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  1. So, to be clear, the same woman who wept for days over internet meanies saying she shouldn't be spreading her son's (lack of) sex life all over Hell and creation is reacting to her sister spending Christmas in the ICU and being at risk of going going on a ventilator by having a less "cheery" heart. Sweet Baby Jesus indeed.
  2. Okay, so I over think emojis, but here I've been going back and forth on whether Jill is doing the compassionate thing by staying out of everyone's way or the selfish Jill thing by not going to offer support. Seeing those messages, which read like a response to something like being stuck at the airport for Christmas (frustrating and disappointing, but not life or death) has officially made my mind up. Jill is...something else... Wonder what the three Christmas ghosts would show her if they paid her a visit tonight.
  3. I think we've figured that the Clearing House must make up the bulk of their income. $100 per 1000 tracts may not be exactly right for at cost, but it isn't enough profit to care for a family and while I certainly believe Plexus is keeping Jill in manicures and baseball bonnets, even the most optimistic numbers from plexus itself isn't enough to support a family. Unless Dave is secretly making bank on Amish uber, I think the waifs have encouraged enough of the kindly folks at their grift stops to give them a monthly donation through the Clearing House to keep things more or less afloat.
  4. 1- Because it's what the fancy people do and 2- Because it continues to imply that Carlin's health is very delicate (all evidence to the contrary)
  5. Who needs money when our selfless Jill will give you all the smiley-face pamphlets you can carry?
  6. To be slightly fair to them, does anyone answer the fantasy jobs question with a realistic goal? One of my answers to that question is historical costume design. I don't cosplay or even sew beyond mending seams and assembling sweater parts, plus there's very low demand and I likely wouldn't make enough to live on. Still a dream job, though! Not to say that Jinger and Jeremy's continued semi-working success isn't one of the mysteries of the universe, though.
  7. Just re-watched season 3, and my goodness Jenny's final exit seems rushed. I feel like I missed the part where she spent much time with Chummy's mother or investigating palliative care. Switching from birth to death is an interesting change and I wish the show had dug a little deeper by doing a show, instead of tell. Then again, I suppose this show really doesn't do a great job of actor's departures. I still feel badly for Lucille. Even if her character (like Jenny, actually) was a little staid and the idea of post-miscarriage depression made sense, it ended up like an out of left field character assassination.
  8. I mean, considering the food Chez Rod makes tater tot casserole and tuna n' barbecue sauce look positively gourmet... Seriously, what is it with these people and food?
  9. Well, it's the model Erin's grown up with, isn't it? You just have to grift to keep your head above water (sort of) and God will eventually provide a new house and a tv show. What they both lack the critical thinking skills to realize is that a) the moment for 'wholesome' freak shows that encouraged the audience to either mock or aspire to a mega family life, (depending on how you felt about this particular fringe community) has passed. b) even in its heyday, a show about an underemployed couple with 6 kids and a sort-of farm wasn't interesting enough to bring those sweet tv dollars. c) With all the inflation and the fact that Carlin (at least) is living the life of Riley, I doubt people are as receptive to "but we're homeless because we love Jesus! Give us a house!"
  10. No arguments here. I guess I just have more sympathy for kids who make unfortunate hair choices they will live to regret (as we all did) than I do for BAE (Best Auntie Ever) styling that monstrosity.
  11. Well, I will try to ignore the hairstyle, then, but good gravy gracious, that picture looks like a kid playing dress up in her grandmother's closet. It's hard to say without seeing the whole thing, but I might pair the shirt with black or coloured pants and a better cardigan or blazer. The pink thing looks like it coooould possibly be cozy for an around the house day or some map watching (like a robe, but short). The skirt... nope, not in a million years unless I was cast as an elf or Mrs Claus in some sort of Holiday pageant.
  12. Actually, it's kind of smart when you think about it. I associate Dubai with being a party city for westerners who like conspicuous consumption (ie Vegas, but overseas), which wouldn't have been a big draw for a lot of Evangelicals until the "party party" (ie. we try to act like mainstreamers but minus alcohol or actual fun) young evangelicals started coming on the scene. Now, I'm not sure that Tourism Dubai are going to see a big return because, to my mind, the Venn diagram overlap of fundies who can a) afford Dubai b) aren't scared of heathen cooties and c) would want to do anything other than an annoy the locals with pamphlets is really slim. That being said, I can never figure out how Carlin and Evan aren't flat broke in the first place, so what do I know?
  13. Nothing too permanent, except for the eyebrows. The video has some terrible face-time-y thing that makes her mouth look huge and like she has this cartoonish pointed chin.
  14. Oh, man, this was a toughie. Certainly, more than for a lot of hoarders, I wondered if Christine's ADHD and anxiety were being appropriately managed and if the clean-up would have been easier if they had. I'm also really caught on the whole home-schooling thing. Support for higher-needs students is great in theory but stretched wildly thin in practice where I am. Raven seemed functional enough that she would just have to hope to get a series of teachers that were committed to meaningful inclusion and didn't have so many competing needs that Raven got overlooked. Homeschooling in a setting like this one, on the other hand, seemed horrible, no matter the state of the schooling available. I also wondered how much of Raven's 16 going on 8 persona was her autism, and how much of it was social isolation. I'm often curious, although I get why they don't, what would happen if you told a person like Christine that they are, in fact a poor parent. Good parenting isn't about having multiple pairs of snowshoes just in case you get around to it someday; it's having a safe, clean, non-smelly environment for the kids to enjoy time together with stuff they actually use.
  15. And she's sold 19 pieces, so she's making a $26 profit per item? Like most Rod things, I'm not sure the math is mathing here unless she's raiding the donation bin at the churches they visit and then reselling. The ways of the fundies are strange to me, but that would piss me off if I donated clothing and Jill was using it to fund her rugs and puppies.
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