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Everything posted by BluBarbi98

  1. I'm just catching up and just coming to say that I'm LIVID with Paula for ruining Kai's life by setting the robbery in motion and then not texting or calling him when the parents headed back AND with Kai for going along with it. SMH.
  2. Why does that make him an asshole? If someone spent their money to buy me something and I wasn't getting what they paid for then I'm still getting ripped off. No matter who paid for the room, the hotel received payment for the most expensive accommodations and provided lesser accommodations. I know it was unintentional but it is basically a bait-and-switch.
  3. I agree with this 1000% He is a jerk but he was right about this and I feel like the show wanted us to sympathize with the manager but you can't KNOW that you're wrong and not do anything to try to resolve the situation. The fact that it took the travel agent (who could affect future business in a very tangible way) calling and cursing him out before he even begrudgingly gave them champagne is just horrible customer service. Also, also Shane could have and should have said it differently but Rachel's wrong to work on their honeymoon.
  4. I'm just getting around to watching this season and am now on the "Incredible Iceland" episode. I first saw a cooking Rye bread in the earth segment on Zac Efron's "Down to Earth" but am not surprised that Uncharted featured a segment too because it is a fun thing to watch and by the reactions on both shows it tastes good too.
  5. Oh my goodness! I was telling my cousin about this show (and started following Zola Nene afterwards) and mentioned this very thing. While I didn't think that he was being insulting (or at least deliberately) I LOVED that she stood up and wouldn't let him impose his cooking biases on her cuisine. I sometimes watch "Ugly Delicious" on Netflix and in one of the episodes (something about steak) I literally stood up and applauded when one of the chefs acknowledged that she used to think like this but she had to rethink her position and understand that there are religious and cultural reasons why people prefer their meat cooked well done. Overall one of the things I appreciate about the show is the local experts schooling Gordon on the best way to cook their dishes even when he's prone to do it his way.
  6. While I appreciate Mick sticking up for Nic and setting the record straight before Cyrell confronted him and Jess, I've been conflicted about Nic for a while and this episode and this revelation brought that back to me. Nic comes across as a genuinely nice guy and I believe that he is but this issue frustrated me during the show because his keeping things from Cyrell seemed like he was participating in a form of gaslighting. I get it, Cyrell (whom I love) is a lot and can go overboard when in confrontation mode, but withholding information that is pertinent to her and AND to the case she's making against Jessika was wrong too. I did appreciate him affirming Michael's endorsement of Martha's bad behavior because that's his "missus" but still conveying that Martha was wrong. Also, whoever screamed, "Please get Cyrell away" (I couldn't tell) after Martha initiated winegate needs to have several seats!
  7. I'm glad people are still posting in this forum. I don't have Discovery+ and miss getting new episodes of the show.
  8. It's been a long time since I commented on this series but I came to say that even though Maggie's look (dress & hair) was more romantic during the second wedding, I loved and preferred her look from the first wedding. I agree with everyone who stated that the parents were being selfish and that anything could have happened during the 8-9 months between events including one of the elderly dying. I really like Bailey's & Meredith's relationship over the last 2 episodes. I'm glad Koracik is not gone forever. I'm sad about Amelia & Linc.
  9. Wow! That tournament was intense and I was really worried about Dawn. I don't eat chicken and would have loved to try her "Hot Nashville Tofu". I really appreciated Ed Lee raising his blue paddle in protest. I also really liked Byron and am sad that he's gone home. I haven't seen LCK yet but am betting that Sara makes it back in. With this group I'm okay with whoever wins but in order my remaining favorites are: Dawn Shota Jaimie Maria Gabe PS: Shota and Maria taking tactics from each and both doing well was really cute.
  10. This was probably my favorite episode of Top Chef ever!!! I loved the Elimination Challenge and hope they keep it in the future like Restaurant Wars. I said it a few episodes but it bears repeating, the Alumni Cheftestants are really making this season a delight to watch and I hope they're utilized much more in the future. Even Blais seems more chilled out with his fellow alumni there.
