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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. LOL..I watch that and think," Why aren't I watching that show???" and then I remember I am!
  2. Yea, I always thought that the redemption would work better with Regina having cursed memories..and wouldn't Rumple have worked that into the curse (without Regina know natch) that the caster would loose their memories too? What would (and did) keep Regina from killing her longtime enemy all those years when he was cursed? Rump wouldn't chance Regina taking advantage of him that way. They could have gone with Grahams murder even with Regina regaining her memories because of Emma, just like her starting time and bringing people back to a place where they would actually argue and circumvent Regina...(and give LP a great scene where all the horrible memories come flooding back.) Maybe it was the fight in front of the Mills graves that bring them back, and when Graham gets his memories back he calls Regina on her cell telling her "I remember it all and now your through!" Giving Regina a more mature and "understandable" reason to kill him..as it was it seemed like a high school girl having a fit. I also don't think Regina would not have an escape plan in case the curse broke...as in swindling money and investing it in the outside world in case she needed to escape.
  3. I am actually glad to hear this! I loved Mayor Mills of S1 manipulating everyone is sight while acting like her sh*t don't stink...(My favorite line ..when framing Sydney....."I feel personally VIOLATED!") I think the EQ is a bore..huffing and puffing and throwing fireballs...(note to the heroes..has anyone thought of just shooting a magic person???Even Scott Evil knows that...)I would love to see her back to screwing with everyone's mind while having that smug look on her face...(if only it was Mayor Mills returning and not the EQ.)
  4. Exactly!!! I don't want to see them traveling to stupid CGI lands or acting like SB is the EF... "Cinderella with a Shot Gun" looks like good bad TV! Why is that annoying kid Henry still clinging on to the adults. Send him off to school so we only see him occasionally.
  5. Yea, I don't want to see babies..the show is a campy soap so just mention..."Granny is watching Neil," or whatever and leave it at that. Granny is now the Aunt Clara/ Mrs. Trumball of this show!
  6. It doesnt make sense at all (the Heart Vault) not only that they arent returned but how the hell does she have them in the first place and how did they survive 28 years in the Land Without Magic???(the biggest plot hole is S1 I felt was the Graham heart thing...) Shouldn't they have just returned to their owner? But then, they have to explain how Regina kept Daniel's corpse from rotting 28 years in a world without magic.
  7. Well Bo Beep gets to chop things up...(she seemed a tad bit..touchy) and I have a feeling she is using the place as a front for a gambling den or something shady..I loved Bo Beep and wish she would return and give Regina and Zelena some lip.
  8. Wow, that Evil Queen stand in looks much more scary then LP as the Queen. And if this which has to their last season...they go totally over the top and embrace its campy stupid heart...I would be good with it. Just don't try to be serious and write crap cause it doesnt work. A Drag Queen Queen, and S/M Hyde, this steam punk stupidity mixed in with Aladdin.??? Sounds kind of great!
  9. The Author plot was hamstrung by the screwed up timeline. When these idiots decisions to make everything that happened in the EF...happen in our timeframe...i.e. 30 years ago our time was 30 years ago their time. The whole concept was screwed from the start...(why did we have these stories for hundreds of years??? Why did Gold tell Regina in S1 that the curse took them all through time and space..) I know they were stuck with that concept with S2's idea to send Snow and Emma to the EF after the curse broke, but that could easily be explained as...all the magical realms were frozen in time during the Curse..so from the point the Curse was cast to Emma breaking it caused everyone (all realms and SB) to freeze..in their case, it was hundreds of years, in SB's case it was 28 years from "landing" in our world. The Author should have existed outside of time...and he would have the ability to visit each time frame and watch. I liked the concept as the book needed explaining, and I even can get not just Regina but all of them questioning..."Who wrote it, why does this world have our stories...do we have free will, was our past dictated and is our future?" But of course, its all "They are going to write me a happy ending," and Regina and the rest were all given stupid pills and childish motivations.
  10. I would love a Granny/Regina talk. Granny takes no crap and it would be hilarious to see her ring Regina's beads...while serving her pancakes of course. We need more Granny one liners and kicking ass. Once is a soap , and each classic soap has a advice giving grandmother..sometimes sweet, sometimes Granny tough.
