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Everything posted by magdalene

  1. I know Pedro Pascal originally from Narcos. I was severely traumatized by his role on GOT. Not a Star Wars fan I decided to watch Mandalorian for him and fell in love at first sight with a certain little green puppet. I find it funny that Pedro Pascal has made a cottage industry out of playing daddy to an assortment of vulnerable creatures. Self-sacrifice is the daddy MO and the young have to learn what loss is. So I am trying to keep a certain perspective here.
  2. Sadly, I totally buy it. History shows us over and over that when a military dictator ship gets overthrown by the "good" and "just" revolutionaries the rebels are most often just as bad or worse. I came to really loathe Kathleen. First of all in the previous episode it was so dumb of her to execute their doctor for petty revenge. You need medical professionals for emergencies you stupid cow. Kathleen struck me as the type of person who used to be hell on store clerks and phone support operators. I cheered when she bought it.
  3. Don't be disheartened - if some people want to see perversions everywhere that's on them. Don't put that on yourself. Heck, I have seen some Mando/Grogu shipping certain places. And I just roll my eyes and laugh about it. I certainly am not going to accept that the puppet is giving come hither looks to Mando.
  4. Nods. This show is not my thing. My eyes glazed over trying to watch TWD a couple of times. I am simply watching for Pedro Pascal. Getting Nick Offerman for 1 episode was an unexpected treat. I am however certain this show is dumb enough to kill off Joel. So this may be one of those shows that I never finish. I am prepared for it.
  5. "sexual tension"???? I think you may be projecting things onto those two characters that are neither in the text or the subtext. And I don't think it matters were the girl to turn 21. I just totally disagree with the entire notion which seems like bad fan fiction. No offense to anybody who likes fan fiction. I understand Joel is played by Pedro Pascal who is a fine man but there is such a thing as writerly intent for both the game and the TV adaptation, and I am guessing those two characters are not a couple in either.
  6. Are you implying that she is perving on Joel and vice versa? I couldn't disagree more. It's obviously transference on Joel's part - he may start calling her "baby girl" any moment now. As for her, she strikes me as something of a closet sociopath in training, inspired by his violence. It's not strictly healthy but I wouldn't call it "wrong" or perverted. Considering who she could have fallen in with she got lucky with Joel.
  7. Of course that group that over threw Fedra is worse than them. That woman who leads them is a big problem to face. They need to kill her.
  8. Excellent second season I thought, very different from the first, which kept things fresh. I am glad that we are guaranteed a third season. I am looking forward to the marvelous things Harald and Leif will do in Costantinople. I came to love the boat crew and it was so sad to see the losses. Leila especially hurt. Leif has great taste in women, but they all die on him. I have to laugh at myself for thinking going into this season that Olaf was the worst. He looks like a puppy dog in comparison to some of the new baddies we met. I wish Jorandah would have lived. He got a raw deal and I came to really like the character. Whether Godwin manipulated most of the situation or not, nobody forced Emma to torture an innocent woman to death. That's all on her. The contrast is so vivid, we have the women of the boat crew helping and supporting each other. We have Freydis who always looks out for the underdog and ended up being gracious in victory. And then there is Emma, cruel and only out for herself. I fully admit I am biased towards Godwin because David Oakes plays him. I have enjoyed watching him for years, he is a great supporter of issues that are important to me and his real life partner is an actor I loved on Game Of Thrones.
  9. I am thinking Ellie is a lot tougher than people would assume. I didn't see her killing that buried infected ex-person as a mercy killing. I saw it as a mixture of cold calculation and anger and rage. And Joel's ruthlessness is exactly what she likes about him. Remember her facial expression when he beat that guard to death in the first episode.
  10. From what I understand they were but not like this. I don't really know having never played the game.
  11. I saw some of the comments about the episode on youtube. Tragic voice:the gay has infected their beloved game. I spent the last 30 minutes of the episode ugly crying. Now I have a headache.
  12. Well, you only have to look at the owner to understand the cat's aggression. That poor animal has to live with that horrific woman. In my family we have had cats (and dogs) all our lives. We have bathed them and taken them to the vet without being ever clawed like that. Now I am not going to claim that our cats for the most part enjoyed car rides and vet visits but they tolerated them without biting and clawing.
  13. I hope they lighten up some in future episodes. I was watching The Last of Us on the Eastern time zone HBOMax at 6pm and then watched All Creatures at 9pm to "de-stress". The joke was on me as I got a double dose of misery in one evening.
  14. I barely made it through this episode. I want to retroactively wish ill on those who ordered those horses killed to save money. A pox on them and all of theirs. I have known people like that cat owner, you always have to get your money first before you do a service for them. I am not surprised James caved but I thought Helen was made of stronger stuff.
  15. Call me pessimistic but the only survivor character seems to be Ellie with her immunity. I don't think Joel is safe at all. I had my heart broken with Pedro Pascal characters before, GOT comes to mind.
  16. With all the nasty in this show that kiss was the nastiest. I gagged.
  17. This show is not good for my blood pressure. I am not surprised to be losing Tess, but it was sooner than I had thought. It's a bummer because I found her very compelling.
  18. Besides the loathsomeness of torturing Godwins lover to death, it's not a smart move from a woman who was one of the smartest characters in season 1. Very disappointing.
  19. I actually like that this season is very different from the first season. Variety is a good thing. They are using the boat as a sort of sled over the ice. Clever.
  20. Shouldn't that have killed him? I mean I am glad he is alive and all....
  21. I don't understand the lack of comments either. I am loving this season.
  22. I know she did it because the story dictated it but I would never enter a house a dog refused to enter, or at the very least once I stepped into a lot of blood I would leave in a hurry. One of my mottos - try not to become a horror movie red shirt.
  23. Some of the smartest people I know can't boil an egg and burn their toast. Siegfried annoyed me this episode but thankfully he came around by the end. These little baby cows were super cute.
  24. I am not a fan of the genre but the production and acting are superb and this is more realistic than a lot of it, given how certain fungi only need to switch hosts to make this a distinct possibility. I will watch while Pedro Pascal is in it. That man is one of the best actors we have I always believe every emotion he conveys.
  25. Well, as of now Emma has surpassed Olaf as the character I loathe the most - quite a feat. The irony is they have humanized Godwin with this story line and made Emma monstrous. Godwin of course is a schemer and a cold blooded killer himself but he genuinely loved his intended wife and she was innocent. I find it so easy to like both Leif and Harald. It's not like they are perfect men but I find Leif's curiosity and interest in learning new things very endearing, and Harald's ambitions are tempered by his decent and heroic impulses. Just like in the first season I am just not as interested in Freydis' story line. I am really liking the female scholar but unfortunately her coughing is code for she is doomed. Leif is going to get his heart broken again when he loses her. I am pausing this episode now because I am going through these episodes too fast. I don't want to finish the second season in one weekend.
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