  11. This may have already been answered but I would assume that the US/Canadian governments would have performed a paternity test once Fred was captured. If they didn't initiate it, wouldn't Fred?
  12. Since it’s been weeks since I’ve visited this site some of my comments will extend beyond the most recent episode and may not be in order of events. Cyrell & Nic I LOVED Cyrell. Yes, she was loud and could be over-the-top but she was always honest which I appreciate. I even understand why she felt that Nic didn’t support her in that confrontation with Martha. At the time I didn’t get why she called Martha fake but I certainly do now. I really hope Cyrell gets over her trust issues because she self-sabotages relationships but I think she’s a good person. I also really liked Nic but felt like he and Cyrell were poorly matched. I appreciated the effort he put into their relationship but felt like their personalities were too far apart to ever have the long-lasting marriage they both want. Billy & Susie I’m just going to cosign everyone who called her horrid and say that as awkward as it was, I got a great laugh when he finally told her off and gave him a standing ovation. Heidi & Mike Mike is definitely abrasive but I appreciate how he refuses to let Jessika slide on her actions. As a viewer it was very frustrating to see the intentionality of her malicious behavior for the past few weeks get swept under the rug by the experts (producers?) and even some of the other couples because she and Dan are pursuing “love.” There are women in their very group who have lingering trust issues because of stuff like this. Shifting to his relationship with Heidi, I think he cares about her but doesn’t want to take the time to really be the emotional support that she needs. That dinner situation was horrible. Even if he didn’t have his cell phone on him (did they ever mention why he didn’t call?) when he discovered that the restaurant was closed, he should have gotten her something! It was unbelievably rude to go home with only food for himself when she was hungry too. Also, the towel situation is a small thing but very annoying if it happens on a daily basis. At best Mike is inconsiderate and at worse he’s completely indifferent to her feelings. I cannot make up my mind if Heidi is overly sensitive or if she’s just overly sensitive to Mike but either way I don’t see this relationship lasting long-term. For her emotional and mental health, I think it would be better for her if they part ways. Ning & Mark I really don’t have a feel for Mark’s personality but think he’s a generally nice guy. Regarding the accusation Jessika made about him, I can believe that was a joking comment he made with Mick earlier in the season when he and Ning weren’t on good terms which is why neither he nor Mick ever denied it. If that’s true I think it’s a mistake, Ning herself asked when the comment was made and if it was towards the beginning of the season, I think she would have understood. Ning obviously has trust issues and it’s a shame that she let Jessika derail the progress she and Mark made. I’m not surprised that she didn’t confront Jessika in front of the guys at the dinner, because of the way the female group has insinuated that she and Cyrell were trouble-makers in the past. I could see Cyrell not caring and still pursuing the issue but not Ning after Mike joined the fray. It was probably easier for her to let him fight it out and see if he got anything instead of her getting into that argument and risk alienating the female group. Jessika had Martha to support her lies and Jules and Heidi while skeptical, were still neutral on Jessika at that point. Even Tamara was believing Jessika then. None of them would have made the connection that she (Jessika) was lying or misrepresenting the conversation to deflect from her behavior. Ning’s insistence of consummating the relationship in the last episode was a complete 180 for me and I understand why Mike was reluctant. I don’t see them lasting. Martha & Michael Martha keeping her friend’s secret I understand, Martha helping her maintain her lie by joining into the shenanigans, I cannot. Also, I saw red when she nastily corrected Cyrell’s pronunciation of “youse”. For me, that moment really highlighted her personality apart from the Jessika drama. I think Michael is a nice guy but can’t see him beyond Martha. Dan & Tamara I don’t feel like we really got to know Tamara and agree with whoever said that they were doomed when his mother said no. I was embarrassed for her every time Jessika said there