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Everything posted by nara

  1. I've decided that the only way I can deal with Mary leaving is if someone writes a fan fiction that she was attracted to her grown-up sons in the wrong way and had to make herself leave. ;) JK, but Mary is probably younger that both of them, so that's got to be strange.
  2. Reminds me of The Hitchhiker's Guide when an alien thought that Ford Prefect (the name of a very popular car) was a common and inconspicuous human name to pick for himself.
  3. I am so tired of people leaving Dean! All I'm saying is he'd better have a happy ending by the series finale. I get that Mary had to mourn her old life, but Dean has been mourning her for over 30 years! This is worse than if she had remained dead. Good story this episode. I like that Mary's maternal instincts were right on and she's fearless. Plus, I like her haircut.
  4. Late to this party, but according to IMDB, the original title was Let Her Go , which would have worked with the prostitute story and the Hannah/Caroline story. It was changed due to the popularity of Let it Go from Frozen. Not sure if the original title was based on the song Let Her Go, but maybe they had trouble finding another song name to fit the episode... I think that Caroline genuinely welcomed the angel into her body and wanted to support the angels getting back into heaven. She would never have kicked Hannah out. But that doesn't mean she didn't feel a sense of loss over her old life. That pain was exacerbated when they saw her husband and his continued grief at the loss of his wife. (I wonder if they had a spat before Caroline accepted Hannah, and she just assumed he wouldn't miss her. I can't remember if we heard how Hannah got her vessel.) I actually really liked the Castiel/Hannah storyline (yes, I know I am the only one) and I thought that relationship was headed somewhere. However, the abrupt ending made sense too and was a good reminder of the fact that vessels had made real sacrifices. It also showed how quickly Hannah gained her humanity. I was thinking wife.
  5. I only hope that these young actresses' and actors' careers are not hurt by the drivel on this show. Yep, I think that's all I have to say about the finale.
  6. Agreed. They really did a great job of surprising me. Well done, right to the end. I'll stick around for another season.
  7. I agree, it will be the prince's assistant, which is completely lame. Would prefer it to be Stan or Bruno.
  8. There was a movie called Original Gangstas so it's probably a play on that, plus they're a gang, plus they're full of angst. It worked on many levels.
  9. Lol. It didn't even occur to me that the groom might have paid for it. Also, I'll allow that Aria is the perfect size -2 and probably didn't need a fitting. I'm really just annoyed at the timeline this season that doesn't allow for Jason's return to help his sister but does allow for extensive wedding planning and book writing.
  10. Perhaps Spencer or Caleb did some research on how they can burn off their fingerprints with acid? Only explanation for consistent lack of gloves that I can think of...
  11. She has been working for one year(she's 23--right?) as an editorial assistant. They don't make that much money. Plus, she doesn't seem to have done any work for ages, so she may have been switched off of salary when she officially became the co- author. But more importantly, how did she get a dress so quickly after getting engaged? Now, if it later becomes clear that she got something off the rack, I'll takeback my comment, but I am pretty sure she'll step out in $4000 dress. Love this!
  12. Jason's early arrival really means he's been in town for some time. How did Aria buy a dress and how did she afford one? She doesn't seem to have told her parents yet about the engagement. Somehow, I think Caleb might be good at giving massages, so that's some upside for Jenna.
  13. I felt really bad for Spencer during the scene with Toby. Once again, great acting by Troian. She was very believable as someone devastated, but putting on a brave face. I think she's the best actress of the lot. I was almost sure that Toby would tell her he still loved her, but I guess that was not to be. Does anyone know if that was Toby's final scene in the show? As I said, I felt really bad for Spencer...until she left her keys in the car and went exploring in a cellar. WTF? I don't leave my keys in the car and I'm not even being stalked by multiple psychos! Why is Aria not thinking of her family when she's considering eloping? The whole thing is absurd. No way she would get married without her mother. Nice to see Emily's mother. Glad to know one of the parents still exists. Doesn't Hanna's mom run the Radley? Where has she been? Glad to see that Jason finally returned and started to take charge. He's smart not to trust Mary. I hope he and Aria end up together after Ezra is revealed to be AD. So who is Mary's second child? My vote is Allison! The child is the same age as the Liars. Allison is really Mary's daughter and was taken by Jessica!
  14. I do like the idea of Rachel being forced to date Jeremy because he killed 2 people for her. She annoys the heck out of me.
