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Everything posted by mlp

  1. I agree. I didn't have the foggiest idea who she was and I had the same questions. I will say that she was modestly dressed and seemed pleasant unlike a lot of young actresses but those aren't credentials for judging food. I am apparently the only person in the western hemisphere who never watched Cheers. I know about it, of course. One can't not. But, if there hadn't been a sign saying NORM on the end of the bar, I wouldn't have known the actor's connection because I'd never seen him before. I agree that more explanation was in order. I also agree that there are many things in Boston of more historical importance than a TV show setting.
  2. This whole episode was fake IMO. Well, maybe not Sade's dumb decision. I'd guess from her eyes and facial expressions that she's really not very bright. But...........That dog show was ridiculous. I know they didn't have time to do everything that actually happens in a real show but that version made me cringe. And when the "judge" asked the handler if the dog was "a boy or a girl," I nearly fell off my chair. Were we to believe that Frank couldn't speed up assembling a salad? He's actually a real cook of some kind. Surely he can put Romaine on a plate a little faster. I certainly can. He didn't seem to be macerating anchovies or coddling eggs or anything. He was just shoving piles of lettuce around. Also, his very prolonged difficulty spitting out the name of the second nominee didn't even match the way he said it in the rehash after the commercial break. I can easily understand why Sterling would drive people batty but I just can't dislike him. I tend to think that he's one of the few who is probably a nice person in real life. And he seems to be able to cook.
  3. That's hilarious. Do let us know if you get a response. Doubt that you will. I suspect that Scott thinks all of us in TV land are peasants.
  4. That was a hoot. I enjoyed the whole competition but this last show was a treat. I don't dislike Aarti but I was glad she left first because the three guys were so funny together. I would have been happy with any of them winning.
  5. Normally, I never notice background music in TV shows or movies - at all. For some reason, Chopped is the sole exception and I not only notice the music, I often admire the effort that must go into coordinating the selections with the actions on screen. I was already sick of Scott's car commercial because his voice in it is so smug and smarmy and because it seems to be on every 10 minutes. After last night's Chopped, I may throw something at the TV the next time I hear him droning on about his own excellence.
  6. I so agree backformore. He's nice looking but I often wish someone would just slap him. I was actually hoping the fellow would win but I think you're right on about what Scott was really annoyed about.
  7. I flipped through the first 10 or 12 pages and the comments and captions sound like he actually wrote them himself. Interesting.
  8. Exactly. It's not the style so much that bothers me, it's the fact that you can see comb tracks which makes me wonder if he found an old stash of Brylcreem somewhere. Tonight on his new show, he combined the hair with stubble and ended up looking like a refugee from a homeless shelter being all perky - a shame really because he's doing a nice job with the show.
  9. mlp

    Fix The Show

    LOL! That guy does Ramsay so well that it's hard to believe it's not Gordon himself.
  10. I thought I was the only one who liked Danushka. I didn't like her when she was on Chopped which was the first time I saw her but, when she was on FNS, I realized she was playing a role and doing it well. I got a kick out of her schtick.
  11. I didn't think either dish had any wow appeal but I liked Eric better so I was hoping he'd win. I thought he removed the most interesting parts of his first dish and made the second offering mundane. The seafood lasagna wasn't anything original and it looked heavy and gloppy. The young girl was very annoying.
  12. I sort of laughed at all the polite reactions to that statement. She was very unattractive. If Scott Conant or Chris Santos had been on the judging panel, I suspect that one of them might have suggested that she establish some credibility as a chef before aspiring to be on FN television.
  13. I'm not crazy about Alex but I don't dislike her. She seems to have mellowed a bit since she became an iron chef. I seriously dislike Melissa and Elizabeth. In fact, the only FN personality I detest more than Melissa is Robert Irvine. So I was definitely rooting for Fabio. He's cute and funny and charming but he's also quite accomplished and, I assume, pretty smart. He was very successful at a young age in Italy then came to the US and became very successful here. Despite his clowning around, he's nobody's fool.
  14. Aarti will be one of the 4 in the final competition. She'll be facing Fabio, Marcel and Eric Greenspan. I hope she's eliminated first. I love Fabio and Marcel and I like Eric Greenspan too so the only one I'm really against is Aarti.
  15. Really? I didn't get a good enough look at it apparently. Sure fooled me.
  16. I stopped watching The Kitchen because, as much as I like Jeff, Geoffrey and Sunny, I couldn't take any more of Marcella and Katie Lee and all the OTT oohing and aahing about everything and the clapping by a non-existent studio audience. I did watch the Halloween show though, mostly to see Geoffrey Zakarian dressed up as Guy Fieri. Too funny. I'd love to know how that big tattoo on his arm was done and how long it took.
  17. I don't know a thing about Angelo but that sounds like someone in a step program planning to make amends. (I worked in alcohol rehab long ago.)
  18. Comparing Lenny to Gene Autry has to be some kind of mortal sin. I wonder how much of the history Lenny claims to have is actually true. I don't recall a lot of it ever coming up on FNS not that that proves anything.
  19. The chef who didn't make the cut, James somebody, was one we sent to the Chopped bus several seasons ago for being obnoxious. He was the one called out by the judges for putting dirty pans including one with scalding water on the floor and setting a bad example for his students.
  20. According to the info in the About section, he's the executive chef. Which doesn't make me like him any better. He must be charming to work with or for.
  21. I'm not positive but I think that's a Halloween special, not a new ongoing show. I like Jeff. He's sort of the class clown all grown up but I think he's a good guy who hasn't let his success make him arrogant. He seems to relate well to everyone from kids to Geoffrey Zakarian. I enjoy watching him because he's a natural even when he's being hokey and OTT.
  22. That's what I don't understand. She has a degree from Canisius College, an excellent school run by Jesuits. That tells me that she was intelligent enough to get in and intelligent enough to be graduated. Surely she knows what people say so I tend to conclude that she just doesn't care - which fits right in with her attitude really.
  23. Bah. I liked Tammi and was hoping she would win. I couldn't believe she was over 50! Her dessert looked delicious to me. I was hoping that little snip Katie would get booted first. Between her vocal fry and deliberate toothy smile for the cameras, I wanted to slap her. As soon as she described herself as "cute", I knew I'd hate her and I wasn't wrong. I find it hard to imagine people naming a boy child Sunshine, hippie or not. Good grief. Even stranger...... He goes by that instead of a nickname. Maybe he doesn't in real life.
  24. I'm neither sista nor Italian so I guess I don't have the knack. I've been fooling around with red sauce for ages trying to make a really good one but have never ended up with one that impressed me. Would you care to share what you put in yours?
  25. Anne has demonstrated over and over that she's highly competitive and a very bad sport. She's fun when things are going her way and hard to watch when they're not. I know nothing about Johnny Iuzzini and don't know what he's usually like but I got a kick out of him on this show. I like Eric a lot and was delighted to see him win. He's a hoot. I just wish he'd lose some weight before he drops dead. I also wish he'd shave that vast expanse of jowl and neck. He always looks like he sleeps under bridges.
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