  11. Well, you see Eddy and Adam wanted a scene where the EQ could float around, materialize and pull out the Dragon's hearts, so all of a sudden we are a Land With Magic, "....Cause you see, we wanted that scene you see...yea so it goes against the small amount of rules we created, it was getting hard to figure out how to do things in New York without magic...so..." I wonder if anyone on the writing staff or the network says, "This makes no sense and it goes against the whole structure of the show...for one scene to work..." I thought it would have been funnier to have the EQ have to take a cab (pawning her jewels) or walk over to the Dragon's place...through the gay hood I hope with other drag queens giving the EQ the stink eye....EQ "Get OUT of my WAY, extremely large women..I AM the QUEEN....follow me as my acolytes or DIE!" Drag Queen,.."Now she knows how to throw SHADE!" It would have worked much better and made more "sense" if the Dragon was really bad and he gave the potion to Regina and encouraged her to take it (leaving Emma and Snow not guilty of extreme stupidity) so that he could have the "very heart of evil" to either do bad things...or after unleashing her the EQ turns on him..that might make sense is this nonsensical world that the EQ was brought about by the Dragon's magic, not just a magical being who can use magic in New York. But then, there are the flying monkeys...SIGH!
  12. I like that idea...but that means A & E need to think things out...("OWWW my head hurts...let's just pull a magic object out , save the day and call it a day.") but they should have used the stupid Author plot (I still can't believe that Henry can write things and they just happen, makes no damn sense, especially in Hades, how can you write someone's happy ending, dont they need to find it???) I would have taken DC comics version of the multiverse (though they have screwed it up time and time again) where all of these realms are on different vibrations, and the Monitors, who exist outside of time, are responsible for watching them.This could have been the Author (and they could still have him go rogue and power mad..thus causing the different realms to start to disappear as he is messing with reality...giving the gang a much better reason to find out who is he other then..."My happy ending." They could have brought Malifenct back that way, he writes a different realms Mal into SB/Enchanged Forest reality, thus causing the collapse of those realms.(but keeping it consistent that "Dead is dead." .and the "Heroes and Villains," reality world would be an actual world with roles changed, instead of some all powerful book and pen creating that world. The book doesn't create, its a portal to the other worlds. Anyway fanwanking but the point would be, the Land Without Magic is the first world that all the other worlds split from, (say someone did exile magic from our world eons ago, and the split happeend.) so (in comic terms) we are Earth Prime and that is how Storybrooke can exist here, and SB, with magic becomes the connection to all the other worlds...thus explaining the easy portal jumping that seemed to have stumped a crafty Rump for hundreds of years, and how our world has all the other worlds stories (but they don't seem to have ours.) Bringing it back to this episode the EQ is not part of the Regina we know, she is an entirely different entity from another realm..with different motives then just killing Snow or Emma (yawn..) Maybe her world is dying because of dummy Henry and his pen (he tried to go back and fix Regina's past and instead destroys another world) and she wants our world and for Regina to not exist here...or something. But A & E can't keep their own rather cartoon world of Once straight so several different realms?
  13. Yea I don't agree with that interpretation....I can see why people roll their eyes at it as it should have come much earlier...(would be nice if Regina didn't need someone to die to get self perception but as we say "This Show") and I have always been more for Emma being the voice of reason, the voice from "our world." If she could have said..."Hey we all feel like that and we ALL have to deal with our past and we ALL have done bad things...granted, not as bad as the Evil Queen or Rumpel but bad things. We live with it and move on and good and bad things happen, its called life. In this world there are not heroes and villains and people assigned to those roles like the cartoons I watched as a kid. There are no Superfriends or Legion of Doom there are people who do good things sometimes, bad things other times. Good people learn and changing. You have moved on but you can never escape that past, you need to live with it" I realize that then could not have had Emma at the splitting (which was stupid, I can see not very bright Snow being there and agreeing, but Emma? Or at least have her say its not a good idea, it wont work and roll her eyes at those two..."You people think magic is the answer to everything.") But it also irks me that these goofy people who lived in our world (granted an altered version of it) would still mouth off heroes and villains and all that other junk. For 28 years they scrubbed toliets and watched Morton Downey Jr. and the Real Houswives and now they act so airy fairy like they just came from the EF. Or a mental institution. However, over all, if you look at what Regina said outside of Emma's reaction, it was a good speech and don't we all feel like that some days. It was the most self perceptive Regina has really been since her Mayor Mills days (where they would throw in lines about "I have down terrible things." without a smirk..like she actually feels a bit of remorse.)