  15. I don't think that Quinn had any idea that Jeremy was back and in touch with Rachel. She couldn't have anticipated the murder. She expected Rachel to "take care of it" the usual way--by outsmarting them. First of all, I see a lot of comments about the poor background checks. But the real incompetence is shown by Everlasting's Security Team! They let Chet back on the lot after he was exiled and he was able to wreak havoc with the suitor, they let Jeremy back on set after he attacked Rachel, they allowed Darius to run off with a car, and in this episode they allowed Coleman back on the set! Someone's head has to roll! I thought the car accident at the end was lame. I expected Rachel to whip out the pictures of her bruises after Jeremy attacked her and claim to the reporters that Coleman was the one who attacked her and that, as her boss, he coerced her into sex. The public might forgive him for faking a documentary, but hitting a woman who worked for him and sexually harassing her would be less likely to be forgiven by his liberal (I assume) fans. I felt like actual murder was jumping the shark. Quinn's reaction to "true love" was really well done. She continues to be my favorite character because I think she is the most realistic character and Constance Zimmer is pitch perfect. I do think that more closure with John Booth would have made sense--even showing her watching an E! news story showing him with some hot woman of childbearing age. I liked Ruby's return AND her refusal to marry Darius then and there. Predictable, yes, but I'm glad that Darius got a happy ending. He turned out to be kinder and more decent than he appeared at the beginning of the season. He repeatedly showed genuine concern about the various ladies and their dignity. Image rehab successful.
  16. The worst thing was seeing a preview for the "Summer Finale" and realizing that they are not ending this series at the end of the summer. :( This, of course, means were up for more idiotic twists. They seem to be doing a culling of characters a la Game of Thrones, which is a good thing. Let's have fewer suspects and get down to the core group and finally resolve this mystery. Ali is so dispirited that it's bringing the whole show down. I heard that the actress has had some health issues, so perhaps that's affecting her acting? Even her makeup is making her look so dull and lifeless. They also need a new stylist for her. Speaking of style, was I the only one who hated Aria's outfit? What happened to everyone's parents? I miss having some sensible people. I thought the Spaleb breakup was well-acted by Troian. Glad that's over. I liked their relationship, because it felt like they were matched in terms of maturity and intelligence, but it was too angsty. Perhaps Hanna's fashion degree was a 2-year one? That might help the timeline. However, I do think it would have made more sense to have a 7 or 8 year jump. How did Allison become a teacher in such a short time? How did she even go to college at the same time as the others, given how much school she must have missed. I wish they would publish an infographic or timeline of this show every time they retcon something.
  17. This reminded me of The Devil Wears Prada. I am not sure I blame these guys from wanting to get away from the frequently self-inflicted drama of the Liars.
  18. That was the line that made me think it was some form of incest. He mentioned last week that he wanted progeny. I remember commenting on whether Quinn could still have children. I think she does. People often think the trauma of telling the police and having to confront the attacker at a trial will be too much for the victim. Not sure I believe that, but I am not an expert.
  19. I liked the show parts -- the immunity challenge, the twist of having the girls vote someone off, and the double twist of Darius not allowing it. I finally had some respect for him. Glad to see Ruby, but sorry Darius didn't to doing something publicly to declare his love. She was right, though, and he just reached out because there was no other option. Glad to see Jay take charge. Madison needs to stop doing her hair like a little girl-- it's been annoying be since that incident with Chet. Quinn and Chet have really great chemistry. Despite her relationship with John and Chet's wistful look at Tiffany when she and Darius hooked up, they might end up together. Rachel's reveal was not that shocking. I actually expected to hear that she was raped by her father or brother, so it was actually less shocking than I expected. Sadly, I felt nothing for her...which is weird.
  20. He probably felt it was a long time coming! In the episode Castle Leoch, Murtagh thought Dougal was up to something when Jamie took Laoghaire's beating. In The Gathering, Dougal stood ready to kill Jamie if he refused to pledge his fealty to Colum. Dougal then maneuvered Jamie to marry Claire because that would put him out of the running for Laird. IIRC, in the Lallybroch episode it's mentioned that Dougal told Jamie that Jenny had given birth to BJR's child--which we know was not possible. And yet, I did not expect it!
