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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Okay, was it just me, and while I never pay attention to Belle and Rumpel (and yeccch, we have to see they are doing the dirty, yea, I know they are married but please show spare us any info on Rump's sex life...) but I couldnt get over Belle leaving town to ..do what? How could she get a job...she doesn't exist in this world, does she even have a social security number?Does she have a debit card??What happens when Rump's gas guzzler runs our of gas? Do appreciate that we see that Rump is a d*ck and that is that, no change for him. They really took the magic excuse to extreme as Rump had both a way for Belle to leave town and managed to have a magic ointment thingie which trapped the darkness, with no explanation at all. The rest, nice to see the Evil Queen, I can take her in small doses and as long as we don't get a rehash of "Snow vs. EQ." and Parilla downplayed her a bit. I enjoyed that the test was to see if he could kill his own father before he kiiled her mother. Laughed at yet another shot of the heroes...just walking around town expecting the Big Bad to drop in their laps and did not understand why they took Henry to Hell? I do appreciate that Regina knows how to dress, even to go to Hades..."Lets see where did I put my black feathered boa scarf..that would be just the thing...") My fave line was "Oh, the old man's withered stub???" Show, with lines like that despite the stupidity I have to love you! Zelena, keep being crazy and see you in the next half of the season..Really Regina do you think that will keep her in Oz, and is anyone worrried about the Oz ites now that their big bad is back? Storybrooke Hell (and no, I don't mean scenes with Merida) next half looks good, don't screw it up show. Love to see Cora as Mayor of Hell!
  2. Good episode...(don't worry, post S1 I have stopped trying to make sense of this show.) Hook and Emma are finally interesting together when evil, and I love BadHook and do not look forward to the return of romance novel in "lurrrve" Hook. As a matter of fact, the way he was playing Emma, Hook can give both Regina and Zelena tips on being a bitch! The "Curse, " though has been so watered down can it be called a curse anymore? It just got them back home, Emma took their memories so it makes no sense. (didnt Regina tear up the Curse in the episode that Pan cast it???) Had no problem with the "children change you," thing as children DO change you....however, the show had plenty of examples where evil people (Cora, Pan, Rump a dump) were still evil despite their children so the show does not present it as a cure all. I love Zelena and hope she still causes trouble but on a less earth shattering scale. I want her to stick around to occasionally stab the Goodie Two Shoes in the back and make bitch faces at the Charmings while insulting Regina. Perhaps she and Whale can get together, I heard he liked being thrown against walls and you know Zelena is into about "anything." Didn't miss boring Grumpy but use Granny more she can be a Bad Ass ...her as Zelena's watch dog would be great, Granny can give sass as good as the Mills girls.
  3. Zelena just likes to cause trouble for sh*ts and giggles, which is refreshing so yea, I can see her doing it for fun.. I am suprised she hasnt magically aged Henry, and put a love spell on him just to piss everyone off, "Darling Regina and Emma, how am I ever going to deal with having two Mummy in Laws...and you BOTH are going to throw me seperate showers correct???"
  4. Now I know Emma and Hook can do no wrong but both Snow and Regina are right in this instance...not that they have both not been dumb and reckless... I like how Emma says she tried to cut herself off to contain the darkness but no one was there to give her hope (Snow) or tell her she was being stupid (Regina.) .....but they are concerned with the big problem is that there is now two dark ones..yes, yes, we know Emma and Hook's twu wuv is above all others but yea, there are now two dark ones poofing around town and a psychotic witch hanging with newbie dark one...so its kind of time to deal with that problem then hand holding and cooing over the romantic aspects of it...plus I like it when Regina gets to act more like the Mayor Mills of old.
  5. Okay episode...I hate the extra characters which we know will disappear in the second half of the season, but at least these characters are used to tell a story about how the dark one thing got created. What I don't understand is, Blue said the "Dark One," magic is not from there world...but isnt Camelot part of their world???Or is it a different realm? Loved Zelena and they are using her correctly...as a foil to the main cast and, yea, I pretty much like her expressions and dismissal of the Charmings and Regina. Snow, as usual agains earns her S2 nickname of "Those idiots," and can we just leave the Charmings in SB next time when everyone goes on an adventure? Arthur is an ass but he is hot..if only Zelena and he could team up for a couple of episodes... Could Robin Hood be duller???I am still not buying Regina being that into him. Hey, no Henry mean a good episode. Please no more pre teen love stories....
