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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
KLovestoShop replied to Maverick's topic in Commercials
What is going on with all these commercials that talk about poop, either human or animal? The newest one is for a new product called Seed. I really don’t need to hear a group of people talking about how, where and why they poop. It’s just getting to be downright annoying. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
KLovestoShop replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
This whole Victor going after the Abbotts is getting beyond ridiculous. I just can’t tolerate this any longer. What did Jack ever do to him to warrant this insanity? All Jack has ever done is care for Nikki. And doesn’t Vic understand that it takes two to divorce? Summer is one screw short of a slut, and she had as much to do with her failed marriage as Kyle. So, now Vic has turned clairvoyant and sees into the future, all knowing what will happen with Kyle’s relationship with Claire? I think Vic needs to take a walk by Rex Rugs where he’ll be sideswiped by Phyllis. Nikki, the oily look is dead. Your hair looks like crap. Stop with the Brylcream where a little dab won’t do ya. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
KLovestoShop replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
I have my double harpoon locked and loaded to take out two of the most horrible jackasses in the world. What the hell is wrong with you Billy? Phyllis is the worst preying mantis in the world, but he still allows himself to be caught in Philthy’s web. Her coquettish behavior, whispering her lines, dressing like a cheap slut and Billy just folds like a cheap, dirty tent, panting with the thought of sticking his tiny Billy Willy into her stinky and overused Cootch. These writers suck. And Phyllis is a horrible seductress in acting. Thank God it was all a dream. But still stupid of the writers. -
There is no way that line cooks are going to take to being sworn at constantly. For that matter, I think this was the worst season of constant beeps and F bombs being thrown because these people can’t express anything else without throwing the F bomb. My family owned a restaurant for many years, and if any of my dad‘s cooks or anybody in the restaurant would be treating people the way that Kyle treated people the way a few others treated people, and especially if my dad heard people swearing and F bombing everything that would mean that person would be fired. I don’t understand why people can’t express feelings or whatever without swearing and that bothers me. As for Kyle, what part of diversity does he fill out? Is he part black? I just don’t get the diversity part with him because they’ve had other black winners. And his constant use of Sexy was annoying. But this was probably one of the worst seasons ever. I just hope next week’s premiere of Next Level Kitchen is better than this stupid season.
Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
KLovestoShop replied to Maverick's topic in Commercials
Mara creeps the crap out of me. If her voice isn’t creepy enough, her constant presence is just too nasty, especially the end where she says “I’d do anything for you” while the girl was in the tub. Major YUCK. -
Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
KLovestoShop replied to Maverick's topic in Commercials
I know this is an older commercial, but it has just annoyed the crap out of me forever. It’s the guy for Dupixant who’s who’s playing it a kitty pool and he has people bring all his food onto a floaty and he stacks up everything on top of one another by the end of the commercial he’s got a couple of hotdogs and maybe four or five huge hamburgers. What the hell does that mean. There are so many commercials that pissed me off, but the thing that’s bothering me more and more is that if you have a 30 minute television program, we’re gonna be lucky to have 15 minutes of the actual program and the other 15 minutes is going to be commercials. I mean now an hour procedural show only runs 42 minutes because all the rest is commercial. Maybe they should have one or two cable channels that show nothing but commercials every commercial out there would be on these channels and then we wouldn’t have to watch all this lunacy of shorter and shorter programs. Why does almost every commercial have to have people dancing around like they have live fire ants in their butt? I mean most of the people are shitty dancers to begin with, and the music they’re hopping around to stupid. But it doesn’t matter what the commercial advertises they’re all running around. It’s like just once I’d like to be on a set and put actual fire ants in their pants. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
KLovestoShop replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