  21. I don't watch Cops (didn't know it was still on) so I will defer to your knowledge on the roughness of the arrest. However, if that is how police treat everyone, including alleged non-violent offenders, that is an issue. True, it's possible that they don't know Darius enough to recognize him, but I got a different impression from the dialogue.
  22. Here's how I understood the situation and the motivations at eachieve step. It's ambiguous in my opinion in some cases whether or not the motivations were racially-based. There are many things that can be interpreted either way, without knowing more about the officers involved. Either way, this is horrific incident that Rachel and Coleman caused. The cops stopped a car that was reported stolen(Non-racial). Darius and Romeo joked about giving the police a couple of signed pictures (non-racial). Darius didn't have license so they got suspicious (non-racial). Knowledge of who Darius is but unability to recognize him (maybe racial, maybe darkness). The people in car tried to explain the situation and the police didn't believe them (maybe racial, maybe not). Tiffany looked zonked out in the back seat and the policewoman told Romeo to shut up when he tried to explain (maybe racial, maybe not). Policewoman telling Romeo to shut up when he tried to talk to Darius (maybe racial, maybe not). Rough treatment of Darius as he was made to leave car (probably racial). Disbelief in his injury (maybe racial, maybe not). Policeman being startled by Rachel running towards scene from behind him (non-racial). Policeman being startled by Romeo moving behind him (non-racial). Policeman shooting one person who startled him and not the other (probably racial, maybe distance-related). Analysis: although many parts of the confrontation were not racially-motivated, the final outcome was impacted by race.
  23. Or TWINS! One boy, one girl (speaking of physical bodies) and in her fragile mental state she's confusing the two.
  24. I'm a little astonished that so many people think we're supposed to feel sympathy for Rachel,. I thought the whole point of the series is that she is a horrible person, who would do anything to further her show. Even worse, she deludes herself that he's the good one helping people. Plus, she makes everything about her. In the Alabama episode, she deliberately sent Darius into a hostile situation. It was no thanks to her that it didn't turn out to be terrible. Then, she took advantage of Beth Ann and was so turned on by the prospect that she jumped Coleman in public. In this episode, she refered to "her Africa" like it belonged to her, and then claimed that she was the one doing good by "helping" the 16 million viewers of her show. I think the point of this episode was that she not only did the worst thing EVER by setting up Darius and then creating the commotion that startled the officer and got Romeo shot, she then fled the scene by first hiding out in her truck and then calling her mommy to get her, rather than face the accusing eyes of those around her. Even her rant to Adam was self-pitying when she should have been focused on Romeo and Darius. Rachel and Coleman both fancy themselves as dogooders who are helping Black people ("We have the first Black suitor--that's groundbreaking" and the idea that "we are going to show cops harassing poor Darius"), but they don't have enough real understanding about the reality of Black people's lives, so they're actually doing more harm than good. A few other thoughts: -Can Rachel actually end up in jail for her role in this matter? -I wish that policewoman Jamison had been in the car with them, so we could have gotten her reaction. I think that was a missed opportunity. She could have understood the suspicion of the officers as well as the frustration and fear of Darius and Romeo. Why have a policewoman character and keep her out of this scene? - what would have happened if Darius went on the date with Tiffany? He would still have been driving (probably fast) without his license. I wonder if that would have been a better way to get to the story? They call the cops on him even though he didn't do anything, just to create drama. The way it worked out, the show can pass blame to him for taking the car without permission. - 2nd best line (after Jay's monologue)-- Yael: "this is a reality show, how could this happen?" Well the reality is that this does happen. Her shock seemed genuine, even though she's clearly writing an expose, but shows how out of touch she is too. - I hope we get Ruby and father back next episode and Darius becomes involved in Black Lives Matter. - Can Quinn still have 4 or 5 children or is that romance over? My assumption was that Booth did not mean children by adoption. - Jay's speech was like me jumping into the television, except that I would have slapped her too. Btw, Chet was there behind Jay in the ash blowing scene.
  25. Jason could be home by now. His absence is ridiculous. Exactly. Hanna is pregnant, which is how they will finally resolve the triangle. Your twins theory is not that far fetched for this show. IIRC they showed the book Twelfth Night in the burner apartment. It's about boy and girls twins and the girl pretends to be a boy for safety reasons! It's OK that she pretended not to know the cop, because he will know she has an alibi. Looking forward to the scene when he tells Toby what happened without knowing their history.
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