  6. Good God!!! Everyone said it already but this was the dullest episode I can remember since "Grumpy" I mean, show, Belle.Merida and for me at least Rumpel as the main characters???Get rid of the "centrics," and just start writing for the ensemble each and every week! I don't even remember most of what happened as I lost interest and just wandered over to the kitchen to help make dinner and talk, and this time not even to make fun of the show..(though it is funny, my neighbor was over to get ready to watch Walking Dead and he has absorbed this show somehow by hanging out..."So that skinny guy is not powerful anymore???" ) Please show, no more Belle and Merida get this story moving along. And can Emma has to be the lamest Dark One ever. Its like the show doesnt want her to do anything too bad so she can back to being a "heroes." And for the last time...Give your characters a brain and quit blathering on about "heros," and "villains."
  7. I always thought that was the point of the show..we would have "Desperate Housewives" with fairy tale characters...with a little magic and mythos thrown in..but NOOOOO!
  8. LOL..okay..maybe I don't listen that well when Henry appears. I give the kid a break as his brain damaged Grandpa who is in his 30's (but really in his 60s) keep blathering on about it. I did think that the tag team of Evil Moms did a good job with trying to let him know he doesnt have to be a "hero." or like eveyrone else to get attention. Oh, i forgot to add, Morrison's acting has never bothered me but she is making the Dark One seem like she just is overworked, and didnt get enough sleep. I guess its better then the usual scenery chewing the villains do. Also, had to laugh at the real houses seen from Emma's backyard, ("There goes the neighborhood" ) wouldnt the Dark One want a house in the woods or something?
  9. Good episode and wonders of wonders, it was a "Henry-Centric," one. Luckily, despite the teen drama as a background, there was not a HUGE amount of Henry and he didn't spout off about heroes too much. The kid seems to be getting to be a better actor. The best thing about this cycle of stories is that Camelot is a backdrop to the main characters, not like Frozen, the main focus. I know Regina haters are going to disagree but I like the show best when Emma and Regina are pushing and pulling with each other. Liked their talk on the porch (and wonders of wonders Regina's house is back, I am so sick of her hanging in that crypt) and far from it being Regina being selfrighteous, she seems perfectly aware ..("If I have the higher moral grown you have dropped very far...") and like the inversion of the usual Emma/Regina dynamic. And we heard the return of "Ms.Swan," Parrila actually naided the "EMMA" line and damn, do I love Regina's house. Heny is more upset at Emma as he has always hero worshipped her..time for him to grow the hell up. Other good things, the boring Charmings had three seconds of air time of someone else once again saving their butts, Belle is not annoying and the actress looks great...(also Parrilla rocks the Camelot look...) not any boring Hook/Emma gooeyness, and Caryle is great as weak normal Gold and for once the flashbacks and present day worked together.
  10. True, but she also, in her mind was "pushed to it," and did feel (as much as she can) pain. Now Regina haters dont get into a fit, I am not defending her actions I am just saying she did have more shades of grey in S1 then she did now..be it as she was "undercover," or whatever, but it was more fun to watch. EQ in their stupid world and our world is a bit much to take (as even the CGI scenery that got chewed will tell you.) It wasnt until they rewrote the rules of Storybrooke in"Welcome," that we see that Regina could use hearts in our world to control people, and killed a man with her bare hands and left a child fatherless and felt no remorse (and apparently the writers didnt either) ...that she was EVIL all along and a cartoon to boot. I am not defending her again, but killing someone to cover up her dark secret (Graham) gives her a motivation that as a fictional villain works, and makes her seem more real then "I AM the EVIL QUEEN" and buring villages. Both Rump and Regina as S! villains had a clear cut reason to be a villain and some depth, as did Emma and even the Charmings (who were more tolerable cursed, I am with Regina on that one) while the rest of the silly heroes and villains we have seen since have no depth at all.
