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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. LOL..yes let's keep "cursed," Snow! And finally we found out she wasn't sorry for killing Cora..(who is like the bestest Once villain ever but truly deserved to be offed.) "You still want to hold hands and sing Zippidy Do Da?" LOL. The Charming actor really shows his weakness when trying to play anything but the nice cute, boring guy.
  2. Lets not forget that we find that some people are inherintly magical...and that magical things, like a magic ship and hearts and scarves can work in the Land Withouth Magic! On the EW website they have an article where they talk about the viewers being sick of the tired curse plot this show uses, and JM defending it, rather badly I must say...(what are you going to do..she doesnt write the show but her bosses do..) Anyway, there is a bunch of people bitching about the stupid writing and the plot holes and this travel between realms is just one of the things. But then they have people loving it "because its a fairytale " and "Why watch it if you think its stupid.." and I think its Adam and Eddy!
  3. "OT: How do you feel about Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Anastasia, or even Robin Hood (isn't there still debate whether he was real/ based on someone who was real)? Just curious." I think it would be interesting twist in that all the characters in their world were "created," by the collective imagination of "our," world...and the writer of the book is not someone from the EF but someone from out world. That would explain the overlap of "real," characters of people culled from real characters. But I think it might be a bit much for the duo to write. Well, in a world of mermaids and sea goddesses, anything can happen. Well, at that point I didn't want to tell him that grown man watches a show with Mermaids in it....he just saw too people in a crate.....
  4. I read somewhere that "Once," and WD are the two shows on Sunday that share a lot of the same viewers...(I thought Cora's zombies were a nod to them...) I know that is at our house...I actually say to our dog, "Were going to watch the Evil Queen and the zombies," and she jumps up on the ottoman like she is going to watch. Stupid I know but it works for when I want her on the ottoman and out of the way even when its not Sunday night.
  5. Hmm..that promo looks like Regina has no magic...she is EQ but looks bedraggled and pushes her way in. I love me some pissed Regina with no powers..it makes her even bitchier..(cant wait to see her get thrown through the door...Snow and Regina have had a Dynasty cat fight coming to them for a looongg time.) It also looks like she can't get out of her own trap so Emma and Elsa bursting in must somehow release her. I hope Regina gets to smack Grumpy in his face with a pan of hot Lasanga..."Extra Spicy," she can say with glee! Cruella and Ursala look fun...hey if this show can make no sense at least be campy OT fun with good villains. The show has been dying for some evil besties and I hope they move next door to Regina and empty their over flowing ash trays on her Hydrangeas.
  6. Oh, I forgot to add...as cute as Kristoff (the good guy from Frozen) is...I think it might be good that Anna didn't complete the marriage vows in the Crate O' Doom.I think she is in for a little heartache...."Uh, Anna, now that we are in this world, and in a state that has gay marriage...I have a little something to tell you...." Forgot to add, my neighbor was over when the show was on, he never watches the show but he stopped and said, "Are they screaming for help at the bottom of the Ocean?" And..I just said sheepishly .."Well this show is really stupid so...."
  7. This show is so craptastic now with its flawed logic, and inconsistent magic rules. It wasnt the curse that kept people leaving town, the curse itself broke. Its the fact that these people don't belong in our world and that Rump a Dump brought back magic...so our world effectively contained both the magic and the people who dont't belong. If they cross the town line they loose their memories and become regular joes again. So, with Snow's second curse HOW did she bring magic back to Storybrooke to the Land Without Magic. Have those two in charge ever explained that? Anyway, I think it will be Regina saying she just wants to see Snow bleed AND to top it off she will magically give herself sword skills...(yes, too stupid but that is this show now.)