was nothing going on especially since she had her own suspicions of Jessika when they first arrived and resorted to sitting on Dan’s lap during the dinner party. I really felt sorry for her when she started crying and hope she has better luck in her next relationship. If Dan has any redeeming quality, it’s that he seemed genuinely uncomfortable with what they were doing at that last commitment ceremony and at other times too. When both Tamara and Mick cried, I think (hope) he felt some remorse. This was a not a fine moment for him and I don’t think he and Jessika last either. I know this season already aired 2 years ago in Australia but refuse to look it up until the season is over. Jessika & Mick There have been times during this season that I thought Mick was a jerk and I really wouldn’t want to live on his farm either, but I felt sorry for him wanting to leave and being held hostage for weeks. When he started crying it pulled at my heartstrings. I agree with the above poster who said that he and Tam didn’t want to be with their partners but for weeks he’s been saying Jessika’s decisions are distrustful and she’s been gaslighting him. Mentally and emotionally, that had to take a toll. Jessika’s the worst! She took what Ines did and multiplied it by 10. If this storyline was producer driven, I hope she was well paid for her part because I don’t know how you would go back to real life after being this person on TV unless that’s really who she is. Thanks to whoever reminded us that she tried this with Nic too but he didn’t take the bait. Somewhere Cyrell screamed, “I told you so!” when the truth came out. LOL!!! The Experts Thank you to whoever posted the articles about Dr. Trisha. I believe the producers insisted that Jessika and Dan stay and can see how this would weigh on her. I’m glad she decided there were limits and has steeped away from the show for her health. I will continue to watch but know I would feel differently if my professional integrity was on the line. I’m in the camp that the experts are watching an edited version of the dinner parties so they don’t see the stuff happening outside. That said, they do see and comment on the extra-marital flirting and am disappointed that they don’t call out this behavior. Also, shame on whoever wrote this dialogue, “The couples don’t dictate the experiment and that’s why Jessika and Dan should stay” (I’m paraphrasing). They (especially Jessika) were intentionally horrible to many people for weeks. If they wanted her to stay, they should have come up with a better reason.
  13. Ok, did I miss something or did they not show the protest?
  14. The returning cheftestants as judges have been a delight this season. I hope Top Chef keeps inviting them.
  15. From a view perspective I really can't imagine Dre leaving Stevens & Lido unless the show is coming to an end.
  16. Thank you, I literally came here to make sure I wasn't crazy and hadn't missed an episode.
  17. I agree with this 1000%. While watching the boys get together towards the beginning of the episode I kept telling my friends that Erik is problematic for me. The "man-up" conversation was grating. I gave Virginia the benefit of the doubt when she asked the "is it yours?" question last week but "you've got 9 months" and Erik's running commentary when Chris stated that he didn't want to talk about it anymore clued me into them then.
  18. I really appreciated that when the first sister had communication issues with the Swiggy operator that she didn't freak out and turn ugly American but gave the phone to her sister and they proceeded without drama. They weren't at the top of my "I wish they would win list" but how they handled that situation really increased my admiration for them.
  19. Ohh! That was rough to watch. I really liked the episode up until the music challenge (that was a great one and I'm curious what they'll use as a memory challenge in the finale) but once DeAngelo & Gary missed their first guess by one flag and didn't employ any sort of strategy (that was shown) in their guesses I knew they were goners. I knew that once the true alliance got a taste of how hard it was they would band together so I fast-forwarded to the end as soon as they suggested working together. I had previously liked all of these teams but having the alliance in play this late in the season (even last episode) was a disappointing. DeAngelo didn't come off looking good either. I know he's bitter because that was a bitter thing that happened to him but I hope he can appreciate the race once the heat of the moment passed.
