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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I found this episode very boring and stopped it with 20 minutes left to go. Maybe I will get back to it. I am just not liking the direction the series is going. I don't like this high tech world they are in. I liked it better when the activity was in the simpler parks.
  2. It is not up on On Demand and Showtime usually puts the episode up at midnight.
  3. This was one of the worst series I have ever watched. It is preposterous. How could Jamie, who is totally psychotic, function as a teacher and husband for so many years and have nobody see any signs of his insanity? And a visit from his old college buddy sends him over the edge? What was the purpose of this entire season? Bill Pullman analyzes the finale
  4. I think that accent is a hint the Rabbi may not be all he is claiming to be. I think he pretends to be a Rabbi to get the Jewish people to vote for Lindbergh but he is really a Nazi himself.
  5. A nice show but how can they ever start the competition with "social distancing" in place and all that is going on? I think this season will have to finish up at a later date.
  6. Madison had twins? I thought regardless of Randall being a dick, Kevin crossed a line. I have no idea how they ever repaired that relationship after that. Oh my..... when will the new season start filming? Not for a long time with all that is going on. We will be lucky if next year at this time the new season begins.
  7. The problem with this summer season of BB is that while the HGs could be in the house, the workers who build the sets probably were unable to prepare the comps. Those comps for HOA and the veto comps are prepared and built in another location months before the season and then carried onto the BB set one comp at a time. They probably were unable to gather and do that work. So the show will probably not be ready to air in time. They could postpone it... but if they do manage to start and bend the style of the show, there probably could not be a live audience on eviction night. My prediction is this show will start in September or later.
  8. The final episode of the season was funny but followed the predictable algorithm. A "spite house" is exactly what I should have seen coming.
  9. Why did WARWORLD switch to letterbox format in the middle of this episode?
  10. What happened to that woman who Carrie left in the car? I forgot her name but she was a widow.
  11. Here's what I cannot understand. If Haqquani wanted peace, why were those rogue Taliban men near the helicopters and why did one of them shoot Max, kidnap him, and hold him as a prisoner? If they loved Haqqani so much they would not bother with Max because their leader wanted peace.
  12. It looks to me like Richard Lewis has had his health issues. He talks very slowly (even not as Charlie) and he has aged so poorly. I think this season is great, but Larry David turns me off when he pairs himself with women so much younger than he is. He also is a sneaky fat shamer (i.e. his contempt for a woman yo yoing up) And he does other things to show he is repulsed by women who do not meet his expectations of attractiveness.
  13. Sonia was "drawn to" him. She would have been an excellent Manson girl.
  14. Wow, just when I thought it could not get any more stupid or ridiculous... along comes part 7.
  15. Who is Alvin? I know he is the cousin of Philip and Sheldon but whose son is he and how is his mother or father related to the Levins?
  16. I think Caleb was a host in a Vietnam themed park at Westworld. He was a soldier. But like Dolores, he made it to the real world. I think Caleb could be a recycled Teddy. At the end, that Vietnam village was part of the theme park that Bernard found his way back to.
  17. Have we seen him before in previous seasons?
  18. I am all mixed up even after a second viewing. Who is Jerry? Is he an older version of who we saw before?
  19. This series has strayed way too far away from the original theme for me to even watch. It is just a different show. I liked it more when the story was contained within the parks. This new season so far does not appeal to me. It is not Westworld.
  20. Did Columbo ever get this crazy? Did the detectives on "True Detective" or Kojak or Jessica Fletcher? I think Ambrose is playing this game because he is psychotic. There is no way any rational detective would allow himself to be buried alive and TRUST that the prime suspect would be there later to dig him up. I personally think he is attracted to Jamie. And I think he is being seduced by that attraction. The writing for this season is so awful it is a joke.
  21. Thank-you for this great post. I totally agree. This is numbingly stupid. Ambrose allowed himself to be buried alive!!! I watched the episode twice and on the second viewing I laughed. What a mental case Ambrose is. Sonya stares at Jamie and asks him to take his clothes off and then gets close to photograph him. What nuts! "What in the absolute fuck kind of story is this?!!!" LMAO
  22. And THE SINNER just went back to being jaw-droppingly stupid again. Is Harry an asshole or what? Is Sonya psychotic? What kind of spell does Jamie put them under? I mean: Matt Bomer is handsome, but what gives? Well, maybe it is about Harry. After all, he allowed himself to be buried alive by a psychotic killer who handed him a confession! Wacko show!
  23. And I am totally interested in the alternate reality. The show was getting redundant and boring. I can get lost in different possibilities. And it will be interesting to see how the alternate reality impacts Nicky and the Pearsons going forward.
  24. That technique is not for everyone, but I happen to love it. I love to see an alternate reality. Demi Moore did a film called "Passion of Mind" where she lives in two different worlds. I like that. It is not manipulative but just allows the audience to imagine different possibilities.
  25. I hope Max makes it. I think Haqqani was framed. What is the name of the Afghan president? Can somebody please post his pic? We see the VP of Afghanistan all the time in every episode, but I cannot recall who the president of Afghanistan is in Homeland.
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