  11. That makes this show less then enthralling to watch. S1 we knew Regina and Rump were evil in their world but they just seemed kind of shady and disreputable here...they werent kiillling people etc and Regina's goal of protecting the curse and getting Henry's baby mama out of town for good was relatable if not heroic or good. It was interesting especially since Emma wasnt a saint herself though she is the heroine and savior. The curse broke and you would think the characters would be adjusting to a world where people can go back and forth from being "heroes'" and villains and people can be a little bit of both..but no, they may as well be in that stupid Enchanted Forest the way they spout off about it. The lure of the show is seeing these iconic characters as real people and the show fails to deliver that. Speaking of , now that Rump is depowered and no one is left to protect him, why wanst a gang of furious Storybrookers outside his door waiting to kill him? It woudl have been fun to watch Blue have to protect her nemesis.
  12. I think Zelena is going to matter in the second half of the season so they have her there on the backburner, like soaps used to do. However, they didn't need to drag her to Camelot she would have been just left in Storybrooke..there was nothing that took place in Regina and her argment last week that couldnt have happened in current time in Storybrooke. Merida, well, agree, she is dull and not needed. But they have to throw a Disney character in and I can't wait until the adventure of Merida, Belle, and Red... speaking off and isnt it about time they say that people can leave SB, just the outside world can't see it, so they could explain that Red and August are shaking up in the next town over where there are no stupid villains to come up with dumb schemes.
  13. I wa with Arthur for a while, It thought we might have a villain like S1 who had a somewhat ...in Once terms, relatable motivation... Regina- keeping her secret and the Curse intact..because of revenge and the whole town would tear her apart if it breaks, and Rumple-keeping "my power and never again being a victim and finding my kid. " Like S1 Regina and Rump, he was not magical so he had to do everything by manipulation, force of personality and trickery. Aliances could be made and unmade, heroes and villains could be played and be the players..etc. But no we have to have stupid Magic Dust!!! I still like that he is not out to take over the realms, or have Evil Cleavage..plus he is hot in a masculine way but come on Once you were on to something good before you got magic lazy again.
  14. I think we just have different senses of humor ...(and I promise never to insult the pretty little pirate again...okay, I can't do that but...). Anywho back to the topic at hand..is anyone up on the fact that Rumple is gone from his death bed? You would think someone would check on him and at least the Blue Fairy would be there, waiting for her Nemises of a hundred years to wake up so she can gloat over him. Did that Super Evil Dark Swan just stuff pillows under the blanket to fool the dimmie of Storybrooke?
  15. Good God YES!!!! I know Charms in boring and viewers just want him to somehow be a purpose on this show, but he walks past Grumpy and there is a "bromance," blossoming..I frankly never saw that with him and Hook though posts would have us think we saw scenes of them just hanging all the time. Plus, men in their 30s (or for Charms in his 60s and Hook only know how old) don't have "Bromances," ...they have buddies, friends, pals, just drop that word forever. The men on this show, (besides Rump ) exist to be centered around the women, they are look like soap opera characters or romance novel heros...they exist for the women, they have no life outside of that. Speaking of unpopular opinions, I think Charms has more chemistry with Regina then he does frumpy Snow and he is the only guy on the show Regina has had any chemistry with. Her over the top intensity is off set with his laid back clean cut ways. When they were "co-parenting" Henry when the noose around his neck was in their goofy world, they both had a good push pull chemistry which I thought would be cool if they developed, if no romance, a funny "Oh Snow, can you get Regina's lasagna recipe, that was my favorite when you were gone!" with Snow getting that puss on she gets. Snow should be HATING Regina still and Charms should be the one, "Oh she is okay now, you just got to call her on her shit..." Snow and Charming are really, really coma inducing. And yes, I love Zelena too. I don't know why every villain in this show has to be the super dooperest evil that ever existed (until they are easily defeated) why can't they just be shady and twisted and bitchy? Having Zelena, and Cruella and Ursala going around towm and egging Regina's Benz, leaving empty vodka bottles on her lawn and crank calling her...all the while making fun of her and the rest of the idiots in town would be far more fun then their ridiculous life or death struggles. Regina is always at her best when someone is giving her the crap she deserves and her getting her bitch face on. The Queens of Evil Nightclub would be the most fun place in Storybrooke! Oh, and finally, they need to give Hook back his shoulder pads...he looks far too skinny and pretty to be a pirate (maybe a pirate's "friend," when at sea and no ladies around) and Emma looks like she could break him in half. There I feel better, thanks board.
