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Everything posted by snarts

  1. To me, it boils down to this: if you're not willing to put your relationships on camera for discussion, then you have no right to comment on others. Both Bethenny & Ramona have clearly stated that they keep their dating lives off camera, yet they're both deeply critical/involved with the relationships of Luann & Dorinda. That's bullshit. Further, neither are well-meaning concerned friends. They're both petty ass bitter bitches that hate to see other people happy. Finally...again, in my book, while putting your business out there for public consumption on a reality TV show earns you the right to comment on your co-stars shit, it's still bad form to judge other relationships. It's truly up to the individuals involved. They make up the rules, the boundaries, the dealer breakers, People would be whole a lot happier if they expended their time & energy on finding their own version of a good relationship.
  2. What even worse than watching Bethenny sit half naked reveling in her moment to crush luann's happiness, was Sonja's increasingly delusional memories of her time with Tom. She was going to meet his parents? Wait, that must've been on her yacht in the South of France with her diamond & fragrance businesses and the Nigerian football team. Ramona is so incredibly rude. I was hoping Dorinda was really going to lay into her. Hypocrite Bethenny scolding Dorinda for yelling? How rich coming from the shrieking harpie. And again, Carole surprises me with how well she navigates this trip. Friendly to everyone, that's how to be an adult. Edited to fix: yelling not telling
  3. I missed that the delivery guy was Naz father too. I was so scared that the creepy hearse driver was going to show up. Plus, I didn't understand why she would go to the door without her money if she were expecting a food delivery.
  4. Teresa stayed a lot longer than I would have. Jacqueline is itching for a fight and a storyline. She's pretty transparent about it as well. Frankly, I can't stand the bitch. Surprised by how happy seeing the Guidice/Gorga clan get along. I do hope that it lasts despite Jacqueline's efforts to drive that wedge. Teresa's hair on WWHL looked fantastic, loved the highlights. I wonder how she'd look with a bob like Melissa?
  5. So classy http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/08/09/bethenny-frankel-reportedly-throws-fit-throws-drinks-at-concertgoers.html
  6. Love that they're marathoning the earlier Real World seasons. However, as someone who has watched since the beginining, it's amazing how different it is without the original music. When did MTV lose the music rights? Is it because they sold some of the earlier seasons iinto syndication?
  7. It was Michigan in Winter, so I'll give you drab. I travel for work, and it looked like any other snow covered midwestern/northeastern town. Southfield is a suburb of Detroit, and a well-kept one at that. There was nothing abandoned looking in the episode. The opening shots showed boaters, with the back from commercial shots at a library and restaurant. You also might want to make a visit to Detroit. On my last trip, there were construction trains all over downtown and nary a reservation available at any of the new restaurants on Open Table. The bars were packed...on a Thursday. I was amazed at the price point on a 3 bedroom all brick home. Glad she chose that one because the two story was a mess. She offered over asking due to the multiple offer situation but that once they had selected her bid, the appraisal came in at $115k. She said that she wouldn't pay more than the appraised price and sellers accepted the $115k. They had the option to put the house back on the market at that point but didn't, likely because they would be required to disclose the appraised value and thus unlikely to receive any higher bids. Most likely, her situation (down payment/financing/earnest $) were better then the next highest bidder. Fell asleep during the Nashville episode. Were they looking downtown or in one of the burbs?
  8. Actually to give credit where credit is due, Paradise Hotel was the first to have this twist. Charla kept the money, screwing Dave. Now that was reality tv awesome. Johnny's a douche but I have a hard time mustering any sympathy for Sarah. She should've known better then invest emotionally in that asshat. I feel like MTV is on dangerous ground with pulling out this twist. People are less likely to sign on if there's a chance they can win and walk away with nothing. I also feel like it wouldn't have been added without Johnny & Sarah in the final.
  9. I don't know about you, but i always wear a bikini when I'm bleeding out buckets of blood... Luann's dress the day after the party was gorgeous and she looked fabulous in it. Meanwhile, Ramona in her bathing suit & sarong looked like a stuffed peanut. I must've watched her dance for a solid a 10 minutes though. I have to thank her for that. Sorry Bethenny, if your concern was truly luann and her feelings, you would've told her when you had the chance. Telling Carole & Ramona is bullshit you gossipy bitch. Own your own shit and stay out of other folks lives you miserable twat.
  10. It was boring. I kept waiting for others to appear but instead it was 40 minutes of LC's life.
  11. Lauren's face looks different in the current shots. Has she had work done?
  12. I thought Luann was a little tipsy and yes, very happy. Don't blame her one bit for acting the way she does when these bitches try to rain on her happiness. Never thought I'd say this, but Carole is behaving the best. Dorinda's a shit stirrer and Sonja & Moaner are green with envy. Bethenny's just a bitter shrew who's instigating from afar. Sorry, if you won't put your shady business on the show, you shouldn't get to interfere with others.