  8. Worst episode ever...(even worse then the one with Grumpy in love with the nun/fairy) as it ruined the mythos of how we saw Storybrooke run in S1 and was glaring in how dumbed down S2 is in comparison. In S1 the outside world knew of and interacted with Storybrook on a limited basis, and because of the curse, no one really wanted to go there ( there were state troopers that come to take Hansel and Gretel away, Emma talks to Maine Power company when lights go off during Grumpy.) But yet we are supposed to believe that Storybrooke is invisible to the outside world even though credit cards work, etc. Also, the stupidity of the control through the heart, even though magic didn't exist there, and even though she already controlled everyone due to the curse,..(which was the point of the curse correct...) So if Regina wanted that why not just rip everyone's heart out in CGI land? It would have been more interesting if Regina had planted something on the dad and had Graham find it. Then, we are supposed to feel sorry for Regina though she seperated a man and his son, and THEN Regina causally tells the boy he killed his dad. How????Regina is not exactley the "take a shovel to someone's head and get her hand;s dirty kind of gal." Dumb, dumb, dumb. Can you tell I hated this episode
  9. The thing is, it would be much more interesting if Marion was competition for Regina, and NOT frozen. The whole plot is good in a soapy kind of way, Robin thought his wife was dead (cause she really was..but it would be interesting to know, in the EFs version of Heaven, did her soul get sucked back into her body to make the trip to the future ...oh forget it my head hurts) and he moved on with his life. He got involved with a hot babe...(no matter what you think of Regina she IS hot..) and then wow...my wife is back. It would be interesting if they had shown things werent so perfect with Robin and Marion to begin with, he was idealizing his wife, or, he changed because of her death and became a different person and she is essentially the same person and is freaked out by the change, etc. Instead of having Regina save them from the Ice Monster in that dumb scene, she should have been able to come up with a cure for Marion, so then the conflict is, Marion is both angry at and thankful for Regina, she wants to stay in her marriage and change Robin back to what he was and she fights for him and "twu wuv," but things dont work that way in our world so...Robin wants to honor his marriage though he is not the same man and does not love her in the same way...Regina wants Robin but is starting to not only reform but get her self esteem back and realize she is better then being a bang on the side...Anything would be more interesting then an ice cube and screwing in a crypt. But the writers always bite off more then they can chew with all the plots and every interesting beat is skipped.
  10. I wish the writers had explained this better (surpise, suprise) like when Blue said she and the rest had to prepare for the curse..they should show that Blue and her gang took up all the magic "powder," ...(I refuse to use the word, fairy..oh damn I did) and threw it into the Curse Cloud to blunt the Curse. Then you could have had Regina in Welcome, pretty annoyed that things werent as bad as she had hoped. I also wish instead of just giving Regina magic so easy and sucking Emma and Snow into the EF, that they had actually held a trial for Regina (with Prince Wooden's Evil Adopto Dad defending her) as you know Parrilla would have chewed up the scenery like a 1940's movie goddess on the witness stand..."Look people, things are much better here that in the hell hole we came from..you should be staging a parade for me!!!!" But I think this new "Curse," wil be worse at people wil be in physical danger as in its meant for the town people to slaughter each other...(I think even kinda reformed Regina should give reluctant kudos..."Damn, now THAT'S a curse.")
  11. Well, we all know who "lives," under the libary. Let's hope it Malificent who is manipulatiing things and lets hope she has a super cool hideout in the cave similar to the Snow Queens cool Fortress of Solitude. It didnt make sense that whats his face with the cockney accent said that the "clock has magic," as it started up again. It was Emma's arrival which started time in Storybrook, the clock was just the visual that Regina needed to see that the curse was indeed starting to break.
  12. Why..Snow is only interesting when she is Bandit Snow or in a really, really irritable mood! Let's up she goes "bad," and the only way to contain her is to put her in the pokey! From watching the show and those pictures, they need to put Hook back in his leather get up with the high collar. It must have had padded shoulders as he looks just a bit too "petite," now....(which makes me hope he has to share a cell with Bad Snow..."Hey pretty boy, I got some ciggies for you but first your gonna have to do somehting for Mama!")
