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Everything posted by Vaysh

  1. Do fundies have some sort of religious prejudice against altering suits so that they actually fit? Some sort of moral objection against hemming trousers? Because both dads look like they think they're at least two inches taller than they actually are. The groom's trousers look slightly better but they're not exactly well-fitting either, nor is the jacket. Like, dude, it's your wedding. Get thee to a tailor!
  2. I don't think what I remember was the Cornish House because I've watched episodes from that place and it looks far too big and fancy. The place I remember (unless I'm confusing it with something else) had a straight, rather narrow, staircase up to a small second floor open hallway with bedrooms to the left. And the oldest kids were still kids.
  3. Did they ever rent a house with two floors? That was filmed? Because I have a vague memory of watching part of an episode or a special about the Duggars waaay back when I had no clue about who they were, and it was all about how they had to wait in line for the bathrooms and lots of laundry and chores and whatnot. But I think there were stairs in that house and it didn't look at all like the TTH, it was much much smaller and cramped. As for the photo above; how on earth could anyone even consider cramming sixteen people into that tiny house? That's like 19th century New York level of overcrowdedness.
  4. Nothing says true parental love like a free drippy sundae. Nothing. Have they completely given up on the personalised birthday parties now that TLC isn't filming them anymore? Now all the kids, regardless of age, just get a drippy sundae? I don't recall seeing any cakes or birthday parties for a good long while now.
  5. I doubt they're off-grid electricity-wise (not sure it would even be possible with that size of house) but they do have a wood burner (if that's the right word?) in an outbuilding adjacent to the house; it was shown in one episode as an example of how frugal/smart they were living or something. If they were clever with construction and piping when they built the house, a proper sized wood burner and a good water heater could keep the floors warm at least.
  6. So his dad is still a preacher in Philadelphia or did he move to Texas too? Reading on this forum I somehow got the idea that his dad was in Laredo as well. ...one of these days I will watch more than a few minutes of each episode. I'll need to imbibe a lot of alcohol to do it but I swear I will. For science!
  7. Since his parents live there I just assumed. I could very well be wrong.
  8. Am I horribly naive in thinking that since Jeremy grew up and lives in a town so defined by immigration, that he might be less than pleased with Trump's racism and that this might've swayed him to secretly vote Hillary? Or at least be critical of Trump despite voting for him? Ugh. I just find this whole idea of mixing politics with religion so weird and confusing. Like we've got a "Christian Democratic" party, and they're socially conservative and right wing economically (though nowhere near Tea Party levels), but they're barely scraping by, with like 4-5% percent of the votes, because most people understand that their religion is something private that shouldn't affect other people.
  9. Pinterest explosion! Is Jessa due before Christmas? Why did I think she was due in January?
  10. Jaysus, Mechelle looks absolutely miserable in every single one of those photos. That rictus grin...
  11. Aww, Jana has Hobbit feet! (I'm not snarking, they look legit adorable).
  12. Poor Joy if this is true. She's a child! I mean, I realise that there isn't much life experience to gain by living in the TTH, but a few years as second-in-command sister mom might give her a chance to mature just a little bit more. ETA: Oh dear.
  13. I honestly don't think The Bun is about being bad ass; it's more about trying to be hipster cool within the very narrow confines of Christian fundamentalism. Man buns are not bad ass, they're just not. They're the go-to hairstyle for men who sourdough, ride bikes instead of driving, drink mate and listen to Neutral Milk Hotel. Hipsters are like the hippies of the 21st century (which fits rather well with Derick's personality, I think) and the Bun is really the only way Derick can embrace his hipsterdom within the confines of the Duggar universe. It's also a big passive aggressive FU to Boob IMO so I'm actually rather fond of it.
  14. Prissy looks a bit like Goldie Hawn in that picture. Goldie Hawn circa 2006.
  15. I think I must've lucked out; the only wedding kisses I've witnessed have been quite sedate and sweet. Not that weird goldfish pecking fundies seem to favour but none involving tongues either.