  16. Concerning the price or lack thereof...instead of Regina going after the "author," (I prefer to imagine that last season didn't really happen at all but...) someone should have pointed out that her happiness or lack thereof..is because of not only being a balls out bitch, but her use of dark magic for her own selfish reasons. At least Rump or Blue could have gloated in her face..."Its always going to come bite ya in ya ass dearie!"
  17. I guess my question is, why does this show do "Centrics," anyway. I can understand once in a while but how about using their characters on a consistent basis to make a coherent storyline? Its like "Oh we have to do a Charming one, lets make him go after something even if it slows down the action and does not amount to anything. The storyline for Charming should have been going throughout this season and last..that he feels powerless to help the people he loves in the way he is used to in their freaky world...etc. Also it turns off the people who don't like the character if you have a Regina episode or a Charming episode...(they could have Zelena turn him and Happy gay so they have a long make out session and I would be bored..okay, I lie but I think Charms is as dull as dull can be.)
  18. Its the writers faults for using healing as a plot device (you can hurt a character and be dramatic but its then healed) and not working on their magic rules enough. If they had any sense Regina and Rumple should never be able to heal someone, that would be light magic. If you use dark magic it should be for dark things...(or if you do heal someone, something else will hapen, your arm is healed but you go blind(...you know the much talked about but non-existent price of magic) Only Blue or the fairies or Emma in good mode should be able to heal and even then it should take a lot of work to do so, not a wave of a hand.
  19. Because, that would entail the characters actually "doing," something instead of standing around and waiting for something to fall in their lap or to be saved when Regina, Rumple or the Blue Fairy feel like doing something. It would also had interest and intrigue to the plot and really, why bother with all that? I like the idea of Granny, (slugging back shots with the household staff, them getting drunk of their butts, while tough ole Granny knows how to hold her booze) helping Snow to find info...but of course, Snow would have to wake up out of her daze and form a plan. They could have skipped the Regina/Zelena snipe at each other the 8th millionth time (and Iike both of those crazy biotches) and had something like that. This show has become incredibly dull, lifeless and predictable.
  20. A visit to the Underworld would be cool for one episode...just to have some of our baddies making cameo appearances, sassing the group, putting obstacles in there way, and I always am happy to see Cora...("Ah, once again you disappoint me Regina! And Zelena, yes, dear I threw you away, anymore questions, or are you going to cry too?" ) Yea, the CGI makes ms shudder but hey, Once, here is a new idea..build a freaking set, for a change.
  21. Bad episode is when the take away for me is that I suddenly find Happy kind of cute and hot..nice change from the pretty boys running around Storybrooke. Who is running the SB gym for Happy's workouts? Speaking of pretty boys, I always know a Charming centric is going to be boring. I liked that they had him address the fact that really, all he does is stand around and hold Snow's purse...(well, my other take away is how skinny is that actor in real life, even on TV his waist looks like its 18..) but then they had him do the same dull stuff of going on a quest for some stupid magic object. And please, they have spent enough time in the real world, can they stop with the...."hero and villain," stuff? To hear a man in his 30's talking about being a hero like he is a kid is kind of weird, they should have him address his feelings of just being a "man," who is trying to protect and take care of his family and community...(I can see a new viewer watching this show and rolliing their eyes...) Is Snow preggers again in real life and that is why she holds the baby all the time? The show has no dramatic momentum.... why couldn't Snow have been suspicious of how Camelot is run,,,doing a Walking Dead Carol undercover thing and go around the castle...acting just like a non threatening house frau and concerned mom talking to the staff, etc, and then she finds Lancelot not the other way around (another bad thing of this show Season 2..the characters are never proactive and things just happen to them, and their butts are saved by a coincidence or magic.) What was the Regina scene all about? I can only think that it to create a conflict between her and Robin...who being the "hero" he is will want Zelena to stay involved. I actually can't wait for Zelena to get the cuff off and hand Regina her ass again..and I like Regina. I have to say I find Hook utterly boring pining for Emma but his line was the funniest thing I heard on this show in a long time. Keep up the innuendos show. So Emma has fallen into every other Once villains cycle of making overly elaborate and bad plans that will easily fall apart at the last minute. I was hoping more from the Dark Swan then making Rumple a "hero," (there is that work again, just drop it already show..) uh, arent there more good people in town to pull out that cheap looking sword? Good things, No Henry, Hot Happy, the new characters were used as support for the main cast, the humor. Bad things, characters acting like 8 year olds still mouthing about heros and villains, Charming doing the same dull thing he always does, the non momentum of the show and the continued reliance on magic and coincidence to move story along, the Dwarves being annoying as usual...(love Regina's eyeroll, "Dwarves are your department!") Have they ever explaine the time discrepancies on the show, such as how we can have the stories of these people but they are happing in the same time frame as our world?