  13. No reunion???? That blows. I liked the friendship that developed between the stews, especially Hannah & Julia. I see Julia as an outgoing, friendly person who doesn't look for conflict/drama. I don't know how she could've handled the situation with Bobby any better other than outright ignoring him (hard to do on a boat). It's likely she didn't know the extent of his feelings until the last night on the beach. And wow, like others, how nice of Bobby to blame her for how he felt. That said, I do think he was genuinely remorseful for how he acted on the tender. On the other hand, Bryan's a straight up asshole with a huge ego. I doubt he even cringed while watching the episodes. Instead, he blamed everyone else for his behavior: Tiffany teased him, Julia refused to respect him, Jenn's a man-hating lesbian, etc. I wonder how shocked Captain Mark was after seeing the show? I stand by my earlier opinion that Ben would've more into Hannah had she been the 3rd stew. He was looking for a no strings roll in the hay.
  14. I was looking forward to this show returning from it's multi-week hiatus, but the producer induced drama with Jeffrey & Alex is over the top. I can't stand her and hate that she's become the focus of the show. Waiting patiently for Bachelor in Paradise to start...
  15. Wow, Danny sucked but Bobby & Bryan are just as bad in different ways. Sad to see Bryan rewarded. He's the epitome of someone who manages up very well. Meanwhile, most of his peers and direct reports hate him. Nice to see the stews as a united front. Enjoyed watching them become friends this season and work well together. The discussion between Ben & Julia was also good. Glad to see them calmly close the door on the class discussion and remain friends.
  16. I've never liked Carole. To me, she's always had this air of superiority about her. Even in her fight was Aviva, the way she handled it gave me pause. Heather I initially liked, so I do think that Carole was more bearable when Heather was around. At least she was far less catty. It's like Bethany & Carole bring out the worst in each other. Maybe it's the strength in numbers thing, they feel more confident being mean ass bitches because there are two of them? In any case, they have been awful to half the cast this year. They way they treated Jules at both dinners was beyond the pale. She has an eating disorder, she's been in recovery for years. She will deal with it her whole life. Show some compassion. I thought Carole was especially hateful. I can't help but think (like many have pointed out) that their reactions stem from their own issues with food. In any case, they deserve the backlash they're receiving.
  17. Carole can't be happy with this seating arrangement. Separated from Bethany, the horror!
  18. True, but I thought that Ben detailing his background essentially proved Julia's point. Yes, she was overtired and easily irritated. However, when pressed by him, she explained to Ben how his comments make her feel. What she said obviously hit home as he seemed quite affected by it. Say what you want about Hannah, but she great as a friend consoling both Julia & Ben and staying neutral. Was Danny flirting with one of the wives/girlfriends? I have no words.
  19. Another carsick victim here. I can't read or look at my phone, so yes, I typically offer to drive. Plus, some people just prefer to be driving when in a car. I c an see Briana feeling that would make the trip go by faster than if she were a passenger. Still, I do wonder why they didn't just fly and have their car/items inside shipped to them. Vicki's never going to apologize so part of me was impressed with Tamra understanding that and accepting Vicki for who she is. Probably first and last time Tamra impressed me. The other part wonders why these ladies feel they're due an apology at all. Why do they even care who Vicki is dating? Heather's house. Yeah, we get it, you're rich. Anything else? I love Kelly's house. Probably my favorite OC gouse since Lynne's beach rental.
  20. Me too. I'm actually returning to watch the show after taking a couple seasons off. I couldn't stand the bitterness anymore and had to take a break. It's the promise of a friendlier Guidice/Gorga storyline that's peaked my interest. Plus, no Manzos!!! After watching the first look, I wish Jacqueline were gone as well. Is Dina still on the show?
  21. He may not need to named. However, since he's the one with the deep pockets, it seems odd that he wouldn't be included if his name is on the deed. I still can't see Kyle/Mauricio being OK with having Kingsley in their home, especially with them away. Where were their dogs? If Kingsley is aggressive, I can't see him living peacefully with other dogs and the Umanksy's have many.
  22. I don't why anyone is assuming that this occurred at the Umansky family home. Kyle is either the owner or leaseholder on the property as she's named in the suit, but it makes no sense that Kim, Chad and Kingsley would be at their main residence, especially with Kyle out of town. They have at least two girls and three to four dogs of their own that live there. More likely, Kyle co-signed on a lease for her sister to live after she got out of rehab. Do none of the legal filings include an address??
  23. Agree. Who leaves a used tampon on the floor? Absolutely disgusting.
  24. Go Jules! Everything she said about Bethany is true. Loved it.
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