  13. Its a call out to Beetlejuice, just like the statue of the Pazuzu (the demon from the Exorcist) was in Rump's "Chamber of Unspeakable Things." I do like watching the show for those things, as you can sometimes forget the plot holes....
  14. I think the main thing is that Rump is such a total misogynistic ahole. He is still pissing and moaning about Milah but it just seems he is mad that someone younger and prettier got her, he killed that servicing girl, and I mean slaughtered her, with blood on his teeth. His main victims of manipulation for trying to get his Dark Curse cast (to get back to his annoying kid) were all women. Zelena was dumb enough to have the hots for him and he totally didn't give a damn, and now he is obviously through with Belle...he was going to toss Emma into that hat which goes God knows where? I love that the Snow Queen thinks of him as the tool he is and I loved her snarling at threat at him.
  15. Good episode...things moved quickly in Bad CGI land and people in the real world got to have some conversations. Actually, the Regina and Snow convo was a harken back to S1 with the concept of redemption and personal choices and gasp, the mentioned "Free Will." All of that surprised me on the Sunday Slam Bang Disney Princess Promo Adventure Show that Once has become. Regina was actually on her meds this week and questioning morality and Snow in her own way, was telling Regina that she alone was in charge of her future. The Snow Queen continues to be a good villain, horrible in some ways, acutally caring about Elsa and Emma in her own psychotic way. I also love that she does not give a damn about Rump except for what she wants and I loved her threat at the end. Rumpie has met his match and she has a rack on her like no bodies business, why is he not besotted? Rumple is back to villain form and damn does he make a good ..well it starts with p and ends in k. The only thing is, he needs to get his ass kicked and loose again and everyone needs to know that he was about to essentially kill the savior. I have to hand it to the actor, he never lets you feel sorry for Gold, he is a bastard through and through...though it seems that his acting as Rump in CGI land is getting worse, "dearie," every two seconds and those stupid hand movements are getting to be a device. Dump the Imp and let Gold continue on being the main antogonist against the Charmings and Regina. Magic continues to be stupid on this show, (why can't Regina poof her way back to Robin) why on a show obsessed with magic are they so sloppy about it? It was really stupid that the SQ wasnt freaked out by New York but the girl is one cool customer...I would have thought she would question the Apprentice when he conviently comes up with a door way to our world...(Uh Rump, you got duped you fool) and it is full of black smoke...but she just strolls through. I had to laugh up thread with the Dynasty reference..I am suprised the New Yorkers werent thinking she was Linda Evans just coming from filming the Denver Snow Ball or something. What is it with their world and the 1980s? Is it all the glitter, big hair, big cleavage that draws them to that decade? Good one liners everyone had their snark going even Prince Wooden. My absolute favorite line though went to Solid Gold Dancer Rump about annoying Anna..."I like her much better this way, less mouthy!" I hate their CGI but that "Glass Shards aiming towards Anna's eye and then it cracking," creeped me out big time!
  16. They never explained if Zelena's curse was real or not. It looked to me that Emma just didn't want to deal with her magic and thought that was an easy way out, but she still had it..she just "beleived," she didn't.
  17. Good episode...The Snow Queen is great and I love her twist on the usual "Once" trope of family dysfunciton. I also love that she treats Rump like he is just kind of there..like the bus boy at Grannys. I think in regard to Robin and Regina they were going for "uncontrollable passion," but it was just written so crappy. As with the forshadowing that her parents were not "entirely, " comfortable with Emma's magic, this really came out of nowhere. These guys have no idea how to build things up. OQ don't bug me. I think that he does love his wife but he is sexually infaturated with Regina..which would make an interesting storyline if this wasnt a Disney show, "No Robin I am tired of levitatiing us during sex...and I will not morph into the form of a Playboy Bunny or anyone else, that really disturbed me when you wanted me to morph into Little John, what went on in the woods anyway?How would you like me to morph you into Tom Brady?" But alas its Disney and Once so its all "Twue Wub!" I still think its Maleficent moprhed into Marion and that when she gets unfrozen we will see. What did the Snow Queen have against her unless she knew she was Mal, and wanted her out of the way? Okay, did they say Rump wanted to go out in the world, and bring his magic, or just get rid of the dager? All I heard was the dager but how does Rump bring magic with him? And where would he go? I can understand him getting bored of Storybrooke. I also love that they actually foreshadowed (for once) that Belle and he are over..."How can I deny my beloved wife?" said in just the tone of sarcasam that only that dimbulb Belle wouldn't catch, and that he rolled his eyes with them entering the shop, even with Belle in tow.. Does Regina live in that masoleum? She could create a cool club there which is what SB desperately needs.