I really enjoyed the episode from 2006. I can’t believe how Sharon and Phyllis looked so beautiful back then, but then they had to start with the Botox and the fillers and all the rest of that plastic surgery crap. Sharon is the worst, as her face is just turning into a blob of I don’t know what. Phyllis looked very pretty in that episode, though I hate to admit it. Victoria didn’t look a whole lot different, but she was a little heavier back, then which she could use now, and her hair was still that ugly shaggy looking boho crap that she seems to like. I really can’t stand this ongoing storyline with Ian and Jordan. To these writers, lack and talent so badly that they can’t come up with new and fresh ideas for storylines? And the population of Genoa city are so visually stupid that they can’t recognize Jordan with her stupid disguises? I mean the woman has such a homely face, craggy and pock marked. I think even a highly visually impaired person would take one look at Jordan and know who she was. All this kidnapping crap is getting to be so totally boring. I mean, look at the crazies even on bold and the beautiful. Josh Morrow‘s son only went to Forester creations so he could get lucky and score with all the models. But Electra has a crazy ex-boyfriend who is kidnapping her. Come on writers start coming up with something more original than crazy disguised people and kidnapping. -
Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
KLovestoShop replied to Maverick's topic in Commercials
Just when I thought the Jardiance commercials could get more stupid, they came up with a new one. A woman who really can’t sing is now singing the Jardiance song. She sure as hell can’t carry a tune, and it’s just in my opinion a big mess. The other commercial that I hate is for Verizon and their phones. The last picture of the phone floating on what looks to be human diarrhea is disgusting. Why were they even have to do that? I don’t want to find my iPhone floating in a bowl containing bubbling crap -
I will say without hesitation that Chicago fire has jumped the shark. I hate that all they seem to do is fire investigations. All of this investigating is just getting old and very boring and that’s all that Severide does and now he’s pulling in Stella. They need to get back to their original formula where they go off and fight fires. I also hate Pascal. There’s something about him that creeps me out and I’ll be honest I never liked the actor who plays Pascal. It also angers me that they have gotten rid of so many of my favorite characters. What I’d like to know is were these people fired or did they all just wanna leave Chicago fire? I miss Boden I hate that he either left the show on his own who was fired. It’s just not the same show that I fell in love with a long time ago.
There’s not a cruise ship out there that can perform the complicated stuff they do on this ship. Not surgery like they did on tonight’s show, nor most of the fantasy stuff they show. And FYI, cruise ships do not allow pregnant women on a ship if they’re past a certain number of weeks. And they require a letter from the woman’s obstetrician telling them how many weeks she’s at.
Yes, the passenger is billed and they have to submit claims to their insurance when they get home. A basic visit can cost upwards of $400+. And I can tell you that almost none of the tests/procedures are done on cruise ships. Basic help, only and then it’s off the ship in the next port.
Holiday Baking Championship - General Discussion
KLovestoShop replied to a topic in Holiday Baking Championship
I can’t stand this season. Don’t care for these stupid challenges and the judging is way off base. I also don’t like this $1000 prize for the pre-heat. Nancy has become a giant pain in the ass as she over judges everything and not a lot seems to meet her personal standards. I also hated when Carla stacked up one baker’s cupcakes because she didn’t think it was tall enough. That was just damn rude. And I don’t like the 2 hour format. The shows just drag along. -
Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
KLovestoShop replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
I wish Victor would retire already. Seriously, he’s acting like he’s part of the crypt keeper group. And I’m sick of him always going after Jack. Idiot doesn’t realize that Jack saved Nikki? Maybe he’s pissed that he was too incompetent to save his wife. Can you see that jerk being an AA sponsor? Whats up with so many people sporting the Crisco hairstyle? Clair’s hair looks like it hasn’t been washed in months. Phyllis has that same look, not to mention Nick, Adam, Billy and the rest. But seriously, is this greasy look in style? -
No, ships rarely have theme weeks. There might be a large group on certain cruises, but unless you charter the entire ship, the groups generally don’t impact the other passengers. The hat wearing Captain is wrong in so many ways. No socks? You’ll not see that. Wearing a tux—-you’ll never, ever see that. Captains wear their dress whites or blues, depending on the weather. I don’t know what it is with Don Johnson, but to me he looks dirty and messy, like he needs a flea dip.