't have any power (which wouldn't necessarily change if Eliot didn't wake up) and since the trees aren't on their side at all, by telling the dryad the King's condition that might lead the Dryad + Trees to inform their opposition that they have been weakened. While I think Penny should have waited to Mayakovsky, him being completely impetuous is totally part of the character. Helping Mayakovsky with his battery could have potentially helped them all. Hopefully he'll find a contract loophole. However, I still love Kady and Penny as a couple. While the Dryad was a dick, the trees have legitimate reasons for not trusting them. Julia just proved them right. I agree, however, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a completely decent guy who Julia will want to suck dry just to kill Reynard.
  14. True, Eddie made that decision on his own. Although when Speed Force Eddie was asking if rescuing Wally was the only reason he was there I kept thinking, wait ... didn't Eddie's body get sucked into the paradox after he "killed" himself? What if ..... Otherwise it was another episode where every character made one stupid decision after the next as I've come to expect from this show. I actually think this was the smartest decision she could have made or that any character has made on this show in a long time. Iris knows she's going to die generally at a certain time, at a certain place, while wearing a certain outfit and no wedding ring but she does nothing to circumvent that herself. On one hand, because of "time stuff" we know that any action she takes could lead to this happening. On the other hand, her doing nothing will definitely lead to this happening. Jesse knows Savitar has "plans" for her so rather than stay and fight she takes off to Jay's world where Savitar isn't present but she's obviously needed as their "Flash." I just appreciate that she's not sitting around giving him an opportunity to do this and is being active in preventing that destiny herself.
  15. Today a couple of articles came out in the Hollywood Reporter 'The Vampire Diaries' Could Get a Second Spinoff with an interview with Plec about a potential spinoff and Caroline on the Originals. I'll post that one in the media thread but the relevant part is, The CW President apparently seems "optimistic" about it returning but I suppose that depends on how this season does. The other article was about things they scrapped from the finale. 'The Vampire Diaries' Boss Explains Finale Deaths, Callbacks and Scrapped Ending I would have liked to learn a bit more about Bonnie's future so we know Ghost Enzo won't keep haunting her for the rest of her life until she can be with him.
  16. Today a couple of articles dropped in the Hollywood Reporter on the series finale and future of one of the characters. 'The Vampire Diaries' Could Get a Second Spinoff 'The Vampire Diaries' Boss Explains Finale Deaths, Callbacks and Scrapped Ending
  17. Technically nearly any of the living characters, as in anyone that was alive after Bonnie's spell contained and channeled the hellfire, can pop up on The Originals. Caroline is the most likely because of her connection to Klaus although I don't want those two together. Bonnie is traveling the world but she's still a powerful witch from a powerful line who could lend help when necessary. We know Elena went to medical school, married Damon and then died at some point in the "distant" future but I doubt Nina would ever return to the show and I'd be happy to never see her again as Elena because at least her life as we could imagine it would have ended happily. However, for all of them, we don't know the details of what happened post show. I wouldn't be upset to see some of them but only if it's written well and they get to leave their appearance alive.
  18. Kady said there was a complication so I'm assuming that Julia's suffering isn't completely over. Also, didn't the other witch who banished Reynard say that her baby was given up for adoption? Plus Reynard is still out there and probably will be pissed. I was wondering why he didn't just get off the ground (jump) and teleport, or put a gold bar back to get out of there. As for taking all the gold he was touching out, I'm assuming there's a limit to how much weight he can carry with him but that's a fanwank from reading comics. I appreciated the fact that they acknowledged that they can feel more than one way about a person at once which is obviously what they feel about Julia. She did nearly get them all killed but she was also dealing with being raped and impregnated by a trickster God that massacred her friends and was continuing to kill people. So yes, they can be pissed at her but they can also understand she was/is dealing with a lot.
  19. That was truly the most satisfying television series ending I have seen in a while for a show that has gone on this long. The writing wasn't always great but somehow they nailed this one episode and that made all the difference. Also props to all the actors, from Jasmine Guy to Arielle Kebbel that popped in for the finale. I was a mess.