  18. Entertaining episode...(since S1 I can't really say "Good," episode anymore but if this piece of fluffy, campy over the top show entertains me in a dumb way I am good.) I actually like Belle more now that we know she is not a simpering saint...well, she is is still simpering but... Her thing with the rock was more like "I can do both if that dumb girl would just hang on a bit more..." which made her more interesting to me then a boring Charming "Hold on yonder maid, I will SAVE you!" I liked that she used the dumb dagger plot thing, I hate Rump (not the way they want me too) and love when his misogynistic ass gets handed back to him by Zelena or Belle or anyone. I will chime in with everyone that the Evil Mirror of Truth is about the best magical plot device this how has pulled out in a long time. I love Regina so I would love a scene where she (does she know Sydney if free yet) goes to the mirror..."Sydney, where are my car keys?" and her image appears "Well dear, you knocked them off the kitchen counter last night after your first bottle and a half of wine. And really, what happened to Mayor Mills...your mooning over that polaroid of you and the Woodsman, listening to Air Supply..oh memo to you, time has started and 1985 is over... means you need to give up your villain card forever. Your worse then Mary Margaret and SHE was CURSED! By the way, rejection means you have to look even better then ever....now your dressing like you either just came from scrubbing the bathroon or you polyester mom pants dont fit. And you might want to clean of the chocolate and wine stains on your blouse before you go around trying to be bitchy to anyone..or and about your mothering skills......" Bitchy Regina getting outbitched by her reflection would make this about the craptastic campiest moment in this shows history!. I agree, psychotic Ice Queen is fun. lets keep her so she can blithely glide past Rumpel and Regina and dismiss them as if they don't exist.
  19. I think the perfect "reset," for this show (since they love that so much...) is to end one season or one half season with magic being obliterated from Storybrooke...be it by the act of a villain or because the heros figure that is the only way to beat that particular villain. The next season would start out and everyone would be even steven but it would give everyone a chance to grow a bit....especially Rumpie, who I think is stuck in a rut worse the Regina. How would he deal with this world without power...(yea, he did for 28 years but he was in dream world....) Anyway, non magic villain could come along and start screwing with everyone and our heros and gray characters would have to find their brains again. There could be a little magic bit by bit but the storyline would be how people get it, who has it and who can be trusted. They should have done that last year with the new curse.. (no one explains how magic was brougth back to our world did they?)
  20. I nominate Granny. The annoying drawves start disappearing, starting hopefully with "Up the Charmings Butt all the time," Grumpy. As Snow sits down to eat some of Granny's meatloaf a sly smile come over Granny's face, remembering the special ingrediants that went into that loaf.....
  21. " Hmm, Hook's pretty and hot, but muscle guy no. I really don't want to see anymore people with magic until they can get their freakin' rules down and stick with them. I remember Season 1 and loving it and just waiting for this mythology and world building they were doing, like Buffy (which for all its faults and misses, stick pretty close to the rules and mythology it created.) I hated that the curse was broke so easy at the end...but comforted myself with now we are going to find some answers...long and drawn out ones, but answers just the same. BWAAAHHHH on that dummy! Has anyone ever asked the two guys in charge about the rules of magic and their piss poor world building? All I see are questions on plots and the different fan groups. I would love to see their answers.