  22. Good episode...I thought it was going to go back to S1 in terms of darker sense and an overall theme for the year. But the cartoon came back as soon as we see that Merlin easily trots over to our world and hangs out in movie theaters, and when they easily whipped up a tornado to take them back home and they used Granny's to do it...(wouldnt Reginas big house with bedrooms and showers and a nice couch to nap on make more sense???) When Rump wakes up is he ever going to feel stupid for taking years to come up with a dumb curse to jump realms when there are a million other ways to do it???) Like Dark Emma, and the effects that will have on her love ones and the rest of the idiots in SB who rely on her, but could care less about Meridia , or thelir latest "OHHHH, we are in a different world now isnt this cool??" Regina rocked that red dress, and the best thing about this show are the funny lines(Zelena telling us that Robin is bad in the sack, Granny "Secure the condiments!" and Hook, "You can't be suprised that your family is troubled?" ) I am enjoying Zelena just being crazy, Regina being more nomal but still making bitch faces and spitting out insults, and yes, once again, Snow White and Charming are on this show...why?
  23. Well, I think the viewers are tired of a show that started out with such promise and an interesting premise, and rapidly became a show about the latest cartoon villain coming up with a ridiculous scheme no one cares about. Really, since Season 1 (Emma vs. Regina/the Truth/The Curse) has there been an interesting conflict on the show? The parade of villains is boring (they wont stick around and the problems they caused have no lasting effects on the characters...) as is the parade of Disney walk ons (and offs.) I think the show also suffers this year as it is not using a well known Disney product for the premiere. People would tune in to see Neverland or the Wicked Witch and of course Frozen...yea, they didn't do a good job with any of those things, and anything that Pan, Zelena, or the Queens of Darkness did had no lasting effect on anyone, but at least people tuned in to see them at first. Unless you are a veteran viewer who the hell would know who or what the "Dark Swan," was and why would anyone care. I am glad they are using their own mythology for this, as I am tired of them screwing up others and I am tired of the villain of the season format..but the producers were the one that went to that well way too often as they relied on familiar Disney icons to spur business and not their own creativity, so they can't complain when viewers get used ot it. I think that the producers also burned themselves when, in S2 there was a noticeable switch from an adult show that kids could watch to a kids show the adults could kind of stick it out through. The less dark the show got and the more cartoony it became probably brought in more kids, but now its a kids show, its pretty werid to have the heroine of the show killing people. I personally like it as it is getting as dark as S1, and now something is happening to the main cast instead of them running around trying to foil a mustache twirling villain, but I can see why parents wouldn't want to tune in for "the Dark Swan."
  24. As well they should and I don't think the show is trying to hide that. Regina and Emma ARE unlikely allies and have developed a frenemey type thing..I haven't really seen the show change that. Even without their relationship as we have seen they would have an edge to their relationship...they are both alpha females and they like to be the one in charge and not listen to anyone else but they both respect each others abilities, even if they drive each other crazy. I think even pre curse breaking they had that going on, with Regina kind of respecting Emma when she got one upped by her...like "Oh crap, this little dolly is not as dumb as her mother." type thing. Personally I like the chemistry they have together and the edge is more interesting then a boring girlie friend thing she had with the Ice Princess girl who she knew two days and now that Snow has revealed to be her mom, its kind of too weird for them to go back to snuggly with hot cocoa..
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