  16. That is one hideous bedstead. What is it even supposed to be? Overblown faux Victorian Baroque? Is it meant to be ironic?
  17. Joseph didn't try too hard though. Those aren't "dress shoes" IMO; they're just shoes that aren't sneakers. My dad used to wear shoes like that for everyday wear back in the 90's. Add their worn state and lack of polish, I'm amazed anyone would think shoes like that would in any way be appropriate for a wedding. And then there's the whole brown shoes with black trousers issue (and wtf, did he tuck the hems into his shoes?) but I guess that's a matter of preference. But it's like the Duggars have no concept of how to dress with any sense of class. They copy whatever they see on Pinterest (the bow ties, suspenders, polka dot shirts etc) but have no clue about basic things like polished shoes, properly hemmed trousers, not wearing white to weddings unless you're the bride (I'm looking at you Mullet), not matching brown and black, wearing darker suits during fall and winter and so on. I'm feeling a bit like a snob right now, but I'm from thorougly working class origins and yet there's not a single person in my family who would show up to a wedding in unpolished shoes.
  18. I really can't see Bin doing anything involving strippers; the lad is just too earnest and dumb to pull it off without anyone noticing. Boob yes, but he's so high profile I doubt he'd try it. If anyone caught even a glimpse of him at a strip club there's a big chance they'd call the tabloids and then the Duggars would have to deal with yet another scandal. JB is stupid but he's not that stupid.
  19. If this is true I'm thinking it's that douche Amy married. Everything about him is just sleazy and wrong. The drunk driving and refusal to pay his debts are big red flags concerning the guy's (lack of) morals.
  20. I thought everyone had to have insurance under Obamacare? Or are there ways to get around it? Though why one would want to is a bit puzzling to me.
  21. To be fair, isn't this how most 20-year olds are? I'm pretty sure a lot of the things that came out of my mouth in my early twenties came across as both arrogant and oblivious despite being well-meaning. We are passionate at that age but also ignorant; everything about the adult world is new and it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just because something is news to ourselves it has to be news to everyone else. And I can imagine that being brought up sheltered like Bin probably exacerbates the issue. Bin does seem to have a genuine interest in learning though, so I'm hoping this is just a phase he's going through and that like most 20-year olds he'll grow out of it.
  22. I'm so conflicted about this IG post. There are so very many things wrong with it, and yet I can't help but feel proud of poor Bin for realising that White Conservative Christians aren't the perfect examples of Christlike behaviour (y'all know no Duggar would ever reach this point, ever). It's like, he's so dumb. And was brought up so sheltered. And supremely fucked up. And yet... somewhere inside of that hot mess there is a kind and decent person trying to get out. There appears to be some questioning going on in his mind. And I am desperately hoping this development will continue and that it won't be squashed by the Duggar Hive Mind.
  23. Not at all, I live in Sweden and I'm the same; it's always interesting to figure out how people in other countries do things, like everyday stuff. I think that is one of the reasons why I enjoy being on this forum so much. I mean, we do get a lot of American culture exported over here via television, movies, food chains etc but the small things (like door opening etiquette) tend to get lost and I find those really fascinating (I think I might have been an anthropologist in an earlier life ;) I've just a found a gem of a subreddit: /r/niceguys/ where your schoolmate would've fit in perfectly. Apparently opening doors is the height of chivalry for a certain type of "Nice Guy" and it absolves them of more complicated behaviours like treating women like equals. At least Bin doesn't belong to this group of men? Yay?
  24. Is this still an actual thing in America? That men are supposed to wait for women to go through doors first? What is the reasoning behind this? Sorry for asking; I live in a country where politeness is more gender neutral. The whole waiting for others to pass is not really a thing but if there's someone behind you, you hold the door open for them regardless of gender. The only times I'd imagine anyone waiting for someone else to enter first would be if they were carrying something heavy, or if they were an elderly man or woman or someone with other difficulties navigating doors.
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