  22. This episode is even more enjoyable in that I was imaging what all of you were going to say about the Regina/Emma thing. I am a Regina fan and even I think it was a bit much. I think that it would have worked if not for the writers (I know, a big DUH.) First, if Emma and Regina had it out about the past it would have been more dramatic and made more sense...."I ruined YOUR life. Please, you would have killed me as a baby if you got your manicured hands on me. Your curse took me away from my family, you tortured my mother for an endless loop of 28 years, you were a royal biotch as soon as I stepped into town..and please, I know its you who wrote my cell phone number on the wall of the men's room at the Rabbit Hole!" Then bicker, bicker, bicker...and then eventually Emma says, "I am not going to apologize for saving someone's life, though I know it was stupid as it could have screwed up the whole time thingie...but for all you did in the past I am more then willing to forget it because of that year you gave Henry and I . I mean, I know the memories werent real, but that was the best damn year of my life, and I will always have that...Ill just forget about the dating Flying Monkeys thing which for once wasnt your fault." I don't thinks it odd that Emma wants to befriend Regina. I think she sees they are two sides of the same coin who will always have to deal with each other. One comment on this show. The ending with Hook and Emma..and I am not a Hook and Emma shipper, but I liked it just because it did what this show did best in S! before it became a Saturday morning cartoon commerical meant to sell Disney merchandise. It was quiet and melancholy. The show itself is saturated in melancholy..the "Oh, arent the Charmings the most bestest couple on earth, " or about Rumples villany or about Regina's on again off again whatever she is supposed to be this week or the latest big bad, its underlying theme is not heros, its really about loss, and the choices a person makes in life because of that loss, which can make them good or bad, and how do you come back from that and become a whole person again, etc. 28 years were lost, identitys were lost, free will was lost, Regina lost herself, Rump lost his soul, people loose parents and children. At its best the show is about loss and yes, hope, to go on. That Emma/Hook scene, quiet, no CGI, no yelling or scenery chewing, brought a little of S1 back and I liked it. Oh, and the Snow Queen is a BAD ASS! I love that she strangles Regina, is not afraid of Rump and will not make a deal with him, and she does it all with a quiet sinister way.
  23. From your keyboard to the writer's ears. Not only would that be more fun...it would make more sense on her steps to redemption. Regina would ALWAYS feel the ends justify the means, and frankly, between the attacks of the Big Bads life in Storybrooke would be boring for a former Evil Queen. Chairing city council meetings just isnt as fun as dressing up like a drag queen and threatening villagers, no matter how "good," you have become. I think Regina always had a bit of "naughty," side to her even before Cora totally screwed her up. She was rebellious enough to go behind the Queen of Means back to get score a little, uh, "comfort," in the hay so its just part of her. I also like last year as in 3A Regina had to work with a team, and did not like it. In 3B she was better at it, and seemed to kind of like it "The others are waiting for me," despite being annoyed with the boring Charmings do good above all mentality. I think she actually despite herself "likes," the Charmings even as they annoy the you know what out of her. So, I can see her being part of the group while still doing things her own way, and occasionally whipping up some trouble. I think she would be annoyed as hell for not being invited to Thanksgiving but would come and insult Snow's cooking talent and Emma's table setting. "Emma, they are called table scapes NOT accident scenes...lets start over and this time you watch me..oh, just go get me a martini I need it to get through this day." And yes, I know its a big leap to think that Regina and Snow could actually like each other, but I take that they bonded more in the lost year and we just havent seen it.
  24. Oh I definatley think that Sydney is going to betray Regina. Maybe we wont's see him do so until 4b when Maliefienct makes her hopefully devious return.....( Im still holding hope white bread Marion is really Malif..would be even funnier if she was a shape shift Robin all along though way too kinky for this show.."I always wondered what it could be like, an experiment so to say...but really Regina, for all of that cleavage you show you are a bit of a dud...no wonder you had to cast a spell to have the Sheriff in your bed!" ) Was that goofy rock troll thing in the movie and is it actaully their grandfather? Plus for the episode, boring Henry had one line!
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