  20. Actually, it seems like she only wanted to blame DeAngelo which sits really wrong with me. The beards blocked them from having a chance to save themselves and after reading that interview I don't think she focused nearly as much on that. I understand that she was angry, I would be too in that moment, but her anger was only directed at 1 person when there were 3 others who contributed to her team's downfall. While I wish Gary and DeAngelo had chosen one of the other teams in the secret alliance, after that roadblock I was glad that Aparna was eliminated and I had liked her and Eshwer up until this episode.
  21. The Hung/D'Angelo misunderstanding was painful for me to watch because I like both teams (actually I like all of the teams in the alliance except the boyfriends) and I can understand both sides of it. From Hung's perspective she probably thinks she would have gotten the clue on the first go around regardless of D'Amgelo's heads-up and feels like she carried the alliance during that task. She feels like she's owed something and when D'Angelo didn't "pay up" immediately with his cab, she felt like she had been used. She also handicapped her team by waiting for everyone! After she gave D'Angelo the answer which she promised, she should have moved on especially when he said he was waiting for the next team to come down. From D'Angelo's perspective, he gave the head's up and probably never imagined that they would pass a taxi if they weren't headed to another one. I feel bad that he doesn't know this is how they feel because it seems like Hung & Chee aren't bringing it to D'Angelo & Gary's attention but I never thought that the alliance would get to the final 5 anyway because whenever you work on group projects (which this is not) you definitely run the risk that someone is not going to pull their weight to your standards.
  22. To add to everyone's I speak French horribly stories: When I was in Paris in 2018, I asked for directions as I was leaving the subway (I had practiced the sentence the entire trip) and the subway attendant responded in English, "I appreciate you trying but I speak English". LOL!!!!! I was both grateful and embarrassed at how awful I must have sounded. Regarding Michelle & Victoria, I think the taller nicer sister (I she's Victoria) was over it. Maybe it's just the editing but at one point it just looked like she wasn't even trying while sitting in the back. I have moments like this when I'm dealing with excessively obnoxious people and just check out. Years ago a family friend who is also a a huge TAR fan asked me if I would go on the show with them and I declined. I would love to participate on TAR but I knew that our personalities would not mesh well especially under such stressful circumstances and couldn't bring myself to try it even for $1 million.
  23. Wow! What an episode! That lunch scene was like watching a horror movie and the overall episode was beautifully tragic.
  24. I didn't realize that part of my post was cut-off. Here was the whole thing: I don’t even know how to describe what I just saw. It’s interesting to me that between Michael & Stacey, Michael was the active pot-stirrer (with Stacey silently supporting and being smug) but Natasha and Haley to a larger degree seemed to make it their job to take Stacey down. Now if people stated that they were upset with Stacey for never trying to reign Michael in and wanted to get back at her for that reason, then I would get it but no one has clearly stated why they’re upset with Stacey. Like I said, I don’t remember Stacey ever starting anything but responding to people confronting her. Now if Mikey’s motivation was to take Michael down a few pegs, I get that and would have respected him being upfront about that rather than making it seem like he had this great truth about Stacey that EVERYONE needed to know. The whole group comes off very juvenile to be honest. I would watch the Australian version again but I no longer think it’s the same show as the US version. I agree that it's Stacey's business how she wants to react/interact with her husband. I was just frustrating to me that so many people were determined to bring her down without fully articulating the grudge they had against her specifically. It seems like a lot of the women, especially Haley, were upset that she chose to stay with Michael after the make-out scandal (again her choice). In fact, unless I’m misremembering, every confrontation between Haley & Stacey after the big reveal was started with Haley.
  25. Now if people stated that they were upset with Stacey for never trying to reign Michael in and wanted to get back at her for that reason, then I would get it but no one has clearly stated why they’re upset with Stacey. Like I said, I don’t remember Stacey ever starting anything but responding to people confronting her. Now if Mickey’s motivation was to take Michael down a few pegs, I get that and would have respected him being upfront about that rather than making it seem like he had this great truth about Stacey that EVERYONE needed to know. The whole group comes off very juvenile to be honest.
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