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Everything posted by Tif

  1. Maybe some momentum, but people will tune in to watch. They do for other shows. Outlander is good. It's a beautifully shot show. The characters and actors are for the most part superb. The story is fascinating and the adaptation for the most part is pretty spot on. Why wouldn't people tune in? Leading up to it, you know they will show re-runs of the first 8 episodes. They finished principal filming YESTERDAY!!! There is still months of post production. Bear needs to score episodes, editing, etc. I'd rather it be done well and right than rushed. Filming Season 2!!! I'm shaking my head now. I don't like to generalize people, but I'm biting my tongue.
  2. The people on the Outlander FB page are going apeshit. Everyone is crying, "BUT YOU SAID JANUARY!" No one said January. People assumed because they said "Early 2015".
  3. Everyone is speculating January because they assumed "Early 2015" meant January. However, Black Sails premiered last January and the second season is upcoming although it just says 2015. So if we go by that, Season 2 of Black Sails should premiere in January and I'm betting that Outlander will come right after. Ron already said that Starz split it because post production was taking longer, so if filming finished yesterday, I am thinking they probably will show Black Sails first and then move on. This is purely my speculation though.
  4. I'm thankful that wasn't true, because good grief there's already too much to keep track of. :) ETA: I didn't want to post right after myself, but I just was reading the part where Lord John contracts the measles and Jamie takes Willie to visit the Indians to keep him safe from contracting the measles. Willie is asking Jamie if he has children because he didn't see any and he thought with the measles maybe something happened. Jamie says that his daughter is living far away in Boston and he has a son too. "A bonny lad, and I love him weel, though he's away from home just now." Yeah, I teared up.
  5. I'm rereading this now too and I just read that same part with Bonnet. I kept saying, "Kill him Jamie...killllll him."
  6. This show has been kept under pretty tight wrap comparatively speaking.
  7. http://tvline.com/2014/09/23/outlander-season-2-spoilers-brianna-randall-cast/ Nothing big, I mean we know that they are doing a Season 2, there are spoilers for Book 2 for those that haven't read.
  8. I am not bothered about the ring with the exception of that scene in the book in which he gives her the ring. The entire scene from the moment he leaves her in the room to their fight upon his return to him giving her the ring is a pivotal moment in the book because it's really where she acknowledges her feelings. She doesn't necessarily name them, but she acknowledges them to herself.
  9. DUDE! So, I'm rereading the series (again) and I'm on book 8 and I'm to the part where "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Is this not the same line that Willie says to the priest, when he says it's all Hebrews. ETA: I wasn't sure about the spoiler tag, so I did it just in case.
  10. I haven't heard anything about January from anyone other than people assuming that early 2015 meant January. Season 1 of Black Sails premiered in January 2014, so i would assume that Season 2 would premiere January 2015 and Outlander would follow. There has been no official word on when Black Sails Season 2 airs, so it may just be about finishing production on the last couple of episodes of Outlander.
  11. Yes, I'm rewatching (Again) and there are a few parts that I still laugh out loud at. Dougal getting pissed at the Priest, "Look you dozy smout!" and Angus and Rupert, "Ye didna ken that!" Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
  12. I have two thoughts about this. One, having been punched in the stomach myself, albeit it was on accident, It took my breath away but I didn't have a bruise. Two, we all saw Mrs. Fitz layer on the clothes in a previous episode and the layers could've helped "cushion" the kicks. Hawkins did not put full strength into either kick, though the second one was stronger than the first.
  13. I am on a rewatch and Jamie walking up the steps out of the church in his full regalia is beautifully shot. It looks like it's slowed down just a bit.
  14. I have to say I love how Rupert treats Claire. After her encounter with Dougal, I'm so glad that there was that conversation with Rupert. He looked genuinely pleased for Claire. I also really enjoyed Angus and Rupert and the Blacksmith. Those two provide comedy that while not necessary to the plot helps break up some of the tension.
  15. I noticed that! I actually pointed at the TV and yelled "His fingers!" No one was in the room with me.Edited because autocorrect.
  16. I equate Claire wrapping the plaid around the two of them as her version of "There's the two of us now." Although I don't think it was conscious on her part. I was disappointed that the conversation about Frank didn't happen as the lack of it didn't make Jamie apart to be as observant as he is.
  17. Yeah, I live on the west coast, but I will be watching the east coast feed in 9 minutes.
  18. Tif

    Book 3: Voyager

    The whole thing from that opening, to the pictures and everything. I did the same thing, thingamajig.
  19. Tif

    Book 3: Voyager

    I just reread (for the 1566th time...I kid) "Is that you, Geordie?"... ..."It isn't Geordie.... "It's me, Claire." Oh man, I do really want to see this scene one day.
  20. I noticed that guy too but i couldn't remember who was looking for that guy. :)
  21. Tif


    He took out Angus. Rupert was standing with Claire. :-)
  22. Except the scenes we really want to see. Or maybe that's just me.
  23. And to reiterate a previous comment, Saturday can not come soon enough.
  24. Saturday cannot come soon enough. Besides the first episode, I think this is one that my son will not be watching. :)
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