  20. I think Bonnie might be down for the count for now but not classically dead. They were dropping too many anvils that Bonnie will be the person to help set things straight. As you mentioned, Enzo's "live all your life" and Dorian/Alaric's "mega blast of psychic energy" plus Enzo reminding Bonnie that yeah, she still has her magic. There's no guarantee that Elena is coming back at the start of the episode. I just think, it's pretty clear, that Bonnie once again will end up risking her life to fix everything since she fits all the requirements of being a person who can actually do anything to fix what's going on. Plus, Damon died last episode and was close enough to his body after Bonnie's battle with Cade that he could jump right back into it once Stefan killed Cade. As long as Bonnie has a body, if she is dead, she can also come back. Finally: Vicki? There is zero reason she should be in hell. Yes, I was happy to see her but that doesn't make sense at all.
  21. I think one of the takeaways from the episode featuring Quentin's dad was that you can't cure brain cancer with magic. I could see him thinking bringing Alice back might have worked since her death was a magical one and they did bring back her brother even if he was still evil and niffinish.
  22. I think we've seen this trope a few times on shows like Charmed, Grim and Angel. My guess is the baby is the one protecting itself. Originally it "influenced" the receptionist to delete the appointment. That didn't work. Then it made the Doctor drop the tube a couple of times. That didn't work. Finally it made the doctor kill herself because that was the only way she would have stopped. I guess we now know what special plans Reynard had in store for Julia. If he wanted her dead, he could have done it a long time ago. Also, I mean, she's still hanging at her apartment so it's not like he has to go searching. I kind of hate this plot only because when the baby is born they've always made it clear it can still choose either good or evil while it was operating with an undefined immeasurable power set in the womb and "seems" evil in the womb. (The truth is, the child always tries to protect itself and its mother.) I feel like this happens in the second season of every show about a group of people with powers. They're all separated now into their little groups but they usually do come back together in clumps. It's likely whatever Julia is doing is going to collide with everyone else's goals at some point. Could the baby be the key to stopping the death of magic? That would be my guess.
  23. I think the biggest problem I had with this story is that Tom and Cyrus sort of just, "got together." I remember it coming out of nowhere and it never really made sense. It's not even the age difference, it's just that there wasn't a whole lot of them "building" to any kind of a relationship at all. It was more like, "BOOM!" This is a thing that we are doing! So now we have crazy Tom giving Cyrus everything he wants. Cyrus isn't stupid. He knew Tom was out of his mind. So him even giving Tom the slightest idea that he wanted to be President knowing what Tom is capable of is damning. On the other hand, I'm happy the character is going down. I haven't liked him since he almost sent Quinn's boyfriend to kill James but called it off at the last minute. Also I don't believe for a second that Tom would have stopped at making Cyrus, president. I wouldn't have put it past him to go against Cyrus' wishes and kill Michael as well. It's like they wanted to do a fatal attraction thing here but they didn't really focus on the early part of the story nor did we know a lot about Tom at all.
  24. Exactly. It's at the point where I watched out of curiousity but I simply don't trust the writers to handle anything in a way that makes sense while honoring the characters. I didn't entirely hate it but I realized that while I love Tom Mison and Lyndie Greenwood this show has been through so much from the beginning with so many changes that I have far too much baggage to continue on with it. Jenny and Crane are the only two long running members of the cast at this point and I would have liked it they would have just had her become a witness upon Abby's death but I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they just killed her off to completely axe all ties with the previous iteration of the series.
  25. I just watched the interview because I'd never seen it. She seemed to think his accent was fascinating and he did a little over half of the interview in it. They do pre-interviews on her show so they know what they can talk about and what stories she should bring up so it's likely he knew it was coming and was okay with it. Everything else she said to him was highly complimentary. She claimed she asked him to switch accents to "freak" the audience out. I do think it's jarring when you hear an actor on a TV series with an American accent then hear them with their natural one. If anything I think it was an example of how great of an actor he is. However, I would have been annoyed if she had of asked me to "stay" with a different voice than my natural one. He seemed to be in good spirits the entire time if not a bit nervous. Which just brings me back to my original point: I like Alfred Enoch but Wes was so annoying. When he's not Wes he's actually very charming and he also has completely different mannerisms. I'm sure since he's part of the Shondaland family we'll see him again if he doesn't land something else after this season.
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