  14. I still don't know why those nimrods didn't have Regina's victims confront her in Hades...as someone upthread mentioned, it would have made her scene (which I think Parrilla did an excellent job with, speaking of, she looked like an old school movie star through most of this episode...) have more emotional impact. As someone else also pointed out Hades was just a red tinted SB place....they should have made it a worse place, with Hades power and life (since his heart does not beat) drawing from the pain of others regrets and he gets a special jolt out of torturing the living visitors to teach them a lesson( maybe instead of Zelena's kiss it is the energy from the living which starts his heart and gets him to our world.) Instead of being in LURVE with Zelena he should have been just getting stoked on others pain and anquish (which would turn Zelena on I am sure..) I thought a great scene would be for Hades to torture all the living with scenes of the things that they regret the most, and to have it a loop until they make it right and break out. Snow's and Charming would of course (to please this board for one thing) that they lost Emma, etc. I think Hades would keep a special punishment for Regina where she is locked, living her killings over and over again while the souls torture her. If they wanted to make her a hero and get them out of Hades, they could have done that....Regina absorbs all their pain as her own, feels regret and the souls depart...(depleting most of Underbrooke.) Instead of yet another stupid portal that alone would start to break down Underbrooke and the rest of the souls would see hope and also leave...making Hades have to go to SB to get his revenge....(no taking over SB again, just revenge pure and simple.) Sorry, a tangent, but I don't understand why, if this big episode was Regina letting go of the EQ, they missed a big moment in the dumb Hades storyline.
  15. Well, then the argument can (and has been) used for gun control...guns dont kill people evil people do it. However, I would sidestep that to go back to my original argument that if you know nukes could get into the hands of an evil dictator you would rid (if you could) the world of nukes. Magic in the hands of our villains is just that...Regina almost killed everyone a few seasons back with that stupid fail safe, Pan almost turned everyone into his slaves with the curse, Regina did do so. Magic can turn people into bugs and fish and those creepy dolls. Magic, is too much "power,"and I would agree its bad. The only thing that magic did good was bring back Hook (mileage varies on that) but he died because of it anyway. And bringing back the dead is creepy and weird and again, too powerfull. Regina and Rump in a magic less SB were much less a danger then they are with magic. The only way they were a threat to begin with was again, because of magic, that kept everyone bow towing to Regina and anware of her true self, and magic gave Gold his fortune to lord over people. A bitchy Mayor Mills with a tude is a lot different then a scenery chewing drag queen who can pull out your heart. And on Henry and at least those dolls, in S1 Blue told Archie she couldnt bring them back, that they were dead, not just transformed.
  16. This is a gal who likes her pancakes so I can see her going for a little crap in the outside world.
  17. Okay, I hate to agree with Henry, but really, this people are idiots if they don't think magic must be destroyed. We havent seen it do any good, as it just corrects the magical wrongs of others...(at the last minute,,,after a few extras die.) We also see that dark magic has more power then white magic..or what we have been allowed to see. Blue was supposed to be the most powerful but she runs and shrieks like an 8 year old when the shadow chases her and is not to be seen when the latest Big Bad comes to town and is easily sucked into the hat. The Sorcerer is useless, Glinda got stuck in a winter world by Zelena... I have enjoyed a couple of the last episodes where Emma has made Gold her bitch... but that it that. So it makes total sense to "disarm," everyone. Having Regina (EQ) Gold, and whomever, have that much power is like letting Iran have a nuke. If Snow and Charms ever had any sense...(I know, I know,) they would have tried to get rid of it long ago. Okay, so the Henry wish scene (one of the most painful to watch scenes on any show or movie in the last few years) did that in itself restore magic to Storybrooke? To the whole world (people seemed to use it willy nilly in NY now)? I quit really watching much when the Dragon (as stand in for the writers) said "Yes and No..."
  18. Okay, but why was Regina able to split herself with a magic potion...and then able to pull out a heart, and then the EQ floated over to the Dragon and pulled his heart out if there is no...or hard to find magic in the LWOM? I realize Emma in magic..but does everyone else know this as she makes chains appear on the EQ? Is this a retread of S2 "Magic works differently here" when Regina couldn't get her mojo going but then its like,"Oh no it doesnt!" I wish people would quit asking the producers if "Rumbelle has a future" ..or "Are Hook and Emma going to go sofa shopping soon," and ask them "Please explain your rules of magic..you do know that nothing makes sense and it is fairly obvious you don't know what the hell you are doing..."
  19. Yes, I wanted them to do something along those lines with Regina/EvilQueen but its this show, which after S1 has no clue on how to build a story or theme subtly. It would have been more fun to see the EQ slowly take over...waltzing in to Granny's demanding pancakes...(okay probably Regina does that anyway) snarling at the dwarves "Get out of my way, little man!" (okay, she probably does that too) and being finally being mean to Henry "Did I ask your opinion child...whatever happened to children should be seen and not heard..that's a certain way to loose a tongue. How old are you anyway with your fairy-farty talk of heroes and villains!" She gets more and more like the queen as episodes go by and Regina is perplexed that people are angry with her. At night she would go full out EQ and go hang out with Hyde and come up with evil plans while indulging in a little rough love...if you know what I mean.
  20. Okay..so the basic premise of the show..that Storybrook is surrounded by the Land Without Magic was shot to hell without even an explanation.."Well yes and no" Seriously people get paid for this crap? So I Am confused..everyone can use magic in New York or was it just Emma who is innately magical? How can The EQ work magic in NY? Why would any evil doer stay in SB?
  21. I just saw some pictures of Jekyle/Hyde..the actor in his Victorian garb and roughed up face looks much more interesting then bland Robin...(I just never thought the actor and Parrilla has any spark..but then I don't see why people go gaga over Hook and Emma, though agree they have more spark.) Can we just hope that instead of the EQ that Regina becomes Mayor Mills again. I mean, who could not see the EQ coming a mile away and Mayor Mills was more sneaky and everyone thought she was above board so that would work better over the long run. But this is A&E and their over the top magic so we will have the EQ throwing flame balls down main street....(YAWN.) Speaking of chemistry, I think the only chemistry Parrilla had (with a guy) is with sweet pouty Jefferson. Too bad he is a movie star, those two were good together. Why do I think that the Henry spoiler is true..it sounds just like how they write that little creep. What does he gather children and tell them the story of a town in Maine with magic..."BELIEVE" When are they going to write him his age? Or at least let Roland or some other kid have his stories! I can't believe that Emma is his bio mom and he was raised by Regina, he acts a bit like he scores low on his placement tests.
  22. Regina didn't say she wanted him dead..she said that was her first instinct...and she knows it is wrong. I think most of us have had times in our life were we were upset or angry and seeing someone be happy really just p*sses you off, and most of us arent evil queens. I would rather heat that then her talking about becoming a "hero" not a "vilain," and why oh why does nothing work for her..etc. She and Emma are having a grown up conversation..so thank God her parents and Henry are elsewhere spouting off their cartoon philosophy.
  23. LOL..well..to be fair..Robin was no prize...I think it would have been funny for Emma to say..."Regina, your a hot little number, and Robin was, let's be fair, kind of boring and a whole lot of dumb, you could do a LOT better. We are in New York, let's go get you something other then black to wear and let's go dancing.. find yourself a rich husband that you could control. Yes, I know, there is something more powerful then magic here..its called sex..." Okay that sounds more like Cruella but..(oh what I would give for Cruella taking Regina out on the town .."Cheer up darling! Think of all the widows you left behind..you had it coming dear, just be glad its not you! Oh look, over there look like two marks, if we play our cards right I can get his wallet and we have the whole night paid for!" ) From that little snippet of promo I actually like the scene and think it makes Regina more "human." Okay, she is the EQ and like an alcoholic it would always be there. She is actually being honest and vunerable there...or at least the way the actresses are playing it. I don't see Emma bending over backwards I see her acknowledging that Regina is in pain and when someone is in and telling you something, even something you may want to discuss further later, you let it go and chalk it up. I think LP is good there and she really hasn't had the material since first half of S2 where Regina can be conflicted. I think she is boring as Good Regina, Just One of the Gang and yes, the Evil Queen has worn out her welcome. I know A & E cant' or don't write it...Regina is best in areas of grey, like this. I think that is what Emma responds to...she is surrounded by people screaming about heroes and villains but she lived life and knows there is a middle. But at least we have Emma and Hook on different adventures this episode and Zelena is there for a side of snark..
  24. Okay, that makes sense. I liked Emma being a bad ass and throwing Rump back and him taking it...(lol on her breaking up Moe and Rump's fight..."You, get out of here!") so thought it was weird that Zelena could get the best of her....(but why didn't Regina leave directions to the undeground tunnel in case the rest of the group needed it? Also who has been taking care of those "secret" tunnels all these years. I can't see Regina going down and changing light bulbs.
  25. LOL..I thought that I was bad that I zoomed into the envelope to see what it said! Funny, Storybrooke went and came back and all addresses stayed the same...(I would have thought Zelena put a little something in her addition to Snow's curse that Regina would live on "Uber Bitch Drive" or something.
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